[Hilo Oficial] Steam - Regalos, Pases Invitado y Copias Extra (¡Leer 1r post!)

Double Dragon Trilogy




Tengo Codex of Victory
Tratos positivos (63)
- danisapphire
- Colossus
- dagonas
- periquinx
- Ezekiiels17
- sephirot12
- deadmanbeta
- C4pi
- Holly
- Bellido1980
- Adrierns
- Kaiser84
- accanijo (x2)
- killogy
- warcry28
- coliban
- HegolanGamer
- kei00
- souberlich
- slong
- AASilverWolf (x2)
- julianolme
- wolvy
- pacman_fan (x2)
- loren_rm
- milio3
- TuxLoGaN (x2)
- Scar6
- wario_F
- gcaperan
- GhostChll (x5)
- davixola
- rugrande
- My_Cephei
- rastor
- JC_774 (x2)
- MrSergito93 (x2)
- Aqueron23 (x2)
- redobs
- fisherologo
- jordi_lh (x3)
- vamptibor
- EmuAGR
- felixyz
- dsanco
- 2mightyme
- Penemerio
- rintin
- libertados
- elf24


- Yakuza Kiwami
- Soul Calibur VI
- My time at Portia

- 11-11 Memories Retold
- Evergarden
- Grim Fandango Remastered
- Oxenfree
- Batman Arkham Origins
- Shadowrun Hongkong Extended Edition
- Knights of the Old Republic 2
- S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Clear Sky
- Injustice Gods Among Us Ultimate Edition
- Sniper: Ghost Warrior Trilogy
- Ethereal
Tengo los siguientes juegos para intercambiar:


11-11 Memories Retold
Aviary Attorney
Crazy Machines 3
Crystals of Time
Crash Bandicoot™ N. Sane Trilogy
Crusader Kings II: The Old Gods DLC
Holy Potatoes! We're in Space?!
I'm not a Monster
Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes
Lethal RPG: War
Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor Game of the Year Edition
Shenmue I & II
Talisman: Digital Edition
The Journey Down: Chapter Three
The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky
The flame in the flood
Warhammer: End Times - Vermintide

Busco: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/7656 ... 76/wishlit

Estoy abierto a otros intercambios tambien.
Hola, actualizo los juegos que tengo para cambio:

The Bureau: XCOM Declassified
Brutal Legends
Juanito Arcade Mayhem
Spyro™ Reignited Trilogy
Shenmue I & II
SYNTHETIK: Legion Rising
11-11 Memories Retold
Yakuza Kiwami
My time at Portia

PS4 Assassin's Creed® Chronicles India y Rusia

Me interesa:

Especialmente el AC: Origins que dieron en un Monthly anterior...cosas de la lista de deseados (aunque no la he actualizado sobre lo que ya jugué en otras tiendas), juegos de anime. peleas, ustedes propongan y ya vemos si podemos llegar a un acuerdo, eso si, cosas que fueron gratis no me interesan.

Tengo las siguientes keys:

10 Years After (Steam)
1993 Space Machine (Steam)
911 Operator + Special Resources DLC(Steam)
AER Memories of Old
Aviary Attorney
Batman™: Arkham Origins DLC (Steam)
Blitzkrieg 2 Anthology (Steam)
Blitzkrieg Anthology (Steam)
Boid (Steam)
Coin Crypt (Steam)
Command & Conquer: Red Alert 3 - Uprising (Origin)
Crazy Machines 3
Dead Rising 2: Off the Record (Steam)
Do Not Feed the Monkeys (Steam)
Duskers (Steam)
Fallen Enchantress: Legendary Heroes (Steam)
Finding Paradise (Steam)
Galak-Z (Steam)
Gotham City Impostors: Professional Kit (Steam)
Gunmetal Arcadia Zero (Steam)
Hegemony Rome: The Rise of Caesar (Steam)
Holy Potatoes! We're in Space?!
I'm not a Monster (Steam)
JumpJet Rex (Steam)
Laser League
Last Day of June
Lost Castle
Monster Hunter: World (key recibida de una promo actual de MSi) INTERCAMBIADO con "accanijo"
Monster Prom (Steam)
Moon Hunters
Paratopic (Steam)
Pool Panic (Steam)
Populous (Origin)
Red Faction Guerrilla Re-Mars-tered (Steam)
Redline (Steam)
Shadowrun Chronicles - Boston Lockdown (Steam)
Startopia (Steam)
STRIDER™ (Steam)
The Journey Down: Chapter Three (Steam)
The Lord of the Rings Online: Steely Dawn Starter Pack (Steam)
Umbrella Corps Y Umbrella Corps™ Deluxe Edition Upgrade Pack (Steam)
Wandersong (Steam)
WARMACHINE Tactics - Mercenaries Faction Bundle (Steam)
WARMACHINE Tactics (Steam)

Me interesa especialmente Call of Duty WWII
Puedo cambiar varias de las mías por alguno que me interese.


Hoy he recibido una copia en formato Gift del State of Decay YOSE gracias a tener una copia del mismo.

Me interesa Frostpunk pero ofreced por que no sé si el SoD es demasiado poco para el Frost debido a que es mas reciente.


P.D: Si he formulado mal la oferta pido disculpas ( es mi primera vez en esta sección )

- X-Morph: Defense
- Ancestors Legacy
- Sword Legacy Omen
- Desert Child
- Regular Human Basketball
- Dark future blood red States
- Dead in Vinland
- Phantom Doctrine
- Mortal Kombat Kollection - No disponible ya en tienda, por algo interesante.
- Alan Wake Collector's Edition
- State of Decay: YOSE
- Soul Calibur 6
- Shenmue I & II
- Shenmue III
- 11-11 Memories Retold
- SYNTHETIK: Legion Rising
- Last Day of June
- Murderous Pursuits
- Holy Potatoes! We're in Space?!
- Splasher
- BIT.TRIP Presents... Runner2
- The Darkness II
- Scribblenauts Unlimited
- Shadow of Mordor GOTY
- Batman Arkham Origin
- Sonic CD
- Sonic Adventure DX
- Sonic and SEGA All Stars Racing
- Overgrowth
- Shadowrun Returns
- Shadowrun: Dragonfall - Director's Cut
- Risen 2: Dark Waters Gold Edition
- Sam & Max: Devil's Playhouse
- Out There: Ω Edition + Soundtrack
- Scrap Garden, Master Spy Deluxe Edition
- Syberia
- Strider
- Puzzle Agent
- Puzzle Agent 2
- The Walking Dead Season 1
- Broken Sword 5
- Umbrella Corps™ Deluxe Edition Upgrade Pack
- Dead Rising 2: Off the Record
- Goliath, Nevermind
- Western 1849 Reloaded
- Holy Potatoes! A Weapon Shop?!
- Euclidean
- Poker Night at the Inventory
- Void & Meddler - Soundtrack Ep. 1 DLC
- Galactic Civilizations II: Ultimate Edition
- Else Heart.Break()
- Damnation
- Pack Gunstar Heroes, Renegade Ops + DLC & Viking: Battle for Asgard
- Pack Streets of Rage II, Condemned y Binary Domain
- Canyon Capers
- The Ship - Murder Party
- Star Wars: Dark Forces
- Planetary Annihilation
- Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic
- bionic dues
- Red Faction: Armageddon Path to War DLC
- Hitman 2: Silent Assassin (2002)
- Radical Roach Deluxe
- Sector
- SimpleRockets
- Clandestinity of Elsie
- Supreme League of Patriots Season Pass
- Realms of the Haunting
- Caster
- Anomaly Korea
- Muffin Knight
- Commando Jack
- PixelJunk Eden
- Coffin Dodgers
- Karmaflow: The Rock Opera Videogame - Act I
- Super Killer Hornet: Resurrection
- Space Hack
- Into the war
- Dead Bits
- Spoiler Alert
- Thief Gold
- Chaos Domain
- Crash Time 2
- Make it indie!
- Gun Monkeys
- XCOM: Enemy Unknown
- X-COM: Apocalypse
- X-COM: Enforcer
- X-COM: Interceptor
- X-COM: Terror from the Deep
- X-COM: UFO Defense
- Operation Flashpoint: Red River
- Operation Flashpoint: Dragon Rising
- Super Sanctum TD
- Saints Row IV Reverse Cosplay Pack DLC
- Velvet Assassin
- Dino D-Day
- Avencast
- Dark Fall 2: Lights Out
- Aura: Fate of the Ages
- Ravensword: Shadowlands
- Two Brothers
- Shadows: Price for Our Sins Bonus Edition
- Shadows on the Vatican Act I: Greed
- Deadly Premonition: The Director's Cut
- Toki Tori 2+
- FEAR 2
- 39 Steps
- Litil Divil
- Super Distro
- Jack Lumber
- Medal of Honor
- Burnout Paradise: The Ultimate Box
- Civilization V
- Brutal Legend
- Pack Supreme Commander, Supreme Commander: Forged Alliance, The Guild 2, y Red Faction: Armageddon
- Pack Risen 2, Sacred 2 Gold, Saints Row 2, y Saints Row 3
- Pack Risen 1, Metro 2033 y Sacred Citadel
- Rochard
- Rochard Hard Times DLC
- Zombie Shooter
- Omikron The Nomad Soul
- Zombie Shooter 2
- Sword of the Stars: Complete Collection
- Sword of the Stars II: Enhanced Edition
- Star Ruler
- AquaNox 2: Revelation
- Anomaly Warzone Earth

Otros (Origin, Gog etc)

DRM-FREE: Descarga oficial para MAC O PC de Gabriel Knight: Sins of the Fathers 20th Anniversary Edition - Limitada la descarga a 10 veces por versión. (Se resetea cada cierto tiempo, es para evitar que se utilice para descargas masivas)

Epic Store

The Walking Dead: Michonne - A Telltale Miniseries


Rayman Origins
Prince of Persia: Las Arenas Olvidadas


Broken Age



- Medal of Honor
- Mirror's Edge
- Burnout Paradise: The Ultimate Box
- Crysis 2 Maximun Edition
- Dead Space

Busco (la lista de juegos cambia mucho, pero la de busco poco, por lo que no significa que quiera cambiar alguno de los que tenga por un juegazo, lo que pasa que he tenido grandes juegos para cambiar y aun busco estos)

- Yakuza Kiwami 2
- Hover
- Full Throttle Remastered
- Hitman Seasson 2
- Saga Blaz Blue o Guilty Gear
- The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing II
- The Raven
- DmC Devil May Cry: Vergil's Downfall DLC
- Bound by Flame
- Command and conquer
- Resident Evil 5 Gold
- Deadpool
- UnEpic
- Thief
- Grid Motorsport
- Syndicate
- Life is Strange 2
- Star Wars Force unleashed 2
- Rayman Legends
- Dark Souls
- Deathspank 1 y 2
- Dead Rising 2 y 3
- Blades of Time: Limited edition
- Aventura de Daedalic que no tenga
- Quantum Conundrum

... cualquier otro que no tenga, enviarme MP por el juego/s interesado en negociar y si me interesa respondo.

Puedo cambiar varios indies o juegos por un juego o indie, todo depende del trato, lógicamente.

Sin miedo por ofrecer, aunque con cabeza.

Lo que tengo (claves Steam):

- Sonic Adventure DX
- Sonic and SEGA All Stars Racing
- Sonic Adventure 2
- Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed Collection (intercambio realizado con InsertMoreCoins)
- Sonic Generations Collection
- Sniper Elite
- Sniper Elite V2
- F1 2011
- F1 2012
- F1 2014
- F1 2015
- Dex
- Grey Goo Definitive Edition
- GTR Evolution (inc. RACE 07 and Formula RaceRoom Add-On)
- Riff Racer - Race Your Music!
- Skullgirls
- Deadlight
- Punch Club - Deluxe Edition
- Final Exam
- Serial Cleaner
- DiRT Showdown (GIFT)
- Company of Heroes 2
- My Time At Portia ¡NUEVO!

Lo que busco (aunque tambien escucho propuestas):

https://store.steampowered.com/wishlist ... sort=order

Mis votos positivos estan en mi firma para quien quiera echarle un vistazo.

Tengo para intercambiar:

Soul Calibur VI
Yakuza Kiwami
My Time at Portia
Tratos positivos (63)
- danisapphire
- Colossus
- dagonas
- periquinx
- Ezekiiels17
- sephirot12
- deadmanbeta
- C4pi
- Holly
- Bellido1980
- Adrierns
- Kaiser84
- accanijo (x2)
- killogy
- warcry28
- coliban
- HegolanGamer
- kei00
- souberlich
- slong
- AASilverWolf (x2)
- julianolme
- wolvy
- pacman_fan (x2)
- loren_rm
- milio3
- TuxLoGaN (x2)
- Scar6
- wario_F
- gcaperan
- GhostChll (x5)
- davixola
- rugrande
- My_Cephei
- rastor
- JC_774 (x2)
- MrSergito93 (x2)
- Aqueron23 (x2)
- redobs
- fisherologo
- jordi_lh (x3)
- vamptibor
- EmuAGR
- felixyz
- dsanco
- 2mightyme
- Penemerio
- rintin
- libertados
- elf24


- Phantom Doctrine
- Dead in Vinland
- Ancestors Legacy
- Chasm
- Fluffy Horde
- Regular Human Basketball
- Sword Legacy Omen
- Dark future blood red States
- X-Morph Defense
- Aegis Defenders
- Desert Child

- 11-11 Memories Retold
- Evergarden
- Oxenfree
- Batman Arkham Origins
- Shadowrun Hongkong Extended Edition
- S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Clear Sky
- Injustice Gods Among Us Ultimate Edition
- Sniper: Ghost Warrior Trilogy
- Ethereal
Buenas, tengo una steam key sobrante del siguiente juego:

Shadow Blade: Reload[

Me gustaría intercambiar por un juego de corte similar, arcade o shoot m up.


EDITO: Intercambio realizado. Muchas gracias al usuario con el que tuve el placer de contactar.
Hola a todos!

Tengo unas keys de juegos de Xbox One por si alguien esta interesado en intercambiarlo por otras keys de juegos de Xbox One o 360, son estos juegos:

- Sea Of Thieves
- Minecraft
- Add On de Fornite del personaje legendario caballero araña + 2 variantes

¡Hola, eolianos!

¡Juegos añadidos de Disorder Bundle de Fanatical!

Tengo estos juegos para intercambiar con vosotros:
11-11 Memories Retold
8-bit Armies
Batman: Arkham Asylum Game of the Year Edition
BioShock™ Remastered
Day of Infamy
Devil Daggers
Deus Ex: Game of the Year Edition
Deus Ex: Invisible War
Dungeon Souls
ENSLAVED™: Odyssey to the West™ Premium Edition
Epistory - Typing Chronicles
Grey Goo Definitive Edition
Hazardous Space
How to Survive
Impact Winter
Interplanetary: Enhanced Edition
Killing Floor 2 Digital Deluxe Edition
Mars: War Logs
My Time at Portia
PAC-MAN™ Championship Edition DX+
Pang Adventures
Party Hard
Pillars of Eternity
Postal 2 + Paradise Lost DLC
Prison Architect
Project CARS
Punch Club - Deluxe Edition
Rebel Galaxy
Rise of the Triad
Rusty Lake Paradise
Saints Row 2
Saints Row The Third
Savage Lands
Scribblenauts Unlimited
Shadowrun: Hong Kong - Extended Edition
Silence of the Sleep
S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow of Chernobyl
STAR WARS - Knights of the Old Republic
Street Heat
Super Life of Pixel
Super Mega Baseball: Extra Innings
Supreme Ruler The Great War
SYNTHETIK: Legion Rising
Tales from Candlekeep: Tomb of Annihilation
The Uncertain - The Last Quiet Day
The Walking Dead: Season 1 + The Walking Dead: 400 Days
Think of the Children
Tokyo Twilight Ghost Hunters Daybreak: Special Gigs
Totally Accurate Battlegrounds
Toybox Turbos
Tropico 5
Unreal Estate
Wings of Vi
World's Dawn
Yet Another Zombie Defense HD

No me interesa ningún juego en concreto. Podéis ofrecerme el juego que queráis y yo decidiré cual es el que realmente me interesa para el intercambio. También puedo ofrecer o podéis ofrecer más de un juego. El intercambio únicamente se hará en este foro a través de mensajes privados, no voy a agregar a nadie a Steam.

[oki] Tratos positivos:
cacacacacaca, darthpepe, My_Cephei, xs1 (x2), manuelast (x2), NasterX, Penemerio (x4), jordi_lh (x2), melocotonera (x2), rintin, LAT2005, vamptibor, KaiserDark, GhostChll, Pliskin10, gcaperan, kuky21, Torrasque, Javic7

Tengo My time at Portia y estoy buscando Rivals of Aether .
Tengo lo siguiente para cambio:

Fluffy Horde
Regular Human Basketball
Sword Legacy Omen
Tengo para Steam en MOSTRAR SPOILER

123 Slaughter Me Street key
1775: Rebellion key
2064: Read Only Memories humble gift
ABC Coloring Town key
Action Henk key
Agatha Christie - The ABC Murders key
A.I.M.2 Clan Wars key
AI War: Fleet Command key
Alea Jacta Est key
Among the Sleep - Enhanced Edition humble gift
Ampersand key
Ampu-Tea key
Assault on Arnhem key
Asteroid Bounty Hunter key
Aurion: Legacy of the Kori-Odan key
Avencast: Rise of the Mage key
Battle of the Bulge key
Battleplan: American Civil War key
Blasphemous humble gift
Blitzkrieg 2 Anthology key
Bloodbath Kavkaz key
Blue Rose key
Breath of Death VII key
CAFE 0 ~The Drowned Mermaid~ Deluxe (Voiced Version) key
Candy Blast key
Castle of no Escape 2 key
Catch a Falling Star key
Chaos on Deponia key
Chompy Chomp Chomp key
Chroma Squad key
Civil War: 1863 key
Clergy Splode key
CoH 2 - The Western Front Armies: Oberkommando West humble gift
CoH 2 - The Western Front Armies: US Forces humble gift
Crash Time 2 key
Crowntakers key
Crusader Kings II humble gift
Darconika: The Cube of Soul key
Dark Arcana: The Carnival key
Dark Egypt key
Darksiders II Deathinitive Edition humble gift
Day D: Tower Rush key
Death by Game Show key
Desert Ashes key
DmC: Devil May Cry humble gift
Doodle God key
Double Dragon Trilogy key
Draw a Stickman: EPIC key
Eaten Alive key
Else Heart.Break() humble gift
Enigmatis: The Ghosts of Maple Creek key
Enigmatis 2: The Mists of Ravenwood key
Escape Machines key
F1 2011 humble gift
fault - milestone one humble gift
Flesh Eaters key
Forest Warrior key
Fort Defense key
Freebie key
Galactic Civilizations® II: Ultimate Edition humble gift
Gems of the Aztecs key
Gnumz: Masters of Defense key
Go! Go! Nippon! ~My First Trip to Japan~ key
Guardians of Victoria key
Gun Monkeys steam gift
Guns of Icarus Online key
Hacknet humble gift
Hektor key
Hell key
Hunahpu: way of the Warrior key
I am not a Monster key
Infection: Humanity's Last Gasp key
Insurgency humble gift
Interplanetary: Enhanced Edition humble gift
Invasion key
KARAKARA humble gift
Killer is Dead - Nightmare Edition humble gift
Kingdom: New Lands - Includes Kingdom: Classic humble gift
Last Hope - Tower Defense key
Lethal League key
Little Racers STREET steam gift
LOVE key
Lup key
Mahjong Deluxe 3 key
Mercenary Kings: Reloaded Edition humble gift
Merchants of Kaidan key
MetaTron key
Mini Golf Mundo key
Minimized key
Minion Masters steam gift
Motorama key
Mysterium: A Psychic Clue Game humble gift
NaissanceE key
Neighborhorde key
Neon Chrome key
NeverEnd key
New kind of adventure key
Nightmares from the Deep: The Cursed Heart key
Nikopol: Secrets of the Immortals key
NotGTAV key
Novus Inceptio key
Nuts!: The Battle of the Bulge key
OddPlanet key
Panzer Corps humble gift
Panzer Corps: Allied Corps humble gift
Partical City Guardians key
Penny Arcade's On the Rain-Slick Precipice of Darkness 3 key
Penny Arcade's On the Rain-Slick Precipice of Darkness 4 key
Pilot Crusader key
Pix the Cat humble gift
PixelJunk™ Nom Nom Galaxy key
Pizza Connection key
Pizza Connection 2 key
Planetary Annihilation humble gift
POSTAL 2 key
Pride of Nations key
Puzzles Under The Hill key
Red Faction Guerrilla Re-Mars-tered humble gift
Rise of Prussia Gold key
Risen humble gift
Rising Storm 2: Vietnam + 2 DLCs humble gift
Royal Defense key
Runestone Keeper humble gift
Rush Bros. key
Russian Horror Story key
Saints Row 2 humble gift
Saints Row: The Third humble gift
Schein key
Screencheat humble gift
Sentinels of the Multiverse humble gift
Serial Cleaner humble gift
Shattered Planet humble gift
ShipLord key
Shooting Stars! key
SimplePlanes key
Skullgirls humble gift
Sleeping Dogs: Definitive Edition humble gift
Sonic CD key
Space Hack key
Space Hulk Ascension key
Space Incident key
Space Trader: Merchant Marine key
Spakoyno: Back to the USSR 2.0 key
Sparkle 2 Evo key
Squareface key
Squarelands key
Stalingrad key
Star Chronicles: Delta Quadrant key
Star Wolves 3: Civil War key
Stardust Vanguards key
Starion Tactics key
Steel Punk Ball key
Stellar 2D key
Stigmat key
Strategic War in Europe key
STRIDER™ / ストライダー飛竜® humble gift
Super Space Pug key
Super Trench Attack! key
Supreme League of Patriots Issue 1: A Patriot Is Born key
Supreme Ruler 1936 key
Sword Legacy: Omen humble gift
Tank Battle: 1944 key
Tank Battle: North Africa key
Tannenberg humble gift
Tempest: Pirate Action RPG key
Terra Incognita ~ Chapter One: The Descendant key
The Adventures of Tree key
The Campaign Series: Fall Weiss key
The Dark Eye: Chains of Satinav key
The Emerald Maiden: Symphony of Dreams key
The Escapists - Alcatraz (DLC) humble gift
The Flame in the Flood humble gift
The Journey Down: Chapter Two key
The Political Machine 2016 key
The Seven Years War (1756-1763) key
The Ship: Murder Party key
The Silent Age key
The Tower Of Elements key
The Uncertain: Episode 1 - The Last Quiet Day key
The Whispered World Special Edition key
Theatre of War Collection key
They Bleed Pixels humble gift
Timberman key
Time of Fury key
Timore Inferno key
Tinboy key
Toybox Turbos humble gift
Tribal Pass key
Ubinota key
UFO: Aftershock key
Under Zero key
Verdict Guilty - 유죄 평결 key
Virus Z key
War of the Roses: Kingmaker humble gift
Wargame: European Escalation humble gift
Warhammer 40,000: Eternal Crusade - Squadron Edition steam gift
Warhammer: End Times - Vermintide key
Waste Walkers key
Wild Terra Online key
World War I key
Yet Another Zombie Defense key
Zeno Clash 2 humble gift
Zero Reflex : Black Eye Edition key
Zombie Driver HD Complete Edition key
Zombie Kill of the Week - Reborn key
Zombie Playground™ key
Zombillie key

Cambio por algún juego que me guste
Tengo todo esto. No busco nada en especial.

-Fluffy Horde
-Regular Human Basketball
-Sword Legacy Omen
-11-11 Memories Retold

¡Hola, eolianos!

¡Juegos de December 2019 Humble Choice de Humbe Bundle!:
Ancestors Legacy
Dark Future: Blood Red States
Dead In Vinland
X-Morph: Defense

¡Juegos de December 2019 Humble Monthly de Humbe Bundle!:
Fluffy Horde
My Time at Portia
Regular Human Basketball
Sword Legacy Omen

¡Juegos de Disorder Bundle de Fanatical!:
Super Life of Pixel
Supreme Ruler The Great War
Yet Another Zombie Defense HD

Y, además, tengo estos juegos para intercambiar con vosotros:
11-11 Memories Retold
8-bit Armies
Batman: Arkham Asylum Game of the Year Edition
BioShock™ Remastered
Day of Infamy
Devil Daggers
Deus Ex: Game of the Year Edition
Deus Ex: Invisible War
Dungeon Souls
ENSLAVED™: Odyssey to the West™ Premium Edition
Epistory - Typing Chronicles
Grey Goo Definitive Edition
Hazardous Space
How to Survive
Impact Winter
Interplanetary: Enhanced Edition
Killing Floor 2 Digital Deluxe Edition
Mars: War Logs
PAC-MAN™ Championship Edition DX+
Pang Adventures
Party Hard
Pillars of Eternity
Postal 2 + Paradise Lost DLC
Prison Architect
Project CARS
Punch Club - Deluxe Edition
Rebel Galaxy
Rise of the Triad
Rusty Lake Paradise
Saints Row 2
Saints Row The Third
Savage Lands
Scribblenauts Unlimited
Shadowrun: Hong Kong - Extended Edition
Silence of the Sleep
S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow of Chernobyl
STAR WARS - Knights of the Old Republic
Street Heat
Super Mega Baseball: Extra Innings
SYNTHETIK: Legion Rising
Tales from Candlekeep: Tomb of Annihilation
The Uncertain - The Last Quiet Day
The Walking Dead: Season 1 + The Walking Dead: 400 Days
Think of the Children
Tokyo Twilight Ghost Hunters Daybreak: Special Gigs
Totally Accurate Battlegrounds
Toybox Turbos
Tropico 5
Unreal Estate
Wings of Vi
World's Dawn

No me interesa ningún juego en concreto. Podéis ofrecerme el juego que queráis y yo decidiré cual es el que realmente me interesa para el intercambio. También puedo ofrecer o podéis ofrecer más de un juego. El intercambio únicamente se hará en este foro a través de mensajes privados, no voy a agregar a nadie a Steam.

[oki] Tratos positivos:
cacacacacaca, darthpepe, My_Cephei, xs1 (x2), manuelast (x2), NasterX, Penemerio (x4), jordi_lh (x2), melocotonera (x2), rintin, LAT2005, vamptibor, KaiserDark, GhostChll, Pliskin10, gcaperan, kuky21, Torrasque, Javic7

(mensaje borrado)
Tratos positivos (63)
- danisapphire
- Colossus
- dagonas
- periquinx
- Ezekiiels17
- sephirot12
- deadmanbeta
- C4pi
- Holly
- Bellido1980
- Adrierns
- Kaiser84
- accanijo (x2)
- killogy
- warcry28
- coliban
- HegolanGamer
- kei00
- souberlich
- slong
- AASilverWolf (x2)
- julianolme
- wolvy
- pacman_fan (x2)
- loren_rm
- milio3
- TuxLoGaN (x2)
- Scar6
- wario_F
- gcaperan
- GhostChll (x5)
- davixola
- rugrande
- My_Cephei
- rastor
- JC_774 (x2)
- MrSergito93 (x2)
- Aqueron23 (x2)
- redobs
- fisherologo
- jordi_lh (x3)
- vamptibor
- EmuAGR
- felixyz
- dsanco
- 2mightyme
- Penemerio
- rintin
- libertados
- elf24


- Phantom Doctrine
- Ancestors Legacy
- Dead in Vinland
- Sword Legacy Omen
- Chasm
- Fluffy Horde
- Regular Human Basketball
- Dark future blood red States
- Aegis Defenders
- Desert Child

- 11-11 Memories Retold
- Evergarden
- Oxenfree
- Batman Arkham Origins
- Shadowrun Hongkong Extended Edition
- Injustice Gods Among Us Ultimate Edition
- Ethereal
- Assassin's Creed Origins (Uplay)
- Batman Arkham Origins
- Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 Standard Edition + Additional Content
- Carmageddon: Max Damage
- Darksiders II: Deathinitive Edition
- Dead Island Definitive Edition
- Lara Croft GO
- Mega Man Legacy Collection
- Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor GOTY
- Resident Evil Revelations
- Shadow of the Tomb Raider
- Sonic Adventure 2
- Sonic Adventure DX
- Sonic and SEGA All Stars Racing
- Sonic CD
- Sonic Generations Collection
- Sonic Mania
- Sonic the Hedgehog 4 - Episode I
- Sonic the Hedgehog 4 - Episode II
- Tales of Berseria
- Tom Clancy's The Division (Uplay)
- Yooka-Laylee

Especialmente interesado en juegos rpg.

Dejo por aquí también mi wishlist: http://steamcommunity.com/id/shapigdow/wishlist


Tratos Positivos:
KaiserDark, killogy, julianolme, vamptibor, Mcpato87, 2mightyme, xacia, Orochi_Kyo
Hola, actualizo los juegos que tengo para cambio:

The Bureau: XCOM Declassified
Brutal Legends
Juanito Arcade Mayhem
Spyro™ Reignited Trilogy
Shenmue I & II
SYNTHETIK: Legion Rising
11-11 Memories Retold
Yakuza Kiwami
My time at Portia
Regular Human Basketball
Sword Legacy Omen
Fluffy Horde

Me interesa:

Especialmente el AC: Origins que dieron en un Monthly anterior...cosas de la lista de deseados (aunque no la he actualizado sobre lo que ya jugué en otras tiendas), juegos de anime. peleas, ustedes propongan y ya vemos si podemos llegar a un acuerdo, eso si, cosas que fueron gratis no me interesan.
Ken Follett's The Pillars of the Earth

(mensaje borrado)
Tengo los siguientes juegos para intercambiar:


11-11 Memories Retold
Aviary Attorney
Crazy Machines 3
Crystals of Time
Crash Bandicoot™ N. Sane Trilogy
Crusader Kings II: The Old Gods DLC
Fluffy Horde
Holy Potatoes! We're in Space?!
I'm not a Monster
Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes
Lethal RPG: War
My Time at Portia
Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor Game of the Year Edition
Regular Human Basketball
Sword Legacy Omen
Shenmue I & II
TimeLock VR
Talisman: Digital Edition
The Journey Down: Chapter Three
The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky
The flame in the flood
Warhammer: End Times - Vermintide
We Are The Dwarves

Busco: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/7656 ... 76/wishlit

Estoy abierto a otros intercambios tambien.
Gromber escribió:Steam

- Ancestors Legacy
- Sword Legacy Omen
- Desert Child
- Regular Human Basketball
- Dark future blood red States
- Dead in Vinland
- Phantom Doctrine
- Mortal Kombat Kollection - No disponible ya en tienda, por algo interesante.
- Alan Wake Collector's Edition
- State of Decay: YOSE
- Soul Calibur 6
- Shenmue I & II
- Shenmue III
- 11-11 Memories Retold
- SYNTHETIK: Legion Rising
- Last Day of June
- Murderous Pursuits
- Holy Potatoes! We're in Space?!
- Splasher
- BIT.TRIP Presents... Runner2
- The Darkness II
- Scribblenauts Unlimited
- Shadow of Mordor GOTY
- Batman Arkham Origin
- Sonic CD
- Sonic Adventure DX
- Sonic and SEGA All Stars Racing
- Overgrowth
- Shadowrun Returns
- Shadowrun: Dragonfall - Director's Cut
- Risen 2: Dark Waters Gold Edition
- Sam & Max: Devil's Playhouse
- Out There: Ω Edition + Soundtrack
- Scrap Garden, Master Spy Deluxe Edition
- Syberia
- Strider
- Puzzle Agent
- Puzzle Agent 2
- The Walking Dead Season 1
- Broken Sword 5
- Umbrella Corps™ Deluxe Edition Upgrade Pack
- Dead Rising 2: Off the Record
- Goliath, Nevermind
- Western 1849 Reloaded
- Holy Potatoes! A Weapon Shop?!
- Euclidean
- Poker Night at the Inventory
- Void & Meddler - Soundtrack Ep. 1 DLC
- Galactic Civilizations II: Ultimate Edition
- Else Heart.Break()
- Damnation
- Pack Gunstar Heroes, Renegade Ops + DLC & Viking: Battle for Asgard
- Pack Streets of Rage II, Condemned y Binary Domain
- Canyon Capers
- The Ship - Murder Party
- Star Wars: Dark Forces
- Planetary Annihilation
- Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic
- bionic dues
- Red Faction: Armageddon Path to War DLC
- Hitman 2: Silent Assassin (2002)
- Radical Roach Deluxe
- Sector
- SimpleRockets
- Clandestinity of Elsie
- Supreme League of Patriots Season Pass
- Realms of the Haunting
- Caster
- Anomaly Korea
- Muffin Knight
- Commando Jack
- PixelJunk Eden
- Coffin Dodgers
- Karmaflow: The Rock Opera Videogame - Act I
- Super Killer Hornet: Resurrection
- Space Hack
- Into the war
- Dead Bits
- Spoiler Alert
- Thief Gold
- Chaos Domain
- Crash Time 2
- Make it indie!
- Gun Monkeys
- XCOM: Enemy Unknown
- X-COM: Apocalypse
- X-COM: Enforcer
- X-COM: Interceptor
- X-COM: Terror from the Deep
- X-COM: UFO Defense
- Operation Flashpoint: Red River
- Operation Flashpoint: Dragon Rising
- Super Sanctum TD
- Saints Row IV Reverse Cosplay Pack DLC
- Velvet Assassin
- Dino D-Day
- Avencast
- Dark Fall 2: Lights Out
- Aura: Fate of the Ages
- Ravensword: Shadowlands
- Two Brothers
- Shadows: Price for Our Sins Bonus Edition
- Shadows on the Vatican Act I: Greed
- Deadly Premonition: The Director's Cut
- Toki Tori 2+
- FEAR 2
- 39 Steps
- Litil Divil
- Super Distro
- Jack Lumber
- Medal of Honor
- Burnout Paradise: The Ultimate Box
- Civilization V
- Brutal Legend
- Pack Supreme Commander, Supreme Commander: Forged Alliance, The Guild 2, y Red Faction: Armageddon
- Pack Risen 2, Sacred 2 Gold, Saints Row 2, y Saints Row 3
- Pack Risen 1, Metro 2033 y Sacred Citadel
- Rochard
- Rochard Hard Times DLC
- Zombie Shooter
- Omikron The Nomad Soul
- Zombie Shooter 2
- Sword of the Stars: Complete Collection
- Sword of the Stars II: Enhanced Edition
- Star Ruler
- AquaNox 2: Revelation
- Anomaly Warzone Earth

Otros (Origin, Gog etc)

DRM-FREE: Descarga oficial para MAC O PC de Gabriel Knight: Sins of the Fathers 20th Anniversary Edition - Limitada la descarga a 10 veces por versión. (Se resetea cada cierto tiempo, es para evitar que se utilice para descargas masivas)

Epic Store

The Walking Dead: Michonne - A Telltale Miniseries


Rayman Origins
Prince of Persia: Las Arenas Olvidadas


Broken Age



- Medal of Honor
- Mirror's Edge
- Burnout Paradise: The Ultimate Box
- Crysis 2 Maximun Edition
- Dead Space

Busco (la lista de juegos cambia mucho, pero la de busco poco, por lo que no significa que quiera cambiar alguno de los que tenga por un juegazo, lo que pasa que he tenido grandes juegos para cambiar y aun busco estos)

- Yakuza Kiwami 2
- Hover
- Full Throttle Remastered
- Hitman Seasson 2
- Saga Blaz Blue o Guilty Gear
- The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing II
- The Raven
- DmC Devil May Cry: Vergil's Downfall DLC
- Bound by Flame
- Command and conquer
- Resident Evil 5 Gold
- Deadpool
- UnEpic
- Thief
- Grid Motorsport
- Syndicate
- Life is Strange 2
- Star Wars Force unleashed 2
- Rayman Legends
- Dark Souls
- Deathspank 1 y 2
- Dead Rising 2 y 3
- Blades of Time: Limited edition
- Aventura de Daedalic que no tenga
- Quantum Conundrum

... cualquier otro que no tenga, enviarme MP por el juego/s interesado en negociar y si me interesa respondo.

Puedo cambiar varios indies o juegos por un juego o indie, todo depende del trato, lógicamente.

Sin miedo por ofrecer, aunque con cabeza.

Tratos positivos (63)
- danisapphire
- Colossus
- dagonas
- periquinx
- Ezekiiels17
- sephirot12
- deadmanbeta
- C4pi
- Holly
- Bellido1980
- Adrierns
- Kaiser84
- accanijo (x2)
- killogy
- warcry28
- coliban
- HegolanGamer
- kei00
- souberlich
- slong
- AASilverWolf (x2)
- julianolme
- wolvy
- pacman_fan (x2)
- loren_rm
- milio3
- TuxLoGaN (x2)
- Scar6
- wario_F
- gcaperan
- GhostChll (x5)
- davixola
- rugrande
- My_Cephei
- rastor
- JC_774 (x2)
- MrSergito93 (x2)
- Aqueron23 (x2)
- redobs
- fisherologo
- jordi_lh (x3)
- vamptibor
- EmuAGR
- felixyz
- dsanco
- 2mightyme
- Penemerio
- rintin
- libertados
- elf24


- Phantom Doctrine
- Ancestors Legacy
- Dead in Vinland
- Sword Legacy Omen
- Chasm
- Fluffy Horde
- Regular Human Basketball
- Dark future blood red States
- Aegis Defenders
- Desert Child

- 11-11 Memories Retold
- Evergarden
- Oxenfree
- Batman Arkham Origins
- Shadowrun Hongkong Extended Edition

Fluffy Horde
Regular Human Basketball
Sword Legacy Omen
Yakuza Kiwami

Busco: Injustice,MKX,Brawlout y Icons: Legacy Edition.
Lo que tengo (claves Steam):

- Sonic Adventure DX
- Sonic and SEGA All Stars Racing
- Sonic Adventure 2
- Sonic Generations Collection
- Sniper Elite
- Sniper Elite V2
- F1 2011
- F1 2012
- F1 2014
- F1 2015
- Dex
- Grey Goo Definitive Edition
- GTR Evolution (inc. RACE 07 and Formula RaceRoom Add-On)
- Riff Racer - Race Your Music!
- Skullgirls
- Deadlight
- Punch Club - Deluxe Edition
- Final Exam
- Serial Cleaner
- DiRT Showdown (GIFT)
- Company of Heroes 2
- My Time At Portia

Lo que busco (aunque tambien escucho propuestas):

https://store.steampowered.com/wishlist ... sort=order

Mis votos positivos estan en mi firma para quien quiera echarle un vistazo.

Tengo los siguientes juegos para intercambiar:


11-11 Memories Retold
Aegis defenders
Aviary Attorney
Crazy Machines 3
Crystals of Time
Crash Bandicoot™ N. Sane Trilogy
Crusader Kings II: The Old Gods DLC
Desert Child
Dar future: Blood red states
Dead in Vinland
Holy Potatoes! We're in Space?!
Horizon chase turbo
I'm not a Monster
Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes
Lethal RPG: War
Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor Game of the Year Edition
Shenmue I & II
Talisman: Digital Edition
The Journey Down: Chapter Three
The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky
The flame in the flood
Warhammer: End Times - Vermintide

Busco: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/7656 ... 76/wishlit

Estoy abierto a otros intercambios tambien.
Edit: Comprado a un eoliano el Horizon Chase me queda esto cambio por cualquier cosa que no tenga y me interese

11-11 Memories Retold
Bionic Commando: Rearmed
Castlevania Mirror of Fate
Dead Rising 2: Off the Record
SYNTHETIK: Legion Rising

Tengo las siguientes keys:

10 Years After (Steam)
1993 Space Machine (Steam)
911 Operator + Special Resources DLC(Steam)
AER Memories of Old
Aviary Attorney
Batman™: Arkham Origins DLC (Steam)
Blitzkrieg 2 Anthology (Steam)
Blitzkrieg Anthology (Steam)
Boid (Steam)
Coin Crypt (Steam)
Command & Conquer: Red Alert 3 - Uprising (Origin)
Crazy Machines 3
Dead Rising 2: Off the Record (Steam)
Do Not Feed the Monkeys (Steam)
Duskers (Steam)
Fallen Enchantress: Legendary Heroes (Steam)
Finding Paradise (Steam)
Galak-Z (Steam)
Gotham City Impostors: Professional Kit (Steam)
Gunmetal Arcadia Zero (Steam)
Hegemony Rome: The Rise of Caesar (Steam)
Holy Potatoes! We're in Space?!
I'm not a Monster (Steam)
JumpJet Rex (Steam)
Laser League
Last Day of June
Lost Castle
Monster Prom (Steam)
Moon Hunters
Paratopic (Steam)
Pool Panic (Steam)
Populous (Origin)
Red Faction Guerrilla Re-Mars-tered (Steam)
Redline (Steam)
Shadowrun Chronicles - Boston Lockdown (Steam)
Startopia (Steam)
STRIDER™ (Steam)
The Journey Down: Chapter Three (Steam)
The Lord of the Rings Online: Steely Dawn Starter Pack (Steam)
Umbrella Corps Y Umbrella Corps™ Deluxe Edition Upgrade Pack (Steam)
Wandersong (Steam)
WARMACHINE Tactics - Mercenaries Faction Bundle (Steam)
WARMACHINE Tactics (Steam)

Me interesan especialmente Call of Duty WWII y Shadow of the Tomb Raider.
Puedo cambiar varias de las mías por alguno que me interese.

Tengo para la Epic Store el The Outer Worlds.
Lo cambiaria por casi cualquier juego actual. Interesar me interesa el DjMax :)
Tengo lo siguiente:

Yakuza Kiwami
Regular Human Basketball
Sword Legacy Omen
Fluffy Horde

Ofreced sin miedo, me puede interesar cualquier cosa.
- Assassin's Creed Origins (Uplay)
- Batman Arkham Origins
- Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 Standard Edition + Additional Content
- Carmageddon: Max Damage
- Darksiders II: Deathinitive Edition
- Dead Island Definitive Edition
- Lara Croft GO
- Mega Man Legacy Collection
- Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor GOTY
- Resident Evil Revelations
- Shadow of the Tomb Raider
- Sonic Adventure 2
- Sonic Adventure DX
- Sonic and SEGA All Stars Racing
- Sonic CD
- Sonic Generations Collection
- Sonic Mania
- Sonic the Hedgehog 4 - Episode I
- Sonic the Hedgehog 4 - Episode II
- Tales of Berseria
- Tom Clancy's The Division (Uplay)
- Yooka-Laylee

Especialmente interesado en juegos rpg.

Dejo por aquí también mi wishlist: http://steamcommunity.com/id/shapigdow/wishlist


Tratos Positivos:
KaiserDark, killogy, julianolme, vamptibor, Mcpato87, 2mightyme, xacia, Orochi_Kyo
He comprado una clave del pack de mesas de Pinball FX2 - Star Wars: Balance of the Force creyendo que era del Pinball FX3, ¿Alguien me lo cambia por algo?
Tratos positivos (63)
- danisapphire
- Colossus
- dagonas
- periquinx
- Ezekiiels17
- sephirot12
- deadmanbeta
- C4pi
- Holly
- Bellido1980
- Adrierns
- Kaiser84
- accanijo (x2)
- killogy
- warcry28
- coliban
- HegolanGamer
- kei00
- souberlich
- slong
- AASilverWolf (x2)
- julianolme
- wolvy
- pacman_fan (x2)
- loren_rm
- milio3
- TuxLoGaN (x2)
- Scar6
- wario_F
- gcaperan
- GhostChll (x5)
- davixola
- rugrande
- My_Cephei
- rastor
- JC_774 (x2)
- MrSergito93 (x2)
- Aqueron23 (x2)
- redobs
- fisherologo
- jordi_lh (x3)
- vamptibor
- EmuAGR
- felixyz
- dsanco
- 2mightyme
- Penemerio
- rintin
- libertados
- elf24


- Phantom Doctrine
- Ancestors Legacy
- Dead in Vinland
- Sword Legacy Omen
- Chasm
- Fluffy Horde
- Regular Human Basketball
- Dark future blood red States
- Aegis Defenders
- Desert Child

- 11-11 Memories Retold
- Evergarden
- Oxenfree
- Batman Arkham Origins
- Shadowrun Hongkong Extended Edition
Buenas, tengo una steam key sobrante del siguiente juego:

Horizon Chase Turbo

Me gustaría intercambiar por un juego de corte similar, arcade o shoot m up.

Lo que tengo (claves Steam):

- Sonic Adventure DX
- Sonic and SEGA All Stars Racing
- Sonic Adventure 2
- Sonic Generations Collection
- Sniper Elite
- Sniper Elite V2
- F1 2011
- F1 2012
- F1 2014
- F1 2015
- Dex
- Grey Goo Definitive Edition
- GTR Evolution (inc. RACE 07 and Formula RaceRoom Add-On)
- Riff Racer - Race Your Music!
- Skullgirls
- Deadlight
- Punch Club - Deluxe Edition
- Final Exam
- Serial Cleaner
- DiRT Showdown (GIFT)
- Company of Heroes 2
- My Time At Portia

Lo que busco (aunque tambien escucho propuestas):

https://store.steampowered.com/wishlist ... sort=order

Mis votos positivos estan en mi firma para quien quiera echarle un vistazo.

Tengo los siguientes juegos para intercambiar:


60 Parsecs!
11-11 Memories Retold
Aegis defenders
Aviary Attorney
Bad North: Jotun edition
Crazy Machines 3
Crystals of Time
Crash Bandicoot™ N. Sane Trilogy
Crusader Kings II: The Old Gods DLC
Dirt rally 2.0 + 3 DLC
Desert Child
Dar future: Blood red states
Dead in Vinland
Holy Potatoes! We're in Space?!
Horizon chase turbo
Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice
I'm not a Monster
Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes
Love is Dead
Lethal RPG: War
Mages of mystralia
NAIRI: Tower of Shirin
Road redemtion
Shenmue I & II
SYNTHETIK: Legion Rising
Street Fighter V
Talisman: Digital Edition
The Journey Down: Chapter Three
The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky
Two point hospital
Thems fighting hems
The flame in the flood
Wishpers of a machine

Busco: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/7656 ... 76/wishlit

Estoy abierto a otros intercambios tambien.
Tengo lo siguiente para cambio:

Fluffy Horde
Sword Legacy Omen
Mages of Mystralia
Middle-earth: Shadow of War

Tengo las siguientes keys:

10 Years After (Steam)
1993 Space Machine (Steam)
911 Operator + Special Resources DLC(Steam)
AER Memories of Old
Aviary Attorney
Batman™: Arkham Origins DLC (Steam)
Blitzkrieg 2 Anthology (Steam)
Blitzkrieg Anthology (Steam)
Boid (Steam)
Coin Crypt (Steam)
Command & Conquer: Red Alert 3 - Uprising (Origin)
Crazy Machines 3
Dead Rising 2: Off the Record (Steam)
Do Not Feed the Monkeys (Steam)
Duskers (Steam)
Fallen Enchantress: Legendary Heroes (Steam)
Finding Paradise (Steam)
Galak-Z (Steam)
Gotham City Impostors: Professional Kit (Steam)
Gunmetal Arcadia Zero (Steam)
Hegemony Rome: The Rise of Caesar (Steam)
Holy Potatoes! We're in Space?!
I'm not a Monster (Steam)
JumpJet Rex (Steam)
Laser League
Last Day of June
Lost Castle
Monster Prom (Steam)
Moon Hunters
Paratopic (Steam)
Pool Panic (Steam)
Populous (Origin)
Red Faction Guerrilla Re-Mars-tered (Steam)
Redline (Steam)
Shadowrun Chronicles - Boston Lockdown (Steam)
Startopia (Steam)
STRIDER™ (Steam)
The Journey Down: Chapter Three (Steam)
The Lord of the Rings Online: Steely Dawn Starter Pack (Steam)
Umbrella Corps Y Umbrella Corps™ Deluxe Edition Upgrade Pack (Steam)
Wandersong (Steam)
WARMACHINE Tactics - Mercenaries Faction Bundle (Steam)
WARMACHINE Tactics (Steam)

Me interesan especialmente Call of Duty WWII y Shadow of the Tomb Raider.
Puedo cambiar varias de las mías por alguno que me interese.

Tengo un Hollow Knight para cambio
Yo tengo lo siguiente:

Humble Bundle:

Aegis Defenders
Amnesia™: Memories
Ancestors Legacy
Beholder 2
Bully: Scholarship Edition
Dark Future: Blood Red States
Dead In Vinland
F1 2011
Fluffy Horde
Grand Theft Auto III
Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas
Grand Theft Auto: Vice City
Hyperdimension Neptunia Re;Birth1 Colosseum + Characters DLC
Hyperdimension Neptunia Re;Birth1 Deluxe Edition Bundle DLC
Hyperdimension Neptunia Re;Birth2
Hyperdimension Neptunia Re;Birth2 Deluxe Edition Bundle DLC
Laser League
My Time at Portia
Phantom Doctrine
Regular Human Basketball
Shadowrun Returns
Sword Legacy Omen
The Town of Light
Toybox Turbos
X-Morph: Defense
Yakuza Kiwami


Comedy Night
Grey Goo Definitive Edition
I Shall Remain
ICY: Frostbite Edition
Outpost Zero
Punch Club - Deluxe Edition
Rebel Galaxy
Shark Attack Deathmatch 2
Shuyan Saga
The Signal From Tölva
The Swindle


Beholder - Coupon Code 66% OFF
Odysseus Kosmos and his Robot Quest: Adventure Game
Super Turbo Demon Busters!
The Journey Down: Chapter Two

Abierto a cualquier oferta.

61086 respuestas