Que lo abra otro que estoy muy vaguete

puestas por kurono en gaf, del mismo sitio del otro día, las de MC.
Leaked Media Create numbers from the site that last week leaked them (and they turned out to be true).
DSi 85,327
PSP 38,153
Wii 26,787
PS3 17,448
X360 7,983
PS2 5,421
DSL 3,559
1. NDS Kirby 97,449 363,102 69.69%
2. PS3 Way of Samurai 3 81,047 81,047 82.46%
3. NDS Tongari Boushi no Mahou no 365 Nichi 71,914 71,914 54.86%
4. NDS Shiren DS2 45,327 45,327 44.73%
5. PS3 Resistance 2 33,584 33,584 59.67%
6. NDS Nishimura Kyotaro Suspense 2 33,079 33,079 38.21%
7. NDS Ryuusei no RockMan 3 Black Ace 33,067 33,067 45.13%
8. NDS Rhythm Tengoku Gold 30,434 1,159,436 94.65%
9. NDS Girls Mode 29,870 183,431 91.53%
10. NDS Pokemon Platinum 26,767 1,917,117 96.53%