dralash escribió:Sabeis si añadiran algun formula mas de los que ya estan?
quitaco escribió:hola a todos los foreros.
Llevo tiempo mirando ordenadores y solo para poder jugar a este simulador.
La idea es conectar el pc al televisor. Para que el juego corra a 1920x1080 con todo a tope ¿Que tarjeta gráfica mínima necesito?...muchas gracias por adelantado.
Drak64 escribió:quitaco escribió:hola a todos los foreros.
Llevo tiempo mirando ordenadores y solo para poder jugar a este simulador.
La idea es conectar el pc al televisor. Para que el juego corra a 1920x1080 con todo a tope ¿Que tarjeta gráfica mínima necesito?...muchas gracias por adelantado.
Ahora mismo yo tengo una GeForce GTX 550 Ti, un i7 y 16Gb de ram.... con eso puedo jugar con todo a tope y me da de 35 a 50 frames.
También es cierto que antes la misma gráfica con 4gb de ram y un intel cuore de dos nucleos a 2900 tenia que ponerlo al mínimo todo para jugar online.
(disculpa no ser mas exacto pero no recuerdo exactamente el procesador que tenia antes)
- Espero que esta respuesta no se tome como post de software, menos que lo eliminen como otro que yo me se.
Aritz [otro] escribió:En el parche de hoy, han añadido la linea seca en Silverstone. Había eso antes en algún otro circuito o ya se puede empezar a ver el efecto secado por primera vez? Yo nunca pongo agua porque el comportamiento no es nada real, pero ver cómo se seca la pista tiene su punto.
Aritz [otro] escribió:En el parche de hoy, han añadido la linea seca en Silverstone. Había eso antes en algún otro circuito o ya se puede empezar a ver el efecto secado por primera vez? Yo nunca pongo agua porque el comportamiento no es nada real, pero ver cómo se seca la pista tiene su punto.
Just wanted to give everyone an idea of what's planned for the next few months in Project CARS. The following list represents the priority items we'll be working on and that you'll be seeing added to the builds over the coming months (well, there's a few behind the scenes bits but put them in to keep you all informed)
• Continued work on cars and tracks
• GUILib upgrades - Essential 'behind the scenes' work to ensure that GUI work can be better distributed amongst the team, and improve GUI texture management. Also begin work into supporting new GUI additions such as tab screens and list boxes.
• Audio improvements - These will include a gear change sound, gear wobble/shunt effects, improving engine load, adding global balancing tweakers, and some other behind the scenes work to increase audio efficiency.
• Basic qualifying sessions - On enabling qualifying, the game will be split between two sessions: qualifying, then race. The qualifying session starts in the pits with a race overview screen, where lap information is visible, and the player can advance session when ready. The grid positions of the race session will be determined from the qualifying lap times. This will not (for now) include the ability to pit, or global concept of qualifying session duration.
• Championships - Work has already been ongoing on developing the code needed to have functional championships, so you'll start to see some of these being added - initially just in a sample way to test functionality but later they will more closely follow some of the career plans.
• Customisable HUD - New system to allow users to customise their HUD display. This will be editable via scripts, which will use our new Scribe system. Eventually, this will also allow editing of the HUD display in-game too.
• Camera system improvements - We will be implementing improvements to the camera controls for various situations. This is intended to make it easier to get good screenshots and videos, and will include changes to the free camera, the attached camera, and replay cameras.
• Hybrid timer - Advance the Timer code that was previously test by WMD members and integrate it into the physics manager tick for further testing. It is still not clear if it will be suitable as a final solution yet but it is now ready for the next stage of evaluation.
• Particle editor - The particle system and effects (i.e. rain on car and windscreen, spray on cars, engine smoke, explosions) are being re-written in order to 'raise the bar' in this area. This is being done in conjunction with an overhaul to our editing tools, so the new particle system will allow live editing of the particle in-game (as well as having its own offline visual editor).
• Various shader fixes/improvements - There are numerous shader fixes and improvements planned. These will include...
* Raindrop visuals on bodywork will be improved to reduce the over-bright reflections seen, particularly in cases where the reflected light ought to be blocked by the car itself.
* Raindrop visuals to be added to other types of bodywork, e.g. carbon fibre.
* Bodywork shaders when in cockpit need to allow a choice of environment mapping technique, so that not all parts use the bonnetcam reflection system, as this looks wrong on internal components.
* Skinned bodywork shader needs to support bonnet cam envmap.
* Skinned carbon bodywork shader needs support for flat clearcoat layer.
* Shaders in general will get an extra option to use the ambient occlusion value to reduce reflection strength (both environment map and specular irradiance).
* Windscreen banners need to use transmissive lighting, rather than be transparent.
* Specular lighting will be improved across a range of shaders, to give a more consistent look to similar surfaces.
* Fresnel to be permanently on in road and overlay shaders, to be consistent with other track surfaces.
jlanc3 escribió:dralash escribió:Sabeis si añadiran algun formula mas de los que ya estan?
Si el formula gulf esta confirmado
Que seria un intermedio entre el rookie y el gp2 vendria a ser un F3, personalmente yo no añadiria mas creo que esta bastante completa la linea de copkit abierto. Es el que esta mas claro
billy21 escribió:Abro un momento el offtopic, y es lo ultimo que se me escapa ya para darle caña al pCars, y son las temperaturas. Me acabo de montar un Pc con un i5 3570k y una gtx670. Jugando con todo a tope me suben las tem de Cpu a 68 de maxima y 72 la grafica de maxima. Esta dentro de la normalidad?
billy21 escribió:Si? Pues creia que serian normales... El disipa es el de serie. Temperaturas en normal sin jugar sin 34 cpu y 36 grafica. No creo que sea un problema de montaje
Que temperaturas deberian de ser las normales jugando a tope?
cracker2000 escribió:Ghalhajad escribió:currololo escribió: Yo lo pongo a 1920x1200 y me va bien con el ordenador de mi firma. Tengo las sombras y reflejos en alto, lo demás al máximo, hierba y demás efectos activados pero sin blur, MSAA8x, FXAA y SMAA desactivados (porque uso los archivos SweetFX). Lo ejecuto en DX9 porque está más avanzado que DX11 según ellos mismos han dicho.
Sobre esto queria hacer yo una pregunta sobre los Injector me he bajado del foro oficialhttp://forum.wmdportal.com/showt ... OR-!/page7 de kelnor34 el injector FXAA_DX11, (no se si sera el correcto. De todas formas mi pregunta es cuando grabas un injector de estos hay que desactivar el Fxaa y Smaa, para que funcionen bien??
Currololo que injector me recomiendas??? tambien he probado de Kelnor34 el SWFX_DX11_HDR PHOTOGRAPHIC pero se me veía muy oscuro y la imagen se me veía como visión de tunel
Hola, yo uso el mismo injector y si, hay que poner en off los FXAA, SMAA. A mí con DX11 me da unos 15 FPS más que con DX9, aunque con DX9 se ve mucho mejor, más nítido y natural y sin cosas raras con las luces etc... Cuando juego en Dx9 en la parte superior de la pantalla me pone "Metrics Disabled in Renderer", esto solo usando DX9, ¿Saveis de que va esto, tambien os pasa?.
Saludos a todos.
Jackone escribió:Hola intente usar uno de estos injector : SweetFX_1_3 y K34_FXAA_injector_DX11, y ninguno me va. no arranca el juego, antes desactive FXAA y SMAA, pero nada.
Alguna idea?
Naer escribió:¿Cuantos coches tendran terminados y en la sombra? Que cabrones![]()
¿En la build del viernes tambien?
Me gustaria preguntaros una cosilla sobre las licencias, a ver que pensais. Pues eso, a mi una de las cosas que mas me intriga a dia de hoy es como van a hacer para manejar las licencias, porque por mucho que se llame Asano, todos sabemos que es Audi y por mucho que se llame Bologna, todos sabemos que es Imola. Y si lo sabemos nosotros, lo saben los dueños de las licencias, y las licencias hay que pagarlas y no son precisamente baratas.
No puede ser tan sencillo como un simple vacio legal porque entonces nadie licenciaría nada. ¿Que pensais de esto?
jlanc3 escribió:
Si estara listo para este viernes.
Sobre licencias se ha comentado que cuando salga el juego todo el contenido de este estara licenciado o no saldra.
Hacia tiempo que no salian 2 cohes nuevos de una tacada que ganas
pd: Los bmw han venido a pares no??
SALUDOS !!!! dias hasta el viernes 2
Just wanted to give everyone an idea of what's planned for the next few months in Project CARS. The following list represents the priority items we'll be working on and that you'll be seeing added to the builds over the coming months (well, there's a few behind the scenes bits but put them in to keep you all informed)
• Continued work on cars and tracks
• GUILib upgrades - Essential 'behind the scenes' work to ensure that GUI work can be better distributed amongst the team, and improve GUI texture management. Also begin work into supporting new GUI additions such as tab screens and list boxes.
• Audio improvements - These will include a gear change sound, gear wobble/shunt effects, improving engine load, adding global balancing tweakers, and some other behind the scenes work to increase audio efficiency.
• Basic qualifying sessions - On enabling qualifying, the game will be split between two sessions: qualifying, then race. The qualifying session starts in the pits with a race overview screen, where lap information is visible, and the player can advance session when ready. The grid positions of the race session will be determined from the qualifying lap times. This will not (for now) include the ability to pit, or global concept of qualifying session duration.
• Championships - Work has already been ongoing on developing the code needed to have functional championships, so you'll start to see some of these being added - initially just in a sample way to test functionality but later they will more closely follow some of the career plans.
• Customisable HUD - New system to allow users to customise their HUD display. This will be editable via scripts, which will use our new Scribe system. Eventually, this will also allow editing of the HUD display in-game too.
• Camera system improvements - We will be implementing improvements to the camera controls for various situations. This is intended to make it easier to get good screenshots and videos, and will include changes to the free camera, the attached camera, and replay cameras.
• Hybrid timer - Advance the Timer code that was previously test by WMD members and integrate it into the physics manager tick for further testing. It is still not clear if it will be suitable as a final solution yet but it is now ready for the next stage of evaluation.
• Particle editor - The particle system and effects (i.e. rain on car and windscreen, spray on cars, engine smoke, explosions) are being re-written in order to 'raise the bar' in this area. This is being done in conjunction with an overhaul to our editing tools, so the new particle system will allow live editing of the particle in-game (as well as having its own offline visual editor).
• Various shader fixes/improvements - There are numerous shader fixes and improvements planned. These will include...
* Raindrop visuals on bodywork will be improved to reduce the over-bright reflections seen, particularly in cases where the reflected light ought to be blocked by the car itself.
* Raindrop visuals to be added to other types of bodywork, e.g. carbon fibre.
* Bodywork shaders when in cockpit need to allow a choice of environment mapping technique, so that not all parts use the bonnetcam reflection system, as this looks wrong on internal components.
* Skinned bodywork shader needs to support bonnet cam envmap.
* Skinned carbon bodywork shader needs support for flat clearcoat layer.
* Shaders in general will get an extra option to use the ambient occlusion value to reduce reflection strength (both environment map and specular irradiance).
* Windscreen banners need to use transmissive lighting, rather than be transparent.
* Specular lighting will be improved across a range of shaders, to give a more consistent look to similar surfaces.
* Fresnel to be permanently on in road and overlay shaders, to be consistent with other track surfaces.
Aritz [otro] escribió:No encuentro nada sobre FFB en lo que postea Suzy, han hablado sobre ello? Desde luego es claramente algo imprescindible (junto con la física)
Precisamente estamos debatiendo del CARS en otro foro y me están dando duro con razón por esto mismo del FFB
Jarinawer escribió:Aritz [otro] escribió:No encuentro nada sobre FFB en lo que postea Suzy, han hablado sobre ello? Desde luego es claramente algo imprescindible (junto con la física)
Precisamente estamos debatiendo del CARS en otro foro y me están dando duro con razón por esto mismo del FFB
eemmmmmm.... si es que ya te decía yo.... mucho grafiquito y todo muy bonito y espectacular,,,, y lo importante nada de nada.
brunelesky32 escribió:mu guay, pero..........
brunelesky32 escribió:mu guay, pero..........
Naer escribió:Me hago un lio con los diferentes AA's, ¿cual es el que mejor relacion calidad/rendimiento da?
currololo escribió:brunelesky32 escribió:mu guay, pero..........
¿Volvemos a empezar con la historia de siempre?
Según Casey Ringley, jefe de vehículos, hablando del M3, y sobre el comentario de alguien diciendo que las físicas parten de las del Z4:
The initial physics set is in for 385, so the answer is it's not based on the Z4 one bit. It's all new and only shares the tire carcass with the Z4. Also, some drag figures were derived from the Falcon CFD program for the first time.
O sea, que son completamente nuevas y sólo comparte la carcasa del neumático con el Z4. Además están usando un programa llamado Falcon CFD por primera vez para ciertos cálculos. Supongo que ya nos irán informando.
Por otra parte, muchas cosas que veremos en este coche son todavía placeholders, así que no nos extrañe que esté lleno de fallos al principio.
This is just an observation. I haven't spent a lot of time on pCars lately because I am not thrilled at the moment with were the cars are at. While they have made much progress it does seem to me that some cars are moving forward and some are going backwwards in the handling area. Case in point: several builds ago the Lotus 49 was all but undrivable. With build 382 the car is a totally different animal. Much more controlable, you can catch a slide an hold it now and maybe it is just a tad to sedate. On the other hand, the small displacement prototypes have gone just the other way. Where they were once very close to real life (I have driven these types of cars for twelve years) they are slowly moving away as the cars are becoming way to difficult to drive competetively. There is now way to little grip in the tires.
My biggest dissapointment though is the braking. Why do almost all sims, pCars included, model the brakes so that you cannot turn and brake at the same time. If you have your foot on the brake your going to go straight off. Who ever told you this is right. This may have been the case back in the 60's and I can confirm that it held that way into the early 70's but by the mid to late seventies tire grip and brake components had done away with this bugaboo unless you really stood on the pedal in a corner. The old school brake, downshift, turn in is just not the case anymore. I often brake well into a corner these days and often use my left foot to brake. I find this currently to be my biggest dislike in pCars and would love to see this addressed.
Thanks for the feedback on the small prototypes. Very interesting. Where do you feel they are lacking grip? All the telemetry we have shows them matching up very closely to the current game model for cornering, acceleration and braking Gs.
I think that even though the telemetry is giving you the right numbers the feel isn't right. I have spent time making adjustments to make sure when running that I am gettiing the right tire temps across the tread width. This should mean that the presure is correct and I should be getting maximum grip. When initial turn in begins the car does not turn in correctly but aslo at the same time does not give the feel of understeer. A little more turn in and suddenly I'm turning too much. Adjustments to the wings do not seem to make a clear difference in the handling. I have stated before that the speed difference in my real car (the one in my avatar) between no down force position (flat) and five or six degrees is as much as eight to ten miles per hour in top end and a musch more confident overall feel in the corners which I just am not getting at the moment. The car just feels too much on edge. I know I am not finding just the right words to fully explain here. Everyone will tell you if the car doesn't feel on edge your just not driving fast enough,but with the small prototypes now that edge comes too early. Even on the edge my car still feels well under control an can be held there. These cars just fall off too easily.
OK cool. That actually fits pretty well with the next plan for those cars. I'd like to try and adapt the design AJ has used to get more bite in the kart tire and see how it works on something bigger. We'll see how it turns out.
There will be some changes to the small prototype tyre in Friday's build. I'm very curious on your input, particularly with the Racer L4, if it moves in the direction of what you think we need. I don't think we're quite there with the overall feel, but the new changes definitely seem to be giving me more bite and confidence in the tires.
All this will be in Build 387.
slick_white: Using the stick_multiplier parameter to try and give the tires more bite and better confidence. Affects Racers, Palmer JPLM, FRookie, SP300R and M3 E30 Group A.
Racer L4 RS: Non-forward drag values pulled from Falcon CFD simulation. Dropped drivetrain losses to 6% on some good advice from FloF000. Thanks again for the better rule of thumb!
BMW M3 E30: Changed semi-trailing arm sweep to 12° to match the real Group A car's sub-frame. Huge improvement to stability having the correct rear roll center, camber and toe changes. Tweaked default setup a little to fit the suspension and tire changes.
luisdacos escribió:Drak64 escribió:quitaco escribió:hola a todos los foreros.
Llevo tiempo mirando ordenadores y solo para poder jugar a este simulador.
La idea es conectar el pc al televisor. Para que el juego corra a 1920x1080 con todo a tope ¿Que tarjeta gráfica mínima necesito?...muchas gracias por adelantado.
Ahora mismo yo tengo una GeForce GTX 550 Ti, un i7 y 16Gb de ram.... con eso puedo jugar con todo a tope y me da de 35 a 50 frames.
También es cierto que antes la misma gráfica con 4gb de ram y un intel cuore de dos nucleos a 2900 tenia que ponerlo al mínimo todo para jugar online.
(disculpa no ser mas exacto pero no recuerdo exactamente el procesador que tenia antes)
- Espero que esta respuesta no se tome como post de software, menos que lo eliminen como otro que yo me se.
!!por favor dime el nombre de ese milagroso i7 por que ami me va mas o menos como a ti pero con una gtx580.
y ya que veo mas de un amante de los graficos os dejo una foto de el gta 4 que tampoco se queda corto no creeis?
surfino escribió:Uff, ese E30 agüita salá!![]()
¿Se sabe si se va a incluir algun tipo de circuito/pista/tramo de rally? No me refiero a tramos de tierra, sino asfalto. Alguna subida de montaña, algun puerto, algo para los que ansiamos un simulador al que poder exprimir "rallisticamente" hablando.