@JhOnNY_HD Una vez tiened equipada una si aparece que atributo es mejor o peor, yo pensaba que no salia.
Para atributos he visto esto en gamefaqs:
First, according to the wiki:
0 vitality = 300 action gauge
99 vitality = 448.5 action gauge
So 0 to 99 vitality means +50% action gauge.
0 agility = 200 move gauge
99 agility = 249.5 move gauge
So 99 agility means +25% move gauge.
99 constitution = +49.5% max HP
Now, what I tested:
99 strength/magic = +50% damage
Which means strength or magic are better for offensive over vitality (same gain for same cost of points if you use all your action gauge but str/mag are better if you don't use all your gauge or if you also use move gauge).
Once at 99 strength or magic, the second best offensive stat becomes vitality.
Agility is an all-or-nothing stat. Either you have enough to reach your target (all), or you don't and you wasted a turn moving (nothing). So it's important to either invest in it for melee characters OR equip the +30% move flag that can be bought in a travel quest (enemies will also benefit from its effect though).
99 stamina/spirit = -50% damage taken
Which means stamina or spirit are better for a dedicated tank to either physical or magical. While constitution is better for an overall tank to both physical and magical.
Also tec gives +1% exp per point invested (so +99% exp at 99 tec).