[Hilo Oficial] Universo Cinematográfico DC: SUPERMAN, 50% reventado 50% puta vida tete, Julio 2025

No hay que ser ningun lumbrera para ver que en esos 10 segundos un cientifico esta toqueteando un cacharro y que ese cacharro convierte a su hijo en un Cyborg

vamos si lo entendio hasta mi madre lo puede entender cualquiera [carcajad] [carcajad] [carcajad]

y mi suposicion es esa no deja de ser una suposicion

pero vamos que cuando tengan que contar el origen de alguien ya ahondaran en ello en la pelicula te cuentan lo mas basico de los 3 nuevos y con eso yo me conformo

es mas yo estoy un poco harto ya de peliculas de origen de superheroes por ej en el nuevo Spiderman del MCU no cuentan su origen mas que de refilon y nos ahorramos lo del tio Ben por 35ª vez

y yo bien que me alegro prefiero que los origenes los vayan soltando de a pocos o con algun flashback o algo y ya conforme la trama se desaroye a tener que comentos la enesima pelicula de origen que son todas una fotocopia las unas de otras sin apenas variaciones

@Dheb una de Las hijas de Snyder se suicido en marzo

@Dheb una de sus hijas se suicido
Respecto a Cyborg y las cajas:

En la peli te cuentan que las Cajas Madre sirven para destruir y crear a la vez. Te cuentan que hubo un accidente y que a Víctor le pudo salvar su padre gracias a partes cibernéticas combinadas con el poder de la caja. Estamos de acuerdo en que podían haberlo desarrollado un poco más, pero vaya, creo que es difícil perderse. XD

Y en cuanto a las Cajas Madre, difícilmente van a dar más información sobre ellas cuando en los propios cómics ni siquiera se sabe que son exactamente (más allá de que fueron creadas en Apokolips, información que sobra ya que lo único que interesa saber en la película es que son poderosas) y se utilizan un poco como se utilizaba a Superman antiguamente, como excusa para cualquier cosa. XD

Wonder Woman lo define bien, "no contienen poder, SON poder", sin más, y el espectador con esta información tiene suficiente (creo yo). También se dice que son "tecnología antigua" y te plantan un flashback para que veas como de antiguas e importantes son.

Lo que sí creo que está mal es que Steppenwolf hable de Darkseid sin más, es un poco como el sueño/premonición de Bruce en Batman V Superman, los fans pueden pillar las referencias y adelantar de que va la cosa, pero el espectador normal se va a quedar con cara de WTF? XD De hecho ninguno de los que vinieron al cine conmigo se dieron cuenta de la mención a Darkseid y cuando se lo dije no tenían ni idea.
Pues yo veo perfecto que Aquaman, Cyborg o The Flash no hayan tenido película previa, porque en esta, aunque captan bien la esencia de sus personajes, aún no están desarrollados como superhéroes, por así decirlo. De hecho, creo que solo llaman a Aquaman por su nombre de superhéroe, a los otros dos, no.

Con la escena post-créditos casi me pongo a dar palmas con las orejas. Qué ganas de ver lo que va a venir, joder.
Yo ya lo he dicho han sacado tantas pelis de origen clonicas que les estoy cogiendo tirria y cuantas menos hagan ya mejor
Pues a mi la de Aquaman me interesa mucho, Wan ha dicho que será inspirada en pelis swashbuckler.
unilordx escribió:Pues a mi la de Aquaman me interesa mucho, Wan ha dicho que será inspirada en pelis swashbuckler.

Buscate el trono de atlantis y tendras todo el origen de acuaman que quieras
La vi ayer y me ha encantado, dos horas que se me pasaron súper rápido.
La vi ayer y
La pelea contra Superman es la puta ostia, sobretodo la escena con flash
(mensaje borrado)
me ha parecido leer algo de escenas postcreditos? es para saber si "hay que quedarse a ver todas las letras" marvel style o si vale con quedarse hasta que terminan los "creditos bonitos".

a mi es que me toca bastante la moral quedarme a ver 10 minutos de letras para una escena de 40 segundos de porqueria como fue el caso de spiderman.
Sí, hay dos.

@Alec Holland Yo soy fan incondicional de BvS y me siento defraudado desde el minuto uno, comparas como empieza una peli y otra... flipas en colores.

Para mí el inicio de esta con
el puto móvil y después con batman en el tejado es un pegote.

Así no empieza una peli snyder ni jarto vino.
Joder, me he quedado con las ganas de
yo quería que batman mencionase Martha cuando superman esta loco, autoparodiando BsvS xD
GXY escribió:me ha parecido leer algo de escenas postcreditos? es para saber si "hay que quedarse a ver todas las letras" marvel style o si vale con quedarse hasta que terminan los "creditos bonitos".

a mi es que me toca bastante la moral quedarme a ver 10 minutos de letras para una escena de 40 segundos de porqueria como fue el caso de spiderman.

Hay 2
vale. hay 2 pero cuando. como en las ultimas de marvel que es una tras la primera tanda de creditos y antes de empezar "las letras" y otra al final del todo?

EDIT: Se estan filtrando las escenas descartadas de snyder!

https://twitter.com/search?q=%E2%80%8B% ... F&src=typd
Un blockbuster es lo que es, pero si bien en las pelis de DC intentaban darle un toque oscuro algo diferente, con Justice League han hecho una peli completamente prefabricada de buena factura pero sin alma.

No sé si tendrá éxito o no, pero es la misma mierda que Avengers así que su éxito dependerá de otros factores más allá de la película en si misma.
Vista. Siguen dando palos de ciego en DC aunque con Wonder Woman y Justice League parece que están enderezando. Lentamente pero algo algo es algo. Sigue siendo un pegote de película. Le falta cohesión. Tiene un villano insulso. Las personalidades de los superheroes no terminan de convencerme excepto la de Wonder Woman (porque hereda de su película). Aún les falta mucho.
La peli me ha parecido entretenida, como peli de superhéroes cumple y merece la pena verla si te gusta el género, pero llevaba tantísimo hype que esperaba un poco más en general. Dejo en spoiler mi opinión sobre esto, tocho va :p

- Lo principal es que me falta por lo menos media hora de peli. Da la sensación de que otra vez han sacado la tijera a pasear y mutilado la idea original de Snyder. Personalmente estoy hasta las narices de esto, parece que tengan infiltrados de Marvel en sus oficinas porque no entiendo esa manía de autosabotear y joder sus propios productos. Si finalmente llega una versión doméstica extendida el sabor de boca que se me quedará seguro que será mejor, si no me temo que el sabor será un tanto agridulce.

- Me falta desarrollo en los personajes (como consecuencia de lo anterior seguramente), da la sensación de que todo pasa muy deprisa. Cyborg mismamente creo que merecía alguna pequeña escena, aunque sea medio minuto, para explicar mínimamente lo de su accidente. Que te lo sueltan ahí como si todo el mundo conociera los cómics, pero el que no lo conozca es fácil que no se entere demasiado. Es algo que ya pasaba en varias escenas de BvS.

- Flash es un tío que cae bien y me gusta cómo lo han plasmado, pero me sobran algunos chistecitos, a veces satura un poco. Quizá en esto tenga que ver la llegada de Whedon tras lo de Snyder, o quizá él es un mandado más, no lo sé. Además, a mí personalmente me pasa una cosa, que acostumbrado a ver siempre todo en V.O. las típicas coñas de estas pelis son expresiones que en inglés me suenan muy bien, pero que el doblarlas en muchos casos me suenan bastante cutres. Por ejemplo oír a Batman diciendo "sí, fijo que estoy sangrando" tras la pelea con Superman al soltarle éste previamente la famosa frase en referencia a la anterior pelí. Batman no habla así y chirría un poco cuando lo oyes, hubiera quedado mejor un simple "sí, seguro que estoy sangrando", o directamente quitar el chistecito tanto que les gusta recortar. Pero bueno, cuando la vea en bluray para mí ganará bastante en ese aspecto, ojalá los cines nos dieran esa opción, iría bastante más.

- Me falta épica, quizá porque la banda sonora no me ha parecido tan buena como en las anteriores pelis y porque el villano (ahora hablaré de él) no da para tanto. No he sentido que haya momentos como los de la aparición de Wonder Woman en BvS salvando a Batman, que acto seguido empieza a sonar su temazo y se te ponen los pelos punta.

- El villano decepciona un poco, esperaba más de él pero termina siendo un villano bastante random que en ningún momento te transmite esa sensación de peligro que sí transmitía Doomsday por ejemplo con sólo unos minutos en pantalla.

Aún con todo ya digo que me parece entretenida con muy buenas escenas y momentos de acción. Está muy chulo ver por fin a todos estos personajes juntos, aunque ya digo que me ha parecido todo un poco precipitado y muy rápido. Como conclusión diría que como peli de superhéroes está bien (lo de las críticas "especializadas" a las pelis de DC me parece ya ridículo, así que ni caso), pero en general me dejaron mejor sabor de boca BvS (sobre todo la versión extendida), Man of Steel y Wonder Woman. Para mí la clave con esta peli será que saquen o no una versión extendida, un 2º visionado con 30-45 minutos más y las voces originales estoy seguro de que me dejará más satisfecho.
Otras escena eliminadas o sin acabar, de cyborg:




De flash:


No se lo que duraran online.

Y un resumen de lo que era segun dicen:

LONGER: Began with Bruce recruiting Aquaman. It was basically the same scene as I saw in the theatrical version this weekend. However, some lines were added by Whedon and some Zack bits were cut. Aquaman was originally more resilient and shut-off to Bruce here.

DELETED: Barry Allen visits the library because he knows that Iris West is there. He tries to talk to her but fumbles and blushes. He mentions that "he might go and see his Dad today". Iris likes his awkwardness but doesn't think he's all that special. We see Barry breaking the window with his finger to kind-of impress Iris (our FIRST look at his powers). When everyone and Iris are surprised at this window breaking, Barry just says "weak glass" and walks out.

LONGER: History Lesson. But just by some bits. What I was most surprised by was that WB cut out dialogue by the Green Lantern, Zeus and even Ares (Yes, he was there too). They had a couple of lines each. As did Robin Wright and Hippolyta. They just kept the action in and clicked out all dialogue, I guess.

DELETED: After taking the Mother Box from Themiscyra, Steppenwolf actually "talks" to the Box. His mother, Heggra's essence is alive in the Mother Boxes and bringing them all together would unleash her powers - finally giving Steppenwolf an edge over his younger brother - Darkseid. That is what his plan was originally. I thought for sure that they would keep this scene in because they used a dialogue from this scene in the trailers - "No protectors here. No Lanterns. This world will fall. You will be free, mother."

DELETED - Cyborg's previous life. He plays a great football match that his MOTHER (Yes, she was cast as well) attends. Afterwards, they drive home. Victor is angry that his Dad never made it while his mother tries to console him. Victor just keeps getting angry and lashing out, loses control of the car - causing a fiery crash.

LONGER - The Gordon scene had a little setup that I didn't see in the theatrical version. Gordon dismisses a Junkie and tells him to "get better at life" before another cop comes to him with drawings of Parademons. His conversation with the League also ran longer. First, he asks Wonder Woman "if she's the same woman he keeps seeing reports of in London". Then, he asks Cyborg "how does he eat? Does he even need to?".

DELETED: After the attack on Atlantis, Aquaman consults with Mera and Vulko over what he should do next. Mera wants him to stay as King because she "doesn't trust Orm". Vulko wants him to do what his heart says. Aquaman confesses that he feels a responsinility to help the people on Earth.

DELETED: The League visits the Batcave. Alfred has humorous reactions to the League. Bruce Wayne talks about a "nightmare" he had. He believes that Steppenwolf will try and resurrect the power of Superman and "that they must do it first unless they want to fight an Evil Kryptonian too."

CHANGED: Superman's resurrection was ONLY possible because Cyborg detects foreign genetic material in his DNA a.k.a the Codex. This is the final confirmation needed that Superman can be brought back to life after all. Then, the revival happens pretty much the same.

DELETED: Deathstroke breaks Lex out of prison. They part ways because the cops are hot on their trail - deciding to meet up later at "the location they discussed".

DELETED: Kent Farm. Superman brings Lois here. however, he is still very confused and not knowing what's happening. Bystanders are looking at him and clicking his photos. This confuses him further and he actually tries to attack the civilians with his laser-eyes before Lois manages to calm him down. Superman tells her that "the voices won't shut up". Later, Martha shows up here and Clark and Lois are already inside the house. Clark is calmer now but still very confused - his powers are going haywire and his senses are heightened. Martha gives the "Picture the world as an Island. Follow my voice and come back to me" speech from MoS. It seems to calm him down. Later, Clark is wearing his shirt when he sees Pa Kent (Yes, Costner was here too) out in the fields. He goes out to see him. Pa Kent talks about "embracing who you really are". He tells Clark that "you have to make peace with who you are. You have the power to change the world and you can do that as anyone, good character or bad." Clark finally embraces Superman as a part of him when Lois walks out. Clark confirms their engagement, Lois breaks down because she wasn't strong enough. Then, Martha comes out too as Clark decides to help the League and flies off. That's how it happened in my version. I may have paraphrased some dialogue but that was basically it.

DELETED: Clark heads up to meet Alfred and get his suit.

DELETED: Steppenwolf's second conversation with Heggra. Now that he has all three Mother Boxes - her return to this world can begin.

CHANGED: Bruce's conversation with Diana after Superman returns. Diana comes in to pop Bruce's shoulder and tend to his injuries. Bruce reveals that he is willing to die to save the world. In fact, he says "he deserves to die because of what he's done. He's killed people and nothing, not even his hate for Superman can justify killing like that". Diana tells him that "he's changed now" but Bruce remains adamant that he can only atone himself by sacrificing his life.

CHANGED: Bruce's Batmobile is headed to certain death during the finale when Wonder Woman and Aquaman interfere and save his life. They tell him that dying in battle won't do anything and he must live to keep the fight going.

ALTERNATE ENDING WE WERE SHOWN: Cyborg tries to separate the Mother Boxes while Heggra keeps trying to talk him away. Furious, Steppenwolf grabs him and rips him apart - essentially killing him.

CHANGED: Superman joins the fight and teams up with the League to defeat Steppenwolf. However, at one point, Steppy tries to tempt Superman into joining his army and we see Darksied (for the first time) in Superman's vision and we see flashes of the Knightmare footage. However, Superman SNAPS back from it and delivers the final blow to Steppy, defeating him.

DELETED: Steppenwolf is killed by Darkseid on Apokolips. Darkseid intends to come to Earth to "meet the Kryptonian".

DELETED: Aquaman meets Mera off the village coast and agrees to come back. Barry steps into the library, Iris smiles at him cutely.

DELETED: Bruce and Barry place Victor's "body" in the Batcave. Bruce comments that "his organic tissue is dead but it may be possible to reignite his mechanical parts". Barry promises to help however he can.

DELETED: Lois introduces Perry White to "Clark Kent a.k.a Superman".

Falta creerselo o no pero para mi quedaría una peli mucho más seria y fuerte con
la muerte de cyborg a manos de steppen y que darkseid mate a steppen en vez de que se lo lleven los pajaritos que para mi quedo muy pero que muy cutre, segun decian en otro corte ponian a wonder woman cortando la cabeza de steppen.

En fin :(
-Dyne- escribió:Un blockbuster es lo que es, pero si bien en las pelis de DC intentaban darle un toque oscuro algo diferente, con Justice League han hecho una peli completamente prefabricada de buena factura pero sin alma.

No sé si tendrá éxito o no, pero es la misma mierda que Avengers así que su éxito dependerá de otros factores más allá de la película en si misma.

Estoy de acuerdo, en esta peli he echado en falta ese tono que si bien a mucha gente no le gusta, a mí me encanta y hace que pelis como Man of Steel y BvS me dejen mejor sabor de boca que ésta. Si quiero ver Avengers me voy a ver Avengers, aunque no es tan exagerado sí que tira bastante por ahí en varios aspectos.

Como Blockbuster más "desenfadado" WW seguramente está mejor enfocada que JL. Que por cierto, no he comentado nada sobre ella en el tocho anterior, pero dios mío de mi vida, qué mujer [jaja] [looco] [amor] Al margen de lo obvio, ella y las partes de las amazones me parecen de lo mejor de la peli junto a las partes de Flash en acción, mientras que por ejemplo Batman, por el tono que tiene la peli, creo que le perjudica más y hace que luzca menos que en BvS, que para mí tiene un tono mucho más apropiado para el personaje.
Solo para recordar pongo el opening de BvS:


Como esta rodada, la paleta de colores, la musica, todo encaja a la perfección, comparado a como empieza JL... ains :-|
ionesteraX escribió:Otras escena eliminadas o sin acabar, de cyborg:




De flash:


No se lo que duraran online.

Y un resumen de lo que era segun dicen:

LONGER: Began with Bruce recruiting Aquaman. It was basically the same scene as I saw in the theatrical version this weekend. However, some lines were added by Whedon and some Zack bits were cut. Aquaman was originally more resilient and shut-off to Bruce here.

DELETED: Barry Allen visits the library because he knows that Iris West is there. He tries to talk to her but fumbles and blushes. He mentions that "he might go and see his Dad today". Iris likes his awkwardness but doesn't think he's all that special. We see Barry breaking the window with his finger to kind-of impress Iris (our FIRST look at his powers). When everyone and Iris are surprised at this window breaking, Barry just says "weak glass" and walks out.

LONGER: History Lesson. But just by some bits. What I was most surprised by was that WB cut out dialogue by the Green Lantern, Zeus and even Ares (Yes, he was there too). They had a couple of lines each. As did Robin Wright and Hippolyta. They just kept the action in and clicked out all dialogue, I guess.

DELETED: After taking the Mother Box from Themiscyra, Steppenwolf actually "talks" to the Box. His mother, Heggra's essence is alive in the Mother Boxes and bringing them all together would unleash her powers - finally giving Steppenwolf an edge over his younger brother - Darkseid. That is what his plan was originally. I thought for sure that they would keep this scene in because they used a dialogue from this scene in the trailers - "No protectors here. No Lanterns. This world will fall. You will be free, mother."

DELETED - Cyborg's previous life. He plays a great football match that his MOTHER (Yes, she was cast as well) attends. Afterwards, they drive home. Victor is angry that his Dad never made it while his mother tries to console him. Victor just keeps getting angry and lashing out, loses control of the car - causing a fiery crash.

LONGER - The Gordon scene had a little setup that I didn't see in the theatrical version. Gordon dismisses a Junkie and tells him to "get better at life" before another cop comes to him with drawings of Parademons. His conversation with the League also ran longer. First, he asks Wonder Woman "if she's the same woman he keeps seeing reports of in London". Then, he asks Cyborg "how does he eat? Does he even need to?".

DELETED: After the attack on Atlantis, Aquaman consults with Mera and Vulko over what he should do next. Mera wants him to stay as King because she "doesn't trust Orm". Vulko wants him to do what his heart says. Aquaman confesses that he feels a responsinility to help the people on Earth.

DELETED: The League visits the Batcave. Alfred has humorous reactions to the League. Bruce Wayne talks about a "nightmare" he had. He believes that Steppenwolf will try and resurrect the power of Superman and "that they must do it first unless they want to fight an Evil Kryptonian too."

CHANGED: Superman's resurrection was ONLY possible because Cyborg detects foreign genetic material in his DNA a.k.a the Codex. This is the final confirmation needed that Superman can be brought back to life after all. Then, the revival happens pretty much the same.

DELETED: Deathstroke breaks Lex out of prison. They part ways because the cops are hot on their trail - deciding to meet up later at "the location they discussed".

DELETED: Kent Farm. Superman brings Lois here. however, he is still very confused and not knowing what's happening. Bystanders are looking at him and clicking his photos. This confuses him further and he actually tries to attack the civilians with his laser-eyes before Lois manages to calm him down. Superman tells her that "the voices won't shut up". Later, Martha shows up here and Clark and Lois are already inside the house. Clark is calmer now but still very confused - his powers are going haywire and his senses are heightened. Martha gives the "Picture the world as an Island. Follow my voice and come back to me" speech from MoS. It seems to calm him down. Later, Clark is wearing his shirt when he sees Pa Kent (Yes, Costner was here too) out in the fields. He goes out to see him. Pa Kent talks about "embracing who you really are". He tells Clark that "you have to make peace with who you are. You have the power to change the world and you can do that as anyone, good character or bad." Clark finally embraces Superman as a part of him when Lois walks out. Clark confirms their engagement, Lois breaks down because she wasn't strong enough. Then, Martha comes out too as Clark decides to help the League and flies off. That's how it happened in my version. I may have paraphrased some dialogue but that was basically it.

DELETED: Clark heads up to meet Alfred and get his suit.

DELETED: Steppenwolf's second conversation with Heggra. Now that he has all three Mother Boxes - her return to this world can begin.

CHANGED: Bruce's conversation with Diana after Superman returns. Diana comes in to pop Bruce's shoulder and tend to his injuries. Bruce reveals that he is willing to die to save the world. In fact, he says "he deserves to die because of what he's done. He's killed people and nothing, not even his hate for Superman can justify killing like that". Diana tells him that "he's changed now" but Bruce remains adamant that he can only atone himself by sacrificing his life.

CHANGED: Bruce's Batmobile is headed to certain death during the finale when Wonder Woman and Aquaman interfere and save his life. They tell him that dying in battle won't do anything and he must live to keep the fight going.

ALTERNATE ENDING WE WERE SHOWN: Cyborg tries to separate the Mother Boxes while Heggra keeps trying to talk him away. Furious, Steppenwolf grabs him and rips him apart - essentially killing him.

CHANGED: Superman joins the fight and teams up with the League to defeat Steppenwolf. However, at one point, Steppy tries to tempt Superman into joining his army and we see Darksied (for the first time) in Superman's vision and we see flashes of the Knightmare footage. However, Superman SNAPS back from it and delivers the final blow to Steppy, defeating him.

DELETED: Steppenwolf is killed by Darkseid on Apokolips. Darkseid intends to come to Earth to "meet the Kryptonian".

DELETED: Aquaman meets Mera off the village coast and agrees to come back. Barry steps into the library, Iris smiles at him cutely.

DELETED: Bruce and Barry place Victor's "body" in the Batcave. Bruce comments that "his organic tissue is dead but it may be possible to reignite his mechanical parts". Barry promises to help however he can.

DELETED: Lois introduces Perry White to "Clark Kent a.k.a Superman".

Falta creerselo o no pero para mi quedaría una peli mucho más seria y fuerte con
la muerte de cyborg a manos de steppen y que darkseid mate a steppen en vez de que se lo lleven los pajaritos que para mi quedo muy pero que muy cutre, segun decian en otro corte ponian a wonder woman cortando la cabeza de steppen.

En fin :(

La verdad si todos estos cambios son ciertos son unosc cambios bastante gordos de cara al resultado final de la peli

hay algunos que me gustan otros no

por ej
Eso de que SW tiente a superman de unirsele y le vengan flashes de el "sueño" de Batman de la anterior habria sido todo un puntoazo verlo y las conversaciones con las cajas idem
Vista la película.... ,me a dejado frío , mucho. Me encantan todas estas películas y cuanta más fantasiosa mejor , pero no se , a sido como ver una especie de capítulo mal terminado y todo muy deprisa.
Me he puesto varias escenas de batman v superman y es que no hay color en lo epico, excepto un momento claro de la peli, pero vamos... quizas esta pelicula si gana a la versión de cine de bvs en su narrativa y divertimento, pero como decis, le falta reposo y alguna escena molona a camara lenta de snyder, con musica epica [carcajad]

En cuanto acción no se, a mi me molo mucho el batman que salva a martha o el principio de la peli con el coche, incluso la pelea entre los heroes o contra doomsday, no se, esta peli es más cara y todo eso, pero no lo parece, excepto casos puntuales claro y no soy de muchas bromas...


no sali contento de bvs, en cines, quizas me pase lo mismo con esta en un revisionado.
Por fin, vista ayer. Me gusto mucho, mucho.

Una pasada de película, a mi mujer que no le van ese tipo de pelis también salio muy contenta.

Es que voy a verla al cine de nuevo.
belenjer escribió:Por fin, vista ayer. Me gusto mucho, mucho.

Una pasada de película, a mi mujer que no le van ese tipo de pelis también salio muy contenta.

Es que voy a verla al cine de nuevo.

joder 2 veces¿?ozuuu...esta 2 vez en q te fijaras mas?efectos?
belenjer escribió:Por fin, vista ayer. Me gusto mucho, mucho.

Una pasada de película, a mi mujer que no le van ese tipo de pelis también salio muy contenta.

Es que voy a verla al cine de nuevo.

Probablemente no tenga nada que ver con que salgan Momoa y Cavill sin camiseta XD
unilordx escribió:
belenjer escribió:Por fin, vista ayer. Me gusto mucho, mucho.

Una pasada de película, a mi mujer que no le van ese tipo de pelis también salio muy contenta.

Es que voy a verla al cine de nuevo.

Probablemente no tenga nada que ver con que salgan Momoa y Cavill sin camiseta XD

Deberían haber sacado al bueno de affleck sin camiseta en uno de los reshoot para compensar xD

De todas formas sigo diciendo que a cualquiera que le molen las pelis de superheores debe verla si o si, marvel no esta a la altura en escenas de lucha con lo que puede dar snyder y quiza esta sea la ultima vez que veamos eso, la escena de flash
intentando pillar la espalda de superman y este girando su mirada siguiendolo mientras tiene el resto de la JL atrapado y la reacción de la cara de flash no tiene precio
es de lo mejor que he visto en pelis de superheroes.
Ostiazo en taquilla, solo hace 96 millones en USA.
Madremia y la película ha costado 300 millones y luego hay que añadirle por lo menos 100 más de marketing, se nos viene reinicio después de Aquaman.
(mensaje borrado)
Teniendo en cuenta la escena postcreditos y que han enganchado a Gareth Evans de director, más el dinero que llevan sacado (si esta sale floja será la primera) lo dudo mucho. Como mucho dirán que nada de pelis con presupuesto absurdo.
(mensaje borrado)
despues del estropicio que hicieron con BvS destrozando la película a saco cortando a lo bestia las escenas, normal que haya gente reticente a ir al cine. cuando se corra la voz de que no está mutilada ya iran.
Cancion extendida de un teaser de aquaman: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9riigqWjovM&t=2s

Se dice que es un descarte de Junkie XL.

edit: aunque es probable que sea de Hi-Finesse
Wozcrash escribió:Ostiazo en taquilla, solo hace 96 millones en USA.

Un poco exagerado. No es un gran resultado, pero está lejos de ser un gran fracaso. Thor recaudó 122 millones.

Creo q lleva una cifra decente- buena, casi 300 millones en todo el mundo.
ionesteraX escribió:Otras escena eliminadas o sin acabar, de cyborg:




De flash:


No se lo que duraran online.

Y un resumen de lo que era segun dicen:

LONGER: Began with Bruce recruiting Aquaman. It was basically the same scene as I saw in the theatrical version this weekend. However, some lines were added by Whedon and some Zack bits were cut. Aquaman was originally more resilient and shut-off to Bruce here.

DELETED: Barry Allen visits the library because he knows that Iris West is there. He tries to talk to her but fumbles and blushes. He mentions that "he might go and see his Dad today". Iris likes his awkwardness but doesn't think he's all that special. We see Barry breaking the window with his finger to kind-of impress Iris (our FIRST look at his powers). When everyone and Iris are surprised at this window breaking, Barry just says "weak glass" and walks out.

LONGER: History Lesson. But just by some bits. What I was most surprised by was that WB cut out dialogue by the Green Lantern, Zeus and even Ares (Yes, he was there too). They had a couple of lines each. As did Robin Wright and Hippolyta. They just kept the action in and clicked out all dialogue, I guess.

DELETED: After taking the Mother Box from Themiscyra, Steppenwolf actually "talks" to the Box. His mother, Heggra's essence is alive in the Mother Boxes and bringing them all together would unleash her powers - finally giving Steppenwolf an edge over his younger brother - Darkseid. That is what his plan was originally. I thought for sure that they would keep this scene in because they used a dialogue from this scene in the trailers - "No protectors here. No Lanterns. This world will fall. You will be free, mother."

DELETED - Cyborg's previous life. He plays a great football match that his MOTHER (Yes, she was cast as well) attends. Afterwards, they drive home. Victor is angry that his Dad never made it while his mother tries to console him. Victor just keeps getting angry and lashing out, loses control of the car - causing a fiery crash.

LONGER - The Gordon scene had a little setup that I didn't see in the theatrical version. Gordon dismisses a Junkie and tells him to "get better at life" before another cop comes to him with drawings of Parademons. His conversation with the League also ran longer. First, he asks Wonder Woman "if she's the same woman he keeps seeing reports of in London". Then, he asks Cyborg "how does he eat? Does he even need to?".

DELETED: After the attack on Atlantis, Aquaman consults with Mera and Vulko over what he should do next. Mera wants him to stay as King because she "doesn't trust Orm". Vulko wants him to do what his heart says. Aquaman confesses that he feels a responsinility to help the people on Earth.

DELETED: The League visits the Batcave. Alfred has humorous reactions to the League. Bruce Wayne talks about a "nightmare" he had. He believes that Steppenwolf will try and resurrect the power of Superman and "that they must do it first unless they want to fight an Evil Kryptonian too."

CHANGED: Superman's resurrection was ONLY possible because Cyborg detects foreign genetic material in his DNA a.k.a the Codex. This is the final confirmation needed that Superman can be brought back to life after all. Then, the revival happens pretty much the same.

DELETED: Deathstroke breaks Lex out of prison. They part ways because the cops are hot on their trail - deciding to meet up later at "the location they discussed".

DELETED: Kent Farm. Superman brings Lois here. however, he is still very confused and not knowing what's happening. Bystanders are looking at him and clicking his photos. This confuses him further and he actually tries to attack the civilians with his laser-eyes before Lois manages to calm him down. Superman tells her that "the voices won't shut up". Later, Martha shows up here and Clark and Lois are already inside the house. Clark is calmer now but still very confused - his powers are going haywire and his senses are heightened. Martha gives the "Picture the world as an Island. Follow my voice and come back to me" speech from MoS. It seems to calm him down. Later, Clark is wearing his shirt when he sees Pa Kent (Yes, Costner was here too) out in the fields. He goes out to see him. Pa Kent talks about "embracing who you really are". He tells Clark that "you have to make peace with who you are. You have the power to change the world and you can do that as anyone, good character or bad." Clark finally embraces Superman as a part of him when Lois walks out. Clark confirms their engagement, Lois breaks down because she wasn't strong enough. Then, Martha comes out too as Clark decides to help the League and flies off. That's how it happened in my version. I may have paraphrased some dialogue but that was basically it.

DELETED: Clark heads up to meet Alfred and get his suit.

DELETED: Steppenwolf's second conversation with Heggra. Now that he has all three Mother Boxes - her return to this world can begin.

CHANGED: Bruce's conversation with Diana after Superman returns. Diana comes in to pop Bruce's shoulder and tend to his injuries. Bruce reveals that he is willing to die to save the world. In fact, he says "he deserves to die because of what he's done. He's killed people and nothing, not even his hate for Superman can justify killing like that". Diana tells him that "he's changed now" but Bruce remains adamant that he can only atone himself by sacrificing his life.

CHANGED: Bruce's Batmobile is headed to certain death during the finale when Wonder Woman and Aquaman interfere and save his life. They tell him that dying in battle won't do anything and he must live to keep the fight going.

ALTERNATE ENDING WE WERE SHOWN: Cyborg tries to separate the Mother Boxes while Heggra keeps trying to talk him away. Furious, Steppenwolf grabs him and rips him apart - essentially killing him.

CHANGED: Superman joins the fight and teams up with the League to defeat Steppenwolf. However, at one point, Steppy tries to tempt Superman into joining his army and we see Darksied (for the first time) in Superman's vision and we see flashes of the Knightmare footage. However, Superman SNAPS back from it and delivers the final blow to Steppy, defeating him.

DELETED: Steppenwolf is killed by Darkseid on Apokolips. Darkseid intends to come to Earth to "meet the Kryptonian".

DELETED: Aquaman meets Mera off the village coast and agrees to come back. Barry steps into the library, Iris smiles at him cutely.

DELETED: Bruce and Barry place Victor's "body" in the Batcave. Bruce comments that "his organic tissue is dead but it may be possible to reignite his mechanical parts". Barry promises to help however he can.

DELETED: Lois introduces Perry White to "Clark Kent a.k.a Superman".

Falta creerselo o no pero para mi quedaría una peli mucho más seria y fuerte con
la muerte de cyborg a manos de steppen y que darkseid mate a steppen en vez de que se lo lleven los pajaritos que para mi quedo muy pero que muy cutre, segun decian en otro corte ponian a wonder woman cortando la cabeza de steppen.

En fin :(

Yo sigo sin entender que coño pretende la Warner con destrozar así estas películas. Ahí hay escenas que podrían haber sido brutales. A mi parecer, enseñar ya a Darkseid es un acierto, porque Thanos supuestamente iba a aparecer en la segunda de Avengers, pero nos encasquetaron a Ultron y encima van a dividir la guerra del Infinito en 2 partes. Están alargando el chicle exageradamente.
@Brawler aquí igual, parece que darkseid no saldra en la segunda entrega, más si vemos la postcreditos.
Al menos no crean hype.
(mensaje borrado)
Brawler escribió:
ionesteraX escribió:Otras escena eliminadas o sin acabar, de cyborg:




De flash:


No se lo que duraran online.

Y un resumen de lo que era segun dicen:

LONGER: Began with Bruce recruiting Aquaman. It was basically the same scene as I saw in the theatrical version this weekend. However, some lines were added by Whedon and some Zack bits were cut. Aquaman was originally more resilient and shut-off to Bruce here.

DELETED: Barry Allen visits the library because he knows that Iris West is there. He tries to talk to her but fumbles and blushes. He mentions that "he might go and see his Dad today". Iris likes his awkwardness but doesn't think he's all that special. We see Barry breaking the window with his finger to kind-of impress Iris (our FIRST look at his powers). When everyone and Iris are surprised at this window breaking, Barry just says "weak glass" and walks out.

LONGER: History Lesson. But just by some bits. What I was most surprised by was that WB cut out dialogue by the Green Lantern, Zeus and even Ares (Yes, he was there too). They had a couple of lines each. As did Robin Wright and Hippolyta. They just kept the action in and clicked out all dialogue, I guess.

DELETED: After taking the Mother Box from Themiscyra, Steppenwolf actually "talks" to the Box. His mother, Heggra's essence is alive in the Mother Boxes and bringing them all together would unleash her powers - finally giving Steppenwolf an edge over his younger brother - Darkseid. That is what his plan was originally. I thought for sure that they would keep this scene in because they used a dialogue from this scene in the trailers - "No protectors here. No Lanterns. This world will fall. You will be free, mother."

DELETED - Cyborg's previous life. He plays a great football match that his MOTHER (Yes, she was cast as well) attends. Afterwards, they drive home. Victor is angry that his Dad never made it while his mother tries to console him. Victor just keeps getting angry and lashing out, loses control of the car - causing a fiery crash.

LONGER - The Gordon scene had a little setup that I didn't see in the theatrical version. Gordon dismisses a Junkie and tells him to "get better at life" before another cop comes to him with drawings of Parademons. His conversation with the League also ran longer. First, he asks Wonder Woman "if she's the same woman he keeps seeing reports of in London". Then, he asks Cyborg "how does he eat? Does he even need to?".

DELETED: After the attack on Atlantis, Aquaman consults with Mera and Vulko over what he should do next. Mera wants him to stay as King because she "doesn't trust Orm". Vulko wants him to do what his heart says. Aquaman confesses that he feels a responsinility to help the people on Earth.

DELETED: The League visits the Batcave. Alfred has humorous reactions to the League. Bruce Wayne talks about a "nightmare" he had. He believes that Steppenwolf will try and resurrect the power of Superman and "that they must do it first unless they want to fight an Evil Kryptonian too."

CHANGED: Superman's resurrection was ONLY possible because Cyborg detects foreign genetic material in his DNA a.k.a the Codex. This is the final confirmation needed that Superman can be brought back to life after all. Then, the revival happens pretty much the same.

DELETED: Deathstroke breaks Lex out of prison. They part ways because the cops are hot on their trail - deciding to meet up later at "the location they discussed".

DELETED: Kent Farm. Superman brings Lois here. however, he is still very confused and not knowing what's happening. Bystanders are looking at him and clicking his photos. This confuses him further and he actually tries to attack the civilians with his laser-eyes before Lois manages to calm him down. Superman tells her that "the voices won't shut up". Later, Martha shows up here and Clark and Lois are already inside the house. Clark is calmer now but still very confused - his powers are going haywire and his senses are heightened. Martha gives the "Picture the world as an Island. Follow my voice and come back to me" speech from MoS. It seems to calm him down. Later, Clark is wearing his shirt when he sees Pa Kent (Yes, Costner was here too) out in the fields. He goes out to see him. Pa Kent talks about "embracing who you really are". He tells Clark that "you have to make peace with who you are. You have the power to change the world and you can do that as anyone, good character or bad." Clark finally embraces Superman as a part of him when Lois walks out. Clark confirms their engagement, Lois breaks down because she wasn't strong enough. Then, Martha comes out too as Clark decides to help the League and flies off. That's how it happened in my version. I may have paraphrased some dialogue but that was basically it.

DELETED: Clark heads up to meet Alfred and get his suit.

DELETED: Steppenwolf's second conversation with Heggra. Now that he has all three Mother Boxes - her return to this world can begin.

CHANGED: Bruce's conversation with Diana after Superman returns. Diana comes in to pop Bruce's shoulder and tend to his injuries. Bruce reveals that he is willing to die to save the world. In fact, he says "he deserves to die because of what he's done. He's killed people and nothing, not even his hate for Superman can justify killing like that". Diana tells him that "he's changed now" but Bruce remains adamant that he can only atone himself by sacrificing his life.

CHANGED: Bruce's Batmobile is headed to certain death during the finale when Wonder Woman and Aquaman interfere and save his life. They tell him that dying in battle won't do anything and he must live to keep the fight going.

ALTERNATE ENDING WE WERE SHOWN: Cyborg tries to separate the Mother Boxes while Heggra keeps trying to talk him away. Furious, Steppenwolf grabs him and rips him apart - essentially killing him.

CHANGED: Superman joins the fight and teams up with the League to defeat Steppenwolf. However, at one point, Steppy tries to tempt Superman into joining his army and we see Darksied (for the first time) in Superman's vision and we see flashes of the Knightmare footage. However, Superman SNAPS back from it and delivers the final blow to Steppy, defeating him.

DELETED: Steppenwolf is killed by Darkseid on Apokolips. Darkseid intends to come to Earth to "meet the Kryptonian".

DELETED: Aquaman meets Mera off the village coast and agrees to come back. Barry steps into the library, Iris smiles at him cutely.

DELETED: Bruce and Barry place Victor's "body" in the Batcave. Bruce comments that "his organic tissue is dead but it may be possible to reignite his mechanical parts". Barry promises to help however he can.

DELETED: Lois introduces Perry White to "Clark Kent a.k.a Superman".

Falta creerselo o no pero para mi quedaría una peli mucho más seria y fuerte con
la muerte de cyborg a manos de steppen y que darkseid mate a steppen en vez de que se lo lleven los pajaritos que para mi quedo muy pero que muy cutre, segun decian en otro corte ponian a wonder woman cortando la cabeza de steppen.

En fin :(

Yo sigo sin entender que coño pretende la Warner con destrozar así estas películas. Ahí hay escenas que podrían haber sido brutales. A mi parecer, enseñar ya a Darkseid es un acierto, porque Thanos supuestamente iba a aparecer en la segunda de Avengers, pero nos encasquetaron a Ultron y encima van a dividir la guerra del Infinito en 2 partes. Están alargando el chicle exageradamente.

La escena de Flash salvando a Iris en el accidente ni idea de porque la han quitado, viendola en ese video que he puesto ( ya borrado ) estaba chulisima y era una muestra de su poder, igual con la cyborg aprendiendo a volar con el guiño al batman de burton.

@Alec Holland Eso depende, DC tenia su nicho de publico más adulto y habia muy pocas pelis de ese estilo por lo tanto tenian bastante recorrido, si ahora tiran al estilo marvel pues les queda menos ya que si la escalada sigue como en ragnarok acabaran viendo estas pelis chavalines de 10 años a lo sumo xD y esta sobreexplotado por disney.
ya son para chavalines, sino de 10 de 15. el tema es ser capaz uno de meterse en esos zapatos para poder disfrutar de estas pelis.
Alec Holland escribió:¿Cuantos años creeis que le quedan al género para permitirse esta sobre explotacion de películas?

Si DC sigue sacando mierdas como hogazas, en breve echan el freno hasta dentro de unos años.
MOS y BvS me gustaron, pero el resto... WW es un despropósito sin pies ni cabeza y JL en cuanto pueda la veo. Y tengo ganas. Lo que no quiero es llevarme una decepción.
Tiene sus puntos buenos y malos la peli, creo que intentan seguir la estela de Marvel con respecto al "entretenimiento" al final como dicen la comedia es lo más fácil y rápido de digerir, yo soy de que deben ser muy equilibrados con eso porque abusar de lo cómico harán que nadie tenga en cuenta a los superheroes.
rampopo escribió:despues del estropicio que hicieron con BvS destrozando la película a saco cortando a lo bestia las escenas, normal que haya gente reticente a ir al cine. cuando se corra la voz de que no está mutilada ya iran.

Pero es que sí lo está, y da la sensación de que igual o más que BvS. Como no saquen una versión doméstica extendida a muchos se nos quedará definitivamente este sabor de boca agridulce, porque la película podría haber sido mejor y es una pena. Es que siempre hacen lo mismo joder, siempre.
Brawler escribió:
Yo sigo sin entender que coño pretende la Warner con destrozar así estas películas. Ahí hay escenas que podrían haber sido brutales. A mi parecer, enseñar ya a Darkseid es un acierto, porque Thanos supuestamente iba a aparecer en la segunda de Avengers, pero nos encasquetaron a Ultron y encima van a dividir la guerra del Infinito en 2 partes. Están alargando el chicle exageradamente.

Creo que todo el mundo sabía que thanos no iba a aparecer hasta Infinity war (igual lo de guantelete del infinito e Infinity debería haberte dado una pista)
Eso sí, lo de dividirla en dos evidentemente es para sacar €. Aunque si van a poner tropecientosmil personajes tendrán que hacerle hueco a todos
La eliminación de la escena de Iris segun he leido tiene que ver con que en la peli en solitario de flash han cambiado a la actriz y chocaría que aquí pusieran una Iris y en flashpoint otra diferente, una lastima ya que la escena era una pasada.
thafestco escribió:
Brawler escribió:
Yo sigo sin entender que coño pretende la Warner con destrozar así estas películas. Ahí hay escenas que podrían haber sido brutales. A mi parecer, enseñar ya a Darkseid es un acierto, porque Thanos supuestamente iba a aparecer en la segunda de Avengers, pero nos encasquetaron a Ultron y encima van a dividir la guerra del Infinito en 2 partes. Están alargando el chicle exageradamente.

Creo que todo el mundo sabía que thanos no iba a aparecer hasta Infinity war (igual lo de guantelete del infinito e Infinity debería haberte dado una pista)
Eso sí, lo de dividirla en dos evidentemente es para sacar €. Aunque si van a poner tropecientosmil personajes tendrán que hacerle hueco a todos

Hombre, cuando salio la primera Avengers y Thanos se mostró en la escena post-créditos, creo que muchos dimos por hecho que le veríamos en la segunda.
Viendo el resultado de taquilla, el peor del universo DC con el mayor presupuestos me huelo a cambios drásticos, el mas probable la marcha de Affleck, otra posibilidad es que Warner crea una linea de películas independiestes al universo extendido donde meterán la película del Joker e incluso la de Batman.
Con Aquaman ya rodada y Wonder Woman 2 con luz verde habrá que ver si con Flashpoint se marcan un "Dias del futuro pasado" para el reinicio.
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