[HO] Automobilista 2 - ¡Ya a la venta! - Parche 1.6 disponible

Fremen78 escribió:@guarmar

La trayectoria de Ian Bell con Project Cars........

Entiendo, he visto que verá la luz en consolas de nueva generación y pc, quizás vayan a hacer algo dirigido a un público más genérico o quizás no, quién sabe, todo se verá.
guarmar escribió:Nadie le da a Automobilista 2 en racecraft.online?

Registrado a racecraft.online.... y he hecho unas prácticas en un server dentro del juego... y creo que he conseguido "licencia" para una carrera...
si no me equivoco, había que dar unas cuantas vueltas limpias para poder participar.

guarmar escribió:
Jarinawer escribió:El otro día compré este sim... y elegí el Lotus 49 (creo que se llama así) para probarlo.
Me apunto al hilo 🙂

Hay una variedad bastante simpática de coches, muchos de ellos muy divertidos, tengo mis preferencias como otros usuarios tendrán las suyas, si te apetece darle escríbeme privado :)

Guai!.. Pues te mandaré un privado y paracticamos lo que nos apetezca... y de paso me enseñas 😊.... que conste que soy bastante pakete 😅..
Lo del Lotus 49 es porque de pequeño recuerdo que mi primer Scalextric traía estos coches y me apetecía mucho provarlos (sí, soy mu viejo ya 😄) .

Pero qué ha pasado que no se ve uno dentro del cockpit!!!?? es que ni se vé el coche!!! :-?

Edito 2...
Vale... no sé que han hecho que me ha cambiado la cámara :-| .
he asignado una tecla para el ciclo de la cámara y ya he podido entrar en el cockpit del coche.
Automobilista 2: Barcelona en camino.

Seguimos con añadidos en Automobilista 2 y es que Barcelona aterriza en la Release Candidate (gratis mientras dure la RC) justo para este fin de semana. Es posible que pronto esté disponible para el resto de jugadores junto a otros cambios en las físicas muy jugosos.

Una nueva versión candidata de Automobilista 2 está ahora disponible como una rama beta en Steam para aquellos interesados en probar la nueva actualización antes de su lanzamiento oficial en los próximos días.

Los usuarios de AMS2 ahora pueden seleccionar la última versión candidata, actualmente V1.4.7.0 build 2297. Para acceder a esta versión, haz clic derecho en Automobilista 2 en tu biblioteca de Steam, ve a Propiedades -> pestaña Beta y selecciona la rama «ReleaseCandidate» en el menú desplegable.

Joder... ahora que me leo,,, lo darle a cambiar de cámara sin querer se ve que me pasa en todos los sims [+risas]... en ACC me pasó igual [facepalm]

@wakenake Al circuito de Barcelona lo jugamos ayer :).... @guarmar me dijo cómo instalar la beta y echamos una carrrerita.

por cierto... en Discord somos tres (por ahora) para jugar a este AMS2, o lo que encarte (ACC).... por si alguien se anima :).
Lo que hacemos es elegir un combo (circuito/coche) y hacemos qualy y carrerita corta, y como somos poquitos, rellenamos con IA.

pd... no recomendado para 'Aliens' del volante.... no por nada.. sino porque se va a aburrir xD
aunque no nos vendría mal... así nos aconseja sobre conducción ;)
wakenake escribió:Automobilista 2: Barcelona en camino.

Seguimos con añadidos en Automobilista 2 y es que Barcelona aterriza en la Release Candidate (gratis mientras dure la RC) justo para este fin de semana. Es posible que pronto esté disponible para el resto de jugadores junto a otros cambios en las físicas muy jugosos.

Una nueva versión candidata de Automobilista 2 está ahora disponible como una rama beta en Steam para aquellos interesados en probar la nueva actualización antes de su lanzamiento oficial en los próximos días.

Los usuarios de AMS2 ahora pueden seleccionar la última versión candidata, actualmente V1.4.7.0 build 2297. Para acceder a esta versión, haz clic derecho en Automobilista 2 en tu biblioteca de Steam, ve a Propiedades -> pestaña Beta y selecciona la rama «ReleaseCandidate» en el menú desplegable.


Más les vale que mejoren la IA porque es muy muy simple. No solo porque la IA no considera al jugador humano sino porque apenas comete errores (como si pasa en Pc2) o peor aún. Se salen de pista y apenas pierden tiempo.
Hice la prueba que hizo el youtuber Heikki.

Se buguea muy fácilmente. Es muy 2005.

Por otro lado, ya sería cojonudo que agregaran al ingeniero para poder hacer reglajes con palabras y no obligar al usuario a aprender de mecánica y gastar tiempo en hacer cambios. Esto ya estaba tmb en Pc2.

Me duelen estas cosas porque si el juego se basa en Projects cars 2 que no quiten ciertas cosas que estaban tan bien. Por no hablar de ciertos coches y circuitos.
Parche V1.4.8.1 y DLC del circuito de Barcelona-Catalunya disponibles
https://store.steampowered.com/news/app ... 6336734618

V1.4.7.2 -> V1.4.8.0 CHANGELOG

Added Circuito de Barcelona-Catalunya DLC
Added Formula USA 2023 (road, short oval & speedway variants) (part of Racin´ USA Pt3 & all packages that include it)
Added Formula Junior

Added Race Weekend option to set pre-race sessions as private sessions (with this setting enabled participants run on an empty track with no interaction from other vehicles)
Added option to set minimum number of changed tyres required for a mandatory stop to count as valid in SP/MP/Champ. Not all stops require the changes but at least one stop in the window must meet the requirements to avoid disqualification; AI will now take advantage of changing less tyres in mandatory stops if other factors don't compel them to change more
Pit Strategy: Removed 'Recommended' tire change strategy. (starting fresh for beta is advised, forced reset likely to follow before main release); When saving a strategy if only fronts or only rears option would be valid for the compounds selected this is automatically applied for the user; Time estimation for changes will now reflect the actual compounds selected regardless of front/rear/all setting
Updated Trueforce support, increased rate, cleaner TF audio effects. Uses native TF lockstop
Initial fuel levels in Multiplayer qualifying will now be the same as the player had set in the previous session, instead of forcing an auto fuel level

Fixed keyboard/controller navigation and incorrect button mapping on vehicle class selection page. ([A]/Enter now toggle classes, [X]/H clears all)
Fixed incorrect DLC marker on all vehicles selection list

Fully revised physics for F-Retros (all gens), F-Classics (all gens), F-USAs (all gens), F-Ultimate Gen2, P1 classes
Updated tire tread for F-Inter

Fixed a case where the AI would slowly rear-end other AI on corner entry making it spin, that was happening on some track/car combos
Minor improvements to AI aggression code
AI behavior adjustments: Increased the rate the AI pulls aside to overtake; Increased amount of AI throttle lifting over water puddles; Increased max distance from which AI overtaking routine kicks in; Increased threshold controlling when AI cars give up on overtaking into corners (both inside and outside)
Fixed an issue where the AI would make an abrupt movement to the pitlane line after requesting a pitstop

McLaren MP4/6: Adjusted rev limiter sound

Nurburgring 1971: Added more period correct advertisement boards; Object LOD adjustments; Minor performance fine-tuning; Some fixes for TV cams; Added VR cams for all layouts; Fixed LOD pop of billboard signs at Nordkehre
Indianapolis Speedway: Move pit lane entrance approximately 40m further down the pit wall as seen in the 2023 event
Azure Circuit: Improved track cut limits at Nouvelle and Piscine

User Livery Overrides: Completed support for all vehicles & corrected some remaining issues
Added tire compound sidewall colors to F-Reiza, F-Ultimate Gen1
Formula Classic G4M3: Fixed T-Cam position
Mclaren MP4/4: Added missing low downforce variant

Fixed missing rear wet compound for P1 2023 tires
F-USA 2023 (all variants): Revised engine torque curve and boost pressure mapping; Reduced default steering lock for speedway variant
F.Vintage Gen1: Initial force feedback revisions
F-Ultimate Gen2: Adjusted AI start performance & DRS gains; Reduced dirty air effect; Adjusted thresholds for sparks to be generated from bottoming out
F-Classic (All gens): Adjusted dirty air effect
Adjusted AI consistency range for less overall laptime variation from lap to lap (consistency standards will still vary class to class and from driver to driver within same class)
F-Retro Gen1: AI calibration pass
Barcelona: Art updates & addition of remining trackside objects; Updated AI performance & lines for both layouts; Fixed bug causing AI to drop out within one lap in chicane layout; Added DRS zones to trackmap
Virginia: Corrected LOD issue with the marshal huts
F-Ultimate Gen2: Adjusted display centering tire temps & adding page 2 with tire pressures & fuel delta
F-Junior: Added needle damping to analogue gauges
Con las nuevas físicas ha mejorado una barbaridad, ahora prescindo del archivo custom de ffb y tengo activado el default+, todavía no está en todos los coches pero en los que está se nota un montón, mención especial para el nuevo Formula Junior, divertidísimo.
Ya sabéis, si alguien se anima que me mencione o me mande un privado, somos muy poquitos pero nos lo pasamos como niños pequeños.
Bien, es el juego al que mas le estoy dando. Ojala puedan cumplir con su idea final del juego. Como dicen el formula junior esta muy guapo. Como no habran muchos tiempos aun al ser un coche nuevo, podriamos elegir una pista los que estemos aqui y picarnos entre nosotros a hacer el mejor tiempo. Voy a probar el Brands Hatch.
A mí la verdad el RX y demás que hablan no me tira mucho, y eso que me gustan mucho los rallyes de tierra y asi, pero estas modalidades no me acaban de llamar. Desconozco si ya está dentro del season pass, pero si no es así dudo mucho que pague por esto.

Respecto a todo lo relacionado con Le Mans ya es todo lo contrario, gran noticia que metan el circuito, versiones clásicas y ademas coches relaciones, seguramente caigan algunos que hay en PC2 como el Alpine de los 70.

A ver si van mejorando/actualizando también el tema de físicas y demás, con la última actualización parece que no ha ido mal de lo que llegue a probar. Para mí es un juego que tiene partes que se disfrutan mucho como por ejemplo los Stockcar brasileños, pero hay otras que no me acaban de convencer. Y ciertamente para el jugador que le gusta jugar offline es un simulador que está muy bien por lo todo lo que ofrece. Incluso para mí que no soy un asiduo del VR porque tampoco me acaba de convencer el feeling con el coche de los juegos en general, a veces me lo pongo para alguna carrera y va muy bien, se disfruta bastante.
Buenos días, tengo ganas de meter el volante este veranito y echarle a un simulador de los actuales, ya que me quedé en Assetto Corsa original.

Varias preguntas:

Para jugar offline, ¿mejor Assetto Corsa Competicione o Automobilista 2?

De Automobilista 2 ¿está bien el juego base o vale la pena apoquinar 73 euros por el juego con el seasson pass? doy bastante importancia al número de circuitos...
jordi1986 escribió:Buenos días, tengo ganas de meter el volante este veranito y echarle a un simulador de los actuales, ya que me quedé en Assetto Corsa original.

Varias preguntas:

Para jugar offline, ¿mejor Assetto Corsa Competicione o Automobilista 2?

De Automobilista 2 ¿está bien el juego base o vale la pena apoquinar 73 euros por el juego con el seasson pass? doy bastante importancia al número de circuitos...

Depende de la experiencia offline que busques, si es rodar tu solo sin duda AC, si es carreras con la IA quizás mejor AM2
Rock_Arm escribió:
jordi1986 escribió:Buenos días, tengo ganas de meter el volante este veranito y echarle a un simulador de los actuales, ya que me quedé en Assetto Corsa original.

Varias preguntas:

Para jugar offline, ¿mejor Assetto Corsa Competicione o Automobilista 2?

De Automobilista 2 ¿está bien el juego base o vale la pena apoquinar 73 euros por el juego con el seasson pass? doy bastante importancia al número de circuitos...

Depende de la experiencia offline que busques, si es rodar tu solo sin duda AC, si es carreras con la IA quizás mejor AM2

Del AM2 vale la pena el seassons pass?? es un paston, pero me da miedo pillar el juego base y dp arrepentirme de no coger el seasson...
Fíjate tú que yo opino al contrario que el compañero, para rodar contra la IA veo mejor acc que Ams2, si eliges monoplazas en Ams2 vas a estar más tiempo reiniciando la carrera que pilotando, los turismos se comportan medianamente bien e incluso llegan a ser competitivos dándote alguna carrera bastante buena, en acc puedes llegar a hacer carreras contra la IA muy decentes y reñidas sin ningún toque por parte de la IA.
Ahora bien, en ambos tienen sus patrones de comportamiento y una vez sepas cuáles son se te va a hacer algo monótono, en ams2 por ejemplo si nada ha cambiado desde la última actualización son lentos en curva siempre pero luego tienen una salida de la misma muy rápida, o sea, que montones de veces los adelantarás en curva, también muchas veces irán por su camino y no darán su volante a torcer, por lo que te estropearán la carrera tirándote fuera del circuito.
En fin, IA perfecta no hay, he disfrutado de muchas carreras offline en ambos simuladores, pero a día de hoy o juego solo haciendo cronos o juego con amigos, jugar contra la IA no es mi opción.
guarmar escribió:Fíjate tú que yo opino al contrario que el compañero, para rodar contra la IA veo mejor acc que Ams2, si eliges monoplazas en Ams2 vas a estar más tiempo reiniciando la carrera que pilotando, los turismos se comportan medianamente bien e incluso llegan a ser competitivos dándote alguna carrera bastante buena, en acc puedes llegar a hacer carreras contra la IA muy decentes y reñidas sin ningún toque por parte de la IA.
Ahora bien, en ambos tienen sus patrones de comportamiento y una vez sepas cuáles son se te va a hacer algo monótono, en ams2 por ejemplo si nada ha cambiado desde la última actualización son lentos en curva siempre pero luego tienen una salida de la misma muy rápida, o sea, que montones de veces los adelantarás en curva, también muchas veces irán por su camino y no darán su volante a torcer, por lo que te estropearán la carrera tirándote fuera del circuito.
En fin, IA perfecta no hay, he disfrutado de muchas carreras offline en ambos simuladores, pero a día de hoy o juego solo haciendo cronos o juego con amigos, jugar contra la IA no es mi opción.

En cuanto a contenido cual de los dos puede valer más la pena??... sobretodo viendo que gran parte del contenido es vía DLC en ambos juegos.
guarmar escribió:Fíjate tú que yo opino al contrario que el compañero, para rodar contra la IA veo mejor acc que Ams2, si eliges monoplazas en Ams2 vas a estar más tiempo reiniciando la carrera que pilotando, los turismos se comportan medianamente bien e incluso llegan a ser competitivos dándote alguna carrera bastante buena, en acc puedes llegar a hacer carreras contra la IA muy decentes y reñidas sin ningún toque por parte de la IA.
Ahora bien, en ambos tienen sus patrones de comportamiento y una vez sepas cuáles son se te va a hacer algo monótono, en ams2 por ejemplo si nada ha cambiado desde la última actualización son lentos en curva siempre pero luego tienen una salida de la misma muy rápida, o sea, que montones de veces los adelantarás en curva, también muchas veces irán por su camino y no darán su volante a torcer, por lo que te estropearán la carrera tirándote fuera del circuito.
En fin, IA perfecta no hay, he disfrutado de muchas carreras offline en ambos simuladores, pero a día de hoy o juego solo haciendo cronos o juego con amigos, jugar contra la IA no es mi opción.

Dijo AC no ACC, que supongo que en IA es el mejor de los tres pero solo tienes GT3 practicamente. DIcho esto yo solo juego online (acc con LFM e iracing a veces) asi que tampoco soy un experto.
jordi1986 escribió:
guarmar escribió:Fíjate tú que yo opino al contrario que el compañero, para rodar contra la IA veo mejor acc que Ams2, si eliges monoplazas en Ams2 vas a estar más tiempo reiniciando la carrera que pilotando, los turismos se comportan medianamente bien e incluso llegan a ser competitivos dándote alguna carrera bastante buena, en acc puedes llegar a hacer carreras contra la IA muy decentes y reñidas sin ningún toque por parte de la IA.
Ahora bien, en ambos tienen sus patrones de comportamiento y una vez sepas cuáles son se te va a hacer algo monótono, en ams2 por ejemplo si nada ha cambiado desde la última actualización son lentos en curva siempre pero luego tienen una salida de la misma muy rápida, o sea, que montones de veces los adelantarás en curva, también muchas veces irán por su camino y no darán su volante a torcer, por lo que te estropearán la carrera tirándote fuera del circuito.
En fin, IA perfecta no hay, he disfrutado de muchas carreras offline en ambos simuladores, pero a día de hoy o juego solo haciendo cronos o juego con amigos, jugar contra la IA no es mi opción.

En cuanto a contenido cual de los dos puede valer más la pena??... sobretodo viendo que gran parte del contenido es vía DLC en ambos juegos.

Tengo todo el contenido de los dos, cada uno tiene su cosa, a mí me gustan mucho los gt4 de acc, y cada circuito que pagas merece la pena, es todo escaneado por láser, el contenido de ams2 de circuitos históricos merece muy mucho la pena, los coches para mi gusto no tanto, lo que pasa es que en ams2 si yo creo partida y elijo un circuito de un DLC que no tenga nadie, todo el que se conecte puede correrlo sin problema, aunque no pasa lo mismo con los coches.
En mi humilde y modesta opinión, para rodar contra la IA casi elegiría antes acc que Ams2.
Mi combo de sims ahora mismo es: ac, acc (el primero tanto offline como online y acc casi exclusivo online) y rf2 (ahora mismo probando cosas yo solo), no quiero tocar ams2 hasta que no actualicen físicas en el próximo update, ya que una vez pruebas otros sims las físicas actuales de ams2 me parecen de juguetillo.

@Rock_Arm que va compañero, si lees bien el mensaje dice que se quedó en Assetto Corsa original y luego pregunta por el Competizione
guarmar escribió:Tengo todo el contenido de los dos, cada uno tiene su cosa, a mí me gustan mucho los gt4 de acc, y cada circuito que pagas merece la pena, es todo escaneado por láser, el contenido de ams2 de circuitos históricos merece muy mucho la pena, los coches para mi gusto no tanto, lo que pasa es que en ams2 si yo creo partida y elijo un circuito de un DLC que no tenga nadie, todo el que se conecte puede correrlo sin problema, aunque no pasa lo mismo con los coches.
En mi humilde y modesta opinión, para rodar contra la IA casi elegiría antes acc que Ams2.
Mi combo de sims ahora mismo es: ac, acc (el primero tanto offline como online y acc casi exclusivo online) y rf2 (ahora mismo probando cosas yo solo), no quiero tocar ams2 hasta que no actualicen físicas en el próximo update, ya que una vez pruebas otros sims las físicas actuales de ams2 me parecen de juguetillo.

@Rock_Arm que va compañero, si lees bien el mensaje dice que se quedó en Assetto Corsa original y luego pregunta por el Competizione

Yo no puedo estar más en desacuerdo. La IA de AMS2 ha mejorado mucho y la puedes graduar a tu gusto tanto en inteligencia como en agresividad. Jugando con eso puedes tener carreras verdaderamente buenas. Y sobre las físicas, para mí son de las mejores ahora mismo y siguen mejorando, aparte de que el setup por defecto de la mayoría de los coches va muy bien. No tengo ACC pero sí los otros, y AC me parece que se ha quedado muy atrás en ese sentido, no creo que sea comparable a rF2, AMS2 y ACC (por lo que dicen).
En cuanto a variedad de coches, si lo que más te gusta es GT3/GT4, pues ACC está centrado exclusivamente en eso, igual es la mejor opción, si no, AMS2, rF2, incluso AC por la gran cantidad de mods que tiene. De todas formas, lo recomendable es aprovechar las ofertas de Steam, que salen los DLC a precios muy buenos y, mientras tanto, jugar con los juegos base.
Parche 1.5 y Adrenaline Pt1 DLC disponibles.
V1.4.8.1 -> V1.5.0.0 CHANGELOG


Adrenaline Pack Pt1:
Added Ascurra Dirt Track (2 layouts)
Added Tykki Dirt Track (4 layouts)
Added Foz dirt track
Added RX layouts of Barcelona, Hockenheimring, Nurburgring, Spa-Francorchamps
Added Rallycross class featuring Polo RX, Mini RX, Citroen RX & MIT Lancer X
Added Formula Dirt class
Added Kartcross class

Free base game content:
Added P1 Gen2 class featuring Metalmoro AJR Gen 2, Sigma P1 G5 & Ginetta G58
Updated Stock Car Corolla 2023

Added session auto-advance functionality for multiplayer sessions
Minor adjustments to net code
Mod Support: Added ability to define a mod and provide mod specific vehiclelist.lst and driveline.rg files. See 'UserData/Mods/README.txt' for details and examples
Adjusted damage scalars for all settings for slightly overall less sensitive damage
Added Spotter as a Gameplay option
Fixed FFB wheel pulling on engine off
Grid size for all track layouts bumped to accomodate at least 26 cars (except for kart and dirt tracks)
Revised pit stop properties for F-Junior, F-Vintages, F-Retros, F-Classics, F-V12, F-V10, F-Reiza, F-Ultimates, F-USAs, F-3, F-Inter, F-Junior, F-Trainer, Group A, Group C, GT1, Stock Car Brasil 1999-2023, P1-P4, Sprint Race, Montana, GT5, Ginetta G40 Cup, Copa Truck, Street Cars, Hyper Cars, Supercars DPi, GTE, GT3, GT4, Ginetta G55 Supercup, Porsche Cup, Super V8, F-Vee
Adjusted LiveTrack Grip Range (lower "green" baseline grip, slightly lower grip for Light, Medium Rubber presets, Heavy Rubber grip preserved)
Rubber now loses grip with water saturation (racing line should be avoided in wet weather as a result)
Curbs are now more slippery when wet
Fixed excess tire wear/heating on grass, gravel and wet surfaces
Added Halo Transparency option for F-Ultimate Gen1 & 2 to Display menu
Fixed visual wheel camber in replays
Added visible Safety Car during Full Course Yellows
Vehicles from human opponents are now collidable during Multiplayer full course yellow
Fixed an exploit in Time Trial where illegal pit areas would be used for cutting track.

Updated main menu panel arts
Added 'Off-road' track selection filter to Grade selection
Added Rallycross race weekend preset for RX, F-Dirt & Kart Cross
Added P1-4 classes to Brazilian Series vehicle selection filter
Removed mandatory pit stop from F-Ultimate Gen2 preset
Reduced pit limit from 160 km/h to 130 km/h in F-USA Historic preset to align with 2000 regs instead of 1995/98

Completed physics revisions for all classes excepting the karts (125cc & 4-stroke)
Adjusted tire flatspotting physics (generally reducing changes of flatspotting)
Various adjustments to dirty air effects, correcting some interclass inconsistencies
Adjusted undertray spring / damper / friction, fixing inconsistencies
F-Junior: Restricted ride height range (min 4cm max 10cm)
F-USA Gen2: Adjusted Swift 009C undertray points to fix performance issues; Fixed aero inconsistencies in SW model

AI calibration pass for all revised classes
Adjusted AI performance degradation with tire wear (Ai tire wear rates still under revision)
Temporarily disabled effect of driver personality stamina and tire management skills´ influence on AI lap times while AI tire wear & performance degradation is in progress
AI cars will now use the max available boost pressure setting instead of the default in qualifying laps
Minor improvement to AI pit strategy during FCY
Improved AI lines for Brands Hatch (both layouts), Spielberg GP, Spielberg Historic 1974, Nurburgring GP / Veedol layouts, Velopark, Cascais 1988, Interlagos, Montreal, Silverstone 1991, Silverstone 2001, Silverstone 2020, Spa-Francorchamps 2022

Audio playback during fast-forwarding replays is now muted when doing high speed forward seek in replay
Fixed missing gravel runoff sound for some cars
Smoothed rev-limiter sound cutting out when engine bounces a lot on the limit
Disabled audio for hidden environment animations (helicopters, drones) during test day & practice sessions
Puddles and dirt sound effects are now panned left/right on track according to position
Fixed Mercedes CLK GT1 & AMG GT3 missing attenuation on external gearshift samples.
Chevrolet Corvette C8 Z06: adjusted interior engine sound

Barcelona: Fixed various LOD pop issues in static and scene objects; Minor TSO optimization
Indianapolis: Fixed some static object lod issues near T3
Spa Francorchamps 2022: Returned wandering marshal to his post at Paul Frere
Nurburgring 1971 Sudschleife: Moved rolling start location 200m before Nordkehre

Adjusted suspension animation for F-V10, F-V12, F-inter, Lotus 79, Caterhams (all models)
Camaro SS: Adjusted light glow textures, shadows & glass cracks
McLaren Senna: Adjusted shadows (fixed missing rear wing)
Copa Uno B: Adjusted shift warning light
Brabham BT49: adjusted shift warning light
Updated display for Porsche GT3-R, Porsche Cup models (display alarms added)
Added pit limiter display warning to GTE / GT3 models that feature them
F Ultimate Gen1: Added ERS mode and pit limiter
Nissan GT1: fixed mismatching livery

https://forum.reizastudios.com/threads/ ... sed.31491/

La parte 2 del Adrenaline Pack estará incluida en el AMS2 2020-2022 Season Pass y en el AMS2 Premium Expansion Packs
El premium expasion pack que tiene?
Ostia, le han metido Rallycross con el DLC ? En PC2 estaba muy bien el rallycross, muy divertido ...
RBH companion escribió:El premium expasion pack que tiene?

Incluye todos los DLCs que tiene el Season Pass pero sin incluir los circuitos premium (Hockenheim, Silverstone, Nürburgring, Spa, Barcelona, Monza y Le Mans).
Notas del parche que ya está disponible.
V1.5.0.2 -> V1.5.0.4 CHANGELOG

Added Updated Stock Car Cruze 2023 model & new cockpit model for Stock Car Pro Series 2023

Fixed Logitech TrueForce wheel devices lockstop & calibration issues
Pit crews will no longer spawn for safety car when entering the pits
Fixed a potential crash to desktop that could happen to more than one client at the same time in multiplayer when processing a vehicle impact of a participant that had just quit the session
Fixed a crash that could occur when advancing a championship session after clicking 'skip to end' if the championship had full course yellow setting and fastest lap point setting enabled
Fixed an issue that could result in incorrect final drive being loaded in first session when no prior setups exist
Changed Time Trial track state to be equal to Heavy Rubber preset (instead of a fully rubbered track all around as before)

Tire tread adjustments for GTE, GT3, GT Classics, Group C, Stock Omega 1999, F-USA Gen1-3, F-USA 2023 Speedway compound
Minor stifness adjustments for GT3 tire carcass
FFB adjustments for Prototypes P2-P4, Formula Trainer + Advanced, Vintage Touring Car T1-T2, HotCars, Omega Stock Car 1999, SprintRace, Copa Montana, Copa Uno, Copa Fusca, Copa Classic B-FL, Mitsubishi Lancer Cup, TSi Cup, Street Camaro SS, Kartcross
Fixed missing hard compounds for Corvette GTP & Nissan R89C; Fixed missing wet compound for Copa Uno
Adjusted final gear ratios for all cars to account for recent bug fix
GT3: Slightly adjusted aero for Nissan GT-R, BMW M6
Group C: Minor aero & performance adjustments for all models
Adjusted engine inertia & compression rates for Hot Cars, Copa Classic & Fusca
Mclaren F1 GTR: Corrected rear ride height asymmetry
F-Classic Gen4: Performance Adjustment for Mclaren MP4/6
Ginetta G55 GT3: Updated engine specifications
Added flexible axles to RWD Hot Cars, Copa Classic & Copa Fusca
Updated clutch models copa Copa Classic
Reduced default steering lock for F-USA Gen1-3 & 2023 SW / SS variants
F-Reiza: Adjusted autoshift thresholds

​​Adjustments to AI performance and behavior for ovals
Rallycross: AI performance updates
AI calibration pass for F-Classic Gen4, GT3, Porsche Cup Mini JCW UK, GT5, GT Open

Ginetta G55 GT3: Updated sounds for new engine specs

Brands Hatch: Fixed AI line on pitlane
Spielberg Historic: Fixed the distance markers LOD popping
Nürburgring 2020: Fix a floating corner tower at Nürburg Castle
Daytona Oval: Exclude apron from track limits

McLaren 720 GT3: Display updates with Fuel data added; Pit limiter green LEDs; Small color corrections; corrected mapping; Removed LEDs around the 2nd screen
P1 Gen2: corrected DRS animarions for for AJR Gen2 & Sigma P1 G5
StockCar Car Pro Series 2023: Fixed headlights issue & updated cockpit for Corolla model
Sigma P1 G5: Fixed redline on Display page 2

https://store.steampowered.com/news/app ... 4368194583
Brutal la 1.5, que bien se siente todo en el G29, parece que llevo un Direct Drive y me entero de lo que pasa en el coche a tiempo, así que es muy factible forzar y rectificar antes de perderlo, que gozada !!!!!!

El online sigue siendo la misma mierda que en PC2 eso sí !! [qmparto]
(mensaje borrado)
Ostia, tiene reglas de Oval con amarillas y la hostia !!!!!!!!!!!!! Es lo único que echaba de menos de iRacing ... a ver donde encuentro gente para organizar unos ovales guapos.
654321 escribió:Ostia, tiene reglas de Oval con amarillas y la hostia !!!!!!!!!!!!! Es lo único que echaba de menos de iRacing ... a ver donde encuentro gente para organizar unos ovales guapos.

Hola. Ayer te respondí, pero lo borré porque olvidé citarte y ya no me dejó volver a escribir hasta pasar 5 días. Estoy contigo en que el juego ha mejorado muchísimos con 1.5 y más aun diría con la Las físicas se sienten muy muy bien e informativas. Es como que notas las cosas antes de que pasen y tienes más capacidad de reacción, lo que ayuda a ir más al límite. Es verdad que el online es un desastre pero lo suyo es hacer sala con tu grupete. Nosotros nos juntamos 3 o 4, si te hace, avisamé y lo vemos.

De ovales no tengo ni papa la verdad. Es una asignatura pendiente.
@MagoPunk No se puede escribir de nuevo, pero se puede editar y añadir una mención escribiendo una arroba delante del NIck, y le avisa al mencionado.

A que hora soleis jugar ? Estais en algún Discord ?
Justo coincidí el otro dia con Evoluns de Contractors, que suele jugar despues de cenar hora peninsular, y me dijo para darle juntos, hoy pensabamos darle.
654321 escribió:@MagoPunk No se puede escribir de nuevo, pero se puede editar y añadir una mención escribiendo una arroba delante del NIck, y le avisa al mencionado.

A que hora soleis jugar ? Estais en algún Discord ?
Justo coincidí el otro dia con Evoluns de Contractors, que suele jugar despues de cenar hora peninsular, y me dijo para darle juntos, hoy pensabamos darle.

Gracias por el truqui de editar + mención, no se me había ocurrido. A mi me gusta conectarme rollo de 6 a 9 hora peninsular, pero normalmente los demás prefieren antes o después de cenar, a lo cual me apunto si se tercia porque me gusta el simracing social y lo priorizo antes que jugar solo. Hicimos un grupillo de discord, somo pocos https://discord.gg/84S5FVwH no se quien es Evoluns pero tb es bienvenido si le apetece entrar contigo. Somos variopintos, lo único que si pedimos es juego limpio. Solemos pasarlo muy bien.
Que poco se habla de este juego con lo increíble que está...
Rebajas jugosas en Steam, he he pillado el pack de Rallycross al 50% y algunos mas.
Disponible 2 nuevos DLCs de pago que NO están incluidos en el Season Pass: Formula HiTech y Historical Track Pack Pt2. también se ha lanzado una nueva actualización.
V1.5.0.5-V1.5.3.2 CHANGELOG

Tracks - Historical Track Pack Pt2 DLC
Added Barcelona 1991
added Interlagos 1991
Added Interlagos 1993
Added Montreal 1991

Added Barcelona National layout (Part of Circuit de Catalunya DLC)

Cars - Formula HiTech DLC
Added Formula Hitech Gen1 class (featuring MP4/7 & 3 generic models)
Added Formula HiTech Gen2 (Featuring Mclaren MP4/8 + 3 generic models)

Added Multiplayer logging to help debugging common multiplayer reliability issues (dedicated thread for reports incoming soon)
Added launch control support
Added 'Scheduled Full Course Yellow' option to Race Settings screen
Added dedicated safety truck model to Copa Truck; Corvette Z06 Pace Car to F-USA 2023; AMG GT for F-Reiza, F-Ultimate Gen1/Gen2; pace kart to kart classes; Porsche RSR to F-Retro Gen1-3; BMW 2002 to GT Classics, F-Vintages & TC Vintages; BMW M3 to F-Classic, F-HiTech & F-V12
Added safety car blinking lights which go off when the safety car is about to return to the pits
FCY: Safety car no longer leaves the pits in a conflicting situation when leaders are speeding by on oval tracks; Fixed issue where the detection of illegal overtakes during full course yellow would keep track of the wrong driver (displayed in the follow label) and wouldn't remove the illegal overtake message once the correct driver could be ignored; severely damaged vehicles are no longer prevented from pitting the pit entry is closed on long oval races (PIT OPEN label will now be displayed for severely damaged vehicles); damaged vehicles no longer penalised for not staying with leaders; Improved detection of struggling vehicles that can be overtaken under FCY to prevent unfair penalties
Corrected legacy issue with motion blur being always force enabled in replays (now it will respect user setting); Fixed legacy issue causing to run low motion blur even if user had it set to high
Fixed legacy bug in driver head animation from external view where the angular G-force passed with orientation inverted, leading to a tendency to bend helmet left (for live play, fix for head animations not showing in replays coming with the next build
Increased the default distance between each AI vehicle during full course yellow
Fixed driver helmet animation not being in sync with the vehicle G-Forces during replays
Disabled gear shift animations when car is set with automatic shifts in either or both directions
Fixed bug where a vehicle (AI or player with auto pit on) could get stuck in garage in single player (in practice or qualifying) if another vehicle was within a blocking distance near it
Fixed issue that would cause missing tires not to be reset after pitting or session restart
Enabled spotter on all ovals in authentic mode
Fixed mandatory stop min tyres incorrectly being limited to maximum setting of 3
Fixed vehicles with exactly two Final Drive settings always running the shorter ratio
Tightened up track limit detection thresholds
Fixed issue on oval tracks where a vehicle in the pitlane would appear in first place or last place on live leaderboards even if it wasn't physically in such positions
Fixed issue where the safety car wouldn't move in time from waiting position if the leader was leaving the pits
Fixed issue where a player could be unable to drive in multiplayer if he joined a practice or qualifying session in progress that had safety car setting enabled and only one free user slot available (also could cause the session to be unable to advance to race if this user didn't quit)
Fixed issue on oval tracks where a vehicle in the pitlane would appear in first place or last place on live leaderboards even if it wasn't physically in such positions
Fixed issue where the safety car wouldn't move in time from waiting position if the leader was leaving the pits
Fixed issue where a player could be unable to drive in multiplayer if he joined a practice or qualifying session in progress that had safety car setting enabled and only one free user slot available (also could cause the session to be unable to advance to race if this user didn't quit)
Private sessions: Fixed player vehicle being rendered as ghost; Fixed opponent vehicle ambient shadows sometimes visible
Fixed late joiners being stuck in a visible state in private qualifying if local player was on track when they joined
Enabled spotter on all ovals in authentic mode
Fixed issue where Authentic Aids setting could become out of sync for a client in multiplayer
Increased maximum pit speed limit allowed to 240 km/h
Redefined setup folder to force-reset setups

Message 'YOU CAN PUSH NOW' is now displayer for the leader (instead of the caution message) when the safety car is already out of road limits when the race is about to resume from full course yellow
Entering Cockpit Configuration screen will now switch view to cockpit
Various corrections to track grade filter
Fixed incorrect Limiter state in HUD widget after returning to garage with limiter enabled
Fixed Auto-advance countdown being incorrectly displayed on non-host clients when the server does not have it enabled
Onboard camera group on Replay mode now cycle on command rather than automatically

Continued V1.5 physics overhaul for all classes
Revised FFB for all cars
Revised ideal brake range for all cars
Revised aero dropoff with yaw for all high-downforce cars
Revised turbo altitude scaling BoP for GT3, GT4, GTE
Added launch control system for F-V10 Gen2, Corvette C8 Z06, Mclaren Senna, Rallycross
Updated logic for tires pre-race heating in case of skipped formation lap to minimise discrepancies in handling over first few corners
Adjusted idle RPM range for all F1 engines
Minor fine-tuning adjustments for Group A & GT1 engines

AI fast paths redone for several track layouts (full list here)
Disabled all track-specific AI Grip multipliers (persisting performance variations from track-to-track now adjusted exclusively via AI paths)
AI calibration pass for all classes in dry & wet
Fixed a bug in AI drivers´ assessment when overtaking a car ahead causing them to pull aside too early and lose the draft
Adjusted AI brake application for all classes to better match that of human driver
AI behavior adjustments: Increased function to reduce chances of AI deciding it should go of-track only as last resort; Adjusted AI speed difference & distance thresholds for taking defensive action; Reduced avoid ratios to minimise jerkiness in line switches; Increased threshold for AI carefulness with human players; Increased wall check awareness; Adjusted front & side buffer ranges; further brake usage fine-tuning to various classes
Adjusted AI launch performance for classes with newly added launch control system
Adjusted behavior under blue flag to prevent AI from moving erratically on out lap
Fixed an issue where AI could sometimes be aware of other vehicles in private sessions
Revised & tightened Ai driver Skill ranges for Formula Classics Gen1-4, Formula V12, Formula V10 Gen1-2, Formula Reiza, Formula Ultimate Gen1-2, Formula USA Gen4, GTE, GT3, Stock Car Brasil 2019-2023
Adjusted interclass AI performance of Lotus 98T, Mclarens MP4/4, 5B and 6 Sigma P1 from P2 class
Slightly increased AI tire wetness threshold for slightly earlier switch to wet tires and slightly later from wets to dry
Slightly reduced AI performance boost for qualifying hot laps
Increased AI care with human players
Added function to independently configure how much AI slows down in cool down lap for each class
Added AI fuel load density scalar to adjust AI performance when running higher fuel loads
Adjusted standard pit strategy thresholds for when AI decides it is worth making a pitstop for tires (lower for F1 cars, higher for 4 / 6 nut wheel cars)
Defined number of AI dry hotlaps in qualifying for F1-style cars (min 1, max 2 hotlaps) and non-F1 style cars (min 2, max 3 hotlaps)
Adjusted AI overtaking aggression parameters for all oval variants
Added AI "cheat" function to prevent it from overshooting pitbox in higher pit speed limit settings
Slightly increased AI lifting off throttle under blue flags
Revised AI tire wear rates & resulting degradation (combination should lead to AI suffering less performance degradation with tire wear and coming in earlier for tire pitstops
Further adjustments to AI performance with wets on dry track & slicks on wet track
increased AI global wall check awareness; slightly decreased front buffer range & increased side ranges
Barcelona: Fixed AIW alignment at start / finish junction in chicane layout

Added offline dirt sounds
Updated external engine sounds for Ford DFV engines (F-Vintage G1M1 & G2M2, Lotus 49C, Brabham BT26, Brabham BT44, Brabham BT49, F-Retro Gen1, F-Retro Gen2, F-Retro Gen3, McLaren M23, Lotus 72E, Lotus 79)
Updated V8, V10 & V12 external sounds for all F-Classics
Updated F-V12 internal & external sounds
Adjusted tires scrub and skid sound volume for F-USA Gen1, F-USA Gen2.
F-Junior: Adjusted Player & Oppponent engine sound parameters
Fixed issue with some sound effects continue to play when switching view target
Closed cockpit cars: adjusted chassis rattle sound effects
BMW M4 GT4: revised engine limiter and traction control sound
Chevrolet Corvette C3 & C3R: adjusted chase camera engine sound volume

Adjusted LiveTrack grip range for Buenos Aires, Montreal (all versions) & Hockenheim 2020
Corrected an error that prevented actual track starting lights from working at Kansai, Santa Cruz, Taruma
Adjusted road noise for Hockenheim Historic layouts, Monza 1971, Spa 1993, Montreal (all versions)
Interlagos 2020: Added 3D foliage, redone track and terrain materials and textures; Updated materials and shading for temp grandstands for GP layout
Spa-Francorchamps: Fixed a terrain shadow issue visible during specific date and time of day in 1993, 2020 & 2022 layouts
Spa-Francorchamps 2020: Corrected inappropriate next lap penalty when off track near Blanchimont; Added dedicated safety car parking spot
Hockenheim GP: Increased track edge to cover curbs that were previously excluded.
Ascurra Dirt: Switch P1 to the left side of the grid
Daytona: Removed excess runoff at the entry to the bus stop chicane; Adjusted track limits; Fixed static object LOD pop issues; Relocated pit exit line at Daytona RC and NRC layouts as seen in the 24hr race
Jerez 2019: Fixed a physical track surface bug in the T1 brake zone; replaced broken tooth on the entry curb; Fixed bug with the garage floor lighting
Spielberg Historic / Vintage : Corrected a missing LOD flag on the pit lane entrance tire bundle
Nurburgring (all versions): Corrected geo location and time zone data; Fixed black grass blades near Dunlop on the Nords 24hr layout; Fixed a minor collision issue on the RX layout Fixed the track length data for Sprint S layout
Barcelona: Fixed the collision on the pit lane entrance tire barrier; Adjusted LiveTrack grip range
Kyalami: Increased grid box spacing to fix AI drivers sometimes reversing during race starts
Montreal Historic 1988: Updated TV trackside cameras
Spa 1993: Minor performance and export optimization
Silverstone 1991. Fixed trackside camera flickering at Hangar Straight
Oulton Park: Adusted position of chicane apex tire bundle
Speedland Kart 3: Fixed misplaced layout tire barriers
Completed VR cameras for all RX tracks
Tykki: Fixed RX layout pit lane (cars wont start in garage); Minor graphics fixes; Corrected Max AI participants from 5 to 7 in RX layouts
Indianapolis 2022 (both layouts): Update formation lap path

Defined colour matching driver outfits & helmets for all drivers in F-Junior, F-Vintages, F-Retros, F-Classic, F-V12, F-V10. F-Reiza. F-Ultimates (all Gens), Group C, Group A, GT1, GTE, GT3, GT4, GT4 Supercup, G40 Cup, GT5, GT Open, MINI JCW, Porsche Cup, Copa Montana, SprintRace, Formula USA Gen1-3, P1, P2, P3, P4, Aussie Racing Camaro, Vintage Touring Cars T1-2, GT Classic Touring Cars, StockCar Brasil 1979-1999, F-USA 2023, F-Inter, Rally RX1, Kartcross, F-Dirt
Adjusted bodywork dirt buildup rate for all cars
User Livery Overrides: Fixed body part issue when using metallic materials
Adjusted visual backfire thresholds for all cars to more realistic frequency
Fixed spark effects being too dark during the day
Increased driver helmet LODs to avoid it popping in and out at longer distances
Adjusted cockpit POV for Group A, Mclaren F1 GTR, Mclaren 570S GT4,Ultima GTR, Metalmoro AJR Gen2, F-Vee, MIT Lancer Cup (both models)
StockCar Pro Series 2023 Cruze: Fixed brake disc glow issue, Fixed LODs tail light issue; Adjusted height offset; Fixed driver legs position for Cruza Model
Stockcar Pro Series 2023 Corolla: Changed steering wheel position; Adjusted driver position & animation; Adjusted cockpit view; Fixed UV map on front inner tirewalls; Adjusted the steering wheel position to be centered in relation to the driver pov; Adjusted driver animations
StockCar (all seasons): Updated and enhanced steering wheel display; Adjusted cockpit materials
Porsche Cup: Fixed damage models on LOD A
Adjusted onboard cameras for Corvette C8 Z06, F-Dirt
Metalmoro AJR Gen2: Fixed windscreen rain issue
Lotus 23: Fixed lowres artifacts on the dirt/damage texture
Roco 001: Added driver animations; Adjusted gear shift mesh Added dirt/damage texture; Revised collisions; Detached front fenders; Added damage models
Mercedes CLK LM GT1: Reverted driver animations to use stick shifter; Revised collisions; Adjusted driver animations to use paddle shift
Ginetta G58: Fixed Driver animation position on 3rd person view
Catherham 620R: Fixed right-side tire pivots
Copa Truck:
Brabham BT44: Adjusted suspension animation and camber on the front wheels
F-Classic (all gens): Correct wet tire texture for various models; Fixed shiny tires on lower LODs; increased speed threshold required to produce undertray sparks; Fixed Rear boot that was obstructing the view in cockpit, steering wheels rotation angle & missing cockpit windscreen for F-Classic G4M2; Updated & revised 3D display for Mclaren MP4/5B, MP4/6. Fixed suspension mesh skin on lodA and cockpit view & fixed suspension animations for F-Classic G3M3
F-V12: Added damage models; Revised cockpit suspension animations structure
F-V10 Gen1: Added damage models; Revised cockpit suspension animations structure
Mclaren MP4-12: Added damage models; Revised cockpit suspension animations structure
F-V10 Gen2: Adjusted suspension animation on the front wheels
F-Ultimate (both gens): Added damage models; Revised cockpit suspension animations structure; Improved transparent HALO; Fixed front suspension mesh in cockpit view & adjusted the right-side cockpit mirror mesh for Gen1
F-Vintage G2M1: Fixed wrong name in collision joint
F-Dirt: Fixed red body panels when viewing from cockpit view
Revised livery F-Junior #55, Mclaren F1 GTR #03, Mclaren Senna #04, Mercedes CLK LM #53; New paint materials
Camaro SS: Corrected cockpit model to 6-speed manual transmission & adjusted driver animations
Corvette C8 Z06: Added Launch Control info on page 1 and 2. TC of cockpit display off pictogram on 3 pages. Improved textures
Mclaren Senna: Added Launch Control info to cockpit display
Onboard camera adjustments forKartcross
Copa Truck: Fixed spawn location causing the truck to bounce when entering or leaving the setup menu; Fixed wipers not clearing water from windscreen in Vulkan model
F-Trainer (both): Added damage models; Added dirt/damage texture; Fixed rear tyre skin; Revised collisions
Porsche 911 GT1: fixed missing paint material
Metalmoro AJR Gen1: Fixed red body panels when using livery override paint materials
Opala Stock Cars 1986: Fixed flickering windshield banner
BMW M8 GTE: Revised livery #9 #15 New paint materials
McLaren F1 GTR: fixed exhausts´ position
F-Vee (both models): Updated the rim blur model and textures
Porsche Cup: Corrected rear tire diameter for 4.0L model
BMW M3 E30 Gr.A: Added adjustable rear wing details to 3D model

https://store.steampowered.com/news/app ... 3918396198
er185 escribió:Disponible 2 nuevos DLCs de pago (incluidos en el Season Pass): Formula HiTech y Historical Track Pack Pt2. también se ha lanzado una nueva actualización.
V1.5.0.5-V1.5.3.2 CHANGELOG

Tracks - Historical Track Pack Pt2 DLC
Added Barcelona 1991
added Interlagos 1991
Added Interlagos 1993
Added Montreal 1991

Added Barcelona National layout (Part of Circuit de Catalunya DLC)

Cars - Formula HiTech DLC
Added Formula Hitech Gen1 class (featuring MP4/7 & 3 generic models)
Added Formula HiTech Gen2 (Featuring Mclaren MP4/8 + 3 generic models)

Added Multiplayer logging to help debugging common multiplayer reliability issues (dedicated thread for reports incoming soon)
Added launch control support
Added 'Scheduled Full Course Yellow' option to Race Settings screen
Added dedicated safety truck model to Copa Truck; Corvette Z06 Pace Car to F-USA 2023; AMG GT for F-Reiza, F-Ultimate Gen1/Gen2; pace kart to kart classes; Porsche RSR to F-Retro Gen1-3; BMW 2002 to GT Classics, F-Vintages & TC Vintages; BMW M3 to F-Classic, F-HiTech & F-V12
Added safety car blinking lights which go off when the safety car is about to return to the pits
FCY: Safety car no longer leaves the pits in a conflicting situation when leaders are speeding by on oval tracks; Fixed issue where the detection of illegal overtakes during full course yellow would keep track of the wrong driver (displayed in the follow label) and wouldn't remove the illegal overtake message once the correct driver could be ignored; severely damaged vehicles are no longer prevented from pitting the pit entry is closed on long oval races (PIT OPEN label will now be displayed for severely damaged vehicles); damaged vehicles no longer penalised for not staying with leaders; Improved detection of struggling vehicles that can be overtaken under FCY to prevent unfair penalties
Corrected legacy issue with motion blur being always force enabled in replays (now it will respect user setting); Fixed legacy issue causing to run low motion blur even if user had it set to high
Fixed legacy bug in driver head animation from external view where the angular G-force passed with orientation inverted, leading to a tendency to bend helmet left (for live play, fix for head animations not showing in replays coming with the next build
Increased the default distance between each AI vehicle during full course yellow
Fixed driver helmet animation not being in sync with the vehicle G-Forces during replays
Disabled gear shift animations when car is set with automatic shifts in either or both directions
Fixed bug where a vehicle (AI or player with auto pit on) could get stuck in garage in single player (in practice or qualifying) if another vehicle was within a blocking distance near it
Fixed issue that would cause missing tires not to be reset after pitting or session restart
Enabled spotter on all ovals in authentic mode
Fixed mandatory stop min tyres incorrectly being limited to maximum setting of 3
Fixed vehicles with exactly two Final Drive settings always running the shorter ratio
Tightened up track limit detection thresholds
Fixed issue on oval tracks where a vehicle in the pitlane would appear in first place or last place on live leaderboards even if it wasn't physically in such positions
Fixed issue where the safety car wouldn't move in time from waiting position if the leader was leaving the pits
Fixed issue where a player could be unable to drive in multiplayer if he joined a practice or qualifying session in progress that had safety car setting enabled and only one free user slot available (also could cause the session to be unable to advance to race if this user didn't quit)
Fixed issue on oval tracks where a vehicle in the pitlane would appear in first place or last place on live leaderboards even if it wasn't physically in such positions
Fixed issue where the safety car wouldn't move in time from waiting position if the leader was leaving the pits
Fixed issue where a player could be unable to drive in multiplayer if he joined a practice or qualifying session in progress that had safety car setting enabled and only one free user slot available (also could cause the session to be unable to advance to race if this user didn't quit)
Private sessions: Fixed player vehicle being rendered as ghost; Fixed opponent vehicle ambient shadows sometimes visible
Fixed late joiners being stuck in a visible state in private qualifying if local player was on track when they joined
Enabled spotter on all ovals in authentic mode
Fixed issue where Authentic Aids setting could become out of sync for a client in multiplayer
Increased maximum pit speed limit allowed to 240 km/h
Redefined setup folder to force-reset setups

Message 'YOU CAN PUSH NOW' is now displayer for the leader (instead of the caution message) when the safety car is already out of road limits when the race is about to resume from full course yellow
Entering Cockpit Configuration screen will now switch view to cockpit
Various corrections to track grade filter
Fixed incorrect Limiter state in HUD widget after returning to garage with limiter enabled
Fixed Auto-advance countdown being incorrectly displayed on non-host clients when the server does not have it enabled
Onboard camera group on Replay mode now cycle on command rather than automatically

Continued V1.5 physics overhaul for all classes
Revised FFB for all cars
Revised ideal brake range for all cars
Revised aero dropoff with yaw for all high-downforce cars
Revised turbo altitude scaling BoP for GT3, GT4, GTE
Added launch control system for F-V10 Gen2, Corvette C8 Z06, Mclaren Senna, Rallycross
Updated logic for tires pre-race heating in case of skipped formation lap to minimise discrepancies in handling over first few corners
Adjusted idle RPM range for all F1 engines
Minor fine-tuning adjustments for Group A & GT1 engines

AI fast paths redone for several track layouts (full list here)
Disabled all track-specific AI Grip multipliers (persisting performance variations from track-to-track now adjusted exclusively via AI paths)
AI calibration pass for all classes in dry & wet
Fixed a bug in AI drivers´ assessment when overtaking a car ahead causing them to pull aside too early and lose the draft
Adjusted AI brake application for all classes to better match that of human driver
AI behavior adjustments: Increased function to reduce chances of AI deciding it should go of-track only as last resort; Adjusted AI speed difference & distance thresholds for taking defensive action; Reduced avoid ratios to minimise jerkiness in line switches; Increased threshold for AI carefulness with human players; Increased wall check awareness; Adjusted front & side buffer ranges; further brake usage fine-tuning to various classes
Adjusted AI launch performance for classes with newly added launch control system
Adjusted behavior under blue flag to prevent AI from moving erratically on out lap
Fixed an issue where AI could sometimes be aware of other vehicles in private sessions
Revised & tightened Ai driver Skill ranges for Formula Classics Gen1-4, Formula V12, Formula V10 Gen1-2, Formula Reiza, Formula Ultimate Gen1-2, Formula USA Gen4, GTE, GT3, Stock Car Brasil 2019-2023
Adjusted interclass AI performance of Lotus 98T, Mclarens MP4/4, 5B and 6 Sigma P1 from P2 class
Slightly increased AI tire wetness threshold for slightly earlier switch to wet tires and slightly later from wets to dry
Slightly reduced AI performance boost for qualifying hot laps
Increased AI care with human players
Added function to independently configure how much AI slows down in cool down lap for each class
Added AI fuel load density scalar to adjust AI performance when running higher fuel loads
Adjusted standard pit strategy thresholds for when AI decides it is worth making a pitstop for tires (lower for F1 cars, higher for 4 / 6 nut wheel cars)
Defined number of AI dry hotlaps in qualifying for F1-style cars (min 1, max 2 hotlaps) and non-F1 style cars (min 2, max 3 hotlaps)
Adjusted AI overtaking aggression parameters for all oval variants
Added AI "cheat" function to prevent it from overshooting pitbox in higher pit speed limit settings
Slightly increased AI lifting off throttle under blue flags
Revised AI tire wear rates & resulting degradation (combination should lead to AI suffering less performance degradation with tire wear and coming in earlier for tire pitstops
Further adjustments to AI performance with wets on dry track & slicks on wet track
increased AI global wall check awareness; slightly decreased front buffer range & increased side ranges
Barcelona: Fixed AIW alignment at start / finish junction in chicane layout

Added offline dirt sounds
Updated external engine sounds for Ford DFV engines (F-Vintage G1M1 & G2M2, Lotus 49C, Brabham BT26, Brabham BT44, Brabham BT49, F-Retro Gen1, F-Retro Gen2, F-Retro Gen3, McLaren M23, Lotus 72E, Lotus 79)
Updated V8, V10 & V12 external sounds for all F-Classics
Updated F-V12 internal & external sounds
Adjusted tires scrub and skid sound volume for F-USA Gen1, F-USA Gen2.
F-Junior: Adjusted Player & Oppponent engine sound parameters
Fixed issue with some sound effects continue to play when switching view target
Closed cockpit cars: adjusted chassis rattle sound effects
BMW M4 GT4: revised engine limiter and traction control sound
Chevrolet Corvette C3 & C3R: adjusted chase camera engine sound volume

Adjusted LiveTrack grip range for Buenos Aires, Montreal (all versions) & Hockenheim 2020
Corrected an error that prevented actual track starting lights from working at Kansai, Santa Cruz, Taruma
Adjusted road noise for Hockenheim Historic layouts, Monza 1971, Spa 1993, Montreal (all versions)
Interlagos 2020: Added 3D foliage, redone track and terrain materials and textures; Updated materials and shading for temp grandstands for GP layout
Spa-Francorchamps: Fixed a terrain shadow issue visible during specific date and time of day in 1993, 2020 & 2022 layouts
Spa-Francorchamps 2020: Corrected inappropriate next lap penalty when off track near Blanchimont; Added dedicated safety car parking spot
Hockenheim GP: Increased track edge to cover curbs that were previously excluded.
Ascurra Dirt: Switch P1 to the left side of the grid
Daytona: Removed excess runoff at the entry to the bus stop chicane; Adjusted track limits; Fixed static object LOD pop issues; Relocated pit exit line at Daytona RC and NRC layouts as seen in the 24hr race
Jerez 2019: Fixed a physical track surface bug in the T1 brake zone; replaced broken tooth on the entry curb; Fixed bug with the garage floor lighting
Spielberg Historic / Vintage : Corrected a missing LOD flag on the pit lane entrance tire bundle
Nurburgring (all versions): Corrected geo location and time zone data; Fixed black grass blades near Dunlop on the Nords 24hr layout; Fixed a minor collision issue on the RX layout Fixed the track length data for Sprint S layout
Barcelona: Fixed the collision on the pit lane entrance tire barrier; Adjusted LiveTrack grip range
Kyalami: Increased grid box spacing to fix AI drivers sometimes reversing during race starts
Montreal Historic 1988: Updated TV trackside cameras
Spa 1993: Minor performance and export optimization
Silverstone 1991. Fixed trackside camera flickering at Hangar Straight
Oulton Park: Adusted position of chicane apex tire bundle
Speedland Kart 3: Fixed misplaced layout tire barriers
Completed VR cameras for all RX tracks
Tykki: Fixed RX layout pit lane (cars wont start in garage); Minor graphics fixes; Corrected Max AI participants from 5 to 7 in RX layouts
Indianapolis 2022 (both layouts): Update formation lap path

Defined colour matching driver outfits & helmets for all drivers in F-Junior, F-Vintages, F-Retros, F-Classic, F-V12, F-V10. F-Reiza. F-Ultimates (all Gens), Group C, Group A, GT1, GTE, GT3, GT4, GT4 Supercup, G40 Cup, GT5, GT Open, MINI JCW, Porsche Cup, Copa Montana, SprintRace, Formula USA Gen1-3, P1, P2, P3, P4, Aussie Racing Camaro, Vintage Touring Cars T1-2, GT Classic Touring Cars, StockCar Brasil 1979-1999, F-USA 2023, F-Inter, Rally RX1, Kartcross, F-Dirt
Adjusted bodywork dirt buildup rate for all cars
User Livery Overrides: Fixed body part issue when using metallic materials
Adjusted visual backfire thresholds for all cars to more realistic frequency
Fixed spark effects being too dark during the day
Increased driver helmet LODs to avoid it popping in and out at longer distances
Adjusted cockpit POV for Group A, Mclaren F1 GTR, Mclaren 570S GT4,Ultima GTR, Metalmoro AJR Gen2, F-Vee, MIT Lancer Cup (both models)
StockCar Pro Series 2023 Cruze: Fixed brake disc glow issue, Fixed LODs tail light issue; Adjusted height offset; Fixed driver legs position for Cruza Model
Stockcar Pro Series 2023 Corolla: Changed steering wheel position; Adjusted driver position & animation; Adjusted cockpit view; Fixed UV map on front inner tirewalls; Adjusted the steering wheel position to be centered in relation to the driver pov; Adjusted driver animations
StockCar (all seasons): Updated and enhanced steering wheel display; Adjusted cockpit materials
Porsche Cup: Fixed damage models on LOD A
Adjusted onboard cameras for Corvette C8 Z06, F-Dirt
Metalmoro AJR Gen2: Fixed windscreen rain issue
Lotus 23: Fixed lowres artifacts on the dirt/damage texture
Roco 001: Added driver animations; Adjusted gear shift mesh Added dirt/damage texture; Revised collisions; Detached front fenders; Added damage models
Mercedes CLK LM GT1: Reverted driver animations to use stick shifter; Revised collisions; Adjusted driver animations to use paddle shift
Ginetta G58: Fixed Driver animation position on 3rd person view
Catherham 620R: Fixed right-side tire pivots
Copa Truck:
Brabham BT44: Adjusted suspension animation and camber on the front wheels
F-Classic (all gens): Correct wet tire texture for various models; Fixed shiny tires on lower LODs; increased speed threshold required to produce undertray sparks; Fixed Rear boot that was obstructing the view in cockpit, steering wheels rotation angle & missing cockpit windscreen for F-Classic G4M2; Updated & revised 3D display for Mclaren MP4/5B, MP4/6. Fixed suspension mesh skin on lodA and cockpit view & fixed suspension animations for F-Classic G3M3
F-V12: Added damage models; Revised cockpit suspension animations structure
F-V10 Gen1: Added damage models; Revised cockpit suspension animations structure
Mclaren MP4-12: Added damage models; Revised cockpit suspension animations structure
F-V10 Gen2: Adjusted suspension animation on the front wheels
F-Ultimate (both gens): Added damage models; Revised cockpit suspension animations structure; Improved transparent HALO; Fixed front suspension mesh in cockpit view & adjusted the right-side cockpit mirror mesh for Gen1
F-Vintage G2M1: Fixed wrong name in collision joint
F-Dirt: Fixed red body panels when viewing from cockpit view
Revised livery F-Junior #55, Mclaren F1 GTR #03, Mclaren Senna #04, Mercedes CLK LM #53; New paint materials
Camaro SS: Corrected cockpit model to 6-speed manual transmission & adjusted driver animations
Corvette C8 Z06: Added Launch Control info on page 1 and 2. TC of cockpit display off pictogram on 3 pages. Improved textures
Mclaren Senna: Added Launch Control info to cockpit display
Onboard camera adjustments forKartcross
Copa Truck: Fixed spawn location causing the truck to bounce when entering or leaving the setup menu; Fixed wipers not clearing water from windscreen in Vulkan model
F-Trainer (both): Added damage models; Added dirt/damage texture; Fixed rear tyre skin; Revised collisions
Porsche 911 GT1: fixed missing paint material
Metalmoro AJR Gen1: Fixed red body panels when using livery override paint materials
Opala Stock Cars 1986: Fixed flickering windshield banner
BMW M8 GTE: Revised livery #9 #15 New paint materials
McLaren F1 GTR: fixed exhausts´ position
F-Vee (both models): Updated the rim blur model and textures
Porsche Cup: Corrected rear tire diameter for 4.0L model
BMW M3 E30 Gr.A: Added adjustable rear wing details to 3D model

https://store.steampowered.com/news/app ... 3918396198

Los dos DLC no están incluidos en el Season Pass.
rugrande escribió:
er185 escribió:Disponible 2 nuevos DLCs de pago (incluidos en el Season Pass): Formula HiTech y Historical Track Pack Pt2. también se ha lanzado una nueva actualización.
V1.5.0.5-V1.5.3.2 CHANGELOG

Tracks - Historical Track Pack Pt2 DLC
Added Barcelona 1991
added Interlagos 1991
Added Interlagos 1993
Added Montreal 1991

Added Barcelona National layout (Part of Circuit de Catalunya DLC)

Cars - Formula HiTech DLC
Added Formula Hitech Gen1 class (featuring MP4/7 & 3 generic models)
Added Formula HiTech Gen2 (Featuring Mclaren MP4/8 + 3 generic models)

Added Multiplayer logging to help debugging common multiplayer reliability issues (dedicated thread for reports incoming soon)
Added launch control support
Added 'Scheduled Full Course Yellow' option to Race Settings screen
Added dedicated safety truck model to Copa Truck; Corvette Z06 Pace Car to F-USA 2023; AMG GT for F-Reiza, F-Ultimate Gen1/Gen2; pace kart to kart classes; Porsche RSR to F-Retro Gen1-3; BMW 2002 to GT Classics, F-Vintages & TC Vintages; BMW M3 to F-Classic, F-HiTech & F-V12
Added safety car blinking lights which go off when the safety car is about to return to the pits
FCY: Safety car no longer leaves the pits in a conflicting situation when leaders are speeding by on oval tracks; Fixed issue where the detection of illegal overtakes during full course yellow would keep track of the wrong driver (displayed in the follow label) and wouldn't remove the illegal overtake message once the correct driver could be ignored; severely damaged vehicles are no longer prevented from pitting the pit entry is closed on long oval races (PIT OPEN label will now be displayed for severely damaged vehicles); damaged vehicles no longer penalised for not staying with leaders; Improved detection of struggling vehicles that can be overtaken under FCY to prevent unfair penalties
Corrected legacy issue with motion blur being always force enabled in replays (now it will respect user setting); Fixed legacy issue causing to run low motion blur even if user had it set to high
Fixed legacy bug in driver head animation from external view where the angular G-force passed with orientation inverted, leading to a tendency to bend helmet left (for live play, fix for head animations not showing in replays coming with the next build
Increased the default distance between each AI vehicle during full course yellow
Fixed driver helmet animation not being in sync with the vehicle G-Forces during replays
Disabled gear shift animations when car is set with automatic shifts in either or both directions
Fixed bug where a vehicle (AI or player with auto pit on) could get stuck in garage in single player (in practice or qualifying) if another vehicle was within a blocking distance near it
Fixed issue that would cause missing tires not to be reset after pitting or session restart
Enabled spotter on all ovals in authentic mode
Fixed mandatory stop min tyres incorrectly being limited to maximum setting of 3
Fixed vehicles with exactly two Final Drive settings always running the shorter ratio
Tightened up track limit detection thresholds
Fixed issue on oval tracks where a vehicle in the pitlane would appear in first place or last place on live leaderboards even if it wasn't physically in such positions
Fixed issue where the safety car wouldn't move in time from waiting position if the leader was leaving the pits
Fixed issue where a player could be unable to drive in multiplayer if he joined a practice or qualifying session in progress that had safety car setting enabled and only one free user slot available (also could cause the session to be unable to advance to race if this user didn't quit)
Fixed issue on oval tracks where a vehicle in the pitlane would appear in first place or last place on live leaderboards even if it wasn't physically in such positions
Fixed issue where the safety car wouldn't move in time from waiting position if the leader was leaving the pits
Fixed issue where a player could be unable to drive in multiplayer if he joined a practice or qualifying session in progress that had safety car setting enabled and only one free user slot available (also could cause the session to be unable to advance to race if this user didn't quit)
Private sessions: Fixed player vehicle being rendered as ghost; Fixed opponent vehicle ambient shadows sometimes visible
Fixed late joiners being stuck in a visible state in private qualifying if local player was on track when they joined
Enabled spotter on all ovals in authentic mode
Fixed issue where Authentic Aids setting could become out of sync for a client in multiplayer
Increased maximum pit speed limit allowed to 240 km/h
Redefined setup folder to force-reset setups

Message 'YOU CAN PUSH NOW' is now displayer for the leader (instead of the caution message) when the safety car is already out of road limits when the race is about to resume from full course yellow
Entering Cockpit Configuration screen will now switch view to cockpit
Various corrections to track grade filter
Fixed incorrect Limiter state in HUD widget after returning to garage with limiter enabled
Fixed Auto-advance countdown being incorrectly displayed on non-host clients when the server does not have it enabled
Onboard camera group on Replay mode now cycle on command rather than automatically

Continued V1.5 physics overhaul for all classes
Revised FFB for all cars
Revised ideal brake range for all cars
Revised aero dropoff with yaw for all high-downforce cars
Revised turbo altitude scaling BoP for GT3, GT4, GTE
Added launch control system for F-V10 Gen2, Corvette C8 Z06, Mclaren Senna, Rallycross
Updated logic for tires pre-race heating in case of skipped formation lap to minimise discrepancies in handling over first few corners
Adjusted idle RPM range for all F1 engines
Minor fine-tuning adjustments for Group A & GT1 engines

AI fast paths redone for several track layouts (full list here)
Disabled all track-specific AI Grip multipliers (persisting performance variations from track-to-track now adjusted exclusively via AI paths)
AI calibration pass for all classes in dry & wet
Fixed a bug in AI drivers´ assessment when overtaking a car ahead causing them to pull aside too early and lose the draft
Adjusted AI brake application for all classes to better match that of human driver
AI behavior adjustments: Increased function to reduce chances of AI deciding it should go of-track only as last resort; Adjusted AI speed difference & distance thresholds for taking defensive action; Reduced avoid ratios to minimise jerkiness in line switches; Increased threshold for AI carefulness with human players; Increased wall check awareness; Adjusted front & side buffer ranges; further brake usage fine-tuning to various classes
Adjusted AI launch performance for classes with newly added launch control system
Adjusted behavior under blue flag to prevent AI from moving erratically on out lap
Fixed an issue where AI could sometimes be aware of other vehicles in private sessions
Revised & tightened Ai driver Skill ranges for Formula Classics Gen1-4, Formula V12, Formula V10 Gen1-2, Formula Reiza, Formula Ultimate Gen1-2, Formula USA Gen4, GTE, GT3, Stock Car Brasil 2019-2023
Adjusted interclass AI performance of Lotus 98T, Mclarens MP4/4, 5B and 6 Sigma P1 from P2 class
Slightly increased AI tire wetness threshold for slightly earlier switch to wet tires and slightly later from wets to dry
Slightly reduced AI performance boost for qualifying hot laps
Increased AI care with human players
Added function to independently configure how much AI slows down in cool down lap for each class
Added AI fuel load density scalar to adjust AI performance when running higher fuel loads
Adjusted standard pit strategy thresholds for when AI decides it is worth making a pitstop for tires (lower for F1 cars, higher for 4 / 6 nut wheel cars)
Defined number of AI dry hotlaps in qualifying for F1-style cars (min 1, max 2 hotlaps) and non-F1 style cars (min 2, max 3 hotlaps)
Adjusted AI overtaking aggression parameters for all oval variants
Added AI "cheat" function to prevent it from overshooting pitbox in higher pit speed limit settings
Slightly increased AI lifting off throttle under blue flags
Revised AI tire wear rates & resulting degradation (combination should lead to AI suffering less performance degradation with tire wear and coming in earlier for tire pitstops
Further adjustments to AI performance with wets on dry track & slicks on wet track
increased AI global wall check awareness; slightly decreased front buffer range & increased side ranges
Barcelona: Fixed AIW alignment at start / finish junction in chicane layout

Added offline dirt sounds
Updated external engine sounds for Ford DFV engines (F-Vintage G1M1 & G2M2, Lotus 49C, Brabham BT26, Brabham BT44, Brabham BT49, F-Retro Gen1, F-Retro Gen2, F-Retro Gen3, McLaren M23, Lotus 72E, Lotus 79)
Updated V8, V10 & V12 external sounds for all F-Classics
Updated F-V12 internal & external sounds
Adjusted tires scrub and skid sound volume for F-USA Gen1, F-USA Gen2.
F-Junior: Adjusted Player & Oppponent engine sound parameters
Fixed issue with some sound effects continue to play when switching view target
Closed cockpit cars: adjusted chassis rattle sound effects
BMW M4 GT4: revised engine limiter and traction control sound
Chevrolet Corvette C3 & C3R: adjusted chase camera engine sound volume

Adjusted LiveTrack grip range for Buenos Aires, Montreal (all versions) & Hockenheim 2020
Corrected an error that prevented actual track starting lights from working at Kansai, Santa Cruz, Taruma
Adjusted road noise for Hockenheim Historic layouts, Monza 1971, Spa 1993, Montreal (all versions)
Interlagos 2020: Added 3D foliage, redone track and terrain materials and textures; Updated materials and shading for temp grandstands for GP layout
Spa-Francorchamps: Fixed a terrain shadow issue visible during specific date and time of day in 1993, 2020 & 2022 layouts
Spa-Francorchamps 2020: Corrected inappropriate next lap penalty when off track near Blanchimont; Added dedicated safety car parking spot
Hockenheim GP: Increased track edge to cover curbs that were previously excluded.
Ascurra Dirt: Switch P1 to the left side of the grid
Daytona: Removed excess runoff at the entry to the bus stop chicane; Adjusted track limits; Fixed static object LOD pop issues; Relocated pit exit line at Daytona RC and NRC layouts as seen in the 24hr race
Jerez 2019: Fixed a physical track surface bug in the T1 brake zone; replaced broken tooth on the entry curb; Fixed bug with the garage floor lighting
Spielberg Historic / Vintage : Corrected a missing LOD flag on the pit lane entrance tire bundle
Nurburgring (all versions): Corrected geo location and time zone data; Fixed black grass blades near Dunlop on the Nords 24hr layout; Fixed a minor collision issue on the RX layout Fixed the track length data for Sprint S layout
Barcelona: Fixed the collision on the pit lane entrance tire barrier; Adjusted LiveTrack grip range
Kyalami: Increased grid box spacing to fix AI drivers sometimes reversing during race starts
Montreal Historic 1988: Updated TV trackside cameras
Spa 1993: Minor performance and export optimization
Silverstone 1991. Fixed trackside camera flickering at Hangar Straight
Oulton Park: Adusted position of chicane apex tire bundle
Speedland Kart 3: Fixed misplaced layout tire barriers
Completed VR cameras for all RX tracks
Tykki: Fixed RX layout pit lane (cars wont start in garage); Minor graphics fixes; Corrected Max AI participants from 5 to 7 in RX layouts
Indianapolis 2022 (both layouts): Update formation lap path

Defined colour matching driver outfits & helmets for all drivers in F-Junior, F-Vintages, F-Retros, F-Classic, F-V12, F-V10. F-Reiza. F-Ultimates (all Gens), Group C, Group A, GT1, GTE, GT3, GT4, GT4 Supercup, G40 Cup, GT5, GT Open, MINI JCW, Porsche Cup, Copa Montana, SprintRace, Formula USA Gen1-3, P1, P2, P3, P4, Aussie Racing Camaro, Vintage Touring Cars T1-2, GT Classic Touring Cars, StockCar Brasil 1979-1999, F-USA 2023, F-Inter, Rally RX1, Kartcross, F-Dirt
Adjusted bodywork dirt buildup rate for all cars
User Livery Overrides: Fixed body part issue when using metallic materials
Adjusted visual backfire thresholds for all cars to more realistic frequency
Fixed spark effects being too dark during the day
Increased driver helmet LODs to avoid it popping in and out at longer distances
Adjusted cockpit POV for Group A, Mclaren F1 GTR, Mclaren 570S GT4,Ultima GTR, Metalmoro AJR Gen2, F-Vee, MIT Lancer Cup (both models)
StockCar Pro Series 2023 Cruze: Fixed brake disc glow issue, Fixed LODs tail light issue; Adjusted height offset; Fixed driver legs position for Cruza Model
Stockcar Pro Series 2023 Corolla: Changed steering wheel position; Adjusted driver position & animation; Adjusted cockpit view; Fixed UV map on front inner tirewalls; Adjusted the steering wheel position to be centered in relation to the driver pov; Adjusted driver animations
StockCar (all seasons): Updated and enhanced steering wheel display; Adjusted cockpit materials
Porsche Cup: Fixed damage models on LOD A
Adjusted onboard cameras for Corvette C8 Z06, F-Dirt
Metalmoro AJR Gen2: Fixed windscreen rain issue
Lotus 23: Fixed lowres artifacts on the dirt/damage texture
Roco 001: Added driver animations; Adjusted gear shift mesh Added dirt/damage texture; Revised collisions; Detached front fenders; Added damage models
Mercedes CLK LM GT1: Reverted driver animations to use stick shifter; Revised collisions; Adjusted driver animations to use paddle shift
Ginetta G58: Fixed Driver animation position on 3rd person view
Catherham 620R: Fixed right-side tire pivots
Copa Truck:
Brabham BT44: Adjusted suspension animation and camber on the front wheels
F-Classic (all gens): Correct wet tire texture for various models; Fixed shiny tires on lower LODs; increased speed threshold required to produce undertray sparks; Fixed Rear boot that was obstructing the view in cockpit, steering wheels rotation angle & missing cockpit windscreen for F-Classic G4M2; Updated & revised 3D display for Mclaren MP4/5B, MP4/6. Fixed suspension mesh skin on lodA and cockpit view & fixed suspension animations for F-Classic G3M3
F-V12: Added damage models; Revised cockpit suspension animations structure
F-V10 Gen1: Added damage models; Revised cockpit suspension animations structure
Mclaren MP4-12: Added damage models; Revised cockpit suspension animations structure
F-V10 Gen2: Adjusted suspension animation on the front wheels
F-Ultimate (both gens): Added damage models; Revised cockpit suspension animations structure; Improved transparent HALO; Fixed front suspension mesh in cockpit view & adjusted the right-side cockpit mirror mesh for Gen1
F-Vintage G2M1: Fixed wrong name in collision joint
F-Dirt: Fixed red body panels when viewing from cockpit view
Revised livery F-Junior #55, Mclaren F1 GTR #03, Mclaren Senna #04, Mercedes CLK LM #53; New paint materials
Camaro SS: Corrected cockpit model to 6-speed manual transmission & adjusted driver animations
Corvette C8 Z06: Added Launch Control info on page 1 and 2. TC of cockpit display off pictogram on 3 pages. Improved textures
Mclaren Senna: Added Launch Control info to cockpit display
Onboard camera adjustments forKartcross
Copa Truck: Fixed spawn location causing the truck to bounce when entering or leaving the setup menu; Fixed wipers not clearing water from windscreen in Vulkan model
F-Trainer (both): Added damage models; Added dirt/damage texture; Fixed rear tyre skin; Revised collisions
Porsche 911 GT1: fixed missing paint material
Metalmoro AJR Gen1: Fixed red body panels when using livery override paint materials
Opala Stock Cars 1986: Fixed flickering windshield banner
BMW M8 GTE: Revised livery #9 #15 New paint materials
McLaren F1 GTR: fixed exhausts´ position
F-Vee (both models): Updated the rim blur model and textures
Porsche Cup: Corrected rear tire diameter for 4.0L model
BMW M3 E30 Gr.A: Added adjustable rear wing details to 3D model

https://store.steampowered.com/news/app ... 3918396198

Los dos DLC no están incluidos en el Season Pass.

Correcto, ya he corregido el post anterior, gracias.
A ver que tal, el youtuber "Gp Laps" habla maravillas de la nueva IA.

Han puesto en el foro los DLCs que están incluidos en el Season Pass y los que no
er185 escribió:Han puesto en el foro los DLCs que están incluidos en el Season Pass y los que no

es decir , esta todo incluido menos el ultimo contenido.

Esta muy bien de precio eh! practicamente todo por 49 euros y luego estos dos packs nuevos por unos 16.. esta de puta madre.

Que tal era el online????
@er185 Endurance pack ? Que es eso ??? :O

Y Lemans es un imprescindible :)
Ayer tarde estuve probando el F1 con las skins de 2023 en el circuito de Barcelona que aún no lo había hecho (probar el coche de F1, digo) y la cosa es que me pareció practicamente imposible rodar a un ritmo razonable más de 3 vueltas sin trompear, me pareció muy exagerado que es que era rozar el acelerador en curva lenta y hacerme el coche un trompo... ahora ya por curiosidad he visto videos en youtube a ver como lo hacía la gente y veo que dan bastante más gas que yo y no se les va nada de nada el coche... ¿sabéis que puede haber mal ahí? ¿quizá alguna configuración con el pedal del acelerador para el F1? Juego con un t300rs por si tuviera algo que ver.
Hola, yo con los F1 (que soy muy malo xDD ) tengo a 0 el "dead zone" i lo calibro de sensibilidad a 100 en vez de 50 como viene de serie y mucho mejor!, cada vez me gusta mas el AMS2, pero no hay gente Online.
y voy con un G923.
Un saludo a ver si la gente se anima con el Online de este juego!
sca15 escribió:Hola, yo con los F1 (que soy muy malo xDD ) tengo a 0 el "dead zone" i lo calibro de sensibilidad a 100 en vez de 50 como viene de serie y mucho mejor!, cada vez me gusta mas el AMS2, pero no hay gente Online.
y voy con un G923.
Un saludo a ver si la gente se anima con el Online de este juego!

Justo ayer tarde estuve probando y lo medio solucioné al contrario, aumentando un poco el desd zone en el acelerador, pude completar algunas carreras sin problema y rodando en tiempos decentes así.
El AMS2 diría que es de lo mejorcito que hay y con un montón de contenido, hay dlcs si pero no como en rfactor o ascc que entras y hay más contenido de pago que del juego... además transmite muy bien ffb y el control es cojonudo.
Juraría haber leído en algún lado que estaban desarrollando un modo carrera/campaña? No sé si se quedó en el olvido... el online no lo he probado, en PC falta un simulador con un online a lo gran turismo, sencillo y sin historias de suscripciones y contenido por dlc...
No entiendo, si supuestamente este último contenido es de pago y no entra en el Season Pass como me deja jugarlo.
Carlos2Santos escribió:No entiendo, si supuestamente este último contenido es de pago y no entra en el Season Pass como me deja jugarlo.

Comentaron algo de que por un error, hasta el siguiente update va a estar disponible para todo el mundo me suena.
;) Cada uno como le va mejor ! :) si yo que vengo de GT (sport/7) estoy empezando en AMS2 y me gusta mucho peerrrroooo el Online es nulo !! xD le pille el juego a mi hijo y juego con el y con un compi pero somos nosotros + IA

A darle a todo :)

Un saludo !!
sca15 escribió:@Carlos2Santos
;) Cada uno como le va mejor ! :) si yo que vengo de GT (sport/7) estoy empezando en AMS2 y me gusta mucho peerrrroooo el Online es nulo !! xD le pille el juego a mi hijo y juego con el y con un compi pero somos nosotros + IA

A darle a todo :)

Un saludo !!

Creo que me querías citar a mi no? [+risas]
Es que el online del GT es lo más parecido a iRacing pero sin una monetizacion tan bestial, y es lo que le hace falta al PC, un online que puedas jugar tanto de forma esporádica como competitiva pero al mismo tiempo "sencilla", es una pena que estos simuladores como AMS2, ASCC, ASC... no tengan un online a la altura, además diría que si sale algo decente lo mismo iRacing se piensa el sistema que tiene...
Si !! hace mil que no escribo en EOL, sólo leo ;) ya me he unido al grupo de Discord, a ver si puedo entrar
para alguna pachanga ! :)
654321 escribió:
Carlos2Santos escribió:No entiendo, si supuestamente este último contenido es de pago y no entra en el Season Pass como me deja jugarlo.

Comentaron algo de que por un error, hasta el siguiente update va a estar disponible para todo el mundo me suena.

Ah! vale así tiene lógica claro. Gracias.
Se lo están currando los tíos, viendo las fechas pensé que ya no iban a sacarlo este año. Hacia 2/3 meses que no jugaba hasta la última actualización, y desde esa estoy totalmente enganchado. Para mí ha mejorado mucho. Antes había algunas disciplinas que estaban bien, pero ahora eso siento que se ha mejorado incluso y extendido a muchísimas más categorías, y digo muchísimas y no todas porque tampoco he llegado a probar absolutamente el 100%. Pero es eso a nivel de conducción ahora mismo para mí gusto está en un punto muy gratificante, se disfruta un montón.
1039 respuestas