coyote escribió:Menú O > Configuración > Opciones: Avanzado > Contenidos: desmarcar -> Activar conectores solo si lo pido
CORE-41952 user profile crashes onload
CORE-43777 Freeze when using subpixel rendering
CORE-43027 User JS confirmation on secure pages pops up on every load of the page
DSK-351149 New web handlers tab in the Site Preferences dialog cut off, dialog not wide enough
DSK-350701 Ampersands on main menu in WinXP with Zune Theme
DSK-349635 Zoom factor lost after selecting another message
DSK-354460 Added a way to disable QRESYNC in incomingX.txt and automatically disable it if fails to sync with QRESYNC enabled
DSK-347793 Titlebar remains when entering fullscreen mode (XP)
DSK-352715 Drop support for Fallback Background = 0 and Fallback Foreground = 0 in skins, fixes layout in mail window with some 3rd party skins
Wence-Kun escribió:Bueno, el tema de las extensiones en Opera es un poco más ''manual'' (demasiado para mi gusto), pero bueno.
CORE-43788 Can't scroll with mouse wheel over iframe with scrolling=no if smooth scrolling is enabled
CORE-42642 JavaScript crash
CORE-43273 Opera freezes when loading a big session with the Tab Vault extension
CORE-42012 Crash in Carakan on WebGL benchmark
Reverted CORE-43506 POST request for application/x-www-form-urlencoded always sent as two packets
CORE-41923 [*nix] Vega crash
DSK-350900 Block the VLC plug-in due to excessive crashing
DSK-353378 Opera loses advanced download settings after restart
DSK-353217 [*nix] Red and blue channels swapped when run with a 16-bit color depth
DSK-350402 Crashes if you unpin the last message in the "Pinned" view
DSK-355394 Crash when closing mail window
DSK-350332 Mail unread count is wrong
DSK-355604 Update opera:about to show 2012
==> Terminado haciendo: opera 11.61-1 (mar ene 24 13:48:24 CET 2012)
david batista escribió:Actualidado.. pero me va ultimamente mas lento desde que lo actualize a la 11.60 puede ser por mi equipo xD un Pentium IV con Win XP??
Debleth escribió:¿Alguna forma de acelerar el scroll? He probado desactivando el desplazamiento suave, y aunque va mejor, sigue sin ir a la velocidad que me gustaría.
DjScream3 escribió:Debleth escribió:¿Alguna forma de acelerar el scroll? He probado desactivando el desplazamiento suave, y aunque va mejor, sigue sin ir a la velocidad que me gustaría.
La velocidad? eso tienes que cambiartelo en el panel de control en las opciones de tu raton xD
Debleth escribió:DjScream3 escribió:Debleth escribió:¿Alguna forma de acelerar el scroll? He probado desactivando el desplazamiento suave, y aunque va mejor, sigue sin ir a la velocidad que me gustaría.
La velocidad? eso tienes que cambiartelo en el panel de control en las opciones de tu raton xD
No me refiero al movimiento del ratón, sino al de la rueda. En el único navegador que me va lento es en Opera, por ejemplo en Chrome va como la seda.
All of the remaining fixes from 11.61 Final
Various crashes resolved
DSK-256608 Spell-checker incorrectly shown as enabled for single-line input fields
DSK-340816 Address field focus lost on restart when installing extensions with a toolbar button
DSK-355547 Dragging and dropping a tab too high can result in the marker being left behind and a new window created
DSK-352185 Mail grouping dialog checkbox can't be clicked when using two screens
DSK-340582 Buttons in Content Blocker Toolbar aren't visible when browser window width is too small
DSK-319646 Can't easily save/open files downloaded in tiny pop-up windows
DSK-354862 Active dialogs are sent to foreground of all applications
DSK-337684 Quick find in Bookmarks Manager doesn't work when a folder is selected in the left column before performing a search
DSK-332303 Don't show login dialogs when fetching favicons on upgrade
DSK-353761 File uploads and form submissions fail with a timeout
DSK-341687 Crash when re-closing already closed windows
DSK-346719 Crash when zooming with datalist suggestion box open
DSK-349576 Context menus for Opera Unite, Turbo, and Link services shown on primary screen if windows positioned at the bottom of secondary screen
DSK-265591 Opera's task tray icon is not recreated when Windows explorer is restarted
DSK-353888 Mouse cursor is not reset to default after right-clicking
DSK-353909 Mail crash when navigating message list
DSK-349889 Submit data security warning locks page with two warning dialogs where only one can be closed
DSK-354475 Crash after enabling Opera Unite when is missing
DSK-355523 Fixed search suggestion crash in address bar dropdown
DSK-355002 Crash when painting address field
DSK-341687 [Mac] Address field and window closing crashes
DSK-346719 [Mac] Crash when zooming with datalist suggestion box open
CORE-41844 Crash on huge input field
CORE-44002 Improved performance of parallel downloads of script and images
coyote escribió:Eres libre de sugerirlo
DSK-351582 Crash when writing in address field after bookmark has been deleted
DSK-337608 Crash on exit after installing Speed Dial extensions
DSK-355413 Single tab appears as stack
DSK-340411 Freeze when pasting long string into address bar
DSK-349889 Submit data security warning locks page with two warning dialogs where only one can be closed
DSK-298032 Find in page (Ctrl+F) uses last used Find inline type
DSK-267965 Support Yahoo IMAP
DSK-320233 Responding to HTML mail should respond as HTML mail even when default is plain-text
DSK-350402 Crashes if you unpin the last message in the "Pinned" view
DSK-355394 Crash when closing mail window
DSK-355494 Mail header aligned to the right instead of left
DSK-353909 Crash when selecting mail
DSK-350332 Mail unread count is wrong
DSK-352390 Unable to customize feed headers display
DSK-350584 Quick Reply text field content lost after switching messages
DSK-353193 Scrollwheel/arrow keys don't scroll the message area when focus is on message padding
DSK-353996 'No images' setting lost after selecting another message
DSK-354567 Reset Mail view setting 'time period' on upgrading from pre-12 versions.
DSK-355473 Doesn't remember the last selected message in the list after a restart
DSK-356611 Can't scroll textarea all the way to the bottom
DSK-348448 Mail print preview should use the full mail window height
DSK-347227 Pinning/unpinning in list not redrawn in message view right away
DSK-350960 Account update spinner on mail panel sections doesn't always disappear
DSK-356032 Don't show the mail maintanance dialog on exit
DSK-340152 The selected thumbnail in the add dialog on SD lacks a selected state
DSK-340136 Tabs are changing their width on hover
DSK-352081 Unreadable color combination in selected opera:config items
DSK-347908 Double progress spinners in visual tab mode
DSK-340936 Page load spinner animation restarts on mouse hover
DSK-346438 Opera Turbo Tooltip repeated multiple times
DSK-260734 Download of unknown size shows wrong tab title
DSK-349657 Unintended background color behind message counts
DSK-351800 Page loading spinner in visual tabs doesn't animate
DSK-355062 Wrong button on fraud warning page
DSK-355042 Background gradient not wide enough when tabs are on the side
DSK-351508 Clean up Address Field and Search Field paddings
DSK-353058 Remove the wrapping toolbar around the Back/Forward buttons in the Addressbar
DSK-351152 Blue bar at the top of the integrated tab/title bar
DSK-350701 Ampersands on main menu in WinXP with Zune Theme
DSK-352610 Panel toggle strip broken
DSK-349069 Taskbar context menu does not work on XP with theme isntalled
DSK-353449 Menu bar font is controlled by "browser toolbars" rather than "browser menus"
DSK-347984 Installing old-style skin after theme makes both apply
DSK-350481 Aero menu bar skin stripe broken with hardware acceleration
DSK-351752 Theme background images do not line up between screen elements
DSK-354933 Wrong highlight color in address field dropdown
DSK-356643 [*nix] Theme not resized when going to maximixed state
DSK-353770 The skin debug tooltip should only be shown when holding down Ctrl
Fixed numerous crashes
Various Dragonfly related fixes
CORE-41308 Don't allow iframes to embed parent document in iframe with src="#" (caused freezing/memory usage)
CORE-41844 Crash on huge input field
CORE-41835 if(top.document) should not work crossdomain
CORE-41809 Small rich text edit leak
CORE-41647 'list-style-type: none' affects CSS Gradients but not other images (spec is ambiguous)
CORE-41669 xx-small font size is not the same as other browsers
CORE-31179 Dynamically applied text-shadow is clipped
CORE-41708 Support HTMLInputElement.width and HTMLInputElement.height
CORE-41793 Internal ES class name for key event object needs to be KeyboardEvent (breaks input)
CORE-34674 about:blank not blank enough
CORE-42174 Crash on webgl demo
CORE-36742 Cookies added via AddCookie don't show up in JS (document.cookie)
CORE-41643 Cut and Paste text does not paste cut text (FramesDocument::CutTextToClipboard missing code to store in clipboard)
CORE-42357 External scripts not saved in MHTML
CORE-42361 XML parsing failed when saving XHTML document with images
CORE-42359 Elements in OBJECT tags not saved when saving with images
CORE-42263 EventSource and CORS (non-)credentialled requests
CORE-42296 add color:black to UA styling for <mark> to make it readable when default text colour is yellowish
CORE-42450 Broken .oex file causes Opera freeze
CORE-42489 Cached text-info not recomputed in indirect traversals on font invalidation
CORE-42570 Can't log in to Opera Link using non-ASCII password
CORE-42214 Opera hangs on submitting forms which was changed by JS
CORE-28773 non-BMP character in URL is not correctly displayed in status bar
CORE-42281 :not(.a).b and :not(#a)#b don't match when they should
CORE-20881 Text selection in document edit handles a surrogate pair as two characters
CORE-42217 Wrong box-shadow calculations
CORE-25919 Convert hex to unicode fails to work in mail compose/designmode
CORE-12300 Opera crashes if the english.lng file is missing
CORE-5664 line-height: 0 prevents text selection
CORE-40886 doesn't load after login (Unicode issue)
CORE-40524 Shink to fit float next to another float gets pushed down by unnecessary scrollbar in overflow:auto ancestor
CORE-13929 if !important is not followed by a semi-colon, not only the next declaration is dropped, but the following rule as well
CORE-40509 Percentage-height image not propagating width to percentage-height shrink-to-fit ancestor
CORE-39361 text-indent causes wrapping in a nested float and left padding env (
CORE-38020 STF float containing inline with left padding and float gets too narrow in almost-standards mode
CORE-42663 css white-space property values other than 'nowrap' not handled in MultilineEdit
CORE-42614 Linear gradient leak
CORE-42396 Reduce Bidi calculation memory usage
CORE-42537 Unicode space like characters should not be converted to SPACE (U+0020) in document title
CORE-39103 Slight JS performance increase
CORE-42736 'transform' attribute on element is ignored after animateTransform is removed
CORE-42671 Element remains in active state after doubleclick
CORE-42776 animateTransform + svg filter not placed correctly
CORE-40065 Event.prototype should have constants AT_TARGET, BUBBLING_PHASE, CAPTURING_PHASE, ...
CORE-42038 postMessage gives scheme://host instead of null for file scheme, which does not have scheme/host/port tuple
CORE-42784 EventSource fails in widgets due to CORS check
CORE-41319 Clicking on certain parts of a column does not hit
CORE-42822 Running while statement with exec on regexp which has been created with compile fails to step through matches
CORE-42909 Style tags in SVG embedded in HTML5 are ignored
CORE-42848 Sub-tree with character data (text or comments) in it is inserted into an element twice, causing performance problems
CORE-42866 Fix for Unicode attachment filenames in mail causes corrupted filenames in some clients
CORE-8987 Preference changes are not saved immediately
CORE-42910 document.lastModified should return current time if not known
CORE-42574 Traversing DOM, running cloneNode and setting innerHTML en masse spikes CPU
CORE-37862 FileReader API - The last "progress" event sometimes fires after "load" and "loadend" events
CORE-43012 Turn off default preference for SSL false start
CORE-42812 Border-radius shorthand can't be removed with removeProperty()
CORE-33296 Opera cannot read zip files created with bsdtar or zip64 files
CORE-43050 When a numeric or date input is hidden, then later has its value cleared and is displayed again, the old value is restored
CORE-43010 currentColor gets handled as invert on outline-color property
d4rkb1t escribió:No me funciona la página de fanboy, debe estar caída.
d4rkb1t escribió:Sobre bloquear contenidos... si, definitivamente no es tan efectivo, o al menos, no tan facil.
coyote escribió:d4rkb1t escribió:No me funciona la página de fanboy, debe estar caída.
Es TU conexión, ahora mismo va perfectamente.d4rkb1t escribió:Sobre bloquear contenidos... si, definitivamente no es tan efectivo, o al menos, no tan facil.
No siempre se puede tener todo.
Wence-Kun escribió:Cuándo se espera que salga la versión 12? D:
ZeusII escribió:me da que la desktop 12.00 esta al caer