Alguien que tenga el Platino del Dynasty Warriors 6 Empires puede ayudarme porfavor??
2000 puntos de bonus para el trofeo de plata y platino... Pero nose que leches hay que hacer con esto, en una partida tengo rango 7 o algo asi y dos chicas en mi equipo y de boda nanai...
-Get married
-Villagers or allies ask you to overthrow their leader
-Sima Yi advises you to prepare for invasion
-Zhuge Liang tells you about his plan
-Lu Meng returns from special training
-Find the Imperial Seal
-Take the Imperial Throne
-Complete a battle with fewer than 100 KO
and let your allies defeat the enemy commander
-Complete an invasion alone, on "Master" or "Chaos" difficulty
-Complete a battle without taking damage and with 1000 KOs