[HIlo Oficial] Organización de PACKS INDIVISIBLES de juegos/bundles: 2/4/6 packs Steam, Indiegala,

Voy a coger el Humble Choice de este mes y solo me sobra el Thronebreaker: The Witcher Tales, a 1,50 euros para quien lo quiera.
Turkiye syria earthquake relief Bundle @Slywolf Bundle

A falta de precios, abro otro pack.

XCOM® 2 - Libre
Starfinder Core Rulebook - Libre
PayDay 2 - Libre
Starfinder: Junker's Delight - Libre
Strange Brigade - Libre
Euro Truck Simulator 2 - Libre
Farming Simulator 17 - Libre
System Shock Enhanced Edition - Libre
Armello - Libre
Backbone - Libre
911 Operator - Libre
112 Operator - Libre
X-Morph: Defense Complete Pack - Libre
Monaco - Libre
Death Squared - Libre
Lust from Beyond - M Edition - Libre
The Amazing American Circus - Libre
Soulblight - Libre
Orbital Racer - Libre

Gotham Knights - Slywolf
Ghostrunner - Slywolf
Pathfinder: Kingmaker - Enhanced Plus Edition - Slywolf
Ticket to Ride - Slywolf
Stick Fight - Slywolf
System Shock 2 - Slywolf
Pilgrims - Slywolf
Flynn: Son of Crimson - Slywolf
Into the Pit - Slywolf
Worms Rumble - Slywolf
Harmony's Odyssey - Slywolf
Mount & Blade: Warband - Slywolf
Saga Vols 1 - 10 - Slywolf
Calico - Slywolf
Zombie Driver HD Complete Edition - Slywolf
Space Crew: Legendary Edition - Slywolf
Stygian: Reign of the Old Ones - Slywolf
Remnants of Naezith - Slywolf
Planet TD - Slywolf
Firegirl: Hack 'n Splash Rescue DX - Slywolf
XEL - Slywolf
Little Orpheus - Slywolf
Detached: Non-VR Edition - Slywolf
Agent in Depth - Slywolf
Lighthouse Keeper - Slywolf
Hyper Gunsport - Slywolf
Meow Express - Slywolf
Arcade Spirits - Slywolf
Non-Stop Raiders - Slywolf
The Inner World - Slywolf
Stacking - Slywolf
Hack 'n' Slash - Slywolf
MirrorMoon EP - Slywolf
Cosmic Express - Slywolf
Cris Tales - Slywolf
Symmetry - Slywolf
Guilty Gear X2 #Reload - Slywolf
Alchemist's Castle - Slywolf
Soul Searching - Slywolf
Doughlings: Arcade - Slywolf
Doughlings: Invasion - Slywolf
Quadrata - Slywolf
Rym 9000 - Slywolf
stikir - Slywolf
Cats and the Other Lives - Slywolf
Soulflow - Slywolf
Izmir: An Independence Simulator - Slywolf
Guns & Fishes - Slywolf
Pill Baby - Slywolf
Project Chemistry - Slywolf
Pixross - Slywolf
Frick, Inc - Slywolf
Sunlight - Slywolf
KYKUR88 escribió:@ICanyonI sí bueno pq yo me tomé la molestia de actualizar la lista xD si no lo hubiera pillado minutos antes. Ya lo q veáis


Me saltaste a mi y a otro compañero, así que mucha actualizacion no fue porque lo que escribiste ya estaba de antes, solo te añadíste sin leer. No suelo citar la lista porque desde el móvil prefiero no liarla, pero bueno todo para ti el Pathfinder no hay problema. Me sigo quedando el Cris Tales si puede ser.

Un saludo!
@Faryneli No sé a q otro compañero te refieres, pq solo estás tú antes q yo pidiendo el pathfinder, y lo posteamos con diferencia de segundos. Tampoco lo decía a malas, de ahí el: "ya lo q veáis", pq seguramente salga otro, no te lo tomes a mal, puedes quedártelo sin problema yo me apunto al siguiente [beer]

Edit: yo añadí los juegos de dragondave q no estaban
@Faryneli Yo por eso no he querido juntar su pack y el mío en el mismo post.
Ya cuando lo revise @ICanyonI que los junte para no meter la pata, y asignar en su pack un juego al que no deba.
Nada @KYKUR88 fallo mío que no leí bien. Sin problema te cedo el puesto ahí y así repartimos para todos [beer]
Un saludo
Me quedo un par, los pongo abajo con los tuyos

slywolf escribió:Turkiye syria earthquake relief Bundle @Slywolf Bundle

A falta de precios, abro otro pack.

XCOM® 2 - Libre
Starfinder Core Rulebook - Libre
PayDay 2 - Libre
Starfinder: Junker's Delight - Libre
Euro Truck Simulator 2 - Libre
Farming Simulator 17 - Libre
System Shock Enhanced Edition - Libre
Armello - Libre
Backbone - Libre
911 Operator - Libre
112 Operator - Libre
X-Morph: Defense Complete Pack - Libre
Monaco - Libre
Death Squared - Libre
The Amazing American Circus - Libre
Soulblight - Libre
Orbital Racer - Libre

Strange Brigade - Alphos
Lust from Beyond - M Edition - Alphos
Gotham Knights - Slywolf
Ghostrunner - Slywolf
Pathfinder: Kingmaker - Enhanced Plus Edition - Slywolf
Ticket to Ride - Slywolf
Stick Fight - Slywolf
System Shock 2 - Slywolf
Pilgrims - Slywolf
Flynn: Son of Crimson - Slywolf
Into the Pit - Slywolf
Worms Rumble - Slywolf
Harmony's Odyssey - Slywolf
Mount & Blade: Warband - Slywolf
Saga Vols 1 - 10 - Slywolf
Calico - Slywolf
Zombie Driver HD Complete Edition - Slywolf
Space Crew: Legendary Edition - Slywolf
Stygian: Reign of the Old Ones - Slywolf
Remnants of Naezith - Slywolf
Planet TD - Slywolf
Firegirl: Hack 'n Splash Rescue DX - Slywolf
XEL - Slywolf
Little Orpheus - Slywolf
Detached: Non-VR Edition - Slywolf
Agent in Depth - Slywolf
Lighthouse Keeper - Slywolf
Hyper Gunsport - Slywolf
Meow Express - Slywolf
Arcade Spirits - Slywolf
Non-Stop Raiders - Slywolf
The Inner World - Slywolf
Stacking - Slywolf
Hack 'n' Slash - Slywolf
MirrorMoon EP - Slywolf
Cosmic Express - Slywolf
Cris Tales - Slywolf
Symmetry - Slywolf
Guilty Gear X2 #Reload - Slywolf
Alchemist's Castle - Slywolf
Soul Searching - Slywolf
Doughlings: Arcade - Slywolf
Doughlings: Invasion - Slywolf
Quadrata - Slywolf
Rym 9000 - Slywolf
stikir - Slywolf
Cats and the Other Lives - Slywolf
Soulflow - Slywolf
Izmir: An Independence Simulator - Slywolf
Guns & Fishes - Slywolf
Pill Baby - Slywolf
Project Chemistry - Slywolf
Pixross - Slywolf
Frick, Inc - Slywolf
Sunlight - Slywolf
Si alguien hace otra conjunta que me apunte para el:

-Cris Tales
-Gotham Knights
Precios actualizados gracias a DragonDave

Gotham Knights (3,18 €) ICanyonI
- Ghostrunner (1,87 €) Frost9
- Pathfinder: Kingmaker (2,14 €) KYKUR88
- XCOM 2 (0,52 €)
- PAYDAY 2 (0,40)
- Ticket to Ride (0,13 €)
- Strange Brigade (0,43 €) Dragondave
- Euro Truck Simulator 2 (0,28 €)
- Stick Fight: The Game (0,15 €)
- Farming Simulator 17 (0,64 €)
- System Shock: Enhanced Edition (0,06 €)
- System Shock 2 (0,16 €)
- Pilgrims (0,18 €)
- Flynn: Son of Crimson (1,15 €) Vii
- Into the Pit (0,86 €)
- Worms Rumble (0,14 €) Vii
- Harmony's Odyssey (0,75 €)
- Mount & Blade: Warband (0,11 €) Dragondave
- Armello (0,45 €)
- Backbone (0,76 €)
- 911 Operator (0,07 €)
- 112 Operator (0,43 €)
- Calico (0,59 €)
- X-Morph: Defense Complete Pack (0,41 €)
- Zombie Driver HD Complete Edition (0,13 €)
- Space Crew: Legendary Edition (0,43 €)
- Monaco (0,16 €)
- Death Squared (0,13 €)
- Lust from Beyond: M Edition (0.61 €)
- Stygian: Reign of the Old Ones (0,10 €)
- Remnants of Naezith (0,11 €)
- Planet TD (0,08 €)
- Firegirl: Hack 'n Splash Rescue (0,86 €)
- XEL (0,86 €)
- Little Orpheus (0,94 €) Dragondave
- Detached: Non-VR Edition (0,30 €)
- Agent in Depth (0,25 €)
- Lighthouse Keeper (0,06 €)
- Hyper Gunsport (1€)
- Meow Express (0,10 €)
- Arcade Spirits (0,17 €)
- Non-Stop Raiders (0,19 €)
- The Inner World (0,09 €) Dragondave
- The Amazing American Circus (0,40 €)
- Soulblight (0,11 €)
- Stacking (0,09 €)
- Hack 'n' Slash (0,14 €)
- MirrorMoon EP (0,13 €)
- Cosmic Express (0,19 €)
- Cris Tales (0,61 €) Faryneli
- Orbital Racer (0,11 €)
- SYMMETRY (0,09 €)
- Guilty Gear X2 #Reload (0,16 €) ICanyonI
- Alchemist's Castle (0,09 €)
- Soul Searching (0,11 €)
- Doughlings: Arcade (0,12 €) ICanyonI
- Doughlings: Invasion (0,21 €) ICanyonI
- Quadrata (0,15 €)
- Rym 9000 (0,10 €) ICanyonI
- stikir (0,10 €)
- Cats and the Other Lives (0,75 €)
- Soulflow (0,08 €)
- Izmir: An Independence Simulator (0,10 €)
- Guns & Fishes (0,19 €)
- Pill Baby (0,40 €) ICanyonI
- Project Chemistry (0,68 €)
- Pixross (0,21 €) ICanyonI
- Frick, Inc. (0,21 €)
- Sunlight (0,20 €)
@ICanyonI faltarían

Faryneli - cris tales
@KYKUR88 - pathfinder
@Vli - Flynn y Worms

Un saludo y gracias
Si no me he apuntado en alguno que ya haya sido pedido, me quedo unos cuantos.
Luego edito para añadir los que ha comentado @Faryneli , que quiero echar un ojo para ver si pesco alguno más.

Gotham Knights (3,18 €) ICanyonI
- Ghostrunner (1,87 €) Frost9
- Pathfinder: Kingmaker (2,14 €)
- XCOM 2 (0,52 €)
- PAYDAY 2 (0,40)
- Ticket to Ride (0,13 €) Valhan
- Strange Brigade (0,43 €) Dragondave
- Euro Truck Simulator 2 (0,28 €) Valhan
- Stick Fight: The Game (0,15 €)
- Farming Simulator 17 (0,64 €)
- System Shock: Enhanced Edition (0,06 €)
- System Shock 2 (0,16 €)
- Pilgrims (0,18 €)
- Flynn: Son of Crimson (1,15 €)
- Into the Pit (0,86 €)
- Worms Rumble (0,14 €)
- Harmony's Odyssey (0,75 €)
- Mount & Blade: Warband (0,11 €) Dragondave
- Armello (0,45 €)
- Backbone (0,76 €)
- 911 Operator (0,07 €) Valhan
- 112 Operator (0,43 €)
- Calico (0,59 €)
- X-Morph: Defense Complete Pack (0,41 €)
- Zombie Driver HD Complete Edition (0,13 €)
- Space Crew: Legendary Edition (0,43 €)
- Monaco (0,16 €)
- Death Squared (0,13 €)
- Lust from Beyond: M Edition (0.61 €)
- Stygian: Reign of the Old Ones (0,10 €)
- Remnants of Naezith (0,11 €)
- Planet TD (0,08 €)
- Firegirl: Hack 'n Splash Rescue (0,86 €)
- XEL (0,86 €)
- Little Orpheus (0,94 €) Dragondave
- Detached: Non-VR Edition (0,30 €)
- Agent in Depth (0,25 €)
- Lighthouse Keeper (0,06 €) Valhan
- Hyper Gunsport (1€)
- Meow Express (0,10 €)
- Arcade Spirits (0,17 €)
- Non-Stop Raiders (0,19 €)
- The Inner World (0,09 €) Dragondave
- The Amazing American Circus (0,40 €)
- Soulblight (0,11 €)
- Stacking (0,09 €) Valhan
- Hack 'n' Slash (0,14 €)
- MirrorMoon EP (0,13 €)
- Cosmic Express (0,19 €) Valhan
- Cris Tales (0,61 €)
- Orbital Racer (0,11 €)
- SYMMETRY (0,09 €)
- Guilty Gear X2 #Reload (0,16 €) ICanyonI
- Alchemist's Castle (0,09 €)
- Soul Searching (0,11 €)
- Doughlings: Arcade (0,12 €) ICanyonI
- Doughlings: Invasion (0,21 €) ICanyonI
- Quadrata (0,15 €)
- Rym 9000 (0,10 €) ICanyonI
- stikir (0,10 €)
- Cats and the Other Lives (0,75 €)
- Soulflow (0,08 €)
- Izmir: An Independence Simulator (0,10 €)
- Guns & Fishes (0,19 €)
- Pill Baby (0,40 €) ICanyonI
- Project Chemistry (0,68 €)
- Pixross (0,21 €) ICanyonI
- Frick, Inc. (0,21 €)
- Sunlight (0,20 €)
Faryneli escribió:Nada @KYKUR88 fallo mío que no leí bien. Sin problema te cedo el puesto ahí y así repartimos para todos [beer]
Un saludo

Gracias entonces compañero. Se agradece [beer]

Turkiye syria earthquake relief Bundle @ICanyonI

Gotham Knights (3,18 €) ICanyonI
- Ghostrunner (1,87 €) Frost9
- Pathfinder: Kingmaker (2,14 €) KYKUR88
- XCOM 2 (0,52 €)
- PAYDAY 2 (0,40)
- Ticket to Ride (0,13 €) Valhan
- Strange Brigade (0,43 €) Dragondave
- Euro Truck Simulator 2 (0,28 €) Valhan
- Stick Fight: The Game (0,15 €)
- Farming Simulator 17 (0,64 €)
- System Shock: Enhanced Edition (0,06 €)
- System Shock 2 (0,16 €)
- Pilgrims (0,18 €) Esteban_Rp
- Flynn: Son of Crimson (1,15 €) Vli
- Into the Pit (0,86 €) Esteban_Rp
- Worms Rumble (0,14 €) Vli
- Harmony's Odyssey (0,75 €)
- Mount & Blade: Warband (0,11 €) Dragondave
- Armello (0,45 €)
- Backbone (0,76 €)
- 911 Operator (0,07 €) Valhan
- 112 Operator (0,43 €)
- Calico (0,59 €)
- X-Morph: Defense Complete Pack (0,41 €)
- Zombie Driver HD Complete Edition (0,13 €)
- Space Crew: Legendary Edition (0,43 €)
- Monaco (0,16 €)
- Death Squared (0,13 €)
- Lust from Beyond: M Edition (0.61 €)
- Stygian: Reign of the Old Ones (0,10 €)
- Remnants of Naezith (0,11 €)
- Planet TD (0,08 €)
- Firegirl: Hack 'n Splash Rescue (0,86 €) Esteban_Rp
- XEL (0,86 €)
- Little Orpheus (0,94 €) Dragondave
- Detached: Non-VR Edition (0,30 €)
- Agent in Depth (0,25 €)
- Lighthouse Keeper (0,06 €) Valhan
- Hyper Gunsport (1€)
- Meow Express (0,10 €)
- Arcade Spirits (0,17 €)
- Non-Stop Raiders (0,19 €)
- The Inner World (0,09 €) Dragondave
- The Amazing American Circus (0,40 €)
- Soulblight (0,11 €)
- Stacking (0,09 €) Valhan
- Hack 'n' Slash (0,14 €)
- MirrorMoon EP (0,13 €)
- Cosmic Express (0,19 €)
- Cris Tales (0,61 €) Faryneli
- Orbital Racer (0,11 €)
- SYMMETRY (0,09 €)
- Guilty Gear X2 #Reload (0,16 €) ICanyonI
- Alchemist's Castle (0,09 €)
- Soul Searching (0,11 €)
- Doughlings: Arcade (0,12 €) ICanyonI
- Doughlings: Invasion (0,21 €) ICanyonI
- Quadrata (0,15 €)
- Rym 9000 (0,10 €) ICanyonI
- stikir (0,10 €)
- Cats and the Other Lives (0,75 €)
- Soulflow (0,08 €)
- Izmir: An Independence Simulator (0,10 €)
- Guns & Fishes (0,19 €)
- Pill Baby (0,40 €) ICanyonI
- Project Chemistry (0,68 €)
- Pixross (0,21 €) ICanyonI
- Frick, Inc. (0,21 €)
- Sunlight (0,20 €)

Me apunto con Into the Pit, Pilgrim y Firegirl: Hack 'n Splash Rescue
He añadido los que faltaba creo que no me he dejado a nadie
Turkiye syria earthquake relief Bundle @ICanyonI

Gotham Knights (3,18 €) ICanyonI
- Ghostrunner (1,87 €) Frost9
- Pathfinder: Kingmaker (2,14 €) Alphos
- XCOM 2 (0,52 €)
- PAYDAY 2 (0,40)
- Ticket to Ride (0,13 €) Valhan
- Strange Brigade (0,43 €) Dragondave
- Euro Truck Simulator 2 (0,28 €) Valhan
- Stick Fight: The Game (0,15 €)
- Farming Simulator 17 (0,64 €)
- System Shock: Enhanced Edition (0,06 €)
- System Shock 2 (0,16 €)
- Pilgrims (0,18 €) Esteban_Rp
- Flynn: Son of Crimson (1,15 €) Alphos
- Into the Pit (0,86 €) Esteban_Rp
- Worms Rumble (0,14 €) Alphos
- Harmony's Odyssey (0,75 €) Alphos
- Mount & Blade: Warband (0,11 €) Dragondave
- Armello (0,45 €)
- Backbone (0,76 €)
- 911 Operator (0,07 €) Valhan
- 112 Operator (0,43 €)
- Calico (0,59 €)
- X-Morph: Defense Complete Pack (0,41 €)
- Zombie Driver HD Complete Edition (0,13 €)
- Space Crew: Legendary Edition (0,43 €)
- Monaco (0,16 €)
- Death Squared (0,13 €)
- Lust from Beyond: M Edition (0.61 €)
- Stygian: Reign of the Old Ones (0,10 €)
- Remnants of Naezith (0,11 €) Alphos
- Planet TD (0,08 €)
- Firegirl: Hack 'n Splash Rescue (0,86 €) Esteban_Rp
- XEL (0,86 €)
- Little Orpheus (0,94 €) Dragondave
- Detached: Non-VR Edition (0,30 €) Alphos
- Agent in Depth (0,25 €)
- Lighthouse Keeper (0,06 €) Valhan
- Hyper Gunsport (1€)
- Meow Express (0,10 €)
- Arcade Spirits (0,17 €)
- Non-Stop Raiders (0,19 €)
- The Inner World (0,09 €) Dragondave
- The Amazing American Circus (0,40 €)
- Soulblight (0,11 €)
- Stacking (0,09 €) Valhan
- Hack 'n' Slash (0,14 €)
- MirrorMoon EP (0,13 €)
- Cosmic Express (0,19 €)
- Cris Tales (0,61 €) Alphos
- Orbital Racer (0,11 €)
- SYMMETRY (0,09 €)
- Guilty Gear X2 #Reload (0,16 €) ICanyonI
- Alchemist's Castle (0,09 €) Alphos
- Soul Searching (0,11 €) Alphos
- Doughlings: Arcade (0,12 €) ICanyonI
- Doughlings: Invasion (0,21 €) ICanyonI
- Quadrata (0,15 €)
- Rym 9000 (0,10 €) ICanyonI
- stikir (0,10 €)
- Cats and the Other Lives (0,75 €)
- Soulflow (0,08 €)
- Izmir: An Independence Simulator (0,10 €)
- Guns & Fishes (0,19 €)
- Pill Baby (0,40 €) ICanyonI
- Project Chemistry (0,68 €)
- Pixross (0,21 €) ICanyonI
- Frick, Inc. (0,21 €)
- Sunlight (0,20 €)
Turkiye syria earthquake relief Bundle @ICanyonI

Gotham Knights (3,18 €) ICanyonI
- Ghostrunner (1,87 €) Frost9
- Pathfinder: Kingmaker (2,14 €) Alphos
- XCOM 2 (0,52 €)
- PAYDAY 2 (0,40) Learsiziur
- Ticket to Ride (0,13 €) Valhan
- Strange Brigade (0,43 €) Dragondave
- Euro Truck Simulator 2 (0,28 €) Valhan
- Stick Fight: The Game (0,15 €) Learsiziur
- Farming Simulator 17 (0,64 €)
- System Shock: Enhanced Edition (0,06 €)
- System Shock 2 (0,16 €)
- Pilgrims (0,18 €) Esteban_Rp
- Flynn: Son of Crimson (1,15 €)
- Into the Pit (0,86 €) Esteban_Rp
- Worms Rumble (0,14 €) Alphos
- Harmony's Odyssey (0,75 €)
- Mount & Blade: Warband (0,11 €) Dragondave
- Armello (0,45 €)
- Backbone (0,76 €)
- 911 Operator (0,07 €) Valhan
- 112 Operator (0,43 €)
- Calico (0,59 €)
- X-Morph: Defense Complete Pack (0,41 €)
- Zombie Driver HD Complete Edition (0,13 €)
- Space Crew: Legendary Edition (0,43 €)
- Monaco (0,16 €)
- Death Squared (0,13 €)
- Lust from Beyond: M Edition (0.61 €)
- Stygian: Reign of the Old Ones (0,10 €)
- Remnants of Naezith (0,11 €) Alphos
- Planet TD (0,08 €)
- Firegirl: Hack 'n Splash Rescue (0,86 €) Esteban_Rp
- XEL (0,86 €)
- Little Orpheus (0,94 €) Dragondave
- Detached: Non-VR Edition (0,30 €) Alphos
- Agent in Depth (0,25 €)
- Lighthouse Keeper (0,06 €) Valhan
- Hyper Gunsport (1€)
- Meow Express (0,10 €)
- Arcade Spirits (0,17 €)
- Non-Stop Raiders (0,19 €)
- The Inner World (0,09 €) Dragondave
- The Amazing American Circus (0,40 €)
- Soulblight (0,11 €)
- Stacking (0,09 €) Valhan
- Hack 'n' Slash (0,14 €)
- MirrorMoon EP (0,13 €)
- Cosmic Express (0,19 €)
- Cris Tales (0,61 €) Alphos
- Orbital Racer (0,11 €)
- SYMMETRY (0,09 €)
- Guilty Gear X2 #Reload (0,16 €) ICanyonI
- Alchemist's Castle (0,09 €) Alphos
- Soul Searching (0,11 €) Alphos
- Doughlings: Arcade (0,12 €) ICanyonI
- Doughlings: Invasion (0,21 €) ICanyonI
- Quadrata (0,15 €)
- Rym 9000 (0,10 €) ICanyonI
- stikir (0,10 €)
- Cats and the Other Lives (0,75 €)
- Soulflow (0,08 €)
- Izmir: An Independence Simulator (0,10 €)
- Guns & Fishes (0,19 €)
- Pill Baby (0,40 €) ICanyonI
- Project Chemistry (0,68 €)
- Pixross (0,21 €) ICanyonI
- Frick, Inc. (0,21 €)
- Sunlight (0,20 €)
@Alphos Para corregirlo, he añadido a los compañeros que no habia metido antes de que siguieramos con la lista.
Disculpa las molestias, compi. [ayay]

Como comenta @Esteban_Rp , ha sido fallo mio por no editar a tiempo, pero es que con tanto post y tanto juego se ha ido amontonando todo y la bola se ha hecho enorme.

Como digo, comprobad todos que estén correctos.

Turkiye syria earthquake relief Bundle @ICanyonI

Gotham Knights (3,18 €) ICanyonI
- Ghostrunner (1,87 €) Frost9
- Pathfinder: Kingmaker (2,14 €) KYKUR88 - Quito a Alphos
- XCOM 2 (0,52 €)
- PAYDAY 2 (0,40) Learsiziur
- Ticket to Ride (0,13 €) Valhan
- Strange Brigade (0,43 €) Dragondave
- Euro Truck Simulator 2 (0,28 €) Valhan
- Stick Fight: The Game (0,15 €) Learsiziur
- Farming Simulator 17 (0,64 €)
- System Shock: Enhanced Edition (0,06 €)
- System Shock 2 (0,16 €)
- Pilgrims (0,18 €) Esteban_Rp
- Flynn: Son of Crimson (1,15 €) Vli - Quito a Alphos
- Into the Pit (0,86 €) Esteban_Rp
- Worms Rumble (0,14 €) Vli - Quito a Alphos
- Harmony's Odyssey (0,75 €) Alphos
- Mount & Blade: Warband (0,11 €) Dragondave
- Armello (0,45 €)
- Backbone (0,76 €)
- 911 Operator (0,07 €) Valhan
- 112 Operator (0,43 €)
- Calico (0,59 €)
- X-Morph: Defense Complete Pack (0,41 €)
- Zombie Driver HD Complete Edition (0,13 €)
- Space Crew: Legendary Edition (0,43 €)
- Monaco (0,16 €)
- Death Squared (0,13 €)
- Lust from Beyond: M Edition (0.61 €)
- Stygian: Reign of the Old Ones (0,10 €)
- Remnants of Naezith (0,11 €) Alphos
- Planet TD (0,08 €)
- Firegirl: Hack 'n Splash Rescue (0,86 €) Esteban_Rp
- XEL (0,86 €)
- Little Orpheus (0,94 €) Dragondave
- Detached: Non-VR Edition (0,30 €) Alphos
- Agent in Depth (0,25 €)
- Lighthouse Keeper (0,06 €) Valhan
- Hyper Gunsport (1€)
- Meow Express (0,10 €)
- Arcade Spirits (0,17 €)
- Non-Stop Raiders (0,19 €)
- The Inner World (0,09 €) Dragondave
- The Amazing American Circus (0,40 €)
- Soulblight (0,11 €)
- Stacking (0,09 €) Valhan
- Hack 'n' Slash (0,14 €)
- MirrorMoon EP (0,13 €)
- Cosmic Express (0,19 €) Valhan
- Cris Tales (0,61 €) Faryneli - Quito a Alphos
- Orbital Racer (0,11 €)
- SYMMETRY (0,09 €) Valhan
- Guilty Gear X2 #Reload (0,16 €) ICanyonI
- Alchemist's Castle (0,09 €) Alphos
- Soul Searching (0,11 €) Alphos
- Doughlings: Arcade (0,12 €) ICanyonI
- Doughlings: Invasion (0,21 €) ICanyonI
- Quadrata (0,15 €)
- Rym 9000 (0,10 €) ICanyonI
- stikir (0,10 €)
- Cats and the Other Lives (0,75 €)
- Soulflow (0,08 €) Valhan
- Izmir: An Independence Simulator (0,10 €)
- Guns & Fishes (0,19 €)
- Pill Baby (0,40 €) ICanyonI
- Project Chemistry (0,68 €)
- Pixross (0,21 €) ICanyonI
- Frick, Inc. (0,21 €)
- Sunlight (0,20 €) Valhan
Learsiziur escribió:Gotham Knights (3,18 €) ICanyonI
- Ghostrunner (1,87 €) Frost9
- Pathfinder: Kingmaker (2,14 €) Alphos
- XCOM 2 (0,52 €)
- PAYDAY 2 (0,40) Learsiziur
- Ticket to Ride (0,13 €) Valhan
- Strange Brigade (0,43 €) Dragondave
- Euro Truck Simulator 2 (0,28 €) Valhan
- Stick Fight: The Game (0,15 €) Learsiziur
- Farming Simulator 17 (0,64 €)
- System Shock: Enhanced Edition (0,06 €)
- System Shock 2 (0,16 €)
- Pilgrims (0,18 €) Esteban_Rp
- Flynn: Son of Crimson (1,15 €)
- Into the Pit (0,86 €) Esteban_Rp
- Worms Rumble (0,14 €) Alphos
- Harmony's Odyssey (0,75 €)
- Mount & Blade: Warband (0,11 €) Dragondave
- Armello (0,45 €)
- Backbone (0,76 €)
- 911 Operator (0,07 €) Valhan
- 112 Operator (0,43 €)
- Calico (0,59 €)
- X-Morph: Defense Complete Pack (0,41 €)
- Zombie Driver HD Complete Edition (0,13 €)
- Space Crew: Legendary Edition (0,43 €)
- Monaco (0,16 €)
- Death Squared (0,13 €)
- Lust from Beyond: M Edition (0.61 €)
- Stygian: Reign of the Old Ones (0,10 €)
- Remnants of Naezith (0,11 €) Alphos
- Planet TD (0,08 €)
- Firegirl: Hack 'n Splash Rescue (0,86 €) Esteban_Rp
- XEL (0,86 €)
- Little Orpheus (0,94 €) Dragondave
- Detached: Non-VR Edition (0,30 €) Alphos
- Agent in Depth (0,25 €)
- Lighthouse Keeper (0,06 €) Valhan
- Hyper Gunsport (1€)
- Meow Express (0,10 €)
- Arcade Spirits (0,17 €)
- Non-Stop Raiders (0,19 €)
- The Inner World (0,09 €) Dragondave
- The Amazing American Circus (0,40 €)
- Soulblight (0,11 €)
- Stacking (0,09 €) Valhan
- Hack 'n' Slash (0,14 €)
- MirrorMoon EP (0,13 €)
- Cosmic Express (0,19 €)
- Cris Tales (0,61 €) Alphos
- Orbital Racer (0,11 €)
- SYMMETRY (0,09 €)
- Guilty Gear X2 #Reload (0,16 €) ICanyonI
- Alchemist's Castle (0,09 €) Alphos
- Soul Searching (0,11 €) Alphos
- Doughlings: Arcade (0,12 €) ICanyonI
- Doughlings: Invasion (0,21 €) ICanyonI
- Quadrata (0,15 €)
- Rym 9000 (0,10 €) ICanyonI
- stikir (0,10 €)
- Cats and the Other Lives (0,75 €)
- Soulflow (0,08 €)
- Izmir: An Independence Simulator (0,10 €)
- Guns & Fishes (0,19 €)
- Pill Baby (0,40 €) ICanyonI
- Project Chemistry (0,68 €)
- Pixross (0,21 €) ICanyonI
- Frick, Inc. (0,21 €)
- Sunlight (0,20 €)

¿Puedes reeditar la lista, que añadí alguno más antes de que contestaras? Ademñas os habeis pisado los dos.
@Alphos has cogido una lista que no era, la última actualizada era la del compi @Esteban_Rp y a partir de ahí lío todo [carcajad]
Un saludo!
Faryneli escribió:@Alphos has cogido una lista que no era, la última actualizada era la del compi @Esteban_Rp y a partir de ahí lío todo [carcajad]
Un saludo!

Yo cogí la suya pero creo que él después debió editarla también...
Vaya lío :p entiendo que se haya confundido porque lo edité después ya que tampoco me había fijado bien en tu mensaje @faryneli, lo vi después de darle a enviar y ya Alphos había copiado la lista sin editar
Comprobad si la que he actualizado yo era la correcta, porque no se si la estaba editando a partir de la de Esteban o directamente de la de Alphos.
@Valhan, la última que has puesto es la de Alphos, yo copié la tuya pero no vi el mensaje de Faryneli ni el tuyo en el que comentabas que los añadirías luego de echarle un ojo a la lista
Alphos escribió:Me quedo un par, los pongo abajo con los tuyos

slywolf escribió:Turkiye syria earthquake relief Bundle @Slywolf Bundle

A falta de precios, abro otro pack.

XCOM® 2 - Libre
Starfinder Core Rulebook - Libre
PayDay 2 - Libre
Starfinder: Junker's Delight - Libre

System Shock Enhanced Edition - Libre
Backbone - Libre
911 Operator - Libre
112 Operator - Libre
X-Morph: Defense Complete Pack - Libre
Monaco - Libre
Death Squared - Libre
The Amazing American Circus - Libre
Soulblight - Libre
Orbital Racer - Libre

Armello rewind78
Farming Simulator 17 rewind78
Euro Truck Simulator 2 rewind78
Strange Brigade - Alphos
Lust from Beyond - M Edition - Alphos
Gotham Knights - Slywolf
Ghostrunner - Slywolf
Pathfinder: Kingmaker - Enhanced Plus Edition - Slywolf
Ticket to Ride - Slywolf
Stick Fight - Slywolf
System Shock 2 - Slywolf
Pilgrims - Slywolf
Flynn: Son of Crimson - Slywolf
Into the Pit - Slywolf
Worms Rumble - Slywolf
Harmony's Odyssey - Slywolf
Mount & Blade: Warband - Slywolf
Saga Vols 1 - 10 - Slywolf
Calico - Slywolf
Zombie Driver HD Complete Edition - Slywolf
Space Crew: Legendary Edition - Slywolf
Stygian: Reign of the Old Ones - Slywolf
Remnants of Naezith - Slywolf
Planet TD - Slywolf
Firegirl: Hack 'n Splash Rescue DX - Slywolf
XEL - Slywolf
Little Orpheus - Slywolf
Detached: Non-VR Edition - Slywolf
Agent in Depth - Slywolf
Lighthouse Keeper - Slywolf
Hyper Gunsport - Slywolf
Meow Express - Slywolf
Arcade Spirits - Slywolf
Non-Stop Raiders - Slywolf
The Inner World - Slywolf
Stacking - Slywolf
Hack 'n' Slash - Slywolf
MirrorMoon EP - Slywolf
Cosmic Express - Slywolf
Cris Tales - Slywolf
Symmetry - Slywolf
Guilty Gear X2 #Reload - Slywolf
Alchemist's Castle - Slywolf
Soul Searching - Slywolf
Doughlings: Arcade - Slywolf
Doughlings: Invasion - Slywolf
Quadrata - Slywolf
Rym 9000 - Slywolf
stikir - Slywolf
Cats and the Other Lives - Slywolf
Soulflow - Slywolf
Izmir: An Independence Simulator - Slywolf
Guns & Fishes - Slywolf
Pill Baby - Slywolf
Project Chemistry - Slywolf
Pixross - Slywolf
Frick, Inc - Slywolf
Sunlight - Slywolf
Creo que está correcta, la copio de mi anterior post editada:

@Alphos Para corregirlo, he añadido a los compañeros que no habia metido antes de que siguieramos con la lista.
Disculpa las molestias, compi. [ayay]

Como comenta @Esteban_Rp , ha sido fallo mio por no editar a tiempo, pero es que con tanto post y tanto juego se ha ido amontonando todo y la bola se ha hecho enorme.

Como digo, comprobad todos que estén correctos.

Turkiye syria earthquake relief Bundle @ICanyonI

Gotham Knights (3,18 €) ICanyonI
- Ghostrunner (1,87 €) Frost9
- Pathfinder: Kingmaker (2,14 €) KYKUR88 - Quito a Alphos
- XCOM 2 (0,52 €)
- PAYDAY 2 (0,40) Learsiziur
- Ticket to Ride (0,13 €) Valhan
- Strange Brigade (0,43 €) Dragondave
- Euro Truck Simulator 2 (0,28 €) Valhan
- Stick Fight: The Game (0,15 €) Learsiziur
- Farming Simulator 17 (0,64 €)
- System Shock: Enhanced Edition (0,06 €)
- System Shock 2 (0,16 €)
- Pilgrims (0,18 €) Esteban_Rp
- Flynn: Son of Crimson (1,15 €) Vli - Quito a Alphos
- Into the Pit (0,86 €) Esteban_Rp
- Worms Rumble (0,14 €) Vli - Quito a Alphos
- Harmony's Odyssey (0,75 €) Alphos
- Mount & Blade: Warband (0,11 €) Dragondave
- Armello (0,45 €)
- Backbone (0,76 €)
- 911 Operator (0,07 €) Valhan
- 112 Operator (0,43 €)
- Calico (0,59 €)
- X-Morph: Defense Complete Pack (0,41 €)
- Zombie Driver HD Complete Edition (0,13 €)
- Space Crew: Legendary Edition (0,43 €)
- Monaco (0,16 €)
- Death Squared (0,13 €)
- Lust from Beyond: M Edition (0.61 €)
- Stygian: Reign of the Old Ones (0,10 €)
- Remnants of Naezith (0,11 €) Alphos
- Planet TD (0,08 €)
- Firegirl: Hack 'n Splash Rescue (0,86 €) Esteban_Rp
- XEL (0,86 €)
- Little Orpheus (0,94 €) Dragondave
- Detached: Non-VR Edition (0,30 €) Alphos
- Agent in Depth (0,25 €)
- Lighthouse Keeper (0,06 €) Valhan
- Hyper Gunsport (1€)
- Meow Express (0,10 €)
- Arcade Spirits (0,17 €)
- Non-Stop Raiders (0,19 €)
- The Inner World (0,09 €) Dragondave
- The Amazing American Circus (0,40 €)
- Soulblight (0,11 €)
- Stacking (0,09 €) Valhan
- Hack 'n' Slash (0,14 €)
- MirrorMoon EP (0,13 €)
- Cosmic Express (0,19 €) Valhan
- Cris Tales (0,61 €) Faryneli - Quito a Alphos
- Orbital Racer (0,11 €)
- SYMMETRY (0,09 €) Valhan
- Guilty Gear X2 #Reload (0,16 €) ICanyonI
- Alchemist's Castle (0,09 €) Alphos
- Soul Searching (0,11 €) Alphos
- Doughlings: Arcade (0,12 €) ICanyonI
- Doughlings: Invasion (0,21 €) ICanyonI
- Quadrata (0,15 €)
- Rym 9000 (0,10 €) ICanyonI
- stikir (0,10 €)
- Cats and the Other Lives (0,75 €)
- Soulflow (0,08 €) Valhan
- Izmir: An Independence Simulator (0,10 €)
- Guns & Fishes (0,19 €)
- Pill Baby (0,40 €) ICanyonI
- Project Chemistry (0,68 €)
- Pixross (0,21 €) ICanyonI
- Frick, Inc. (0,21 €)
- Sunlight (0,20 €) Valhan
Fusiono ambos Bundle abiertos para que estén los dos ya en el mismo post, partiendo del ultimo post de @Valhan
Y añado precios a los que estan libres en el mío. Gracias @DragonDave por el calculo de precios.

Turkiye syria earthquake relief Bundle @ICanyonI Bundle

- Gotham Knights (3,18 €) ICanyonI
- Ghostrunner (1,87 €) Frost9
- Pathfinder: Kingmaker (2,14 €) KYKUR88
- XCOM 2 (0,52 €)
- PAYDAY 2 (0,40) Learsiziur
- Ticket to Ride (0,13 €) Valhan
- Strange Brigade (0,43 €) Dragondave
- Euro Truck Simulator 2 (0,28 €) Valhan
- Stick Fight: The Game (0,15 €) Learsiziur
- Farming Simulator 17 (0,64 €)
- System Shock: Enhanced Edition (0,06 €)
- System Shock 2 (0,16 €)
- Pilgrims (0,18 €) Esteban_Rp
- Flynn: Son of Crimson (1,15 €) Vli
- Into the Pit (0,86 €) Esteban_Rp
- Worms Rumble (0,14 €) Vli
- Harmony's Odyssey (0,75 €) Alphos
- Mount & Blade: Warband (0,11 €) Dragondave
- Armello (0,45 €)
- Backbone (0,76 €)
- 911 Operator (0,07 €) Valhan
- 112 Operator (0,43 €)
- Calico (0,59 €)
- X-Morph: Defense Complete Pack (0,41 €)
- Zombie Driver HD Complete Edition (0,13 €)
- Space Crew: Legendary Edition (0,43 €)
- Monaco (0,16 €)
- Death Squared (0,13 €)
- Lust from Beyond: M Edition (0.61 €)
- Stygian: Reign of the Old Ones (0,10 €)
- Remnants of Naezith (0,11 €) Alphos
- Planet TD (0,08 €)
- Firegirl: Hack 'n Splash Rescue (0,86 €) Esteban_Rp
- XEL (0,86 €)
- Little Orpheus (0,94 €) Dragondave
- Detached: Non-VR Edition (0,30 €) Alphos
- Agent in Depth (0,25 €)
- Lighthouse Keeper (0,06 €) Valhan
- Hyper Gunsport (1€)
- Meow Express (0,10 €)
- Arcade Spirits (0,17 €)
- Non-Stop Raiders (0,19 €)
- The Inner World (0,09 €) Dragondave
- The Amazing American Circus (0,40 €)
- Soulblight (0,11 €)
- Stacking (0,09 €) Valhan
- Hack 'n' Slash (0,14 €)
- MirrorMoon EP (0,13 €)
- Cosmic Express (0,19 €) Valhan
- Cris Tales (0,61 €) Faryneli
- Orbital Racer (0,11 €)
- SYMMETRY (0,09 €) Valhan
- Guilty Gear X2 #Reload (0,16 €) ICanyonI
- Alchemist's Castle (0,09 €) Alphos
- Soul Searching (0,11 €) Alphos
- Doughlings: Arcade (0,12 €) ICanyonI
- Doughlings: Invasion (0,21 €) ICanyonI
- Quadrata (0,15 €)
- Rym 9000 (0,10 €) ICanyonI
- stikir (0,10 €)
- Cats and the Other Lives (0,75 €)
- Soulflow (0,08 €) Valhan
- Izmir: An Independence Simulator (0,10 €)
- Guns & Fishes (0,19 €)
- Pill Baby (0,40 €) ICanyonI
- Project Chemistry (0,68 €)
- Pixross (0,21 €) ICanyonI
- Frick, Inc. (0,21 €)
- Sunlight (0,20 €) Valhan


Turkiye syria earthquake relief Bundle @Slywolf Bundle

XCOM® 2 (0,52 €) - Libre
PayDay 2 (0,40) - Libre
Euro Truck Simulator 2 (0,28 €) - Libre
Farming Simulator 17 (0,64 €) - Libre
System Shock Enhanced Edition (0,06 €) - Libre
Armello (0,45 €) - Libre
Backbone (0,76 €) - Libre
911 Operator (0,07 €) - Libre
112 Operator (0,43 €) - Libre
X-Morph: Defense Complete Pack (0,41 €) - Libre
Monaco (0,16 €) - Libre
Death Squared (0,13 €) - Libre
The Amazing American Circus (0,40 €) - Libre
Soulblight (0,11 €) - Libre
Orbital Racer (0,11 €) - Libre
Starfinder Core Rulebook - Libre
Starfinder: Junker's Delight - Libre

Strange Brigade (0,43 €) - Alphos
Lust from Beyond - M Edition (0.61 €) - Alphos
Gotham Knights - Slywolf
Ghostrunner - Slywolf
Pathfinder: Kingmaker - Enhanced Plus Edition - Slywolf
Ticket to Ride - Slywolf
Stick Fight - Slywolf
System Shock 2 - Slywolf
Pilgrims - Slywolf
Flynn: Son of Crimson - Slywolf
Into the Pit - Slywolf
Worms Rumble - Slywolf
Harmony's Odyssey - Slywolf
Mount & Blade: Warband - Slywolf
Saga Vols 1 - 10 - Slywolf
Calico - Slywolf
Zombie Driver HD Complete Edition - Slywolf
Space Crew: Legendary Edition - Slywolf
Stygian: Reign of the Old Ones - Slywolf
Remnants of Naezith - Slywolf
Planet TD - Slywolf
Firegirl: Hack 'n Splash Rescue DX - Slywolf
XEL - Slywolf
Little Orpheus - Slywolf
Detached: Non-VR Edition - Slywolf
Agent in Depth - Slywolf
Lighthouse Keeper - Slywolf
Hyper Gunsport - Slywolf
Meow Express - Slywolf
Arcade Spirits - Slywolf
Non-Stop Raiders - Slywolf
The Inner World - Slywolf
Stacking - Slywolf
Hack 'n' Slash - Slywolf
MirrorMoon EP - Slywolf
Cosmic Express - Slywolf
Cris Tales - Slywolf
Symmetry - Slywolf
Guilty Gear X2 #Reload - Slywolf
Alchemist's Castle - Slywolf
Soul Searching - Slywolf
Doughlings: Arcade - Slywolf
Doughlings: Invasion - Slywolf
Quadrata - Slywolf
Rym 9000 - Slywolf
stikir - Slywolf
Cats and the Other Lives - Slywolf
Soulflow - Slywolf
Izmir: An Independence Simulator - Slywolf
Guns & Fishes - Slywolf
Pill Baby - Slywolf
Project Chemistry - Slywolf
Pixross - Slywolf
Frick, Inc - Slywolf
Sunlight - Slywolf
Abro otro considerando que el valor de este pack de 28,03 EUR está claramente en el Gotham por precio y porque el resto de los conocidos han estado ya en bundles. Por lo que el resto de la morralla está casi toda a 0,1 EUR

Yo he cogido 1 gancho y he dejado los otros dos ganchos libres.

Si se pilla uno de los principales en negrita hay que pillar al menos 3 del resto porque si no es imposible que esto se termine. Yo pille 4 principales en negrita y tengo que pillar por tanto 12. de la morralla. Llevo 9 y pillaré 3 más según vea los que no interesen y cuando me vea de que son algunos juegos que no conozco.

0,2 € 112 Operator
0,1€ 911 Operator
0,2€ Agent in Depth
0,1€ Alchemist's Castle
0,2€ Arcade Spirits
0,4€ Armello
0,1€ Backbone
0,1€ Calico
0,4€ Cats and the Other Lives
0,8€ Cosmic Express
0,6€ Cris Tales
0,1€ Death Squared
0,6€ Detached: Non-VR Edition
0,1€ Doughlings: Arcade
0,4€ Doughlings: Invasion
0,5€ Euro Truck Simulator 2
0,5€ Farming Simulator 17
0,8€ Firegirl: Hack 'n Splash Rescue - @blasin
0,8€ Flynn: Son of Crimson - @blasin
0,3€ Frick, Inc.
0,7€ Ghostrunner - @blasin
9,4€ Gotham Knights
0,1€ Guilty Gear X2 #Reload - @blasin
0,2€ Guns & Fishes
0,1€ Hack 'n' Slash
0,6€ Harmony's Odyssey
0,8€ Hyper Gunsport
0,6€ Into the Pit
0,1€ Izmir: An Independence Simulator
0,6€ Lighthouse Keeper
0,9€ Little Orpheus - @blasin
0,1€ Lust from Beyond: M Edition - @blasin
0,1€ Meow Express
0,1€ MirrorMoon EP
0,1€ Monaco
0,3€ Mount & Blade: Warband - @blasin
0,1€ Non-Stop Raiders
0,1€ Orbital Racer
0,9€ Pathfinder: Kingmaker
0,1€ PAYDAY 2 - @blasin
0,5€ Pilgrims
0,8€ Pill Baby
0,1€ Pixross
0,1€ Planet TD
0,2€ Project Chemistry
0,1€ Quadrata
0,1€ Remnants of Naezith
0,1€ Rym 9000
0,1€ Soul Searching
0,1€ Soulblight - @blasin
0,1€ Soulflow
0,1€ Space Crew: Legendary Edition
0,1€ Stacking
0,2€ Stick Fight: The Game
0,1€ stikir
0,2€ Strange Brigade - @blasin
0,1€ Stygian: Reign of the Old Ones
0,2€ Sunlight
0,3€ System Shock 2
0,1€ System Shock: Enhanced Edition
0,1€ The Amazing American Circus
0,1€ The Inner World
0,1€ Ticket to Ride
0,1€ Worms Rumble - @blasin
0,1€ X-Morph: Defense Complete Pack - @blasin
0,1€ XCOM 2
0,3€ XEL
0,1€ Zombie Driver HD Complete Edition - @blasin
@blasin Me quedo el Pathfinder y el Cris Tales. Ahora escojo más del resto, reviso.

Agent in Deep
Hyper Gunsport
Non Stop Raiders
Remnant of Naezith
The Inner World
Alphos escribió:@blasin Me quedo el Pathfinder y el Cris Tales. Ahora escojo más del resto, reviso.

Perfect, yo también tengo que escoger más para cumplir la regla pero ya no se que pillar jajajaj, seguramente al final tengamos que poner pillar 4 por juego en negrita pero lo bueno que la mayoría están a 0,1. Responde añadiendote.

11 juegos en negrita + 44 que habría que añadir = 55 juegos y el total son 69
@blasin Me quedo con:

Space Crew: Legendary Edition
Me retiro y dejo el Ghostrunner libre.

Turkiye syria earthquake relief Bundle @ICanyonI Bundle

- Gotham Knights (3,18 €) ICanyonI
- Ghostrunner (1,87 €)
- Pathfinder: Kingmaker (2,14 €) KYKUR88
- XCOM 2 (0,52 €)
- PAYDAY 2 (0,40) Learsiziur
- Ticket to Ride (0,13 €) Valhan
- Strange Brigade (0,43 €) Dragondave
- Euro Truck Simulator 2 (0,28 €) Valhan
- Stick Fight: The Game (0,15 €) Learsiziur
- Farming Simulator 17 (0,64 €)
- System Shock: Enhanced Edition (0,06 €)
- System Shock 2 (0,16 €)
- Pilgrims (0,18 €) Esteban_Rp
- Flynn: Son of Crimson (1,15 €) Vli
- Into the Pit (0,86 €) Esteban_Rp
- Worms Rumble (0,14 €) Vli
- Harmony's Odyssey (0,75 €) Alphos
- Mount & Blade: Warband (0,11 €) Dragondave
- Armello (0,45 €)
- Backbone (0,76 €)
- 911 Operator (0,07 €) Valhan
- 112 Operator (0,43 €)
- Calico (0,59 €)
- X-Morph: Defense Complete Pack (0,41 €)
- Zombie Driver HD Complete Edition (0,13 €)
- Space Crew: Legendary Edition (0,43 €)
- Monaco (0,16 €)
- Death Squared (0,13 €)
- Lust from Beyond: M Edition (0.61 €)
- Stygian: Reign of the Old Ones (0,10 €)
- Remnants of Naezith (0,11 €) Alphos
- Planet TD (0,08 €)
- Firegirl: Hack 'n Splash Rescue (0,86 €) Esteban_Rp
- XEL (0,86 €)
- Little Orpheus (0,94 €) Dragondave
- Detached: Non-VR Edition (0,30 €) Alphos
- Agent in Depth (0,25 €)
- Lighthouse Keeper (0,06 €) Valhan
- Hyper Gunsport (1€)
- Meow Express (0,10 €)
- Arcade Spirits (0,17 €)
- Non-Stop Raiders (0,19 €)
- The Inner World (0,09 €) Dragondave
- The Amazing American Circus (0,40 €)
- Soulblight (0,11 €)
- Stacking (0,09 €) Valhan
- Hack 'n' Slash (0,14 €)
- MirrorMoon EP (0,13 €)
- Cosmic Express (0,19 €) Valhan
- Cris Tales (0,61 €) Faryneli
- Orbital Racer (0,11 €)
- SYMMETRY (0,09 €) Valhan
- Guilty Gear X2 #Reload (0,16 €) ICanyonI
- Alchemist's Castle (0,09 €) Alphos
- Soul Searching (0,11 €) Alphos
- Doughlings: Arcade (0,12 €) ICanyonI
- Doughlings: Invasion (0,21 €) ICanyonI
- Quadrata (0,15 €)
- Rym 9000 (0,10 €) ICanyonI
- stikir (0,10 €)
- Cats and the Other Lives (0,75 €)
- Soulflow (0,08 €) Valhan
- Izmir: An Independence Simulator (0,10 €)
- Guns & Fishes (0,19 €)
- Pill Baby (0,40 €) ICanyonI
- Project Chemistry (0,68 €)
- Pixross (0,21 €) ICanyonI
- Frick, Inc. (0,21 €)
- Sunlight (0,20 €) Valhan


Turkiye syria earthquake relief Bundle @Slywolf Bundle

XCOM® 2 (0,52 €) - Libre
PayDay 2 (0,40) - Libre
Euro Truck Simulator 2 (0,28 €) - Libre
Farming Simulator 17 (0,64 €) - Libre
System Shock Enhanced Edition (0,06 €) - Libre
Armello (0,45 €) - Libre
Backbone (0,76 €) - Libre
911 Operator (0,07 €) - Libre
112 Operator (0,43 €) - Libre
X-Morph: Defense Complete Pack (0,41 €) - Libre
Monaco (0,16 €) - Libre
Death Squared (0,13 €) - Libre
The Amazing American Circus (0,40 €) - Libre
Soulblight (0,11 €) - Libre
Orbital Racer (0,11 €) - Libre
Starfinder Core Rulebook - Libre
Starfinder: Junker's Delight - Libre

Strange Brigade (0,43 €) - Alphos
Lust from Beyond - M Edition (0.61 €) - Alphos
Gotham Knights - Slywolf
Ghostrunner - Slywolf
Pathfinder: Kingmaker - Enhanced Plus Edition - Slywolf
Ticket to Ride - Slywolf
Stick Fight - Slywolf
System Shock 2 - Slywolf
Pilgrims - Slywolf
Flynn: Son of Crimson - Slywolf
Into the Pit - Slywolf
Worms Rumble - Slywolf
Harmony's Odyssey - Slywolf
Mount & Blade: Warband - Slywolf
Saga Vols 1 - 10 - Slywolf
Calico - Slywolf
Zombie Driver HD Complete Edition - Slywolf
Space Crew: Legendary Edition - Slywolf
Stygian: Reign of the Old Ones - Slywolf
Remnants of Naezith - Slywolf
Planet TD - Slywolf
Firegirl: Hack 'n Splash Rescue DX - Slywolf
XEL - Slywolf
Little Orpheus - Slywolf
Detached: Non-VR Edition - Slywolf
Agent in Depth - Slywolf
Lighthouse Keeper - Slywolf
Hyper Gunsport - Slywolf
Meow Express - Slywolf
Arcade Spirits - Slywolf
Non-Stop Raiders - Slywolf
The Inner World - Slywolf
Stacking - Slywolf
Hack 'n' Slash - Slywolf
MirrorMoon EP - Slywolf
Cosmic Express - Slywolf
Cris Tales - Slywolf
Symmetry - Slywolf
Guilty Gear X2 #Reload - Slywolf
Alchemist's Castle - Slywolf
Soul Searching - Slywolf
Doughlings: Arcade - Slywolf
Doughlings: Invasion - Slywolf
Quadrata - Slywolf
Rym 9000 - Slywolf
stikir - Slywolf
Cats and the Other Lives - Slywolf
Soulflow - Slywolf
Izmir: An Independence Simulator - Slywolf
Guns & Fishes - Slywolf
Pill Baby - Slywolf
Project Chemistry - Slywolf
Pixross - Slywolf
Frick, Inc - Slywolf
Sunlight - Slywolf[/quote]
Pongo en orden el bundle de @blasin:

Abro otro considerando que el valor de este pack de 28,03 EUR está claramente en el Gotham por precio y porque el resto de los conocidos han estado ya en bundles. Por lo que el resto de la morralla está casi toda a 0,1 EUR

Yo he cogido 1 gancho y he dejado los otros dos ganchos libres.

Si se pilla uno de los principales en negrita hay que pillar al menos 3 del resto porque si no es imposible que esto se termine. Yo pille 4 principales en negrita y tengo que pillar por tanto 12. de la morralla. Llevo 9 y pillaré 3 más según vea los que no interesen y cuando me vea de que son algunos juegos que no conozco.

0,2 € 112 Operator
0,1€ 911 Operator
0,2€ Agent in Depth @Alphos
0,1€ Alchemist's Castle
0,2€ Arcade Spirits
0,4€ Armello
0,1€ Backbone @alex120
0,1€ Calico
0,4€ Cats and the Other Lives
0,8€ Cosmic Express
0,6€ Cris Tales @Alphos
0,1€ Death Squared
0,6€ Detached: Non-VR Edition
0,1€ Doughlings: Arcade
0,4€ Doughlings: Invasion
0,5€ Euro Truck Simulator 2
0,5€ Farming Simulator 17
0,8€ Firegirl: Hack 'n Splash Rescue - @blasin
0,8€ Flynn: Son of Crimson - @blasin
0,3€ Frick, Inc.
0,7€ Ghostrunner - @blasin
9,4€ Gotham Knights
0,1€ Guilty Gear X2 #Reload - @blasin
0,2€ Guns & Fishes
0,1€ Hack 'n' Slash
0,6€ Harmony's Odyssey
0,8€ Hyper Gunsport @Alphos
0,6€ Into the Pit
0,1€ Izmir: An Independence Simulator @Alphos
0,6€ Lighthouse Keeper
0,9€ Little Orpheus - @blasin
0,1€ Lust from Beyond: M Edition - @blasin
0,1€ Meow Express
0,1€ MirrorMoon EP
0,1€ Monaco
0,3€ Mount & Blade: Warband - @blasin
0,1€ Non-Stop Raiders @Alphos
0,1€ Orbital Racer
0,9€ Pathfinder: Kingmaker @Alphos
0,1€ PAYDAY 2 - @blasin
0,5€ Pilgrims
0,8€ Pill Baby
0,1€ Pixross
0,1€ Planet TD
0,2€ Project Chemistry
0,1€ Quadrata
0,1€ Remnants of Naezith @Alphos
0,1€ Rym 9000
0,1€ Soul Searching
0,1€ Soulblight - @blasin
0,1€ Soulflow
0,1€ Space Crew: Legendary Edition @alex120
0,1€ Stacking
0,2€ Stick Fight: The Game
0,1€ stikir
0,2€ Strange Brigade - @blasin
0,1€ Stygian: Reign of the Old Ones @alex120
0,2€ Sunlight
0,3€ System Shock 2
0,1€ System Shock: Enhanced Edition
0,1€ The Amazing American Circus
0,1€ The Inner World @Alphos
0,1€ Ticket to Ride
0,1€ Worms Rumble - @blasin
0,1€ X-Morph: Defense Complete Pack - @blasin
0,1€ XCOM 2
0,3€ XEL
0,1€ Zombie Driver HD Complete Edition - @blasin
@blasin HB Siria & Turquía - 02 Feb

Me añado (rethen) a unos cuantos, y si no os importa, me quedaría también los volúmenes de Saga ( @blasin tú dirás en cuánto los valoramos)

0,2 € 112 Operator
0,1€ 911 Operator
0,2€ Agent in Depth @Alphos
0,1€ Alchemist's Castle
0,2€ Arcade Spirits
0,4€ Armello
0,1€ Backbone @alex120
0,1€ Calico
0,4€ Cats and the Other Lives @rethen
0,8€ Cosmic Express
0,6€ Cris Tales @Alphos
0,1€ Death Squared
0,6€ Detached: Non-VR Edition
0,1€ Doughlings: Arcade
0,4€ Doughlings: Invasion
0,5€ Euro Truck Simulator 2
0,5€ Farming Simulator 17
0,8€ Firegirl: Hack 'n Splash Rescue - @blasin
0,8€ Flynn: Son of Crimson - @blasin
0,3€ Frick, Inc.
0,7€ Ghostrunner - @blasin
9,4€ Gotham Knights
0,1€ Guilty Gear X2 #Reload - @blasin
0,2€ Guns & Fishes
0,1€ Hack 'n' Slash
0,6€ Harmony's Odyssey
0,8€ Hyper Gunsport @Alphos
0,6€ Into the Pit
0,1€ Izmir: An Independence Simulator @Alphos
0,6€ Lighthouse Keeper @rethen
0,9€ Little Orpheus - @blasin
0,1€ Lust from Beyond: M Edition - @blasin
0,1€ Meow Express
0,1€ MirrorMoon EP
0,1€ Monaco
0,3€ Mount & Blade: Warband - @blasin
0,1€ Non-Stop Raiders @Alphos
0,1€ Orbital Racer
0,9€ Pathfinder: Kingmaker @Alphos
0,1€ PAYDAY 2 - @blasin
0,5€ Pilgrims @rethen
0,8€ Pill Baby
0,1€ Pixross
0,1€ Planet TD
0,2€ Project Chemistry
0,1€ Quadrata
0,1€ Remnants of Naezith @Alphos
0,1€ Rym 9000
0,1€ Soul Searching
0,1€ Soulblight - @blasin
0,1€ Soulflow
0,1€ Space Crew: Legendary Edition @alex120
0,1€ Stacking
0,2€ Stick Fight: The Game
0,1€ stikir
0,2€ Strange Brigade - @blasin
0,1€ Stygian: Reign of the Old Ones @alex120
0,2€ Sunlight
0,3€ System Shock 2
0,1€ System Shock: Enhanced Edition @rethen
0,1€ The Amazing American Circus
0,1€ The Inner World @Alphos
0,1€ Ticket to Ride
0,1€ Worms Rumble - @blasin
0,1€ X-Morph: Defense Complete Pack - @blasin
0,1€ XCOM 2 @rethen
0,3€ XEL
0,1€ Zombie Driver HD Complete Edition - @blasin


Turkiye syria earthquake relief Bundle @ICanyonI Bundle

- Gotham Knights (3,18 €) ICanyonI
- Ghostrunner (1,87 €)
- Pathfinder: Kingmaker (2,14 €) KYKUR88
- XCOM 2 (0,52 €)
- PAYDAY 2 (0,40) Learsiziur
- Ticket to Ride (0,13 €) Valhan
- Strange Brigade (0,43 €) Dragondave
- Euro Truck Simulator 2 (0,28 €) Valhan
- Stick Fight: The Game (0,15 €) Learsiziur
- Farming Simulator 17 (0,64 €)
- System Shock: Enhanced Edition (0,06 €)
- System Shock 2 (0,16 €)
- Pilgrims (0,18 €) Esteban_Rp
- Flynn: Son of Crimson (1,15 €) Vli
- Into the Pit (0,86 €) Esteban_Rp
- Worms Rumble (0,14 €) Vli
- Harmony's Odyssey (0,75 €) Alphos
- Mount & Blade: Warband (0,11 €) Dragondave
- Armello (0,45 €)
- Backbone (0,76 €)
- 911 Operator (0,07 €) Valhan
- 112 Operator (0,43 €)
- Calico (0,59 €)
- X-Morph: Defense Complete Pack (0,41 €)
- Zombie Driver HD Complete Edition (0,13 €)
- Space Crew: Legendary Edition (0,43 €)
- Monaco (0,16 €)
- Death Squared (0,13 €)
- Lust from Beyond: M Edition (0.61 €)
- Stygian: Reign of the Old Ones (0,10 €)
- Remnants of Naezith (0,11 €) Alphos
- Planet TD (0,08 €)
- Firegirl: Hack 'n Splash Rescue (0,86 €) Esteban_Rp
- XEL (0,86 €)
- Little Orpheus (0,94 €) Dragondave
- Detached: Non-VR Edition (0,30 €) Alphos
- Agent in Depth (0,25 €)
- Lighthouse Keeper (0,06 €) Valhan
- Hyper Gunsport (1€)
- Meow Express (0,10 €)
- Arcade Spirits (0,17 €)
- Non-Stop Raiders (0,19 €)
- The Inner World (0,09 €) Dragondave
- The Amazing American Circus (0,40 €)
- Soulblight (0,11 €)
- Stacking (0,09 €) Valhan
- Hack 'n' Slash (0,14 €)
- MirrorMoon EP (0,13 €)
- Cosmic Express (0,19 €) Valhan
- Cris Tales (0,61 €) Faryneli
- Orbital Racer (0,11 €)
- SYMMETRY (0,09 €) Valhan
- Guilty Gear X2 #Reload (0,16 €) ICanyonI
- Alchemist's Castle (0,09 €) Alphos
- Soul Searching (0,11 €) Alphos
- Doughlings: Arcade (0,12 €) ICanyonI
- Doughlings: Invasion (0,21 €) ICanyonI
- Quadrata (0,15 €)
- Rym 9000 (0,10 €) ICanyonI
- stikir (0,10 €)
- Cats and the Other Lives (0,75 €)
- Soulflow (0,08 €) Valhan
- Izmir: An Independence Simulator (0,10 €)
- Guns & Fishes (0,19 €)
- Pill Baby (0,40 €) ICanyonI
- Project Chemistry (0,68 €)
- Pixross (0,21 €) ICanyonI
- Frick, Inc. (0,21 €)
- Sunlight (0,20 €) Valhan


Turkiye syria earthquake relief Bundle @Slywolf Bundle

XCOM® 2 (0,52 €) - Libre
PayDay 2 (0,40) - Libre
Euro Truck Simulator 2 (0,28 €) - Libre
Farming Simulator 17 (0,64 €) - Libre
System Shock Enhanced Edition (0,06 €) - Libre
Armello (0,45 €) - Libre
Backbone (0,76 €) - Libre
911 Operator (0,07 €) - Libre
112 Operator (0,43 €) - Libre
X-Morph: Defense Complete Pack (0,41 €) - Libre
Monaco (0,16 €) - Libre
Death Squared (0,13 €) - Libre
The Amazing American Circus (0,40 €) - Libre
Soulblight (0,11 €) - Libre
Orbital Racer (0,11 €) - Libre
Starfinder Core Rulebook - Libre
Starfinder: Junker's Delight - Libre

Strange Brigade (0,43 €) - Alphos
Lust from Beyond - M Edition (0.61 €) - Alphos
Gotham Knights - Slywolf
Ghostrunner - Slywolf
Pathfinder: Kingmaker - Enhanced Plus Edition - Slywolf
Ticket to Ride - Slywolf
Stick Fight - Slywolf
System Shock 2 - Slywolf
Pilgrims - Slywolf
Flynn: Son of Crimson - Slywolf
Into the Pit - Slywolf
Worms Rumble - Slywolf
Harmony's Odyssey - Slywolf
Mount & Blade: Warband - Slywolf
Saga Vols 1 - 10 - Slywolf
Calico - Slywolf
Zombie Driver HD Complete Edition - Slywolf
Space Crew: Legendary Edition - Slywolf
Stygian: Reign of the Old Ones - Slywolf
Remnants of Naezith - Slywolf
Planet TD - Slywolf
Firegirl: Hack 'n Splash Rescue DX - Slywolf
XEL - Slywolf
Little Orpheus - Slywolf
Detached: Non-VR Edition - Slywolf
Agent in Depth - Slywolf
Lighthouse Keeper - Slywolf
Hyper Gunsport - Slywolf
Meow Express - Slywolf
Arcade Spirits - Slywolf
Non-Stop Raiders - Slywolf
The Inner World - Slywolf
Stacking - Slywolf
Hack 'n' Slash - Slywolf
MirrorMoon EP - Slywolf
Cosmic Express - Slywolf
Cris Tales - Slywolf
Symmetry - Slywolf
Guilty Gear X2 #Reload - Slywolf
Alchemist's Castle - Slywolf
Soul Searching - Slywolf
Doughlings: Arcade - Slywolf
Doughlings: Invasion - Slywolf
Quadrata - Slywolf
Rym 9000 - Slywolf
stikir - Slywolf
Cats and the Other Lives - Slywolf
Soulflow - Slywolf
Izmir: An Independence Simulator - Slywolf
Guns & Fishes - Slywolf
Pill Baby - Slywolf
Project Chemistry - Slywolf
Pixross - Slywolf
Frick, Inc - Slywolf
Sunlight - Slywolf
@rethen pues si se cierra bien el bundle lo compro y te los regalo. Si nos quedamos atrancados y hay que pillar algunos de 0,1 para cerrarlo pilla alguno como si fuera el el comic saga 1-10 jajajajja
Me apunto a alguno más del de @ICanyonI

@blasin HB Siria & Turquía - 02 Feb

0,2 € 112 Operator
0,1€ 911 Operator
0,2€ Agent in Depth @Alphos
0,1€ Alchemist's Castle
0,2€ Arcade Spirits
0,4€ Armello
0,1€ Backbone @alex120
0,1€ Calico
0,4€ Cats and the Other Lives @rethen
0,8€ Cosmic Express
0,6€ Cris Tales @Alphos
0,1€ Death Squared
0,6€ Detached: Non-VR Edition
0,1€ Doughlings: Arcade
0,4€ Doughlings: Invasion
0,5€ Euro Truck Simulator 2
0,5€ Farming Simulator 17
0,8€ Firegirl: Hack 'n Splash Rescue - @blasin
0,8€ Flynn: Son of Crimson - @blasin
0,3€ Frick, Inc.
0,7€ Ghostrunner - @blasin
9,4€ Gotham Knights
0,1€ Guilty Gear X2 #Reload - @blasin
0,2€ Guns & Fishes
0,1€ Hack 'n' Slash
0,6€ Harmony's Odyssey
0,8€ Hyper Gunsport @Alphos
0,6€ Into the Pit
0,1€ Izmir: An Independence Simulator @Alphos
0,6€ Lighthouse Keeper @rethen
0,9€ Little Orpheus - @blasin
0,1€ Lust from Beyond: M Edition - @blasin
0,1€ Meow Express
0,1€ MirrorMoon EP
0,1€ Monaco
0,3€ Mount & Blade: Warband - @blasin
0,1€ Non-Stop Raiders @Alphos
0,1€ Orbital Racer
0,9€ Pathfinder: Kingmaker @Alphos
0,1€ PAYDAY 2 - @blasin
0,5€ Pilgrims @rethen
0,8€ Pill Baby
0,1€ Pixross
0,1€ Planet TD
0,2€ Project Chemistry
0,1€ Quadrata
0,1€ Remnants of Naezith @Alphos
0,1€ Rym 9000
0,1€ Soul Searching
0,1€ Soulblight - @blasin
0,1€ Soulflow
0,1€ Space Crew: Legendary Edition @alex120
0,1€ Stacking
0,2€ Stick Fight: The Game
0,1€ stikir
0,2€ Strange Brigade - @blasin
0,1€ Stygian: Reign of the Old Ones @alex120
0,2€ Sunlight
0,3€ System Shock 2
0,1€ System Shock: Enhanced Edition @rethen
0,1€ The Amazing American Circus
0,1€ The Inner World @Alphos
0,1€ Ticket to Ride
0,1€ Worms Rumble - @blasin
0,1€ X-Morph: Defense Complete Pack - @blasin
0,1€ XCOM 2 @rethen
0,3€ XEL
0,1€ Zombie Driver HD Complete Edition - @blasin


Turkiye syria earthquake relief Bundle @ICanyonI Bundle

- Gotham Knights (3,18 €) ICanyonI
- Ghostrunner (1,87 €) Faryneli
- Pathfinder: Kingmaker (2,14 €) KYKUR88
- XCOM 2 (0,52 €)
- PAYDAY 2 (0,40) Learsiziur
- Ticket to Ride (0,13 €) Valhan
- Strange Brigade (0,43 €) Dragondave
- Euro Truck Simulator 2 (0,28 €) Valhan
- Stick Fight: The Game (0,15 €) Learsiziur
- Farming Simulator 17 (0,64 €) Faryneli
- System Shock: Enhanced Edition (0,06 €)
- System Shock 2 (0,16 €)
- Pilgrims (0,18 €) Esteban_Rp
- Flynn: Son of Crimson (1,15 €) Vli
- Into the Pit (0,86 €) Esteban_Rp
- Worms Rumble (0,14 €) Vli
- Harmony's Odyssey (0,75 €) Alphos
- Mount & Blade: Warband (0,11 €) Dragondave
- Armello (0,45 €)
- Backbone (0,76 €)
- 911 Operator (0,07 €) Valhan
- 112 Operator (0,43 €)
- Calico (0,59 €)
- X-Morph: Defense Complete Pack (0,41 €)
- Zombie Driver HD Complete Edition (0,13 €)
- Space Crew: Legendary Edition (0,43 €)
- Monaco (0,16 €)
- Death Squared (0,13 €)
- Lust from Beyond: M Edition (0.61 €)
- Stygian: Reign of the Old Ones (0,10 €) Faryneli
- Remnants of Naezith (0,11 €) Alphos
- Planet TD (0,08 €)
- Firegirl: Hack 'n Splash Rescue (0,86 €) Esteban_Rp
- XEL (0,86 €)
- Little Orpheus (0,94 €) Dragondave
- Detached: Non-VR Edition (0,30 €) Alphos
- Agent in Depth (0,25 €)
- Lighthouse Keeper (0,06 €) Valhan
- Hyper Gunsport (1€)
- Meow Express (0,10 €)
- Arcade Spirits (0,17 €)
- Non-Stop Raiders (0,19 €)
- The Inner World (0,09 €) Dragondave
- The Amazing American Circus (0,40 €)
- Soulblight (0,11 €)
- Stacking (0,09 €) Valhan
- Hack 'n' Slash (0,14 €)
- MirrorMoon EP (0,13 €)
- Cosmic Express (0,19 €) Valhan
- Cris Tales (0,61 €) Faryneli
- Orbital Racer (0,11 €)
- SYMMETRY (0,09 €) Valhan
- Guilty Gear X2 #Reload (0,16 €) ICanyonI
- Alchemist's Castle (0,09 €) Alphos
- Soul Searching (0,11 €) Alphos
- Doughlings: Arcade (0,12 €) ICanyonI
- Doughlings: Invasion (0,21 €) ICanyonI
- Quadrata (0,15 €)
- Rym 9000 (0,10 €) ICanyonI
- stikir (0,10 €)
- Cats and the Other Lives (0,75 €)
- Soulflow (0,08 €) Valhan
- Izmir: An Independence Simulator (0,10 €)
- Guns & Fishes (0,19 €)
- Pill Baby (0,40 €) ICanyonI
- Project Chemistry (0,68 €)
- Pixross (0,21 €) ICanyonI
- Frick, Inc. (0,21 €)
- Sunlight (0,20 €) Valhan


Turkiye syria earthquake relief Bundle @Slywolf Bundle

XCOM® 2 (0,52 €) - Libre
PayDay 2 (0,40) - Libre
Euro Truck Simulator 2 (0,28 €) - Libre
Farming Simulator 17 (0,64 €) - Libre
System Shock Enhanced Edition (0,06 €) - Libre
Armello (0,45 €) - Libre
Backbone (0,76 €) - Libre
911 Operator (0,07 €) - Libre
112 Operator (0,43 €) - Libre
X-Morph: Defense Complete Pack (0,41 €) - Libre
Monaco (0,16 €) - Libre
Death Squared (0,13 €) - Libre
The Amazing American Circus (0,40 €) - Libre
Soulblight (0,11 €) - Libre
Orbital Racer (0,11 €) - Libre
Starfinder Core Rulebook - Libre
Starfinder: Junker's Delight - Libre

Strange Brigade (0,43 €) - Alphos
Lust from Beyond - M Edition (0.61 €) - Alphos
Gotham Knights - Slywolf
Ghostrunner - Slywolf
Pathfinder: Kingmaker - Enhanced Plus Edition - Slywolf
Ticket to Ride - Slywolf
Stick Fight - Slywolf
System Shock 2 - Slywolf
Pilgrims - Slywolf
Flynn: Son of Crimson - Slywolf
Into the Pit - Slywolf
Worms Rumble - Slywolf
Harmony's Odyssey - Slywolf
Mount & Blade: Warband - Slywolf
Saga Vols 1 - 10 - Slywolf
Calico - Slywolf
Zombie Driver HD Complete Edition - Slywolf
Space Crew: Legendary Edition - Slywolf
Stygian: Reign of the Old Ones - Slywolf
Remnants of Naezith - Slywolf
Planet TD - Slywolf
Firegirl: Hack 'n Splash Rescue DX - Slywolf
XEL - Slywolf
Little Orpheus - Slywolf
Detached: Non-VR Edition - Slywolf
Agent in Depth - Slywolf
Lighthouse Keeper - Slywolf
Hyper Gunsport - Slywolf
Meow Express - Slywolf
Arcade Spirits - Slywolf
Non-Stop Raiders - Slywolf
The Inner World - Slywolf
Stacking - Slywolf
Hack 'n' Slash - Slywolf
MirrorMoon EP - Slywolf
Cosmic Express - Slywolf
Cris Tales - Slywolf
Symmetry - Slywolf
Guilty Gear X2 #Reload - Slywolf
Alchemist's Castle - Slywolf
Soul Searching - Slywolf
Doughlings: Arcade - Slywolf
Doughlings: Invasion - Slywolf
Quadrata - Slywolf
Rym 9000 - Slywolf
stikir - Slywolf
Cats and the Other Lives - Slywolf
Soulflow - Slywolf
Izmir: An Independence Simulator - Slywolf
Guns & Fishes - Slywolf
Pill Baby - Slywolf
Project Chemistry - Slywolf
Pixross - Slywolf
Frick, Inc - Slywolf
Sunlight - Slywolf
Se me ha ocurrido que se podrian usar spoilers con bundles tan largos:

@blasin HB Siria & Turquía - 02 Feb
0,2 € 112 Operator
0,1€ 911 Operator
0,2€ Agent in Depth @Alphos
0,1€ Alchemist's Castle
0,2€ Arcade Spirits
0,4€ Armello
0,1€ Backbone @alex120
0,1€ Calico
0,4€ Cats and the Other Lives @rethen
0,8€ Cosmic Express
0,6€ Cris Tales @Alphos
0,1€ Death Squared
0,6€ Detached: Non-VR Edition
0,1€ Doughlings: Arcade
0,4€ Doughlings: Invasion
0,5€ Euro Truck Simulator 2
0,5€ Farming Simulator 17
0,8€ Firegirl: Hack 'n Splash Rescue - @blasin
0,8€ Flynn: Son of Crimson - @blasin
0,3€ Frick, Inc.
0,7€ Ghostrunner - @blasin
9,4€ Gotham Knights
0,1€ Guilty Gear X2 #Reload - @blasin
0,2€ Guns & Fishes
0,1€ Hack 'n' Slash
0,6€ Harmony's Odyssey
0,8€ Hyper Gunsport @Alphos
0,6€ Into the Pit
0,1€ Izmir: An Independence Simulator @Alphos
0,6€ Lighthouse Keeper @rethen
0,9€ Little Orpheus - @blasin
0,1€ Lust from Beyond: M Edition - @blasin
0,1€ Meow Express
0,1€ MirrorMoon EP
0,1€ Monaco
0,3€ Mount & Blade: Warband - @blasin
0,1€ Non-Stop Raiders @Alphos
0,1€ Orbital Racer
0,9€ Pathfinder: Kingmaker @Alphos
0,1€ PAYDAY 2 - @blasin
0,5€ Pilgrims @rethen
0,8€ Pill Baby
0,1€ Pixross
0,1€ Planet TD
0,2€ Project Chemistry
0,1€ Quadrata
0,1€ Remnants of Naezith @Alphos
0,1€ Rym 9000
0,1€ Soul Searching
0,1€ Soulblight - @blasin
0,1€ Soulflow
0,1€ Space Crew: Legendary Edition @alex120
0,1€ Stacking
0,2€ Stick Fight: The Game
0,1€ stikir
0,2€ Strange Brigade - @blasin
0,1€ Stygian: Reign of the Old Ones @alex120
0,2€ Sunlight
0,3€ System Shock 2
0,1€ System Shock: Enhanced Edition @rethen
0,1€ The Amazing American Circus
0,1€ The Inner World @Alphos
0,1€ Ticket to Ride
0,1€ Worms Rumble - @blasin
0,1€ X-Morph: Defense Complete Pack - @blasin
0,1€ XCOM 2 @rethen
0,3€ XEL
0,1€ Zombie Driver HD Complete Edition - @blasin


Turkiye syria earthquake relief Bundle @ICanyonI Bundle
- Gotham Knights (3,18 €) ICanyonI
- Ghostrunner (1,87 €) Faryneli
- Pathfinder: Kingmaker (2,14 €) KYKUR88
- XCOM 2 (0,52 €)
- PAYDAY 2 (0,40) Learsiziur
- Ticket to Ride (0,13 €) Valhan
- Strange Brigade (0,43 €) Dragondave
- Euro Truck Simulator 2 (0,28 €) Valhan
- Stick Fight: The Game (0,15 €) Learsiziur
- Farming Simulator 17 (0,64 €) Faryneli
- System Shock: Enhanced Edition (0,06 €)
- System Shock 2 (0,16 €)
- Pilgrims (0,18 €) Esteban_Rp
- Flynn: Son of Crimson (1,15 €) Vli
- Into the Pit (0,86 €) Esteban_Rp
- Worms Rumble (0,14 €) Vli
- Harmony's Odyssey (0,75 €) Alphos
- Mount & Blade: Warband (0,11 €) Dragondave
- Armello (0,45 €)
- Backbone (0,76 €)
- 911 Operator (0,07 €) Valhan
- 112 Operator (0,43 €)
- Calico (0,59 €)
- X-Morph: Defense Complete Pack (0,41 €)
- Zombie Driver HD Complete Edition (0,13 €)
- Space Crew: Legendary Edition (0,43 €)
- Monaco (0,16 €)
- Death Squared (0,13 €)
- Lust from Beyond: M Edition (0.61 €)
- Stygian: Reign of the Old Ones (0,10 €) Faryneli
- Remnants of Naezith (0,11 €) Alphos
- Planet TD (0,08 €)
- Firegirl: Hack 'n Splash Rescue (0,86 €) Esteban_Rp
- XEL (0,86 €)
- Little Orpheus (0,94 €) Dragondave
- Detached: Non-VR Edition (0,30 €) Alphos
- Agent in Depth (0,25 €)
- Lighthouse Keeper (0,06 €) Valhan
- Hyper Gunsport (1€)
- Meow Express (0,10 €)
- Arcade Spirits (0,17 €)
- Non-Stop Raiders (0,19 €)
- The Inner World (0,09 €) Dragondave
- The Amazing American Circus (0,40 €)
- Soulblight (0,11 €)
- Stacking (0,09 €) Valhan
- Hack 'n' Slash (0,14 €)
- MirrorMoon EP (0,13 €)
- Cosmic Express (0,19 €) Valhan
- Cris Tales (0,61 €) Faryneli
- Orbital Racer (0,11 €)
- SYMMETRY (0,09 €) Valhan
- Guilty Gear X2 #Reload (0,16 €) ICanyonI
- Alchemist's Castle (0,09 €) Alphos
- Soul Searching (0,11 €) Alphos
- Doughlings: Arcade (0,12 €) ICanyonI
- Doughlings: Invasion (0,21 €) ICanyonI
- Quadrata (0,15 €)
- Rym 9000 (0,10 €) ICanyonI
- stikir (0,10 €)
- Cats and the Other Lives (0,75 €)
- Soulflow (0,08 €) Valhan
- Izmir: An Independence Simulator (0,10 €)
- Guns & Fishes (0,19 €)
- Pill Baby (0,40 €) ICanyonI
- Project Chemistry (0,68 €)
- Pixross (0,21 €) ICanyonI
- Frick, Inc. (0,21 €)
- Sunlight (0,20 €) Valhan


Turkiye syria earthquake relief Bundle @Slywolf Bundle
XCOM® 2 (0,52 €) - Libre
PayDay 2 (0,40) - Libre
Euro Truck Simulator 2 (0,28 €) - Libre
Farming Simulator 17 (0,64 €) - Libre
System Shock Enhanced Edition (0,06 €) - Libre
Armello (0,45 €) - Libre
Backbone (0,76 €) - Libre
911 Operator (0,07 €) - Libre
112 Operator (0,43 €) - Libre
X-Morph: Defense Complete Pack (0,41 €) - Libre
Monaco (0,16 €) - Libre
Death Squared (0,13 €) - Libre
The Amazing American Circus (0,40 €) - Libre
Soulblight (0,11 €) - Libre
Orbital Racer (0,11 €) - Libre
Starfinder Core Rulebook - Libre
Starfinder: Junker's Delight - Libre

Strange Brigade (0,43 €) - Alphos
Lust from Beyond - M Edition (0.61 €) - Alphos
Gotham Knights - Slywolf
Ghostrunner - Slywolf
Pathfinder: Kingmaker - Enhanced Plus Edition - Slywolf
Ticket to Ride - Slywolf
Stick Fight - Slywolf
System Shock 2 - Slywolf
Pilgrims - Slywolf
Flynn: Son of Crimson - Slywolf
Into the Pit - Slywolf
Worms Rumble - Slywolf
Harmony's Odyssey - Slywolf
Mount & Blade: Warband - Slywolf
Saga Vols 1 - 10 - Slywolf
Calico - Slywolf
Zombie Driver HD Complete Edition - Slywolf
Space Crew: Legendary Edition - Slywolf
Stygian: Reign of the Old Ones - Slywolf
Remnants of Naezith - Slywolf
Planet TD - Slywolf
Firegirl: Hack 'n Splash Rescue DX - Slywolf
XEL - Slywolf
Little Orpheus - Slywolf
Detached: Non-VR Edition - Slywolf
Agent in Depth - Slywolf
Lighthouse Keeper - Slywolf
Hyper Gunsport - Slywolf
Meow Express - Slywolf
Arcade Spirits - Slywolf
Non-Stop Raiders - Slywolf
The Inner World - Slywolf
Stacking - Slywolf
Hack 'n' Slash - Slywolf
MirrorMoon EP - Slywolf
Cosmic Express - Slywolf
Cris Tales - Slywolf
Symmetry - Slywolf
Guilty Gear X2 #Reload - Slywolf
Alchemist's Castle - Slywolf
Soul Searching - Slywolf
Doughlings: Arcade - Slywolf
Doughlings: Invasion - Slywolf
Quadrata - Slywolf
Rym 9000 - Slywolf
stikir - Slywolf
Cats and the Other Lives - Slywolf
Soulflow - Slywolf
Izmir: An Independence Simulator - Slywolf
Guns & Fishes - Slywolf
Pill Baby - Slywolf
Project Chemistry - Slywolf
Pixross - Slywolf
Frick, Inc - Slywolf
Sunlight - Slywolf
Añado regla de juegos en negrita que se quito en una cita en mi bundle.

@blasin HB Siria & Turquía - 02 Feb
Si se pilla uno de los principales en negrita hay que pillar al menos 3 del resto porque si no es imposible que esto se termine y para no tener que enviar keys y recoger dinero de 30 personas. Yo pille 4 principales en negrita y tengo que pillar por tanto 12. de la morralla. Llevo 9 y pillaré 3 más según vea los que no interesen y cuando me vea de que son algunos juegos que no conozco.

0,2 € 112 Operator
0,1€ 911 Operator
0,2€ Agent in Depth @Alphos
0,1€ Alchemist's Castle
0,2€ Arcade Spirits
0,4€ Armello
0,1€ Backbone @alex120
0,1€ Calico
0,4€ Cats and the Other Lives @rethen
0,8€ Cosmic Express
0,6€ Cris Tales @Alphos
0,1€ Death Squared
0,6€ Detached: Non-VR Edition
0,1€ Doughlings: Arcade
0,4€ Doughlings: Invasion
0,5€ Euro Truck Simulator 2
0,5€ Farming Simulator 17
0,8€ Firegirl: Hack 'n Splash Rescue - @blasin
0,8€ Flynn: Son of Crimson - @blasin
0,3€ Frick, Inc.
0,7€ Ghostrunner - @blasin
9,4€ Gotham Knights
0,1€ Guilty Gear X2 #Reload - @blasin
0,2€ Guns & Fishes
0,1€ Hack 'n' Slash
0,6€ Harmony's Odyssey
0,8€ Hyper Gunsport @Alphos
0,6€ Into the Pit
0,1€ Izmir: An Independence Simulator @Alphos
0,6€ Lighthouse Keeper @rethen
0,9€ Little Orpheus - @blasin
0,1€ Lust from Beyond: M Edition - @blasin
0,1€ Meow Express
0,1€ MirrorMoon EP
0,1€ Monaco
0,3€ Mount & Blade: Warband - @blasin
0,1€ Non-Stop Raiders @Alphos
0,1€ Orbital Racer
0,9€ Pathfinder: Kingmaker @Alphos
0,1€ PAYDAY 2 - @blasin
0,5€ Pilgrims @rethen
0,8€ Pill Baby
0,1€ Pixross
0,1€ Planet TD
0,2€ Project Chemistry
0,1€ Quadrata
0,1€ Remnants of Naezith @Alphos
0,1€ Rym 9000
0,1€ Soul Searching
0,1€ Soulblight - @blasin
0,1€ Soulflow
0,1€ Space Crew: Legendary Edition @alex120
0,1€ Stacking
0,2€ Stick Fight: The Game
0,1€ stikir
0,2€ Strange Brigade - @blasin
0,1€ Stygian: Reign of the Old Ones @alex120
0,2€ Sunlight
0,3€ System Shock 2
0,1€ System Shock: Enhanced Edition @rethen
0,1€ The Amazing American Circus
0,1€ The Inner World @Alphos
0,1€ Ticket to Ride
0,1€ Worms Rumble - @blasin
0,1€ X-Morph: Defense Complete Pack - @blasin
0,1€ XCOM 2 @rethen
0,3€ XEL
0,1€ Zombie Driver HD Complete Edition - @blasin


Turkiye syria earthquake relief Bundle @ICanyonI Bundle

- Gotham Knights (3,18 €) ICanyonI
- Ghostrunner (1,87 €)
- Pathfinder: Kingmaker (2,14 €) KYKUR88
- XCOM 2 (0,52 €)
- PAYDAY 2 (0,40) Learsiziur
- Ticket to Ride (0,13 €) Valhan
- Strange Brigade (0,43 €) Dragondave
- Euro Truck Simulator 2 (0,28 €) Valhan
- Stick Fight: The Game (0,15 €) Learsiziur
- Farming Simulator 17 (0,64 €)
- System Shock: Enhanced Edition (0,06 €)
- System Shock 2 (0,16 €)
- Pilgrims (0,18 €) Esteban_Rp
- Flynn: Son of Crimson (1,15 €) Vli
- Into the Pit (0,86 €) Esteban_Rp
- Worms Rumble (0,14 €) Vli
- Harmony's Odyssey (0,75 €) Alphos
- Mount & Blade: Warband (0,11 €) Dragondave
- Armello (0,45 €)
- Backbone (0,76 €)
- 911 Operator (0,07 €) Valhan
- 112 Operator (0,43 €)
- Calico (0,59 €)
- X-Morph: Defense Complete Pack (0,41 €)
- Zombie Driver HD Complete Edition (0,13 €)
- Space Crew: Legendary Edition (0,43 €)
- Monaco (0,16 €)
- Death Squared (0,13 €)
- Lust from Beyond: M Edition (0.61 €)
- Stygian: Reign of the Old Ones (0,10 €)
- Remnants of Naezith (0,11 €) Alphos
- Planet TD (0,08 €)
- Firegirl: Hack 'n Splash Rescue (0,86 €) Esteban_Rp
- XEL (0,86 €)
- Little Orpheus (0,94 €) Dragondave
- Detached: Non-VR Edition (0,30 €) Alphos
- Agent in Depth (0,25 €)
- Lighthouse Keeper (0,06 €) Valhan
- Hyper Gunsport (1€)
- Meow Express (0,10 €)
- Arcade Spirits (0,17 €)
- Non-Stop Raiders (0,19 €)
- The Inner World (0,09 €) Dragondave
- The Amazing American Circus (0,40 €)
- Soulblight (0,11 €)
- Stacking (0,09 €) Valhan
- Hack 'n' Slash (0,14 €)
- MirrorMoon EP (0,13 €)
- Cosmic Express (0,19 €) Valhan
- Cris Tales (0,61 €) Faryneli
- Orbital Racer (0,11 €)
- SYMMETRY (0,09 €) Valhan
- Guilty Gear X2 #Reload (0,16 €) ICanyonI
- Alchemist's Castle (0,09 €) Alphos
- Soul Searching (0,11 €) Alphos
- Doughlings: Arcade (0,12 €) ICanyonI
- Doughlings: Invasion (0,21 €) ICanyonI
- Quadrata (0,15 €)
- Rym 9000 (0,10 €) ICanyonI
- stikir (0,10 €)
- Cats and the Other Lives (0,75 €)
- Soulflow (0,08 €) Valhan
- Izmir: An Independence Simulator (0,10 €)
- Guns & Fishes (0,19 €)
- Pill Baby (0,40 €) ICanyonI
- Project Chemistry (0,68 €)
- Pixross (0,21 €) ICanyonI
- Frick, Inc. (0,21 €)
- Sunlight (0,20 €) Valhan


Turkiye syria earthquake relief Bundle @Slywolf Bundle

XCOM® 2 (0,52 €) - Libre
PayDay 2 (0,40) - Libre
Euro Truck Simulator 2 (0,28 €) - Libre
Farming Simulator 17 (0,64 €) - Libre
System Shock Enhanced Edition (0,06 €) - Libre
Armello (0,45 €) - Libre
Backbone (0,76 €) - Libre
911 Operator (0,07 €) - Libre
112 Operator (0,43 €) - Libre
X-Morph: Defense Complete Pack (0,41 €) - Libre
Monaco (0,16 €) - Libre
Death Squared (0,13 €) - Libre
The Amazing American Circus (0,40 €) - Libre
Soulblight (0,11 €) - Libre
Orbital Racer (0,11 €) - Libre
Starfinder Core Rulebook - Libre
Starfinder: Junker's Delight - Libre

Strange Brigade (0,43 €) - Alphos
Lust from Beyond - M Edition (0.61 €) - Alphos
Gotham Knights - Slywolf
Ghostrunner - Slywolf
Pathfinder: Kingmaker - Enhanced Plus Edition - Slywolf
Ticket to Ride - Slywolf
Stick Fight - Slywolf
System Shock 2 - Slywolf
Pilgrims - Slywolf
Flynn: Son of Crimson - Slywolf
Into the Pit - Slywolf
Worms Rumble - Slywolf
Harmony's Odyssey - Slywolf
Mount & Blade: Warband - Slywolf
Saga Vols 1 - 10 - Slywolf
Calico - Slywolf
Zombie Driver HD Complete Edition - Slywolf
Space Crew: Legendary Edition - Slywolf
Stygian: Reign of the Old Ones - Slywolf
Remnants of Naezith - Slywolf
Planet TD - Slywolf
Firegirl: Hack 'n Splash Rescue DX - Slywolf
XEL - Slywolf
Little Orpheus - Slywolf
Detached: Non-VR Edition - Slywolf
Agent in Depth - Slywolf
Lighthouse Keeper - Slywolf
Hyper Gunsport - Slywolf
Meow Express - Slywolf
Arcade Spirits - Slywolf
Non-Stop Raiders - Slywolf
The Inner World - Slywolf
Stacking - Slywolf
Hack 'n' Slash - Slywolf
MirrorMoon EP - Slywolf
Cosmic Express - Slywolf
Cris Tales - Slywolf
Symmetry - Slywolf
Guilty Gear X2 #Reload - Slywolf
Alchemist's Castle - Slywolf
Soul Searching - Slywolf
Doughlings: Arcade - Slywolf
Doughlings: Invasion - Slywolf
Quadrata - Slywolf
Rym 9000 - Slywolf
stikir - Slywolf
Cats and the Other Lives - Slywolf
Soulflow - Slywolf
Izmir: An Independence Simulator - Slywolf
Guns & Fishes - Slywolf
Pill Baby - Slywolf
Project Chemistry - Slywolf
Pixross - Slywolf
Frick, Inc - Slywolf
Sunlight - Slywolf[


Turkiye syria earthquake relief Bundle @ICanyonI Bundle
- Gotham Knights (3,18 €) ICanyonI
- Ghostrunner (1,87 €) Faryneli
- Pathfinder: Kingmaker (2,14 €) KYKUR88
- XCOM 2 (0,52 €)
- PAYDAY 2 (0,40) Learsiziur
- Ticket to Ride (0,13 €) Valhan
- Strange Brigade (0,43 €) Dragondave
- Euro Truck Simulator 2 (0,28 €) Valhan
- Stick Fight: The Game (0,15 €) Learsiziur
- Farming Simulator 17 (0,64 €) Faryneli
- System Shock: Enhanced Edition (0,06 €)
- System Shock 2 (0,16 €)
- Pilgrims (0,18 €) Esteban_Rp
- Flynn: Son of Crimson (1,15 €) Vli
- Into the Pit (0,86 €) Esteban_Rp
- Worms Rumble (0,14 €) Vli
- Harmony's Odyssey (0,75 €) Alphos
- Mount & Blade: Warband (0,11 €) Dragondave
- Armello (0,45 €)
- Backbone (0,76 €)
- 911 Operator (0,07 €) Valhan
- 112 Operator (0,43 €)
- Calico (0,59 €)
- X-Morph: Defense Complete Pack (0,41 €)
- Zombie Driver HD Complete Edition (0,13 €)
- Space Crew: Legendary Edition (0,43 €)
- Monaco (0,16 €)
- Death Squared (0,13 €)
- Lust from Beyond: M Edition (0.61 €)
- Stygian: Reign of the Old Ones (0,10 €) Faryneli
- Remnants of Naezith (0,11 €) Alphos
- Planet TD (0,08 €)
- Firegirl: Hack 'n Splash Rescue (0,86 €) Esteban_Rp
- XEL (0,86 €)
- Little Orpheus (0,94 €) Dragondave
- Detached: Non-VR Edition (0,30 €) Alphos
- Agent in Depth (0,25 €)
- Lighthouse Keeper (0,06 €) Valhan
- Hyper Gunsport (1€)
- Meow Express (0,10 €)
- Arcade Spirits (0,17 €)
- Non-Stop Raiders (0,19 €)
- The Inner World (0,09 €) Dragondave
- The Amazing American Circus (0,40 €)
- Soulblight (0,11 €)
- Stacking (0,09 €) Valhan
- Hack 'n' Slash (0,14 €)
- MirrorMoon EP (0,13 €)
- Cosmic Express (0,19 €) Valhan
- Cris Tales (0,61 €) Faryneli
- Orbital Racer (0,11 €)
- SYMMETRY (0,09 €) Valhan
- Guilty Gear X2 #Reload (0,16 €) ICanyonI
- Alchemist's Castle (0,09 €) Alphos
- Soul Searching (0,11 €) Alphos
- Doughlings: Arcade (0,12 €) ICanyonI
- Doughlings: Invasion (0,21 €) ICanyonI
- Quadrata (0,15 €)
- Rym 9000 (0,10 €) ICanyonI
- stikir (0,10 €)
- Cats and the Other Lives (0,75 €)
- Soulflow (0,08 €) Valhan
- Izmir: An Independence Simulator (0,10 €)
- Guns & Fishes (0,19 €)
- Pill Baby (0,40 €) ICanyonI
- Project Chemistry (0,68 €)
- Pixross (0,21 €) ICanyonI
- Frick, Inc. (0,21 €)
- Sunlight (0,20 €) Valhan


Turkiye syria earthquake relief Bundle @Slywolf Bundle
XCOM® 2 (0,52 €) - Libre
PayDay 2 (0,40) - Libre
Euro Truck Simulator 2 (0,28 €) - Libre
Farming Simulator 17 (0,64 €) - Libre
System Shock Enhanced Edition (0,06 €) - Libre
Armello (0,45 €) - Libre
Backbone (0,76 €) - Libre
911 Operator (0,07 €) - Libre
112 Operator (0,43 €) - Libre
X-Morph: Defense Complete Pack (0,41 €) - Libre
Monaco (0,16 €) - Libre
Death Squared (0,13 €) - Libre
The Amazing American Circus (0,40 €) - Libre
Soulblight (0,11 €) - Libre
Orbital Racer (0,11 €) - Libre
Starfinder Core Rulebook - Libre
Starfinder: Junker's Delight - Libre

Strange Brigade (0,43 €) - Alphos
Lust from Beyond - M Edition (0.61 €) - Alphos
Gotham Knights - Slywolf
Ghostrunner - Slywolf
Pathfinder: Kingmaker - Enhanced Plus Edition - Slywolf
Ticket to Ride - Slywolf
Stick Fight - Slywolf
System Shock 2 - Slywolf
Pilgrims - Slywolf
Flynn: Son of Crimson - Slywolf
Into the Pit - Slywolf
Worms Rumble - Slywolf
Harmony's Odyssey - Slywolf
Mount & Blade: Warband - Slywolf
Saga Vols 1 - 10 - Slywolf
Calico - Slywolf
Zombie Driver HD Complete Edition - Slywolf
Space Crew: Legendary Edition - Slywolf
Stygian: Reign of the Old Ones - Slywolf
Remnants of Naezith - Slywolf
Planet TD - Slywolf
Firegirl: Hack 'n Splash Rescue DX - Slywolf
XEL - Slywolf
Little Orpheus - Slywolf
Detached: Non-VR Edition - Slywolf
Agent in Depth - Slywolf
Lighthouse Keeper - Slywolf
Hyper Gunsport - Slywolf
Meow Express - Slywolf
Arcade Spirits - Slywolf
Non-Stop Raiders - Slywolf
The Inner World - Slywolf
Stacking - Slywolf
Hack 'n' Slash - Slywolf
MirrorMoon EP - Slywolf
Cosmic Express - Slywolf
Cris Tales - Slywolf
Symmetry - Slywolf
Guilty Gear X2 #Reload - Slywolf
Alchemist's Castle - Slywolf
Soul Searching - Slywolf
Doughlings: Arcade - Slywolf
Doughlings: Invasion - Slywolf
Quadrata - Slywolf
Rym 9000 - Slywolf
stikir - Slywolf
Cats and the Other Lives - Slywolf
Soulflow - Slywolf
Izmir: An Independence Simulator - Slywolf
Guns & Fishes - Slywolf
Pill Baby - Slywolf
Project Chemistry - Slywolf
Pixross - Slywolf
Frick, Inc - Slywolf
Sunlight - Slywolf
Pongo asterisco también (por si se pierde la negrita), y cojo algunos más.

@blasin HB Siria & Turquía - 02 Feb
Si se pilla uno de los principales en negrita/asterisco hay que pillar al menos 3 del resto porque si no es imposible que esto se termine y para no tener que enviar keys y recoger dinero de 30 personas. Yo pille 4 principales en negrita y tengo que pillar por tanto 12. de la morralla. Llevo 9 y pillaré 3 más según vea los que no interesen y cuando me vea de que son algunos juegos que no conozco.

0,2 € 112 Operator
0,1€ 911 Operator
0,2€ Agent in Depth @Alphos
0,1€ Alchemist's Castle
0,2€ Arcade Spirits
0,4€ Armello @rethen
0,1€ Backbone @alex120
0,1€ Calico
0,4€ Cats and the Other Lives @rethen
0,8€ Cosmic Express @rethen
*0,6€ Cris Tales @Alphos
0,1€ Death Squared
0,6€ Detached: Non-VR Edition
0,1€ Doughlings: Arcade
0,4€ Doughlings: Invasion
0,5€ Euro Truck Simulator 2
0,5€ Farming Simulator 17
*0,8€ Firegirl: Hack 'n Splash Rescue - @blasin
*0,8€ Flynn: Son of Crimson - @blasin
0,3€ Frick, Inc.
*0,7€ Ghostrunner - @blasin
*9,4€ Gotham Knights
0,1€ Guilty Gear X2 #Reload - @blasin
0,2€ Guns & Fishes
0,1€ Hack 'n' Slash
*0,6€ Harmony's Odyssey
0,8€ Hyper Gunsport @Alphos
*0,6€ Into the Pit @rethen
0,1€ Izmir: An Independence Simulator @Alphos
0,6€ Lighthouse Keeper @rethen
*0,9€ Little Orpheus - @blasin
0,1€ Lust from Beyond: M Edition - @blasin
0,1€ Meow Express
0,1€ MirrorMoon EP
0,1€ Monaco
0,3€ Mount & Blade: Warband - @blasin
0,1€ Non-Stop Raiders @Alphos
0,1€ Orbital Racer
*0,9€ Pathfinder: Kingmaker @Alphos
0,1€ PAYDAY 2 - @blasin
0,5€ Pilgrims @rethen
0,8€ Pill Baby
0,1€ Pixross
0,1€ Planet TD
0,2€ Project Chemistry
0,1€ Quadrata @rethen
0,1€ Remnants of Naezith @Alphos
0,1€ Rym 9000
0,1€ Soul Searching
0,1€ Soulblight - @blasin
0,1€ Soulflow
0,1€ Space Crew: Legendary Edition @alex120
0,1€ Stacking
0,2€ Stick Fight: The Game
0,1€ stikir
0,2€ Strange Brigade - @blasin
0,1€ Stygian: Reign of the Old Ones @alex120
0,2€ Sunlight
0,3€ System Shock 2
0,1€ System Shock: Enhanced Edition @rethen
0,1€ The Amazing American Circus
0,1€ The Inner World @Alphos
0,1€ Ticket to Ride
0,1€ Worms Rumble - @blasin
0,1€ X-Morph: Defense Complete Pack - @blasin
0,1€ XCOM 2 @rethen
*0,3€ XEL
0,1€ Zombie Driver HD Complete Edition - @blasin

Saga 1-10 @rethen


Turkiye syria earthquake relief Bundle @ICanyonI Bundle

- Gotham Knights (3,18 €) ICanyonI
- Ghostrunner (1,87 €)
- Pathfinder: Kingmaker (2,14 €) KYKUR88
- XCOM 2 (0,52 €)
- PAYDAY 2 (0,40) Learsiziur
- Ticket to Ride (0,13 €) Valhan
- Strange Brigade (0,43 €) Dragondave
- Euro Truck Simulator 2 (0,28 €) Valhan
- Stick Fight: The Game (0,15 €) Learsiziur
- Farming Simulator 17 (0,64 €)
- System Shock: Enhanced Edition (0,06 €)
- System Shock 2 (0,16 €)
- Pilgrims (0,18 €) Esteban_Rp
- Flynn: Son of Crimson (1,15 €) Vli
- Into the Pit (0,86 €) Esteban_Rp
- Worms Rumble (0,14 €) Vli
- Harmony's Odyssey (0,75 €) Alphos
- Mount & Blade: Warband (0,11 €) Dragondave
- Armello (0,45 €)
- Backbone (0,76 €)
- 911 Operator (0,07 €) Valhan
- 112 Operator (0,43 €)
- Calico (0,59 €)
- X-Morph: Defense Complete Pack (0,41 €)
- Zombie Driver HD Complete Edition (0,13 €)
- Space Crew: Legendary Edition (0,43 €)
- Monaco (0,16 €)
- Death Squared (0,13 €)
- Lust from Beyond: M Edition (0.61 €)
- Stygian: Reign of the Old Ones (0,10 €)
- Remnants of Naezith (0,11 €) Alphos
- Planet TD (0,08 €)
- Firegirl: Hack 'n Splash Rescue (0,86 €) Esteban_Rp
- XEL (0,86 €)
- Little Orpheus (0,94 €) Dragondave
- Detached: Non-VR Edition (0,30 €) Alphos
- Agent in Depth (0,25 €)
- Lighthouse Keeper (0,06 €) Valhan
- Hyper Gunsport (1€)
- Meow Express (0,10 €)
- Arcade Spirits (0,17 €)
- Non-Stop Raiders (0,19 €)
- The Inner World (0,09 €) Dragondave
- The Amazing American Circus (0,40 €)
- Soulblight (0,11 €)
- Stacking (0,09 €) Valhan
- Hack 'n' Slash (0,14 €)
- MirrorMoon EP (0,13 €)
- Cosmic Express (0,19 €) Valhan
- Cris Tales (0,61 €) Faryneli
- Orbital Racer (0,11 €)
- SYMMETRY (0,09 €) Valhan
- Guilty Gear X2 #Reload (0,16 €) ICanyonI
- Alchemist's Castle (0,09 €) Alphos
- Soul Searching (0,11 €) Alphos
- Doughlings: Arcade (0,12 €) ICanyonI
- Doughlings: Invasion (0,21 €) ICanyonI
- Quadrata (0,15 €)
- Rym 9000 (0,10 €) ICanyonI
- stikir (0,10 €)
- Cats and the Other Lives (0,75 €)
- Soulflow (0,08 €) Valhan
- Izmir: An Independence Simulator (0,10 €)
- Guns & Fishes (0,19 €)
- Pill Baby (0,40 €) ICanyonI
- Project Chemistry (0,68 €)
- Pixross (0,21 €) ICanyonI
- Frick, Inc. (0,21 €)
- Sunlight (0,20 €) Valhan


Turkiye syria earthquake relief Bundle @Slywolf Bundle

XCOM® 2 (0,52 €) - Libre
PayDay 2 (0,40) - Libre
Euro Truck Simulator 2 (0,28 €) - Libre
Farming Simulator 17 (0,64 €) - Libre
System Shock Enhanced Edition (0,06 €) - Libre
Armello (0,45 €) - Libre
Backbone (0,76 €) - Libre
911 Operator (0,07 €) - Libre
112 Operator (0,43 €) - Libre
X-Morph: Defense Complete Pack (0,41 €) - Libre
Monaco (0,16 €) - Libre
Death Squared (0,13 €) - Libre
The Amazing American Circus (0,40 €) - Libre
Soulblight (0,11 €) - Libre
Orbital Racer (0,11 €) - Libre
Starfinder Core Rulebook - Libre
Starfinder: Junker's Delight - Libre

Strange Brigade (0,43 €) - Alphos
Lust from Beyond - M Edition (0.61 €) - Alphos
Gotham Knights - Slywolf
Ghostrunner - Slywolf
Pathfinder: Kingmaker - Enhanced Plus Edition - Slywolf
Ticket to Ride - Slywolf
Stick Fight - Slywolf
System Shock 2 - Slywolf
Pilgrims - Slywolf
Flynn: Son of Crimson - Slywolf
Into the Pit - Slywolf
Worms Rumble - Slywolf
Harmony's Odyssey - Slywolf
Mount & Blade: Warband - Slywolf
Saga Vols 1 - 10 - Slywolf
Calico - Slywolf
Zombie Driver HD Complete Edition - Slywolf
Space Crew: Legendary Edition - Slywolf
Stygian: Reign of the Old Ones - Slywolf
Remnants of Naezith - Slywolf
Planet TD - Slywolf
Firegirl: Hack 'n Splash Rescue DX - Slywolf
XEL - Slywolf
Little Orpheus - Slywolf
Detached: Non-VR Edition - Slywolf
Agent in Depth - Slywolf
Lighthouse Keeper - Slywolf
Hyper Gunsport - Slywolf
Meow Express - Slywolf
Arcade Spirits - Slywolf
Non-Stop Raiders - Slywolf
The Inner World - Slywolf
Stacking - Slywolf
Hack 'n' Slash - Slywolf
MirrorMoon EP - Slywolf
Cosmic Express - Slywolf
Cris Tales - Slywolf
Symmetry - Slywolf
Guilty Gear X2 #Reload - Slywolf
Alchemist's Castle - Slywolf
Soul Searching - Slywolf
Doughlings: Arcade - Slywolf
Doughlings: Invasion - Slywolf
Quadrata - Slywolf
Rym 9000 - Slywolf
stikir - Slywolf
Cats and the Other Lives - Slywolf
Soulflow - Slywolf
Izmir: An Independence Simulator - Slywolf
Guns & Fishes - Slywolf
Pill Baby - Slywolf
Project Chemistry - Slywolf
Pixross - Slywolf
Frick, Inc - Slywolf
Sunlight - Slywolf[


Turkiye syria earthquake relief Bundle @ICanyonI Bundle
- Gotham Knights (3,18 €) ICanyonI
- Ghostrunner (1,87 €) Faryneli
- Pathfinder: Kingmaker (2,14 €) KYKUR88
- XCOM 2 (0,52 €)
- PAYDAY 2 (0,40) Learsiziur
- Ticket to Ride (0,13 €) Valhan
- Strange Brigade (0,43 €) Dragondave
- Euro Truck Simulator 2 (0,28 €) Valhan
- Stick Fight: The Game (0,15 €) Learsiziur
- Farming Simulator 17 (0,64 €) Faryneli
- System Shock: Enhanced Edition (0,06 €)
- System Shock 2 (0,16 €)
- Pilgrims (0,18 €) Esteban_Rp
- Flynn: Son of Crimson (1,15 €) Vli
- Into the Pit (0,86 €) Esteban_Rp
- Worms Rumble (0,14 €) Vli
- Harmony's Odyssey (0,75 €) Alphos
- Mount & Blade: Warband (0,11 €) Dragondave
- Armello (0,45 €)
- Backbone (0,76 €)
- 911 Operator (0,07 €) Valhan
- 112 Operator (0,43 €)
- Calico (0,59 €)
- X-Morph: Defense Complete Pack (0,41 €)
- Zombie Driver HD Complete Edition (0,13 €)
- Space Crew: Legendary Edition (0,43 €)
- Monaco (0,16 €)
- Death Squared (0,13 €)
- Lust from Beyond: M Edition (0.61 €)
- Stygian: Reign of the Old Ones (0,10 €) Faryneli
- Remnants of Naezith (0,11 €) Alphos
- Planet TD (0,08 €)
- Firegirl: Hack 'n Splash Rescue (0,86 €) Esteban_Rp
- XEL (0,86 €)
- Little Orpheus (0,94 €) Dragondave
- Detached: Non-VR Edition (0,30 €) Alphos
- Agent in Depth (0,25 €)
- Lighthouse Keeper (0,06 €) Valhan
- Hyper Gunsport (1€)
- Meow Express (0,10 €)
- Arcade Spirits (0,17 €)
- Non-Stop Raiders (0,19 €)
- The Inner World (0,09 €) Dragondave
- The Amazing American Circus (0,40 €)
- Soulblight (0,11 €)
- Stacking (0,09 €) Valhan
- Hack 'n' Slash (0,14 €)
- MirrorMoon EP (0,13 €)
- Cosmic Express (0,19 €) Valhan
- Cris Tales (0,61 €) Faryneli
- Orbital Racer (0,11 €)
- SYMMETRY (0,09 €) Valhan
- Guilty Gear X2 #Reload (0,16 €) ICanyonI
- Alchemist's Castle (0,09 €) Alphos
- Soul Searching (0,11 €) Alphos
- Doughlings: Arcade (0,12 €) ICanyonI
- Doughlings: Invasion (0,21 €) ICanyonI
- Quadrata (0,15 €)
- Rym 9000 (0,10 €) ICanyonI
- stikir (0,10 €)
- Cats and the Other Lives (0,75 €)
- Soulflow (0,08 €) Valhan
- Izmir: An Independence Simulator (0,10 €)
- Guns & Fishes (0,19 €)
- Pill Baby (0,40 €) ICanyonI
- Project Chemistry (0,68 €)
- Pixross (0,21 €) ICanyonI
- Frick, Inc. (0,21 €)
- Sunlight (0,20 €) Valhan


Turkiye syria earthquake relief Bundle @Slywolf Bundle
XCOM® 2 (0,52 €) - Libre
PayDay 2 (0,40) - Libre
Euro Truck Simulator 2 (0,28 €) - Libre
Farming Simulator 17 (0,64 €) - Libre
System Shock Enhanced Edition (0,06 €) - Libre
Armello (0,45 €) - Libre
Backbone (0,76 €) - Libre
911 Operator (0,07 €) - Libre
112 Operator (0,43 €) - Libre
X-Morph: Defense Complete Pack (0,41 €) - Libre
Monaco (0,16 €) - Libre
Death Squared (0,13 €) - Libre
The Amazing American Circus (0,40 €) - Libre
Soulblight (0,11 €) - Libre
Orbital Racer (0,11 €) - Libre
Starfinder Core Rulebook - Libre
Starfinder: Junker's Delight - Libre

Strange Brigade (0,43 €) - Alphos
Lust from Beyond - M Edition (0.61 €) - Alphos
Gotham Knights - Slywolf
Ghostrunner - Slywolf
Pathfinder: Kingmaker - Enhanced Plus Edition - Slywolf
Ticket to Ride - Slywolf
Stick Fight - Slywolf
System Shock 2 - Slywolf
Pilgrims - Slywolf
Flynn: Son of Crimson - Slywolf
Into the Pit - Slywolf
Worms Rumble - Slywolf
Harmony's Odyssey - Slywolf
Mount & Blade: Warband - Slywolf
Saga Vols 1 - 10 - Slywolf
Calico - Slywolf
Zombie Driver HD Complete Edition - Slywolf
Space Crew: Legendary Edition - Slywolf
Stygian: Reign of the Old Ones - Slywolf
Remnants of Naezith - Slywolf
Planet TD - Slywolf
Firegirl: Hack 'n Splash Rescue DX - Slywolf
XEL - Slywolf
Little Orpheus - Slywolf
Detached: Non-VR Edition - Slywolf
Agent in Depth - Slywolf
Lighthouse Keeper - Slywolf
Hyper Gunsport - Slywolf
Meow Express - Slywolf
Arcade Spirits - Slywolf
Non-Stop Raiders - Slywolf
The Inner World - Slywolf
Stacking - Slywolf
Hack 'n' Slash - Slywolf
MirrorMoon EP - Slywolf
Cosmic Express - Slywolf
Cris Tales - Slywolf
Symmetry - Slywolf
Guilty Gear X2 #Reload - Slywolf
Alchemist's Castle - Slywolf
Soul Searching - Slywolf
Doughlings: Arcade - Slywolf
Doughlings: Invasion - Slywolf
Quadrata - Slywolf
Rym 9000 - Slywolf
stikir - Slywolf
Cats and the Other Lives - Slywolf
Soulflow - Slywolf
Izmir: An Independence Simulator - Slywolf
Guns & Fishes - Slywolf
Pill Baby - Slywolf
Project Chemistry - Slywolf
Pixross - Slywolf
Frick, Inc - Slywolf
Sunlight - Slywolf
@blasin HB Siria & Turquía - 02 Feb
Si se pilla uno de los principales en negrita/asterisco hay que pillar al menos 3 del resto porque si no es imposible que esto se termine y para no tener que enviar keys y recoger dinero de 30 personas. Yo pille 4 principales en negrita y tengo que pillar por tanto 12. de la morralla. Llevo 9 y pillaré 3 más según vea los que no interesen y cuando me vea de que son algunos juegos que no conozco.

0,2 € 112 Operator
0,1€ 911 Operator
0,2€ Agent in Depth @Alphos
0,1€ Alchemist's Castle
0,2€ Arcade Spirits
0,4€ Armello @rethen
0,1€ Backbone @alex120
0,1€ Calico
0,4€ Cats and the Other Lives @rethen
0,8€ Cosmic Express @rethen
*0,6€ Cris Tales @Alphos
0,1€ Death Squared @Learsiziur
0,6€ Detached: Non-VR Edition
0,1€ Doughlings: Arcade
0,4€ Doughlings: Invasion
0,5€ Euro Truck Simulator 2
0,5€ Farming Simulator 17
*0,8€ Firegirl: Hack 'n Splash Rescue - @blasin
*0,8€ Flynn: Son of Crimson - @blasin
0,3€ Frick, Inc.
*0,7€ Ghostrunner - @blasin
*9,4€ Gotham Knights @Learsiziur
0,1€ Guilty Gear X2 #Reload - @blasin
0,2€ Guns & Fishes
0,1€ Hack 'n' Slash @Learsiziur
*0,6€ Harmony's Odyssey
0,8€ Hyper Gunsport @Alphos
*0,6€ Into the Pit @rethen
0,1€ Izmir: An Independence Simulator @Alphos
0,6€ Lighthouse Keeper @rethen
*0,9€ Little Orpheus - @blasin
0,1€ Lust from Beyond: M Edition - @blasin
0,1€ Meow Express
0,1€ MirrorMoon EP
0,1€ Monaco
0,3€ Mount & Blade: Warband - @blasin
0,1€ Non-Stop Raiders @Alphos
0,1€ Orbital Racer
*0,9€ Pathfinder: Kingmaker @Alphos
0,1€ PAYDAY 2 - @blasin
0,5€ Pilgrims @rethen
0,8€ Pill Baby
0,1€ Pixross
0,1€ Planet TD
0,2€ Project Chemistry
0,1€ Quadrata @rethen
0,1€ Remnants of Naezith @Alphos
0,1€ Rym 9000
0,1€ Soul Searching
0,1€ Soulblight - @blasin
0,1€ Soulflow
0,1€ Space Crew: Legendary Edition @alex120
0,1€ Stacking
0,2€ Stick Fight: The Game @Learsiziur
0,1€ stikir
0,2€ Strange Brigade - @blasin
0,1€ Stygian: Reign of the Old Ones @alex120
0,2€ Sunlight
0,3€ System Shock 2
0,1€ System Shock: Enhanced Edition @rethen
0,1€ The Amazing American Circus
0,1€ The Inner World @Alphos
0,1€ Ticket to Ride
0,1€ Worms Rumble - @blasin
0,1€ X-Morph: Defense Complete Pack - @blasin
0,1€ XCOM 2 @rethen
*0,3€ XEL
0,1€ Zombie Driver HD Complete Edition - @blasin

Saga 1-10 @rethen


Turkiye syria earthquake relief Bundle @ICanyonI Bundle

- Gotham Knights (3,18 €) ICanyonI
- Ghostrunner (1,87 €)
- Pathfinder: Kingmaker (2,14 €) KYKUR88
- XCOM 2 (0,52 €)
- PAYDAY 2 (0,40) Learsiziur
- Ticket to Ride (0,13 €) Valhan
- Strange Brigade (0,43 €) Dragondave
- Euro Truck Simulator 2 (0,28 €) Valhan
- Stick Fight: The Game (0,15 €) Learsiziur
- Farming Simulator 17 (0,64 €)
- System Shock: Enhanced Edition (0,06 €)
- System Shock 2 (0,16 €)
- Pilgrims (0,18 €) Esteban_Rp
- Flynn: Son of Crimson (1,15 €) Vli
- Into the Pit (0,86 €) Esteban_Rp
- Worms Rumble (0,14 €) Vli
- Harmony's Odyssey (0,75 €) Alphos
- Mount & Blade: Warband (0,11 €) Dragondave
- Armello (0,45 €)
- Backbone (0,76 €)
- 911 Operator (0,07 €) Valhan
- 112 Operator (0,43 €)
- Calico (0,59 €)
- X-Morph: Defense Complete Pack (0,41 €)
- Zombie Driver HD Complete Edition (0,13 €)
- Space Crew: Legendary Edition (0,43 €)
- Monaco (0,16 €)
- Death Squared (0,13 €)
- Lust from Beyond: M Edition (0.61 €)
- Stygian: Reign of the Old Ones (0,10 €)
- Remnants of Naezith (0,11 €) Alphos
- Planet TD (0,08 €)
- Firegirl: Hack 'n Splash Rescue (0,86 €) Esteban_Rp
- XEL (0,86 €)
- Little Orpheus (0,94 €) Dragondave
- Detached: Non-VR Edition (0,30 €) Alphos
- Agent in Depth (0,25 €)
- Lighthouse Keeper (0,06 €) Valhan
- Hyper Gunsport (1€)
- Meow Express (0,10 €)
- Arcade Spirits (0,17 €)
- Non-Stop Raiders (0,19 €)
- The Inner World (0,09 €) Dragondave
- The Amazing American Circus (0,40 €)
- Soulblight (0,11 €)
- Stacking (0,09 €) Valhan
- Hack 'n' Slash (0,14 €)
- MirrorMoon EP (0,13 €)
- Cosmic Express (0,19 €) Valhan
- Cris Tales (0,61 €) Faryneli
- Orbital Racer (0,11 €)
- SYMMETRY (0,09 €) Valhan
- Guilty Gear X2 #Reload (0,16 €) ICanyonI
- Alchemist's Castle (0,09 €) Alphos
- Soul Searching (0,11 €) Alphos
- Doughlings: Arcade (0,12 €) ICanyonI
- Doughlings: Invasion (0,21 €) ICanyonI
- Quadrata (0,15 €)
- Rym 9000 (0,10 €) ICanyonI
- stikir (0,10 €)
- Cats and the Other Lives (0,75 €)
- Soulflow (0,08 €) Valhan
- Izmir: An Independence Simulator (0,10 €)
- Guns & Fishes (0,19 €)
- Pill Baby (0,40 €) ICanyonI
- Project Chemistry (0,68 €)
- Pixross (0,21 €) ICanyonI
- Frick, Inc. (0,21 €)
- Sunlight (0,20 €) Valhan


Turkiye syria earthquake relief Bundle @Slywolf Bundle

XCOM® 2 (0,52 €) - Libre
PayDay 2 (0,40) - Libre
Euro Truck Simulator 2 (0,28 €) - Libre
Farming Simulator 17 (0,64 €) - Libre
System Shock Enhanced Edition (0,06 €) - Libre
Armello (0,45 €) - Libre
Backbone (0,76 €) - Libre
911 Operator (0,07 €) - Libre
112 Operator (0,43 €) - Libre
X-Morph: Defense Complete Pack (0,41 €) - Libre
Monaco (0,16 €) - Libre
Death Squared (0,13 €) - Libre
The Amazing American Circus (0,40 €) - Libre
Soulblight (0,11 €) - Libre
Orbital Racer (0,11 €) - Libre
Starfinder Core Rulebook - Libre
Starfinder: Junker's Delight - Libre

Strange Brigade (0,43 €) - Alphos
Lust from Beyond - M Edition (0.61 €) - Alphos
Gotham Knights - Slywolf
Ghostrunner - Slywolf
Pathfinder: Kingmaker - Enhanced Plus Edition - Slywolf
Ticket to Ride - Slywolf
Stick Fight - Slywolf
System Shock 2 - Slywolf
Pilgrims - Slywolf
Flynn: Son of Crimson - Slywolf
Into the Pit - Slywolf
Worms Rumble - Slywolf
Harmony's Odyssey - Slywolf
Mount & Blade: Warband - Slywolf
Saga Vols 1 - 10 - Slywolf
Calico - Slywolf
Zombie Driver HD Complete Edition - Slywolf
Space Crew: Legendary Edition - Slywolf
Stygian: Reign of the Old Ones - Slywolf
Remnants of Naezith - Slywolf
Planet TD - Slywolf
Firegirl: Hack 'n Splash Rescue DX - Slywolf
XEL - Slywolf
Little Orpheus - Slywolf
Detached: Non-VR Edition - Slywolf
Agent in Depth - Slywolf
Lighthouse Keeper - Slywolf
Hyper Gunsport - Slywolf
Meow Express - Slywolf
Arcade Spirits - Slywolf
Non-Stop Raiders - Slywolf
The Inner World - Slywolf
Stacking - Slywolf
Hack 'n' Slash - Slywolf
MirrorMoon EP - Slywolf
Cosmic Express - Slywolf
Cris Tales - Slywolf
Symmetry - Slywolf
Guilty Gear X2 #Reload - Slywolf
Alchemist's Castle - Slywolf
Soul Searching - Slywolf
Doughlings: Arcade - Slywolf
Doughlings: Invasion - Slywolf
Quadrata - Slywolf
Rym 9000 - Slywolf
stikir - Slywolf
Cats and the Other Lives - Slywolf
Soulflow - Slywolf
Izmir: An Independence Simulator - Slywolf
Guns & Fishes - Slywolf
Pill Baby - Slywolf
Project Chemistry - Slywolf
Pixross - Slywolf
Frick, Inc - Slywolf
Sunlight - Slywolf[


Turkiye syria earthquake relief Bundle @ICanyonI Bundle
- Gotham Knights (3,18 €) ICanyonI
- Ghostrunner (1,87 €) Faryneli
- Pathfinder: Kingmaker (2,14 €) KYKUR88
- XCOM 2 (0,52 €)
- PAYDAY 2 (0,40) Learsiziur
- Ticket to Ride (0,13 €) Valhan
- Strange Brigade (0,43 €) Dragondave
- Euro Truck Simulator 2 (0,28 €) Valhan
- Stick Fight: The Game (0,15 €) Learsiziur
- Farming Simulator 17 (0,64 €) Faryneli
- System Shock: Enhanced Edition (0,06 €)
- System Shock 2 (0,16 €)
- Pilgrims (0,18 €) Esteban_Rp
- Flynn: Son of Crimson (1,15 €) Vli
- Into the Pit (0,86 €) Esteban_Rp
- Worms Rumble (0,14 €) Vli
- Harmony's Odyssey (0,75 €) Alphos
- Mount & Blade: Warband (0,11 €) Dragondave
- Armello (0,45 €)
- Backbone (0,76 €)
- 911 Operator (0,07 €) Valhan
- 112 Operator (0,43 €)
- Calico (0,59 €)
- X-Morph: Defense Complete Pack (0,41 €)
- Zombie Driver HD Complete Edition (0,13 €)
- Space Crew: Legendary Edition (0,43 €)
- Monaco (0,16 €)
- Death Squared (0,13 €)
- Lust from Beyond: M Edition (0.61 €)
- Stygian: Reign of the Old Ones (0,10 €) Faryneli
- Remnants of Naezith (0,11 €) Alphos
- Planet TD (0,08 €)
- Firegirl: Hack 'n Splash Rescue (0,86 €) Esteban_Rp
- XEL (0,86 €)
- Little Orpheus (0,94 €) Dragondave
- Detached: Non-VR Edition (0,30 €) Alphos
- Agent in Depth (0,25 €)
- Lighthouse Keeper (0,06 €) Valhan
- Hyper Gunsport (1€)
- Meow Express (0,10 €)
- Arcade Spirits (0,17 €)
- Non-Stop Raiders (0,19 €)
- The Inner World (0,09 €) Dragondave
- The Amazing American Circus (0,40 €)
- Soulblight (0,11 €)
- Stacking (0,09 €) Valhan
- Hack 'n' Slash (0,14 €)
- MirrorMoon EP (0,13 €)
- Cosmic Express (0,19 €) Valhan
- Cris Tales (0,61 €) Faryneli
- Orbital Racer (0,11 €)
- SYMMETRY (0,09 €) Valhan
- Guilty Gear X2 #Reload (0,16 €) ICanyonI
- Alchemist's Castle (0,09 €) Alphos
- Soul Searching (0,11 €) Alphos
- Doughlings: Arcade (0,12 €) ICanyonI
- Doughlings: Invasion (0,21 €) ICanyonI
- Quadrata (0,15 €)
- Rym 9000 (0,10 €) ICanyonI
- stikir (0,10 €)
- Cats and the Other Lives (0,75 €)
- Soulflow (0,08 €) Valhan
- Izmir: An Independence Simulator (0,10 €)
- Guns & Fishes (0,19 €)
- Pill Baby (0,40 €) ICanyonI
- Project Chemistry (0,68 €)
- Pixross (0,21 €) ICanyonI
- Frick, Inc. (0,21 €)
- Sunlight (0,20 €) Valhan


Turkiye syria earthquake relief Bundle @Slywolf Bundle
XCOM® 2 (0,52 €) - Libre
PayDay 2 (0,40) - Libre
Euro Truck Simulator 2 (0,28 €) - Libre
Farming Simulator 17 (0,64 €) - Libre
System Shock Enhanced Edition (0,06 €) - Libre
Armello (0,45 €) - Libre
Backbone (0,76 €) - Libre
911 Operator (0,07 €) - Libre
112 Operator (0,43 €) - Libre
X-Morph: Defense Complete Pack (0,41 €) - Libre
Monaco (0,16 €) - Libre
Death Squared (0,13 €) - Libre
The Amazing American Circus (0,40 €) - Libre
Soulblight (0,11 €) - Libre
Orbital Racer (0,11 €) - Libre
Starfinder Core Rulebook - Libre
Starfinder: Junker's Delight - Libre

Strange Brigade (0,43 €) - Alphos
Lust from Beyond - M Edition (0.61 €) - Alphos
Gotham Knights - Slywolf
Ghostrunner - Slywolf
Pathfinder: Kingmaker - Enhanced Plus Edition - Slywolf
Ticket to Ride - Slywolf
Stick Fight - Slywolf
System Shock 2 - Slywolf
Pilgrims - Slywolf
Flynn: Son of Crimson - Slywolf
Into the Pit - Slywolf
Worms Rumble - Slywolf
Harmony's Odyssey - Slywolf
Mount & Blade: Warband - Slywolf
Saga Vols 1 - 10 - Slywolf
Calico - Slywolf
Zombie Driver HD Complete Edition - Slywolf
Space Crew: Legendary Edition - Slywolf
Stygian: Reign of the Old Ones - Slywolf
Remnants of Naezith - Slywolf
Planet TD - Slywolf
Firegirl: Hack 'n Splash Rescue DX - Slywolf
XEL - Slywolf
Little Orpheus - Slywolf
Detached: Non-VR Edition - Slywolf
Agent in Depth - Slywolf
Lighthouse Keeper - Slywolf
Hyper Gunsport - Slywolf
Meow Express - Slywolf
Arcade Spirits - Slywolf
Non-Stop Raiders - Slywolf
The Inner World - Slywolf
Stacking - Slywolf
Hack 'n' Slash - Slywolf
MirrorMoon EP - Slywolf
Cosmic Express - Slywolf
Cris Tales - Slywolf
Symmetry - Slywolf
Guilty Gear X2 #Reload - Slywolf
Alchemist's Castle - Slywolf
Soul Searching - Slywolf
Doughlings: Arcade - Slywolf
Doughlings: Invasion - Slywolf
Quadrata - Slywolf
Rym 9000 - Slywolf
stikir - Slywolf
Cats and the Other Lives - Slywolf
Soulflow - Slywolf
Izmir: An Independence Simulator - Slywolf
Guns & Fishes - Slywolf
Pill Baby - Slywolf
Project Chemistry - Slywolf
Pixross - Slywolf
Frick, Inc - Slywolf
Sunlight - Slywolf
Me añado en el mio de @blasin los 3 de morralla que tenía pendientes que ya va quedando menos

@blasin HB Siria & Turquía - 02 Feb
Si se pilla uno de los principales en negrita/asterisco hay que pillar al menos 3 del resto porque si no es imposible que esto se termine y para no tener que enviar keys y recoger dinero de 30 personas. Yo pille 4 principales en negrita y tengo que pillar por tanto 12. de la morralla. Llevo 9 y pillaré 3 más según vea los que no interesen y cuando me vea de que son algunos juegos que no conozco.

0,2 € 112 Operator
0,1€ 911 Operator
0,2€ Agent in Depth @Alphos
0,1€ Alchemist's Castle
0,2€ Arcade Spirits
0,4€ Armello @rethen
0,1€ Backbone @alex120
0,1€ Calico
0,4€ Cats and the Other Lives @rethen
0,8€ Cosmic Express @rethen
*0,6€ Cris Tales @Alphos
0,1€ Death Squared @Learsiziur
0,6€ Detached: Non-VR Edition
0,1€ Doughlings: Arcade
0,4€ Doughlings: Invasion
0,5€ Euro Truck Simulator 2
0,5€ Farming Simulator 17
*0,8€ Firegirl: Hack 'n Splash Rescue - @blasin
*0,8€ Flynn: Son of Crimson - @blasin
0,3€ Frick, Inc.
*0,7€ Ghostrunner - @blasin
*9,4€ Gotham Knights @Learsiziur
0,1€ Guilty Gear X2 #Reload - @blasin
0,2€ Guns & Fishes
0,1€ Hack 'n' Slash @Learsiziur
*0,6€ Harmony's Odyssey
0,8€ Hyper Gunsport @Alphos
*0,6€ Into the Pit @rethen
0,1€ Izmir: An Independence Simulator @Alphos
0,6€ Lighthouse Keeper @rethen
*0,9€ Little Orpheus - @blasin
0,1€ Lust from Beyond: M Edition - @blasin
0,1€ Meow Express
0,1€ MirrorMoon EP
0,1€ Monaco
0,3€ Mount & Blade: Warband - @blasin
0,1€ Non-Stop Raiders @Alphos
0,1€ Orbital Racer
*0,9€ Pathfinder: Kingmaker @Alphos
0,1€ PAYDAY 2 - @blasin
0,5€ Pilgrims @rethen
0,8€ Pill Baby
0,1€ Pixross
0,1€ Planet TD
0,2€ Project Chemistry
0,1€ Quadrata @rethen
0,1€ Remnants of Naezith @Alphos
0,1€ Rym 9000
0,1€ Soul Searching
0,1€ Soulblight - @blasin
0,1€ Soulflow - @blasin
0,1€ Space Crew: Legendary Edition @alex120
0,1€ Stacking - @blasin
0,2€ Stick Fight: The Game @Learsiziur
0,1€ stikir
0,2€ Strange Brigade - @blasin
0,1€ Stygian: Reign of the Old Ones @alex120
0,2€ Sunlight
0,3€ System Shock 2
0,1€ System Shock: Enhanced Edition @rethen
0,1€ The Amazing American Circus - @blasin
0,1€ The Inner World @Alphos
0,1€ Ticket to Ride
0,1€ Worms Rumble - @blasin
0,1€ X-Morph: Defense Complete Pack - @blasin
0,1€ XCOM 2 @rethen
*0,3€ XEL
0,1€ Zombie Driver HD Complete Edition - @blasin

Saga 1-10 @rethen


Turkiye syria earthquake relief Bundle @Slywolf Bundle
XCOM® 2 (0,52 €) - Libre
PayDay 2 (0,40) - Libre
Euro Truck Simulator 2 (0,28 €) - Libre
Farming Simulator 17 (0,64 €) - Libre
System Shock Enhanced Edition (0,06 €) - Libre
Armello (0,45 €) - Libre
Backbone (0,76 €) - Libre
911 Operator (0,07 €) - Libre
112 Operator (0,43 €) - Libre
X-Morph: Defense Complete Pack (0,41 €) - Libre
Monaco (0,16 €) - Libre
Death Squared (0,13 €) - Libre
The Amazing American Circus (0,40 €) - Libre
Soulblight (0,11 €) - Libre
Orbital Racer (0,11 €) - Libre
Starfinder Core Rulebook - Libre
Starfinder: Junker's Delight - Libre

Strange Brigade (0,43 €) - Alphos
Lust from Beyond - M Edition (0.61 €) - Alphos
Gotham Knights - Slywolf
Ghostrunner - Slywolf
Pathfinder: Kingmaker - Enhanced Plus Edition - Slywolf
Ticket to Ride - Slywolf
Stick Fight - Slywolf
System Shock 2 - Slywolf
Pilgrims - Slywolf
Flynn: Son of Crimson - Slywolf
Into the Pit - Slywolf
Worms Rumble - Slywolf
Harmony's Odyssey - Slywolf
Mount & Blade: Warband - Slywolf
Saga Vols 1 - 10 - Slywolf
Calico - Slywolf
Zombie Driver HD Complete Edition - Slywolf
Space Crew: Legendary Edition - Slywolf
Stygian: Reign of the Old Ones - Slywolf
Remnants of Naezith - Slywolf
Planet TD - Slywolf
Firegirl: Hack 'n Splash Rescue DX - Slywolf
XEL - Slywolf
Little Orpheus - Slywolf
Detached: Non-VR Edition - Slywolf
Agent in Depth - Slywolf
Lighthouse Keeper - Slywolf
Hyper Gunsport - Slywolf
Meow Express - Slywolf
Arcade Spirits - Slywolf
Non-Stop Raiders - Slywolf
The Inner World - Slywolf
Stacking - Slywolf
Hack 'n' Slash - Slywolf
MirrorMoon EP - Slywolf
Cosmic Express - Slywolf
Cris Tales - Slywolf
Symmetry - Slywolf
Guilty Gear X2 #Reload - Slywolf
Alchemist's Castle - Slywolf
Soul Searching - Slywolf
Doughlings: Arcade - Slywolf
Doughlings: Invasion - Slywolf
Quadrata - Slywolf
Rym 9000 - Slywolf
stikir - Slywolf
Cats and the Other Lives - Slywolf
Soulflow - Slywolf
Izmir: An Independence Simulator - Slywolf
Guns & Fishes - Slywolf
Pill Baby - Slywolf
Project Chemistry - Slywolf
Pixross - Slywolf
Frick, Inc - Slywolf
Sunlight - Slywolf


Turkiye syria earthquake relief Bundle @ICanyonI Bundle
- Gotham Knights (3,18 €) ICanyonI
- Ghostrunner (1,87 €) Faryneli
- Pathfinder: Kingmaker (2,14 €) KYKUR88
- XCOM 2 (0,52 €)
- PAYDAY 2 (0,40) Learsiziur
- Ticket to Ride (0,13 €) Valhan
- Strange Brigade (0,43 €) Dragondave
- Euro Truck Simulator 2 (0,28 €) Valhan
- Stick Fight: The Game (0,15 €) Learsiziur
- Farming Simulator 17 (0,64 €) Faryneli
- System Shock: Enhanced Edition (0,06 €)
- System Shock 2 (0,16 €)
- Pilgrims (0,18 €) Esteban_Rp
- Flynn: Son of Crimson (1,15 €) Vli
- Into the Pit (0,86 €) Esteban_Rp
- Worms Rumble (0,14 €) Vli
- Harmony's Odyssey (0,75 €) Alphos
- Mount & Blade: Warband (0,11 €) Dragondave
- Armello (0,45 €)
- Backbone (0,76 €)
- 911 Operator (0,07 €) Valhan
- 112 Operator (0,43 €)
- Calico (0,59 €)
- X-Morph: Defense Complete Pack (0,41 €)
- Zombie Driver HD Complete Edition (0,13 €)
- Space Crew: Legendary Edition (0,43 €)
- Monaco (0,16 €)
- Death Squared (0,13 €)
- Lust from Beyond: M Edition (0.61 €)
- Stygian: Reign of the Old Ones (0,10 €) Faryneli
- Remnants of Naezith (0,11 €) Alphos
- Planet TD (0,08 €)
- Firegirl: Hack 'n Splash Rescue (0,86 €) Esteban_Rp
- XEL (0,86 €)
- Little Orpheus (0,94 €) Dragondave
- Detached: Non-VR Edition (0,30 €) Alphos
- Agent in Depth (0,25 €)
- Lighthouse Keeper (0,06 €) Valhan
- Hyper Gunsport (1€)
- Meow Express (0,10 €)
- Arcade Spirits (0,17 €)
- Non-Stop Raiders (0,19 €)
- The Inner World (0,09 €) Dragondave
- The Amazing American Circus (0,40 €)
- Soulblight (0,11 €)
- Stacking (0,09 €) Valhan
- Hack 'n' Slash (0,14 €)
- MirrorMoon EP (0,13 €)
- Cosmic Express (0,19 €) Valhan
- Cris Tales (0,61 €) Faryneli
- Orbital Racer (0,11 €)
- SYMMETRY (0,09 €) Valhan
- Guilty Gear X2 #Reload (0,16 €) ICanyonI
- Alchemist's Castle (0,09 €) Alphos
- Soul Searching (0,11 €) Alphos
- Doughlings: Arcade (0,12 €) ICanyonI
- Doughlings: Invasion (0,21 €) ICanyonI
- Quadrata (0,15 €)
- Rym 9000 (0,10 €) ICanyonI
- stikir (0,10 €)
- Cats and the Other Lives (0,75 €)
- Soulflow (0,08 €) Valhan
- Izmir: An Independence Simulator (0,10 €)
- Guns & Fishes (0,19 €)
- Pill Baby (0,40 €) ICanyonI
- Project Chemistry (0,68 €)
- Pixross (0,21 €) ICanyonI
- Frick, Inc. (0,21 €)
- Sunlight (0,20 €) Valhan
Manny Calavera está baneado por "Pesado del woke, desvío de todos los hilos a esa temática"
Me apunto para ese Xcom 2 de @slywolf si puede ser

@blasin HB Siria & Turquía - 02 Feb
Si se pilla uno de los principales en negrita/asterisco hay que pillar al menos 3 del resto porque si no es imposible que esto se termine y para no tener que enviar keys y recoger dinero de 30 personas. Yo pille 4 principales en negrita y tengo que pillar por tanto 12. de la morralla. Llevo 9 y pillaré 3 más según vea los que no interesen y cuando me vea de que son algunos juegos que no conozco.

0,2 € 112 Operator
0,1€ 911 Operator
0,2€ Agent in Depth @Alphos
0,1€ Alchemist's Castle
0,2€ Arcade Spirits
0,4€ Armello @rethen
0,1€ Backbone @alex120
0,1€ Calico
0,4€ Cats and the Other Lives @rethen
0,8€ Cosmic Express @rethen
*0,6€ Cris Tales @Alphos
0,1€ Death Squared @Learsiziur
0,6€ Detached: Non-VR Edition
0,1€ Doughlings: Arcade
0,4€ Doughlings: Invasion
0,5€ Euro Truck Simulator 2
0,5€ Farming Simulator 17
*0,8€ Firegirl: Hack 'n Splash Rescue - @blasin
*0,8€ Flynn: Son of Crimson - @blasin
0,3€ Frick, Inc.
*0,7€ Ghostrunner - @blasin
*9,4€ Gotham Knights @Learsiziur
0,1€ Guilty Gear X2 #Reload - @blasin
0,2€ Guns & Fishes
0,1€ Hack 'n' Slash @Learsiziur
*0,6€ Harmony's Odyssey
0,8€ Hyper Gunsport @Alphos
*0,6€ Into the Pit @rethen
0,1€ Izmir: An Independence Simulator @Alphos
0,6€ Lighthouse Keeper @rethen
*0,9€ Little Orpheus - @blasin
0,1€ Lust from Beyond: M Edition - @blasin
0,1€ Meow Express
0,1€ MirrorMoon EP
0,1€ Monaco
0,3€ Mount & Blade: Warband - @blasin
0,1€ Non-Stop Raiders @Alphos
0,1€ Orbital Racer
*0,9€ Pathfinder: Kingmaker @Alphos
0,1€ PAYDAY 2 - @blasin
0,5€ Pilgrims @rethen
0,8€ Pill Baby
0,1€ Pixross
0,1€ Planet TD
0,2€ Project Chemistry
0,1€ Quadrata @rethen
0,1€ Remnants of Naezith @Alphos
0,1€ Rym 9000
0,1€ Soul Searching
0,1€ Soulblight - @blasin
0,1€ Soulflow - @blasin
0,1€ Space Crew: Legendary Edition @alex120
0,1€ Stacking - @blasin
0,2€ Stick Fight: The Game @Learsiziur
0,1€ stikir
0,2€ Strange Brigade - @blasin
0,1€ Stygian: Reign of the Old Ones @alex120
0,2€ Sunlight
0,3€ System Shock 2
0,1€ System Shock: Enhanced Edition @rethen
0,1€ The Amazing American Circus - @blasin
0,1€ The Inner World @Alphos
0,1€ Ticket to Ride
0,1€ Worms Rumble - @blasin
0,1€ X-Morph: Defense Complete Pack - @blasin
0,1€ XCOM 2 @rethen
*0,3€ XEL
0,1€ Zombie Driver HD Complete Edition - @blasin

Saga 1-10 @rethen


Turkiye syria earthquake relief Bundle @Slywolf Bundle
PayDay 2 (0,40) - Libre
Euro Truck Simulator 2 (0,28 €) - Libre
Farming Simulator 17 (0,64 €) - Libre
System Shock Enhanced Edition (0,06 €) - Libre
Armello (0,45 €) - Libre
Backbone (0,76 €) - Libre
911 Operator (0,07 €) - Libre
112 Operator (0,43 €) - Libre
X-Morph: Defense Complete Pack (0,41 €) - Libre
Monaco (0,16 €) - Libre
Death Squared (0,13 €) - Libre
The Amazing American Circus (0,40 €) - Libre
Soulblight (0,11 €) - Libre
Orbital Racer (0,11 €) - Libre
Starfinder Core Rulebook - Libre
Starfinder: Junker's Delight - Libre

XCOM® 2 (0,52 €) - Manny Calavera
Strange Brigade (0,43 €) - Alphos
Lust from Beyond - M Edition (0.61 €) - Alphos
Gotham Knights - Slywolf
Ghostrunner - Slywolf
Pathfinder: Kingmaker - Enhanced Plus Edition - Slywolf
Ticket to Ride - Slywolf
Stick Fight - Slywolf
System Shock 2 - Slywolf
Pilgrims - Slywolf
Flynn: Son of Crimson - Slywolf
Into the Pit - Slywolf
Worms Rumble - Slywolf
Harmony's Odyssey - Slywolf
Mount & Blade: Warband - Slywolf
Saga Vols 1 - 10 - Slywolf
Calico - Slywolf
Zombie Driver HD Complete Edition - Slywolf
Space Crew: Legendary Edition - Slywolf
Stygian: Reign of the Old Ones - Slywolf
Remnants of Naezith - Slywolf
Planet TD - Slywolf
Firegirl: Hack 'n Splash Rescue DX - Slywolf
XEL - Slywolf
Little Orpheus - Slywolf
Detached: Non-VR Edition - Slywolf
Agent in Depth - Slywolf
Lighthouse Keeper - Slywolf
Hyper Gunsport - Slywolf
Meow Express - Slywolf
Arcade Spirits - Slywolf
Non-Stop Raiders - Slywolf
The Inner World - Slywolf
Stacking - Slywolf
Hack 'n' Slash - Slywolf
MirrorMoon EP - Slywolf
Cosmic Express - Slywolf
Cris Tales - Slywolf
Symmetry - Slywolf
Guilty Gear X2 #Reload - Slywolf
Alchemist's Castle - Slywolf
Soul Searching - Slywolf
Doughlings: Arcade - Slywolf
Doughlings: Invasion - Slywolf
Quadrata - Slywolf
Rym 9000 - Slywolf
stikir - Slywolf
Cats and the Other Lives - Slywolf
Soulflow - Slywolf
Izmir: An Independence Simulator - Slywolf
Guns & Fishes - Slywolf
Pill Baby - Slywolf
Project Chemistry - Slywolf
Pixross - Slywolf
Frick, Inc - Slywolf
Sunlight - Slywolf


Turkiye syria earthquake relief Bundle @ICanyonI Bundle
- Gotham Knights (3,18 €) ICanyonI
- Ghostrunner (1,87 €) Faryneli
- Pathfinder: Kingmaker (2,14 €) KYKUR88
- XCOM 2 (0,52 €)
- PAYDAY 2 (0,40) Learsiziur
- Ticket to Ride (0,13 €) Valhan
- Strange Brigade (0,43 €) Dragondave
- Euro Truck Simulator 2 (0,28 €) Valhan
- Stick Fight: The Game (0,15 €) Learsiziur
- Farming Simulator 17 (0,64 €) Faryneli
- System Shock: Enhanced Edition (0,06 €)
- System Shock 2 (0,16 €)
- Pilgrims (0,18 €) Esteban_Rp
- Flynn: Son of Crimson (1,15 €) Vli
- Into the Pit (0,86 €) Esteban_Rp
- Worms Rumble (0,14 €) Vli
- Harmony's Odyssey (0,75 €) Alphos
- Mount & Blade: Warband (0,11 €) Dragondave
- Armello (0,45 €)
- Backbone (0,76 €)
- 911 Operator (0,07 €) Valhan
- 112 Operator (0,43 €)
- Calico (0,59 €)
- X-Morph: Defense Complete Pack (0,41 €)
- Zombie Driver HD Complete Edition (0,13 €)
- Space Crew: Legendary Edition (0,43 €)
- Monaco (0,16 €)
- Death Squared (0,13 €)
- Lust from Beyond: M Edition (0.61 €)
- Stygian: Reign of the Old Ones (0,10 €) Faryneli
- Remnants of Naezith (0,11 €) Alphos
- Planet TD (0,08 €)
- Firegirl: Hack 'n Splash Rescue (0,86 €) Esteban_Rp
- XEL (0,86 €)
- Little Orpheus (0,94 €) Dragondave
- Detached: Non-VR Edition (0,30 €) Alphos
- Agent in Depth (0,25 €)
- Lighthouse Keeper (0,06 €) Valhan
- Hyper Gunsport (1€)
- Meow Express (0,10 €)
- Arcade Spirits (0,17 €)
- Non-Stop Raiders (0,19 €)
- The Inner World (0,09 €) Dragondave
- The Amazing American Circus (0,40 €)
- Soulblight (0,11 €)
- Stacking (0,09 €) Valhan
- Hack 'n' Slash (0,14 €)
- MirrorMoon EP (0,13 €)
- Cosmic Express (0,19 €) Valhan
- Cris Tales (0,61 €) Faryneli
- Orbital Racer (0,11 €)
- SYMMETRY (0,09 €) Valhan
- Guilty Gear X2 #Reload (0,16 €) ICanyonI
- Alchemist's Castle (0,09 €) Alphos
- Soul Searching (0,11 €) Alphos
- Doughlings: Arcade (0,12 €) ICanyonI
- Doughlings: Invasion (0,21 €) ICanyonI
- Quadrata (0,15 €)
- Rym 9000 (0,10 €) ICanyonI
- stikir (0,10 €)
- Cats and the Other Lives (0,75 €)
- Soulflow (0,08 €) Valhan
- Izmir: An Independence Simulator (0,10 €)
- Guns & Fishes (0,19 €)
- Pill Baby (0,40 €) ICanyonI
- Project Chemistry (0,68 €)
- Pixross (0,21 €) ICanyonI
- Frick, Inc. (0,21 €)
- Sunlight (0,20 €) Valhan
Apunto el de Manny Calavera en este post con los 3 para que no se lie la cosa

@blasin HB Siria & Turquía - 02 Feb
Si se pilla uno de los principales en negrita/asterisco hay que pillar al menos 3 del resto porque si no es imposible que esto se termine y para no tener que enviar keys y recoger dinero de 30 personas. Yo pille 4 principales en negrita y tengo que pillar por tanto 12. de la morralla. Llevo 9 y pillaré 3 más según vea los que no interesen y cuando me vea de que son algunos juegos que no conozco.

0,2 € 112 Operator
0,1€ 911 Operator
0,2€ Agent in Depth @Alphos
0,1€ Alchemist's Castle
0,2€ Arcade Spirits
0,4€ Armello @rethen
0,1€ Backbone @alex120
0,1€ Calico
0,4€ Cats and the Other Lives @rethen
0,8€ Cosmic Express @rethen
*0,6€ Cris Tales @Alphos
0,1€ Death Squared @Learsiziur
0,6€ Detached: Non-VR Edition
0,1€ Doughlings: Arcade
0,4€ Doughlings: Invasion
0,5€ Euro Truck Simulator 2
0,5€ Farming Simulator 17
*0,8€ Firegirl: Hack 'n Splash Rescue - @blasin
*0,8€ Flynn: Son of Crimson - @blasin
0,3€ Frick, Inc.
*0,7€ Ghostrunner - @blasin
*9,4€ Gotham Knights @Learsiziur
0,1€ Guilty Gear X2 #Reload - @blasin
0,2€ Guns & Fishes
0,1€ Hack 'n' Slash @Learsiziur
*0,6€ Harmony's Odyssey
0,8€ Hyper Gunsport @Alphos
*0,6€ Into the Pit @rethen
0,1€ Izmir: An Independence Simulator @Alphos
0,6€ Lighthouse Keeper @rethen
*0,9€ Little Orpheus - @blasin
0,1€ Lust from Beyond: M Edition - @blasin
0,1€ Meow Express
0,1€ MirrorMoon EP
0,1€ Monaco
0,3€ Mount & Blade: Warband - @blasin
0,1€ Non-Stop Raiders @Alphos
0,1€ Orbital Racer
*0,9€ Pathfinder: Kingmaker @Alphos
0,1€ PAYDAY 2 - @blasin
0,5€ Pilgrims @rethen
0,8€ Pill Baby
0,1€ Pixross
0,1€ Planet TD
0,2€ Project Chemistry
0,1€ Quadrata @rethen
0,1€ Remnants of Naezith @Alphos
0,1€ Rym 9000
0,1€ Soul Searching
0,1€ Soulblight - @blasin
0,1€ Soulflow - @blasin
0,1€ Space Crew: Legendary Edition @alex120
0,1€ Stacking - @blasin
0,2€ Stick Fight: The Game @Learsiziur
0,1€ stikir
0,2€ Strange Brigade - @blasin
0,1€ Stygian: Reign of the Old Ones @alex120
0,2€ Sunlight
0,3€ System Shock 2
0,1€ System Shock: Enhanced Edition @rethen
0,1€ The Amazing American Circus - @blasin
0,1€ The Inner World @Alphos
0,1€ Ticket to Ride
0,1€ Worms Rumble - @blasin
0,1€ X-Morph: Defense Complete Pack - @blasin
0,1€ XCOM 2 @rethen
*0,3€ XEL
0,1€ Zombie Driver HD Complete Edition - @blasin

Saga 1-10 @rethen


Turkiye syria earthquake relief Bundle @Slywolf Bundle
PayDay 2 (0,40) - Libre
Euro Truck Simulator 2 (0,28 €) - Libre
Farming Simulator 17 (0,64 €) - Libre
System Shock Enhanced Edition (0,06 €) - Libre
Armello (0,45 €) - Libre
Backbone (0,76 €) - Libre
911 Operator (0,07 €) - Libre
112 Operator (0,43 €) - Libre
X-Morph: Defense Complete Pack (0,41 €) - Libre
Monaco (0,16 €) - Libre
Death Squared (0,13 €) - Libre
The Amazing American Circus (0,40 €) - Libre
Soulblight (0,11 €) - Libre
Orbital Racer (0,11 €) - Libre
Starfinder Core Rulebook - Libre
Starfinder: Junker's Delight - Libre

XCOM® 2 (0,52 €) - Manny Calavera
Strange Brigade (0,43 €) - Alphos
Lust from Beyond - M Edition (0.61 €) - Alphos
Gotham Knights - Slywolf
Ghostrunner - Slywolf
Pathfinder: Kingmaker - Enhanced Plus Edition - Slywolf
Ticket to Ride - Slywolf
Stick Fight - Slywolf
System Shock 2 - Slywolf
Pilgrims - Slywolf
Flynn: Son of Crimson - Slywolf
Into the Pit - Slywolf
Worms Rumble - Slywolf
Harmony's Odyssey - Slywolf
Mount & Blade: Warband - Slywolf
Saga Vols 1 - 10 - Slywolf
Calico - Slywolf
Zombie Driver HD Complete Edition - Slywolf
Space Crew: Legendary Edition - Slywolf
Stygian: Reign of the Old Ones - Slywolf
Remnants of Naezith - Slywolf
Planet TD - Slywolf
Firegirl: Hack 'n Splash Rescue DX - Slywolf
XEL - Slywolf
Little Orpheus - Slywolf
Detached: Non-VR Edition - Slywolf
Agent in Depth - Slywolf
Lighthouse Keeper - Slywolf
Hyper Gunsport - Slywolf
Meow Express - Slywolf
Arcade Spirits - Slywolf
Non-Stop Raiders - Slywolf
The Inner World - Slywolf
Stacking - Slywolf
Hack 'n' Slash - Slywolf
MirrorMoon EP - Slywolf
Cosmic Express - Slywolf
Cris Tales - Slywolf
Symmetry - Slywolf
Guilty Gear X2 #Reload - Slywolf
Alchemist's Castle - Slywolf
Soul Searching - Slywolf
Doughlings: Arcade - Slywolf
Doughlings: Invasion - Slywolf
Quadrata - Slywolf
Rym 9000 - Slywolf
stikir - Slywolf
Cats and the Other Lives - Slywolf
Soulflow - Slywolf
Izmir: An Independence Simulator - Slywolf
Guns & Fishes - Slywolf
Pill Baby - Slywolf
Project Chemistry - Slywolf
Pixross - Slywolf
Frick, Inc - Slywolf
Sunlight - Slywolf


Turkiye syria earthquake relief Bundle @ICanyonI Bundle
- Gotham Knights (3,18 €) ICanyonI
- Ghostrunner (1,87 €) Faryneli
- Pathfinder: Kingmaker (2,14 €) KYKUR88
- XCOM 2 (0,52 €)
- PAYDAY 2 (0,40) Learsiziur
- Ticket to Ride (0,13 €) Valhan
- Strange Brigade (0,43 €) Dragondave
- Euro Truck Simulator 2 (0,28 €) Valhan
- Stick Fight: The Game (0,15 €) Learsiziur
- Farming Simulator 17 (0,64 €) Faryneli
- System Shock: Enhanced Edition (0,06 €)
- System Shock 2 (0,16 €)
- Pilgrims (0,18 €) Esteban_Rp
- Flynn: Son of Crimson (1,15 €) Vli
- Into the Pit (0,86 €) Esteban_Rp
- Worms Rumble (0,14 €) Vli
- Harmony's Odyssey (0,75 €) Alphos
- Mount & Blade: Warband (0,11 €) Dragondave
- Armello (0,45 €)
- Backbone (0,76 €)
- 911 Operator (0,07 €) Valhan
- 112 Operator (0,43 €)
- Calico (0,59 €)
- X-Morph: Defense Complete Pack (0,41 €)
- Zombie Driver HD Complete Edition (0,13 €)
- Space Crew: Legendary Edition (0,43 €)
- Monaco (0,16 €)
- Death Squared (0,13 €)
- Lust from Beyond: M Edition (0.61 €)
- Stygian: Reign of the Old Ones (0,10 €) Faryneli
- Remnants of Naezith (0,11 €) Alphos
- Planet TD (0,08 €)
- Firegirl: Hack 'n Splash Rescue (0,86 €) Esteban_Rp
- XEL (0,86 €)
- Little Orpheus (0,94 €) Dragondave
- Detached: Non-VR Edition (0,30 €) Alphos
- Agent in Depth (0,25 €)
- Lighthouse Keeper (0,06 €) Valhan
- Hyper Gunsport (1€)
- Meow Express (0,10 €)
- Arcade Spirits (0,17 €)
- Non-Stop Raiders (0,19 €)
- The Inner World (0,09 €) Dragondave
- The Amazing American Circus (0,40 €)
- Soulblight (0,11 €)
- Stacking (0,09 €) Valhan
- Hack 'n' Slash (0,14 €)
- MirrorMoon EP (0,13 €)
- Cosmic Express (0,19 €) Valhan
- Cris Tales (0,61 €) Faryneli
- Orbital Racer (0,11 €)
- SYMMETRY (0,09 €) Valhan
- Guilty Gear X2 #Reload (0,16 €) ICanyonI
- Alchemist's Castle (0,09 €) Alphos
- Soul Searching (0,11 €) Alphos
- Doughlings: Arcade (0,12 €) ICanyonI
- Doughlings: Invasion (0,21 €) ICanyonI
- Quadrata (0,15 €)
- Rym 9000 (0,10 €) ICanyonI
- stikir (0,10 €)
- Cats and the Other Lives (0,75 €)
- Soulflow (0,08 €) Valhan
- Izmir: An Independence Simulator (0,10 €)
- Guns & Fishes (0,19 €)
- Pill Baby (0,40 €) ICanyonI
- Project Chemistry (0,68 €)
- Pixross (0,21 €) ICanyonI
- Frick, Inc. (0,21 €)
- Sunlight (0,20 €) Valhan
@blasin HB Siria & Turquía - 02 Feb
Si se pilla uno de los principales en negrita/asterisco hay que pillar al menos 3 del resto porque si no es imposible que esto se termine y para no tener que enviar keys y recoger dinero de 30 personas. Yo pille 4 principales en negrita y tengo que pillar por tanto 12. de la morralla. Llevo 9 y pillaré 3 más según vea los que no interesen y cuando me vea de que son algunos juegos que no conozco.

0,2 € 112 Operator
0,1€ 911 Operator
0,2€ Agent in Depth @Alphos
0,1€ Alchemist's Castle
0,2€ Arcade Spirits
0,4€ Armello @rethen
0,1€ Backbone @alex120
0,1€ Calico
0,4€ Cats and the Other Lives @rethen
0,8€ Cosmic Express @rethen
*0,6€ Cris Tales @Alphos
0,1€ Death Squared @Learsiziur
0,6€ Detached: Non-VR Edition
0,1€ Doughlings: Arcade
0,4€ Doughlings: Invasion
0,5€ Euro Truck Simulator 2
0,5€ Farming Simulator 17
*0,8€ Firegirl: Hack 'n Splash Rescue - @blasin
*0,8€ Flynn: Son of Crimson - @blasin
0,3€ Frick, Inc.
*0,7€ Ghostrunner - @blasin
*9,4€ Gotham Knights @Learsiziur
0,1€ Guilty Gear X2 #Reload - @blasin
0,2€ Guns & Fishes
0,1€ Hack 'n' Slash @Learsiziur
*0,6€ Harmony's Odyssey
0,8€ Hyper Gunsport @Alphos
*0,6€ Into the Pit @rethen
0,1€ Izmir: An Independence Simulator @Alphos
0,6€ Lighthouse Keeper @rethen
*0,9€ Little Orpheus - @blasin
0,1€ Lust from Beyond: M Edition - @blasin
0,1€ Meow Express
0,1€ MirrorMoon EP
0,1€ Monaco
0,3€ Mount & Blade: Warband - @blasin
0,1€ Non-Stop Raiders @Alphos
0,1€ Orbital Racer
*0,9€ Pathfinder: Kingmaker @Alphos
0,1€ PAYDAY 2 - @blasin
0,5€ Pilgrims @rethen
0,8€ Pill Baby
0,1€ Pixross
0,1€ Planet TD
0,2€ Project Chemistry
0,1€ Quadrata @rethen
0,1€ Remnants of Naezith @Alphos
0,1€ Rym 9000
0,1€ Soul Searching
0,1€ Soulblight - @blasin
0,1€ Soulflow - @blasin
0,1€ Space Crew: Legendary Edition @alex120
0,1€ Stacking - @blasin
0,2€ Stick Fight: The Game @Learsiziur
0,1€ stikir
0,2€ Strange Brigade - @blasin
0,1€ Stygian: Reign of the Old Ones @alex120
0,2€ Sunlight @rethen
0,1€ SYMMETRY @rethen
0,3€ System Shock 2
0,1€ System Shock: Enhanced Edition @rethen
0,1€ The Amazing American Circus - @blasin
0,1€ The Inner World @Alphos
0,1€ Ticket to Ride
0,1€ Worms Rumble - @blasin
0,1€ X-Morph: Defense Complete Pack - @blasin
0,1€ XCOM 2 @rethen
*0,3€ XEL
0,1€ Zombie Driver HD Complete Edition - @blasin

Saga 1-10 @rethen


Turkiye syria earthquake relief Bundle @Slywolf Bundle
PayDay 2 (0,40) - Libre
Euro Truck Simulator 2 (0,28 €) - Libre
Farming Simulator 17 (0,64 €) - Libre
System Shock Enhanced Edition (0,06 €) - Libre
Armello (0,45 €) - Libre
Backbone (0,76 €) - Libre
911 Operator (0,07 €) - Libre
112 Operator (0,43 €) - Libre
X-Morph: Defense Complete Pack (0,41 €) - Libre
Monaco (0,16 €) - Libre
Death Squared (0,13 €) - Libre
The Amazing American Circus (0,40 €) - Libre
Soulblight (0,11 €) - Libre
Orbital Racer (0,11 €) - Libre
Starfinder Core Rulebook - Libre
Starfinder: Junker's Delight - Libre

XCOM® 2 (0,52 €) - Manny Calavera
Strange Brigade (0,43 €) - Alphos
Lust from Beyond - M Edition (0.61 €) - Alphos
Gotham Knights - Slywolf
Ghostrunner - Slywolf
Pathfinder: Kingmaker - Enhanced Plus Edition - Slywolf
Ticket to Ride - Slywolf
Stick Fight - Slywolf
System Shock 2 - Slywolf
Pilgrims - Slywolf
Flynn: Son of Crimson - Slywolf
Into the Pit - Slywolf
Worms Rumble - Slywolf
Harmony's Odyssey - Slywolf
Mount & Blade: Warband - Slywolf
Saga Vols 1 - 10 - Slywolf
Calico - Slywolf
Zombie Driver HD Complete Edition - Slywolf
Space Crew: Legendary Edition - Slywolf
Stygian: Reign of the Old Ones - Slywolf
Remnants of Naezith - Slywolf
Planet TD - Slywolf
Firegirl: Hack 'n Splash Rescue DX - Slywolf
XEL - Slywolf
Little Orpheus - Slywolf
Detached: Non-VR Edition - Slywolf
Agent in Depth - Slywolf
Lighthouse Keeper - Slywolf
Hyper Gunsport - Slywolf
Meow Express - Slywolf
Arcade Spirits - Slywolf
Non-Stop Raiders - Slywolf
The Inner World - Slywolf
Stacking - Slywolf
Hack 'n' Slash - Slywolf
MirrorMoon EP - Slywolf
Cosmic Express - Slywolf
Cris Tales - Slywolf
Symmetry - Slywolf
Guilty Gear X2 #Reload - Slywolf
Alchemist's Castle - Slywolf
Soul Searching - Slywolf
Doughlings: Arcade - Slywolf
Doughlings: Invasion - Slywolf
Quadrata - Slywolf
Rym 9000 - Slywolf
stikir - Slywolf
Cats and the Other Lives - Slywolf
Soulflow - Slywolf
Izmir: An Independence Simulator - Slywolf
Guns & Fishes - Slywolf
Pill Baby - Slywolf
Project Chemistry - Slywolf
Pixross - Slywolf
Frick, Inc - Slywolf
Sunlight - Slywolf


Turkiye syria earthquake relief Bundle @ICanyonI Bundle
- Gotham Knights (3,18 €) ICanyonI
- Ghostrunner (1,87 €) Faryneli
- Pathfinder: Kingmaker (2,14 €) KYKUR88
- XCOM 2 (0,52 €)
- PAYDAY 2 (0,40) Learsiziur
- Ticket to Ride (0,13 €) Valhan
- Strange Brigade (0,43 €) Dragondave
- Euro Truck Simulator 2 (0,28 €) Valhan
- Stick Fight: The Game (0,15 €) Learsiziur
- Farming Simulator 17 (0,64 €) Faryneli
- System Shock: Enhanced Edition (0,06 €)
- System Shock 2 (0,16 €)
- Pilgrims (0,18 €) Esteban_Rp
- Flynn: Son of Crimson (1,15 €) Vli
- Into the Pit (0,86 €) Esteban_Rp
- Worms Rumble (0,14 €) Vli
- Harmony's Odyssey (0,75 €) Alphos
- Mount & Blade: Warband (0,11 €) Dragondave
- Armello (0,45 €)
- Backbone (0,76 €)
- 911 Operator (0,07 €) Valhan
- 112 Operator (0,43 €)
- Calico (0,59 €)
- X-Morph: Defense Complete Pack (0,41 €)
- Zombie Driver HD Complete Edition (0,13 €)
- Space Crew: Legendary Edition (0,43 €)
- Monaco (0,16 €)
- Death Squared (0,13 €)
- Lust from Beyond: M Edition (0.61 €)
- Stygian: Reign of the Old Ones (0,10 €) Faryneli
- Remnants of Naezith (0,11 €) Alphos
- Planet TD (0,08 €)
- Firegirl: Hack 'n Splash Rescue (0,86 €) Esteban_Rp
- XEL (0,86 €)
- Little Orpheus (0,94 €) Dragondave
- Detached: Non-VR Edition (0,30 €) Alphos
- Agent in Depth (0,25 €)
- Lighthouse Keeper (0,06 €) Valhan
- Hyper Gunsport (1€)
- Meow Express (0,10 €)
- Arcade Spirits (0,17 €)
- Non-Stop Raiders (0,19 €)
- The Inner World (0,09 €) Dragondave
- The Amazing American Circus (0,40 €)
- Soulblight (0,11 €)
- Stacking (0,09 €) Valhan
- Hack 'n' Slash (0,14 €)
- MirrorMoon EP (0,13 €)
- Cosmic Express (0,19 €) Valhan
- Cris Tales (0,61 €) Faryneli
- Orbital Racer (0,11 €)
- SYMMETRY (0,09 €) Valhan
- Guilty Gear X2 #Reload (0,16 €) ICanyonI
- Alchemist's Castle (0,09 €) Alphos
- Soul Searching (0,11 €) Alphos
- Doughlings: Arcade (0,12 €) ICanyonI
- Doughlings: Invasion (0,21 €) ICanyonI
- Quadrata (0,15 €)
- Rym 9000 (0,10 €) ICanyonI
- stikir (0,10 €)
- Cats and the Other Lives (0,75 €)
- Soulflow (0,08 €) Valhan
- Izmir: An Independence Simulator (0,10 €)
- Guns & Fishes (0,19 €)
- Pill Baby (0,40 €) ICanyonI
- Project Chemistry (0,68 €)
- Pixross (0,21 €) ICanyonI
- Frick, Inc. (0,21 €)
- Sunlight (0,20 €) Valhan
@blasin HB Siria & Turquía - 02 Feb
Si se pilla uno de los principales en negrita/asterisco hay que pillar al menos 3 del resto porque si no es imposible que esto se termine y para no tener que enviar keys y recoger dinero de 30 personas. Yo pille 4 principales en negrita y tengo que pillar por tanto 12. de la morralla. Llevo 9 y pillaré 3 más según vea los que no interesen y cuando me vea de que son algunos juegos que no conozco.

0,2 € 112 Operator
0,1€ 911 Operator
0,2€ Agent in Depth @Alphos
0,1€ Alchemist's Castle
0,2€ Arcade Spirits
0,4€ Armello @rethen
0,1€ Backbone @alex120
0,1€ Calico
0,4€ Cats and the Other Lives @rethen
0,8€ Cosmic Express @rethen
*0,6€ Cris Tales @Alphos
0,1€ Death Squared @Learsiziur
0,6€ Detached: Non-VR Edition
0,1€ Doughlings: Arcade
0,4€ Doughlings: Invasion
0,5€ Euro Truck Simulator 2
0,5€ Farming Simulator 17
*0,8€ Firegirl: Hack 'n Splash Rescue - @blasin
*0,8€ Flynn: Son of Crimson - @blasin
0,3€ Frick, Inc.
*0,7€ Ghostrunner - @blasin
*9,4€ Gotham Knights @Learsiziur
0,1€ Guilty Gear X2 #Reload - @blasin
0,2€ Guns & Fishes
0,1€ Hack 'n' Slash @Learsiziur
*0,6€ Harmony's Odyssey
0,8€ Hyper Gunsport @Alphos
*0,6€ Into the Pit @rethen
0,1€ Izmir: An Independence Simulator @Alphos
0,6€ Lighthouse Keeper @rethen
*0,9€ Little Orpheus - @blasin
0,1€ Lust from Beyond: M Edition - @blasin
0,1€ Meow Express
0,1€ MirrorMoon EP
0,1€ Monaco
0,3€ Mount & Blade: Warband - @blasin
0,1€ Non-Stop Raiders @Alphos
0,1€ Orbital Racer
*0,9€ Pathfinder: Kingmaker @Alphos
0,1€ PAYDAY 2 - @blasin
0,5€ Pilgrims @rethen
0,8€ Pill Baby
0,1€ Pixross
0,1€ Planet TD
0,2€ Project Chemistry
0,1€ Quadrata @rethen
0,1€ Remnants of Naezith @Alphos
0,1€ Rym 9000
0,1€ Soul Searching
0,1€ Soulblight - @blasin
0,1€ Soulflow - @blasin
0,1€ Space Crew: Legendary Edition @alex120
0,1€ Stacking - @blasin
0,2€ Stick Fight: The Game @Learsiziur
0,1€ stikir
0,2€ Strange Brigade - @blasin
0,1€ Stygian: Reign of the Old Ones @alex120
0,2€ Sunlight @rethen
0,1€ SYMMETRY @rethen
0,3€ System Shock 2
0,1€ System Shock: Enhanced Edition @rethen
0,1€ The Amazing American Circus - @blasin
0,1€ The Inner World @Alphos
0,1€ Ticket to Ride
0,1€ Worms Rumble - @blasin
0,1€ X-Morph: Defense Complete Pack - @blasin
0,1€ XCOM 2 @rethen
*0,3€ XEL
0,1€ Zombie Driver HD Complete Edition - @blasin

Saga 1-10 @rethen


Turkiye syria earthquake relief Bundle @Slywolf Bundle
PayDay 2 (0,40) - Libre
System Shock Enhanced Edition (0,06 €) - Libre
Backbone (0,76 €) - Libre
911 Operator (0,07 €) - Libre
112 Operator (0,43 €) - Libre
X-Morph: Defense Complete Pack (0,41 €) - Libre
Monaco (0,16 €) - Libre
Death Squared (0,13 €) - Libre
The Amazing American Circus (0,40 €) - Libre
Soulblight (0,11 €) - Libre
Orbital Racer (0,11 €) - Libre
Starfinder Core Rulebook - Libre
Starfinder: Junker's Delight - Libre

Armello (0,45 €) - Buitrago
Euro Truck Simulator 2 (0,28 €) - Buitrago
Farming Simulator 17 (0,64 €) - Buitrago
XCOM® 2 (0,52 €) - Manny Calavera
Strange Brigade (0,43 €) - Alphos
Lust from Beyond - M Edition (0.61 €) - Alphos
Gotham Knights - Slywolf
Ghostrunner - Slywolf
Pathfinder: Kingmaker - Enhanced Plus Edition - Slywolf
Ticket to Ride - Slywolf
Stick Fight - Slywolf
System Shock 2 - Slywolf
Pilgrims - Slywolf
Flynn: Son of Crimson - Slywolf
Into the Pit - Slywolf
Worms Rumble - Slywolf
Harmony's Odyssey - Slywolf
Mount & Blade: Warband - Slywolf
Saga Vols 1 - 10 - Slywolf
Calico - Slywolf
Zombie Driver HD Complete Edition - Slywolf
Space Crew: Legendary Edition - Slywolf
Stygian: Reign of the Old Ones - Slywolf
Remnants of Naezith - Slywolf
Planet TD - Slywolf
Firegirl: Hack 'n Splash Rescue DX - Slywolf
XEL - Slywolf
Little Orpheus - Slywolf
Detached: Non-VR Edition - Slywolf
Agent in Depth - Slywolf
Lighthouse Keeper - Slywolf
Hyper Gunsport - Slywolf
Meow Express - Slywolf
Arcade Spirits - Slywolf
Non-Stop Raiders - Slywolf
The Inner World - Slywolf
Stacking - Slywolf
Hack 'n' Slash - Slywolf
MirrorMoon EP - Slywolf
Cosmic Express - Slywolf
Cris Tales - Slywolf
Symmetry - Slywolf
Guilty Gear X2 #Reload - Slywolf
Alchemist's Castle - Slywolf
Soul Searching - Slywolf
Doughlings: Arcade - Slywolf
Doughlings: Invasion - Slywolf
Quadrata - Slywolf
Rym 9000 - Slywolf
stikir - Slywolf
Cats and the Other Lives - Slywolf
Soulflow - Slywolf
Izmir: An Independence Simulator - Slywolf
Guns & Fishes - Slywolf
Pill Baby - Slywolf
Project Chemistry - Slywolf
Pixross - Slywolf
Frick, Inc - Slywolf
Sunlight - Slywolf


Turkiye syria earthquake relief Bundle @ICanyonI Bundle
- Gotham Knights (3,18 €) ICanyonI
- Ghostrunner (1,87 €) Faryneli
- Pathfinder: Kingmaker (2,14 €) KYKUR88
- XCOM 2 (0,52 €)
- PAYDAY 2 (0,40) Learsiziur
- Ticket to Ride (0,13 €) Valhan
- Strange Brigade (0,43 €) Dragondave
- Euro Truck Simulator 2 (0,28 €) Valhan
- Stick Fight: The Game (0,15 €) Learsiziur
- Farming Simulator 17 (0,64 €) Faryneli
- System Shock: Enhanced Edition (0,06 €)
- System Shock 2 (0,16 €)
- Pilgrims (0,18 €) Esteban_Rp
- Flynn: Son of Crimson (1,15 €) Vli
- Into the Pit (0,86 €) Esteban_Rp
- Worms Rumble (0,14 €) Vli
- Harmony's Odyssey (0,75 €) Alphos
- Mount & Blade: Warband (0,11 €) Dragondave
- Armello (0,45 €)
- Backbone (0,76 €)
- 911 Operator (0,07 €) Valhan
- 112 Operator (0,43 €)
- Calico (0,59 €)
- X-Morph: Defense Complete Pack (0,41 €)
- Zombie Driver HD Complete Edition (0,13 €)
- Space Crew: Legendary Edition (0,43 €)
- Monaco (0,16 €)
- Death Squared (0,13 €)
- Lust from Beyond: M Edition (0.61 €)
- Stygian: Reign of the Old Ones (0,10 €) Faryneli
- Remnants of Naezith (0,11 €) Alphos
- Planet TD (0,08 €)
- Firegirl: Hack 'n Splash Rescue (0,86 €) Esteban_Rp
- XEL (0,86 €)
- Little Orpheus (0,94 €) Dragondave
- Detached: Non-VR Edition (0,30 €) Alphos
- Agent in Depth (0,25 €)
- Lighthouse Keeper (0,06 €) Valhan
- Hyper Gunsport (1€)
- Meow Express (0,10 €)
- Arcade Spirits (0,17 €)
- Non-Stop Raiders (0,19 €)
- The Inner World (0,09 €) Dragondave
- The Amazing American Circus (0,40 €)
- Soulblight (0,11 €)
- Stacking (0,09 €) Valhan
- Hack 'n' Slash (0,14 €)
- MirrorMoon EP (0,13 €)
- Cosmic Express (0,19 €) Valhan
- Cris Tales (0,61 €) Faryneli
- Orbital Racer (0,11 €)
- SYMMETRY (0,09 €) Valhan
- Guilty Gear X2 #Reload (0,16 €) ICanyonI
- Alchemist's Castle (0,09 €) Alphos
- Soul Searching (0,11 €) Alphos
- Doughlings: Arcade (0,12 €) ICanyonI
- Doughlings: Invasion (0,21 €) ICanyonI
- Quadrata (0,15 €)
- Rym 9000 (0,10 €) ICanyonI
- stikir (0,10 €)
- Cats and the Other Lives (0,75 €)
- Soulflow (0,08 €) Valhan
- Izmir: An Independence Simulator (0,10 €)
- Guns & Fishes (0,19 €)
- Pill Baby (0,40 €) ICanyonI
- Project Chemistry (0,68 €)
- Pixross (0,21 €) ICanyonI
- Frick, Inc. (0,21 €)
- Sunlight (0,20 €) Valhan
@blasin HB Siria & Turquía - 02 Feb
Si se pilla uno de los principales en negrita/asterisco hay que pillar al menos 3 del resto porque si no es imposible que esto se termine y para no tener que enviar keys y recoger dinero de 30 personas. Yo pille 4 principales en negrita y tengo que pillar por tanto 12. de la morralla. Llevo 9 y pillaré 3 más según vea los que no interesen y cuando me vea de que son algunos juegos que no conozco.

0,2 € 112 Operator
0,1€ 911 Operator
0,2€ Agent in Depth @Alphos
0,1€ Alchemist's Castle
0,2€ Arcade Spirits
0,4€ Armello @rethen
0,1€ Backbone @alex120
0,1€ Calico
0,4€ Cats and the Other Lives @rethen
0,8€ Cosmic Express @rethen
*0,6€ Cris Tales @Alphos
0,1€ Death Squared @Learsiziur
0,6€ Detached: Non-VR Edition
0,1€ Doughlings: Arcade
0,4€ Doughlings: Invasion
0,5€ Euro Truck Simulator 2
0,5€ Farming Simulator 17
*0,8€ Firegirl: Hack 'n Splash Rescue - @blasin
*0,8€ Flynn: Son of Crimson - @blasin
0,3€ Frick, Inc.
*0,7€ Ghostrunner - @blasin
*9,4€ Gotham Knights @Learsiziur
0,1€ Guilty Gear X2 #Reload - @blasin
0,2€ Guns & Fishes
0,1€ Hack 'n' Slash @Learsiziur
*0,6€ Harmony's Odyssey
0,8€ Hyper Gunsport @Alphos
*0,6€ Into the Pit @rethen
0,1€ Izmir: An Independence Simulator @Alphos
0,6€ Lighthouse Keeper @rethen
*0,9€ Little Orpheus - @blasin
0,1€ Lust from Beyond: M Edition - @blasin
0,1€ Meow Express
0,1€ MirrorMoon EP
0,1€ Monaco
0,3€ Mount & Blade: Warband - @blasin
0,1€ Non-Stop Raiders @Alphos
0,1€ Orbital Racer
*0,9€ Pathfinder: Kingmaker @Alphos
0,1€ PAYDAY 2 - @blasin
0,5€ Pilgrims @rethen
0,8€ Pill Baby
0,1€ Pixross
0,1€ Planet TD
0,2€ Project Chemistry
0,1€ Quadrata @rethen
0,1€ Remnants of Naezith @Alphos
0,1€ Rym 9000
0,1€ Soul Searching
0,1€ Soulblight - @blasin
0,1€ Soulflow - @blasin
0,1€ Space Crew: Legendary Edition @alex120
0,1€ Stacking - @blasin
0,2€ Stick Fight: The Game @Learsiziur
0,1€ stikir
0,2€ Strange Brigade - @blasin
0,1€ Stygian: Reign of the Old Ones @alex120
0,2€ Sunlight @rethen
0,1€ SYMMETRY @rethen
0,3€ System Shock 2
0,1€ System Shock: Enhanced Edition @rethen
0,1€ The Amazing American Circus - @blasin
0,1€ The Inner World @Alphos
0,1€ Ticket to Ride
0,1€ Worms Rumble - @blasin
0,1€ X-Morph: Defense Complete Pack - @blasin
0,1€ XCOM 2 @rethen
*0,3€ XEL
0,1€ Zombie Driver HD Complete Edition - @blasin

Saga 1-10 @rethen


Turkiye syria earthquake relief Bundle @Slywolf Bundle
PayDay 2 (0,40) - Libre
System Shock Enhanced Edition (0,06 €) - Libre
Backbone (0,76 €) - Libre
911 Operator (0,07 €) - Libre
112 Operator (0,43 €) - Libre
X-Morph: Defense Complete Pack (0,41 €) - Libre
Monaco (0,16 €) - Libre
Death Squared (0,13 €) - Libre
The Amazing American Circus (0,40 €) - Libre
Soulblight (0,11 €) - Libre
Orbital Racer (0,11 €) - Libre
Starfinder Core Rulebook - Libre
Starfinder: Junker's Delight - Libre

Armello (0,45 €) - Buitrago
Euro Truck Simulator 2 (0,28 €) - Buitrago
Farming Simulator 17 (0,64 €) - Buitrago
XCOM® 2 (0,52 €) - Manny Calavera
Strange Brigade (0,43 €) - Alphos
Lust from Beyond - M Edition (0.61 €) - Alphos
Gotham Knights - Slywolf
Ghostrunner - Slywolf
Pathfinder: Kingmaker - Enhanced Plus Edition - Slywolf
Ticket to Ride - Slywolf
Stick Fight - Slywolf
System Shock 2 - Slywolf
Pilgrims - Slywolf
Flynn: Son of Crimson - Slywolf
Into the Pit - Slywolf
Worms Rumble - Slywolf
Harmony's Odyssey - Slywolf
Mount & Blade: Warband - Slywolf
Saga Vols 1 - 10 - Slywolf
Calico - Slywolf
Zombie Driver HD Complete Edition - Slywolf
Space Crew: Legendary Edition - Slywolf
Stygian: Reign of the Old Ones - Slywolf
Remnants of Naezith - Slywolf
Planet TD - Slywolf
Firegirl: Hack 'n Splash Rescue DX - Slywolf
XEL - Slywolf
Little Orpheus - Slywolf
Detached: Non-VR Edition - Slywolf
Agent in Depth - Slywolf
Lighthouse Keeper - Slywolf
Hyper Gunsport - Slywolf
Meow Express - Slywolf
Arcade Spirits - Slywolf
Non-Stop Raiders - Slywolf
The Inner World - Slywolf
Stacking - Slywolf
Hack 'n' Slash - Slywolf
MirrorMoon EP - Slywolf
Cosmic Express - Slywolf
Cris Tales - Slywolf
Symmetry - Slywolf
Guilty Gear X2 #Reload - Slywolf
Alchemist's Castle - Slywolf
Soul Searching - Slywolf
Doughlings: Arcade - Slywolf
Doughlings: Invasion - Slywolf
Quadrata - Slywolf
Rym 9000 - Slywolf
stikir - Slywolf
Cats and the Other Lives - Slywolf
Soulflow - Slywolf
Izmir: An Independence Simulator - Slywolf
Guns & Fishes - Slywolf
Pill Baby - Slywolf
Project Chemistry - Slywolf
Pixross - Slywolf
Frick, Inc - Slywolf
Sunlight - Slywolf


Turkiye syria earthquake relief Bundle @ICanyonI Bundle
- Gotham Knights (3,18 €) ICanyonI
- Ghostrunner (1,87 €) Faryneli
- Pathfinder: Kingmaker (2,14 €) KYKUR88
- XCOM 2 (0,52 €)
- PAYDAY 2 (0,40) Learsiziur
- Ticket to Ride (0,13 €) Valhan
- Strange Brigade (0,43 €) Dragondave
- Euro Truck Simulator 2 (0,28 €) Valhan
- Stick Fight: The Game (0,15 €) Learsiziur
- Farming Simulator 17 (0,64 €) Faryneli
- System Shock: Enhanced Edition (0,06 €) davixola
- System Shock 2 (0,16 €)
- Pilgrims (0,18 €) Esteban_Rp
- Flynn: Son of Crimson (1,15 €) Vli
- Into the Pit (0,86 €) Esteban_Rp
- Worms Rumble (0,14 €) Vli
- Harmony's Odyssey (0,75 €) Alphos
- Mount & Blade: Warband (0,11 €) Dragondave
- Armello (0,45 €) davixola
- Backbone (0,76 €)
- 911 Operator (0,07 €) Valhan
- 112 Operator (0,43 €)
- Calico (0,59 €)
- X-Morph: Defense Complete Pack (0,41 €)
- Zombie Driver HD Complete Edition (0,13 €)
- Space Crew: Legendary Edition (0,43 €)
- Monaco (0,16 €)
- Death Squared (0,13 €) davixola
- Lust from Beyond: M Edition (0.61 €) davixola
- Stygian: Reign of the Old Ones (0,10 €) Faryneli
- Remnants of Naezith (0,11 €) Alphos
- Planet TD (0,08 €)
- Firegirl: Hack 'n Splash Rescue (0,86 €) Esteban_Rp
- XEL (0,86 €) davixola
- Little Orpheus (0,94 €) Dragondave
- Detached: Non-VR Edition (0,30 €) Alphos
- Agent in Depth (0,25 €)
- Lighthouse Keeper (0,06 €) Valhan
- Hyper Gunsport (1€)
- Meow Express (0,10 €)
- Arcade Spirits (0,17 €) davixola
- Non-Stop Raiders (0,19 €)
- The Inner World (0,09 €) Dragondave
- The Amazing American Circus (0,40 €)
- Soulblight (0,11 €) davixola
- Stacking (0,09 €) Valhan
- Hack 'n' Slash (0,14 €)
- MirrorMoon EP (0,13 €)
- Cosmic Express (0,19 €) Valhan
- Cris Tales (0,61 €) Faryneli
- Orbital Racer (0,11 €) davixola
- SYMMETRY (0,09 €) Valhan
- Guilty Gear X2 #Reload (0,16 €) ICanyonI
- Alchemist's Castle (0,09 €) Alphos
- Soul Searching (0,11 €) Alphos
- Doughlings: Arcade (0,12 €) ICanyonI
- Doughlings: Invasion (0,21 €) ICanyonI
- Quadrata (0,15 €)
- Rym 9000 (0,10 €) ICanyonI
- stikir (0,10 €) davixola
- Cats and the Other Lives (0,75 €) davixola
- Soulflow (0,08 €) Valhan
- Izmir: An Independence Simulator (0,10 €) davixola
- Guns & Fishes (0,19 €)
- Pill Baby (0,40 €) ICanyonI
- Project Chemistry (0,68 €) davixola
- Pixross (0,21 €) ICanyonI
- Frick, Inc. (0,21 €)
- Sunlight (0,20 €) Valhan

Pillo unos del tercero.
Bien,me habeis saltado mi post
Acordaos de mi para una próxima conjunta:

-Cris Tales
-Gotham Knights
Esperemos que este bundle dure más que el de Fanatical [+risas] [+risas]
No sé que tan interés tendréis en él, pero yo si fuera vosotros (los que habéis abierto y queréis el Gothan que es el verdadero gancho) lo estaría ya comprando por si las moscas. A malas, los que queden sin asignar podéis quedaroslos y con el tiempo intercambiarlos o revenderlos y recuperar parte de lo pagado en el Gotham. Es más, llamadme paranoico o precavido, pero yo revelaría todas las claves nada más comprarlo y las pondría en un bloc de notas aparte, ya que estos bundles benéficos suelen asignar x keys a ellos y si se acaban te salen con que como has "donado" y no comprado un bundle per se, no tienen por qué reponer lo que se acaba y te quedas sin x juegos, que ya ha pasado.

IMPORTANTE: Pathfinder: Kingsmaker tiene region lock. Si lo compras en EU no podría activarlo alguien de Latinoamerica y viceversa.

Y ahora, no me cojo nada nuevo, pero voy a entretenerme a poner en verde los libres para que sean más fáciles de identificar a simple vista.

@blasin HB Siria & Turquía - 02 Feb
Si se pilla uno de los principales en negrita/asterisco hay que pillar al menos 3 del resto porque si no es imposible que esto se termine y para no tener que enviar keys y recoger dinero de 30 personas. Yo pille 4 principales en negrita y tengo que pillar por tanto 12. de la morralla. Llevo 9 y pillaré 3 más según vea los que no interesen y cuando me vea de que son algunos juegos que no conozco.

0,2 € 112 Operator
0,1€ 911 Operator
0,2€ Agent in Depth @Alphos
0,1€ Alchemist's Castle
0,2€ Arcade Spirits
0,4€ Armello @rethen
0,1€ Backbone @alex120
0,1€ Calico
0,4€ Cats and the Other Lives @rethen
0,8€ Cosmic Express @rethen
*0,6€ Cris Tales @Alphos
0,1€ Death Squared @Learsiziur
0,6€ Detached: Non-VR Edition
0,1€ Doughlings: Arcade
0,4€ Doughlings: Invasion
0,5€ Euro Truck Simulator 2
0,5€ Farming Simulator 17
*0,8€ Firegirl: Hack 'n Splash Rescue - @blasin
*0,8€ Flynn: Son of Crimson - @blasin
0,3€ Frick, Inc.
*0,7€ Ghostrunner - @blasin
*9,4€ Gotham Knights @Learsiziur
0,1€ Guilty Gear X2 #Reload - @blasin
0,2€ Guns & Fishes
0,1€ Hack 'n' Slash @Learsiziur
*0,6€ Harmony's Odyssey
0,8€ Hyper Gunsport @Alphos
*0,6€ Into the Pit @rethen
0,1€ Izmir: An Independence Simulator @Alphos
0,6€ Lighthouse Keeper @rethen
*0,9€ Little Orpheus - @blasin
0,1€ Lust from Beyond: M Edition - @blasin
0,1€ Meow Express
0,1€ MirrorMoon EP
0,1€ Monaco
0,3€ Mount & Blade: Warband - @blasin
0,1€ Non-Stop Raiders @Alphos
0,1€ Orbital Racer
*0,9€ Pathfinder: Kingmaker @Alphos
0,1€ PAYDAY 2 - @blasin
0,5€ Pilgrims @rethen
0,8€ Pill Baby
0,1€ Pixross
0,1€ Planet TD
0,2€ Project Chemistry
0,1€ Quadrata @rethen
0,1€ Remnants of Naezith @Alphos
0,1€ Rym 9000
0,1€ Soul Searching
0,1€ Soulblight - @blasin
0,1€ Soulflow - @blasin
0,1€ Space Crew: Legendary Edition @alex120
0,1€ Stacking - @blasin
0,2€ Stick Fight: The Game @Learsiziur
0,1€ stikir
0,2€ Strange Brigade - @blasin
0,1€ Stygian: Reign of the Old Ones @alex120
0,2€ Sunlight @rethen
0,1€ SYMMETRY @rethen
0,3€ System Shock 2
0,1€ System Shock: Enhanced Edition @rethen
0,1€ The Amazing American Circus - @blasin
0,1€ The Inner World @Alphos
0,1€ Ticket to Ride
0,1€ Worms Rumble - @blasin
0,1€ X-Morph: Defense Complete Pack - @blasin
0,1€ XCOM 2 @rethen
*0,3€ XEL
0,1€ Zombie Driver HD Complete Edition - @blasin

Saga 1-10 @rethen


Turkiye syria earthquake relief Bundle @Slywolf Bundle
PayDay 2 (0,40) - Libre
System Shock Enhanced Edition (0,06 €) - Libre
Backbone (0,76 €) - Libre
911 Operator (0,07 €) - Libre
112 Operator (0,43 €) - Libre
X-Morph: Defense Complete Pack (0,41 €) - Libre
Monaco (0,16 €) - Libre
Death Squared (0,13 €) - Libre
The Amazing American Circus (0,40 €) - Libre
Soulblight (0,11 €) - Libre
Orbital Racer (0,11 €) - Libre
Starfinder Core Rulebook - Libre
Starfinder: Junker's Delight - Libre

Armello (0,45 €) - Buitrago
Euro Truck Simulator 2 (0,28 €) - Buitrago
Farming Simulator 17 (0,64 €) - Buitrago
XCOM® 2 (0,52 €) - Manny Calavera
Strange Brigade (0,43 €) - Alphos
Lust from Beyond - M Edition (0.61 €) - Alphos
Gotham Knights - Slywolf
Ghostrunner - Slywolf
Pathfinder: Kingmaker - Enhanced Plus Edition - Slywolf
Ticket to Ride - Slywolf
Stick Fight - Slywolf
System Shock 2 - Slywolf
Pilgrims - Slywolf
Flynn: Son of Crimson - Slywolf
Into the Pit - Slywolf
Worms Rumble - Slywolf
Harmony's Odyssey - Slywolf
Mount & Blade: Warband - Slywolf
Saga Vols 1 - 10 - Slywolf
Calico - Slywolf
Zombie Driver HD Complete Edition - Slywolf
Space Crew: Legendary Edition - Slywolf
Stygian: Reign of the Old Ones - Slywolf
Remnants of Naezith - Slywolf
Planet TD - Slywolf
Firegirl: Hack 'n Splash Rescue DX - Slywolf
XEL - Slywolf
Little Orpheus - Slywolf
Detached: Non-VR Edition - Slywolf
Agent in Depth - Slywolf
Lighthouse Keeper - Slywolf
Hyper Gunsport - Slywolf
Meow Express - Slywolf
Arcade Spirits - Slywolf
Non-Stop Raiders - Slywolf
The Inner World - Slywolf
Stacking - Slywolf
Hack 'n' Slash - Slywolf
MirrorMoon EP - Slywolf
Cosmic Express - Slywolf
Cris Tales - Slywolf
Symmetry - Slywolf
Guilty Gear X2 #Reload - Slywolf
Alchemist's Castle - Slywolf
Soul Searching - Slywolf
Doughlings: Arcade - Slywolf
Doughlings: Invasion - Slywolf
Quadrata - Slywolf
Rym 9000 - Slywolf
stikir - Slywolf
Cats and the Other Lives - Slywolf
Soulflow - Slywolf
Izmir: An Independence Simulator - Slywolf
Guns & Fishes - Slywolf
Pill Baby - Slywolf
Project Chemistry - Slywolf
Pixross - Slywolf
Frick, Inc - Slywolf
Sunlight - Slywolf


Turkiye syria earthquake relief Bundle @ICanyonI Bundle
- Gotham Knights (3,18 €) ICanyonI
- Ghostrunner (1,87 €) Faryneli
- Pathfinder: Kingmaker (2,14 €) KYKUR88
- XCOM 2 (0,52 €)
- PAYDAY 2 (0,40) Learsiziur
- Ticket to Ride (0,13 €) Valhan
- Strange Brigade (0,43 €) Dragondave
- Euro Truck Simulator 2 (0,28 €) Valhan
- Stick Fight: The Game (0,15 €) Learsiziur
- Farming Simulator 17 (0,64 €) Faryneli
- System Shock: Enhanced Edition (0,06 €) davixola
- System Shock 2 (0,16 €)
- Pilgrims (0,18 €) Esteban_Rp
- Flynn: Son of Crimson (1,15 €) Vli
- Into the Pit (0,86 €) Esteban_Rp
- Worms Rumble (0,14 €) Vli
- Harmony's Odyssey (0,75 €) Alphos
- Mount & Blade: Warband (0,11 €) Dragondave
- Armello (0,45 €) davixola
- Backbone (0,76 €)
- 911 Operator (0,07 €) Valhan
- 112 Operator (0,43 €)
- Calico (0,59 €)
- X-Morph: Defense Complete Pack (0,41 €)
- Zombie Driver HD Complete Edition (0,13 €)
- Space Crew: Legendary Edition (0,43 €)
- Monaco (0,16 €)
- Death Squared (0,13 €) davixola
- Lust from Beyond: M Edition (0.61 €) davixola
- Stygian: Reign of the Old Ones (0,10 €) Faryneli
- Remnants of Naezith (0,11 €) Alphos
- Planet TD (0,08 €)
- Firegirl: Hack 'n Splash Rescue (0,86 €) Esteban_Rp
- XEL (0,86 €) davixola
- Little Orpheus (0,94 €) Dragondave
- Detached: Non-VR Edition (0,30 €) Alphos
- Agent in Depth (0,25 €)
- Lighthouse Keeper (0,06 €) Valhan
- Hyper Gunsport (1€)
- Meow Express (0,10 €)
- Arcade Spirits (0,17 €) davixola
- Non-Stop Raiders (0,19 €)
- The Inner World (0,09 €) Dragondave
- The Amazing American Circus (0,40 €)
- Soulblight (0,11 €) davixola
- Stacking (0,09 €) Valhan
- Hack 'n' Slash (0,14 €)
- MirrorMoon EP (0,13 €)
- Cosmic Express (0,19 €) Valhan
- Cris Tales (0,61 €) Faryneli
- Orbital Racer (0,11 €) davixola
- SYMMETRY (0,09 €) Valhan
- Guilty Gear X2 #Reload (0,16 €) ICanyonI
- Alchemist's Castle (0,09 €) Alphos
- Soul Searching (0,11 €) Alphos
- Doughlings: Arcade (0,12 €) ICanyonI
- Doughlings: Invasion (0,21 €) ICanyonI
- Quadrata (0,15 €)
- Rym 9000 (0,10 €) ICanyonI
- stikir (0,10 €) davixola
- Cats and the Other Lives (0,75 €) davixola
- Soulflow (0,08 €) Valhan
- Izmir: An Independence Simulator (0,10 €) davixola
- Guns & Fishes (0,19 €)
- Pill Baby (0,40 €) ICanyonI
- Project Chemistry (0,68 €) davixola
- Pixross (0,21 €) ICanyonI
- Frick, Inc. (0,21 €)
- Sunlight (0,20 €) Valhan
Pillo el Eurotruck Simulator de @blasin

@blasin HB Siria & Turquía - 02 Feb
Si se pilla uno de los principales en negrita/asterisco hay que pillar al menos 3 del resto porque si no es imposible que esto se termine y para no tener que enviar keys y recoger dinero de 30 personas. Yo pille 4 principales en negrita y tengo que pillar por tanto 12. de la morralla. Llevo 9 y pillaré 3 más según vea los que no interesen y cuando me vea de que son algunos juegos que no conozco.

0,2 € 112 Operator
0,1€ 911 Operator
0,2€ Agent in Depth @Alphos
0,1€ Alchemist's Castle
0,2€ Arcade Spirits
0,4€ Armello @rethen
0,1€ Backbone @alex120
0,1€ Calico
0,4€ Cats and the Other Lives @rethen
0,8€ Cosmic Express @rethen
*0,6€ Cris Tales @Alphos
0,1€ Death Squared @Learsiziur
0,6€ Detached: Non-VR Edition
0,1€ Doughlings: Arcade
0,4€ Doughlings: Invasion
0,5€ Euro Truck Simulator 2 @Mc Mardigan
0,5€ Farming Simulator 17
*0,8€ Firegirl: Hack 'n Splash Rescue - @blasin
*0,8€ Flynn: Son of Crimson - @blasin
0,3€ Frick, Inc.
*0,7€ Ghostrunner - @blasin
*9,4€ Gotham Knights @Learsiziur
0,1€ Guilty Gear X2 #Reload - @blasin
0,2€ Guns & Fishes
0,1€ Hack 'n' Slash @Learsiziur
*0,6€ Harmony's Odyssey
0,8€ Hyper Gunsport @Alphos
*0,6€ Into the Pit @rethen
0,1€ Izmir: An Independence Simulator @Alphos
0,6€ Lighthouse Keeper @rethen
*0,9€ Little Orpheus - @blasin
0,1€ Lust from Beyond: M Edition - @blasin
0,1€ Meow Express
0,1€ MirrorMoon EP
0,1€ Monaco
0,3€ Mount & Blade: Warband - @blasin
0,1€ Non-Stop Raiders @Alphos
0,1€ Orbital Racer
*0,9€ Pathfinder: Kingmaker @Alphos
0,1€ PAYDAY 2 - @blasin
0,5€ Pilgrims @rethen
0,8€ Pill Baby
0,1€ Pixross
0,1€ Planet TD
0,2€ Project Chemistry
0,1€ Quadrata @rethen
0,1€ Remnants of Naezith @Alphos
0,1€ Rym 9000
0,1€ Soul Searching
0,1€ Soulblight - @blasin
0,1€ Soulflow - @blasin
0,1€ Space Crew: Legendary Edition @alex120
0,1€ Stacking - @blasin
0,2€ Stick Fight: The Game @Learsiziur
0,1€ stikir
0,2€ Strange Brigade - @blasin
0,1€ Stygian: Reign of the Old Ones @alex120
0,2€ Sunlight @rethen
0,1€ SYMMETRY @rethen
0,3€ System Shock 2
0,1€ System Shock: Enhanced Edition @rethen
0,1€ The Amazing American Circus - @blasin
0,1€ The Inner World @Alphos
0,1€ Ticket to Ride
0,1€ Worms Rumble - @blasin
0,1€ X-Morph: Defense Complete Pack - @blasin
0,1€ XCOM 2 @rethen
*0,3€ XEL
0,1€ Zombie Driver HD Complete Edition - @blasin

Saga 1-10 @rethen


Turkiye syria earthquake relief Bundle @Slywolf Bundle
PayDay 2 (0,40) - Libre
System Shock Enhanced Edition (0,06 €) - Libre
Backbone (0,76 €) - Libre
911 Operator (0,07 €) - Libre
112 Operator (0,43 €) - Libre
X-Morph: Defense Complete Pack (0,41 €) - Libre
Monaco (0,16 €) - Libre
Death Squared (0,13 €) - Libre
The Amazing American Circus (0,40 €) - Libre
Soulblight (0,11 €) - Libre
Orbital Racer (0,11 €) - Libre
Starfinder Core Rulebook - Libre
Starfinder: Junker's Delight - Libre

Armello (0,45 €) - Buitrago
Euro Truck Simulator 2 (0,28 €) - Buitrago
Farming Simulator 17 (0,64 €) - Buitrago
XCOM® 2 (0,52 €) - Manny Calavera
Strange Brigade (0,43 €) - Alphos
Lust from Beyond - M Edition (0.61 €) - Alphos
Gotham Knights - Slywolf
Ghostrunner - Slywolf
Pathfinder: Kingmaker - Enhanced Plus Edition - Slywolf
Ticket to Ride - Slywolf
Stick Fight - Slywolf
System Shock 2 - Slywolf
Pilgrims - Slywolf
Flynn: Son of Crimson - Slywolf
Into the Pit - Slywolf
Worms Rumble - Slywolf
Harmony's Odyssey - Slywolf
Mount & Blade: Warband - Slywolf
Saga Vols 1 - 10 - Slywolf
Calico - Slywolf
Zombie Driver HD Complete Edition - Slywolf
Space Crew: Legendary Edition - Slywolf
Stygian: Reign of the Old Ones - Slywolf
Remnants of Naezith - Slywolf
Planet TD - Slywolf
Firegirl: Hack 'n Splash Rescue DX - Slywolf
XEL - Slywolf
Little Orpheus - Slywolf
Detached: Non-VR Edition - Slywolf
Agent in Depth - Slywolf
Lighthouse Keeper - Slywolf
Hyper Gunsport - Slywolf
Meow Express - Slywolf
Arcade Spirits - Slywolf
Non-Stop Raiders - Slywolf
The Inner World - Slywolf
Stacking - Slywolf
Hack 'n' Slash - Slywolf
MirrorMoon EP - Slywolf
Cosmic Express - Slywolf
Cris Tales - Slywolf
Symmetry - Slywolf
Guilty Gear X2 #Reload - Slywolf
Alchemist's Castle - Slywolf
Soul Searching - Slywolf
Doughlings: Arcade - Slywolf
Doughlings: Invasion - Slywolf
Quadrata - Slywolf
Rym 9000 - Slywolf
stikir - Slywolf
Cats and the Other Lives - Slywolf
Soulflow - Slywolf
Izmir: An Independence Simulator - Slywolf
Guns & Fishes - Slywolf
Pill Baby - Slywolf
Project Chemistry - Slywolf
Pixross - Slywolf
Frick, Inc - Slywolf
Sunlight - Slywolf


Turkiye syria earthquake relief Bundle @ICanyonI Bundle
- Gotham Knights (3,18 €) ICanyonI
- Ghostrunner (1,87 €) Faryneli
- Pathfinder: Kingmaker (2,14 €) KYKUR88
- XCOM 2 (0,52 €)
- PAYDAY 2 (0,40) Learsiziur
- Ticket to Ride (0,13 €) Valhan
- Strange Brigade (0,43 €) Dragondave
- Euro Truck Simulator 2 (0,28 €) Valhan
- Stick Fight: The Game (0,15 €) Learsiziur
- Farming Simulator 17 (0,64 €) Faryneli
- System Shock: Enhanced Edition (0,06 €) davixola
- System Shock 2 (0,16 €)
- Pilgrims (0,18 €) Esteban_Rp
- Flynn: Son of Crimson (1,15 €) Vli
- Into the Pit (0,86 €) Esteban_Rp
- Worms Rumble (0,14 €) Vli
- Harmony's Odyssey (0,75 €) Alphos
- Mount & Blade: Warband (0,11 €) Dragondave
- Armello (0,45 €) davixola
- Backbone (0,76 €)
- 911 Operator (0,07 €) Valhan
- 112 Operator (0,43 €)
- Calico (0,59 €)
- X-Morph: Defense Complete Pack (0,41 €)
- Zombie Driver HD Complete Edition (0,13 €)
- Space Crew: Legendary Edition (0,43 €)
- Monaco (0,16 €)
- Death Squared (0,13 €) davixola
- Lust from Beyond: M Edition (0.61 €) davixola
- Stygian: Reign of the Old Ones (0,10 €) Faryneli
- Remnants of Naezith (0,11 €) Alphos
- Planet TD (0,08 €)
- Firegirl: Hack 'n Splash Rescue (0,86 €) Esteban_Rp
- XEL (0,86 €) davixola
- Little Orpheus (0,94 €) Dragondave
- Detached: Non-VR Edition (0,30 €) Alphos
- Agent in Depth (0,25 €)
- Lighthouse Keeper (0,06 €) Valhan
- Hyper Gunsport (1€)
- Meow Express (0,10 €)
- Arcade Spirits (0,17 €) davixola
- Non-Stop Raiders (0,19 €)
- The Inner World (0,09 €) Dragondave
- The Amazing American Circus (0,40 €)
- Soulblight (0,11 €) davixola
- Stacking (0,09 €) Valhan
- Hack 'n' Slash (0,14 €)
- MirrorMoon EP (0,13 €)
- Cosmic Express (0,19 €) Valhan
- Cris Tales (0,61 €) Faryneli
- Orbital Racer (0,11 €) davixola
- SYMMETRY (0,09 €) Valhan
- Guilty Gear X2 #Reload (0,16 €) ICanyonI
- Alchemist's Castle (0,09 €) Alphos
- Soul Searching (0,11 €) Alphos
- Doughlings: Arcade (0,12 €) ICanyonI
- Doughlings: Invasion (0,21 €) ICanyonI
- Quadrata (0,15 €)
- Rym 9000 (0,10 €) ICanyonI
- stikir (0,10 €) davixola
- Cats and the Other Lives (0,75 €) davixola
- Soulflow (0,08 €) Valhan
- Izmir: An Independence Simulator (0,10 €) davixola
- Guns & Fishes (0,19 €)
- Pill Baby (0,40 €) ICanyonI
- Project Chemistry (0,68 €) davixola
- Pixross (0,21 €) ICanyonI
- Frick, Inc. (0,21 €)
- Sunlight (0,20 €) Valhan
24 Feb - 09 Mar - Humble Unparalleled Puzzles @blasin Bundle

Total: 9.34€

Baba is you - 1.8€ - rewind78
Dorf Romantik - 2.0€ - rewind78
Creaks - 1.34€ - @Master Square
Last Campfire - 0.7€ - blasin
Monument Valley 1 - 1.5€ - rewind78
Monument Valley 2 - 1.5€ - @davixola
Darq - 0.5€ - blasin

Comprado este, os escribo MD
11076 respuestas