Ya esta para descargar por Steam el
pack descargable gratuito para UT3, y lo mejor de todo:
¡¡¡¡FIN DE SEMANA DE PRUEBA GRATUITO!!!! (3 dias). Asi que a darle caña, que si veo durante este fin de semana que hay servidores me lo compro el lunes
* 16 environments — four Warfare, three vCTF, six Deathmatch, and three CTF maps — that are new to the PC and PS3 versions
* Three bonus pack maps, CTF-Face, CTF-Searchlight and DM-Morbias
* The namesake Titan mutator, which lets players overwhelm opponents as a 15 foot tall titan, or crush them as a 30 foot tall Behemoth
* Greed and Betrayal, two gametypes that breed new-found fervor throughout the competitive UT3 arena
* Two powerful weapons, the Stinger Turret and Eradicator Cannon artillery
* Two valuable deployables, the X-Ray Field and Link Station
* The Slow Field power-up, a portable version of the Slow Field deployable
* Stealthbender, a new vehicle that carries two spidermine trap deployables, one EMP mine, and one each of the new Link Station and X-Ray Field deployables
* Two new characters, Nova and Kana
* 57 awards attainable as Steam Achievements
* Significant AI enhancements, especially in vehicle gametypes; networking performance upgrades; greatly improved menu flow and UI usability; better mod support
* Client-side demo recording, highly improved Server Browser, a new maplist system, plus mid-game mutator and gametype voting functionality for PC