Dono, a quien lo vaya a usar y que no sea para secundarias, coleccion y/o sacar cromos y preferiblemente a quien no le haya donado ya algunos anteriormente. (Me reservo el derecho de a quien donar):
Overcast - Walden and the Werewolf
Dead bit
medieval mercs
Krog Wars
Starship Novastrike
Heavy Metal Machines
Journey to the Center of the Earth
Escape Machines
Spy Chameleon - RGB Agent *
The Nightmare Cooperative *
Radical Roach Deluxe * (indiegala giveways)
Uriel's Chasm *
Swipecart *
Steel & Steam: Episode 1
Gravity Badgers *
The Next Door *
A grande bagunça espacial - The big space mess *
Kivi, Toilet and Shotgun
This Book Is A Dungeon *
Hektor *
Sirius Online
Sid Meier's Pirates!
Total War Rome II: Blood and Gore (DLC)
Total War Attila: Blood and Burning (DLC)
Shogun 2 Blood Pack (DLC)
Total War Battles: KINGDOM – Exclusive Humble Banner Heraldry + 1000 in-game gold
Total War: ARENA – Exclusive Humble Warrior Greek Shield and Commander Leonidas bust 3D Printer File