[HO] Yakuza Saga

Parece ser que en la localización del Hokuto no se encargan los mismos que los de Yakuza, por eso nos llega tan pronto respecto al Kiwami 2:

https://twitter.com/TriggerRedd/status/ ... 2471458816

El New Yakuza nos llegará el mismo día de lanzamiento en Japón y traducido a múltiples idiomas, ya lo veréis :p .
Reservado el Zero por esos 18 €
Nexus_VII está baneado por "clon de usuario baneado"
Ahora que sale en pc toca soñar con un fansub, suerte que el 0 lo deje por la mitad, ahora lo podre jugar con todos los extras técnicos de la version pc.
rambomar escribió:Zero y Kiwami para PC [tadoramo]

Jeje fue ver la noticia en portada y pensar en este hilo. Noticion.
Las versiones a PC lo ha anunciado Sega Europa, así que se deben encargar ellos de los ports:

https://twitter.com/SEGA_Europe/status/ ... 3161084928

Y se podrán jugar en 4k:

https://twitter.com/SEGA_Europe/status/ ... 6016523264

Link a Steam:

https://twitter.com/SEGA_Europe/status/ ... 0352460800

Llegando remasters del 3, 4 y 5 seguramente también harán ports al ser versiones de PS3. Más interesante será ver si llegan el Kiwami 2 y el 6 al ser hechos con el Dragon Engine, allí quizás no llega la división europea para currarse un buen port.
Una de las razones por las que me compré una PS4 fue para poder jugar a los yakuzas. Pero vaya, que me alegro de que estos juegos los pueda disfrutar todo el mundo. Creo que este anuncio puede revitalizar la saga en occidente y especialmente en países como España, en los que el idioma es una barrera que ha hecho que mucha gente pase de comprarlos.
Al fin podrá ser traducido al español.
Buena noticia para que mas gente pueda disfrutar de esta pedazo de saga y que asi la misma tenga mas apoyo para futuras entregas en Occidente :p
A ver si ahora todos los cientos de miles de personas que lo pedían en PC es verdad que lo compran y así tienen dinero para localizar el Ishin! [carcajad]
Claro, va a ser ahora cuando los millones van a fluir hacia Sega.
En el hilo de la noticia ya hay más de uno dando por hecho que alguien los va a traducir de gratis al castellano para que ellos los compren xD
Muchos en este hilo decían que no saldría en pc, que ya valia de pedirlo, que alegría!! a ver como a evolucionado desde ps2.
edit: pillado el 0 por 11 euros en una web de keys :)
mimeh escribió:A ver si ahora todos los cientos de miles de personas que lo pedían en PC es verdad que lo compran y así tienen dinero para localizar el Ishin! [carcajad]

El ishin pinta más a que no llegó por ciertos temas que trata, y ahora la cosa está bastante peor en flanderismo que entonces. No tiene mucha pinta de que nos llegue nunca, aunque ojalá sucediera.
Minijuego del VF2 incluido, la verdad se ve genial.
Aprovechad que sale a 10'70 justo ahora mientras dure el vale

Echa un vistazo al Tweet de @Wario64: https://twitter.com/Wario64/status/1006 ... 13408?s=09

Yo me lo he pillao ya :)
Gameplay y entrevista al equipo de Fist of the North Star:



Y del Kiwami 2, del Clan Creator en concreto:


Y un regalito si te pasabas por el puesto de Sega/Atlus:

https://twitter.com/yakuzagame/status/1 ... 9379014656
Que pintaca tienen ambos, el kiwami 2 y el puño [babas]
Aquí un par más de gameplays del Kiwami 2:



Y aquí una charla con Daisuke Sato de RGG Studio:


Diría que este año Nagoshi no ha ido al E3.
Nexus_VII está baneado por "clon de usuario baneado"
Otra vez esta barata la versión PC en voidu, no a 10€como estuvo pero si a 12.54€ con el código SUMMER18
https://www.voidu.com/en/yakuza-0-digit ... xe-edition
Esperemos que esta vez no haya el jaleo del 6 con la demo.
Alguien sabe si llegara a España subtitulado en español?
Lobeznoviejo1982 escribió:Alguien sabe si llegara a España subtitulado en español?

Yo creo que es mas fácil ver elefantes voladores de color rosa que ver un Yakuza traducido al español por parte de sega, ojala que ahora que salen para PC la cosa cambie, aunque no tiene pinta.
Si sale en PC ya habrá solución, cuando algo sale en pc, los dioses modders pueden hacer lo que quieran y sino, siempre se puede investigar y lograr cosas increibles
Entrevista a Daisuke Sato de RGG Studio (Spoilers):

Regarding a Yakuza 0-2…

Daisuke Sato: “We are still completely in the dark as there is no particular [Yakuza 0-2] project [in development]. But if we were to make it, it would be about young Kiryu and Majima again.”

Regarding a Yakuza-style City Hunter spin-off or other spin-offs…

Daisuke Sato: “This is a question that I get asked quite regularly. Technically, that would be possible. After all, the story of City Hunter takes place in Shinjuku. We have a common point and that would be potentially possible. Now, knowing whether to do it or not is another question because what’s important is that the two universes stick together perfectly. In the case of Fist of the North Star, we certainly had relatively different worlds, with a real world on one side and a post-apocalyptic world drawn from a manga on the other, but it worked very well at the character level. When we look at the characters of Yakzua and the characters of Fist of the North Star, we find a lot of things that intertwine, we can find personalities, ways of acting and behaving that are very very close in both worlds. That’s why it stuck very well that we were able to bring something really interesting as game creators. We really want to focus on those points.”

Regarding the Yakuza series on non-PlayStation consoles…

Daisuke Sato: “To be realistic about what happened, Yakuza 1&2 HD for Wii U was a huge failure. But we are always looking to develop for multiple platforms as much as possible and know that brings in a greater audience to attract more people. However, as far as Switch is concerned, I’m convinced that it isn’t the ideal platform on which to develop Yakuza games. Maybe people don’t expect this kind of game on Switch. Maybe they’re used to different games. It may not be the ideal platform. As for Xbox One, we can consider it, knowing that Xbox One users may be more likely to be interested in a game like Yakuza. This could potentially be an option.”

Regarding a Binary Domain 2…

Daisuke Sato: “As far as I’m concerned, I would love to make a sequel. It is purely a question of practicallity and administration. It’s up to Sega to decide whether or not they want to do it. (Laughs.)”

Regarding whether we’ll see Shun Akiyama again…

Daisuke Sato: “Hmm… why not… (Laughs.)”

(Potential Spoiler Question) Regarding Yakuza 6: The Song of Life being the end of Kazuma Kiryu’s story…

Daisuke Sato: “He is not dead, and that does not mean he will disappear completely, we may see him again one day.”

Fuente: Gematsu

Me hace gracia que se hable de un spin-off sobre City Hunter :D .

EDITO. 14/07

Más entrevistas interesantes, aquí con Sato y Kuroda:

I : Mister Sato, Mister Kuroda, thank you for answers these questions. In Yakuza, Kamurocho is very important, it's almost like a character in itself. When you write a new Yakuza game, do you write it around the characters or around Kamurocho ?

Sato : Kamurocho is part of the complete exeperience, you can say that there's no Kazuma without Kamurocho and vice-versa. But as to know if the games are created around the characters or Kamurocho ? ... I can tell Kamurocho already exists in the Yakuza universe. It's pre-installed.

I : Mister Kuroda, you're the voice of Kiryu Kazuma since quite a long time ago now. Are the reunions with him easy or do you ponder about his evolution sometimes ?

Kuroda : With the pace the various games are released, I'm used to play Kiryu about every year. Even if there's sometimes blank periods of 6 to 8 months between two games, I never really felt any kind of difficulty taking back the role everytime.

It's been so long that Kiryu is part of me and sometimes I even wonder how would Kiryu reacts to some situations. I live with his character.

I : The Yakuza games are becoming more and more popular in the west those last years. Why do you think that is ?

Sato : We always worked hard to include english in all of our games, to try to appeal to the wester audience ( laugh ) Back during Yakuza 5's release, there was more time between each game's release. This was due to inside problems. We didn't have the right persons for the right jobs to starts the localizations. That's why there was so much delays.

After realizing those shortcoming, we approached Atlus, who was already quite talented in getting their games to the west. The fusion between Sega & Atlus gave us a second wind. Atlus even adviced to go all out with the Yakuza series. And since Yakuza 0, the series is very successful in the west.

I : Mister Kuroda, if you could have a drink with a Yakuza character, who would it be ?

Kuroda : *laugh* It would probably be Kazama, or maybe Date-san.

I : What about you, Mister Sato ?

Sato : *Long thinking* I never really wondered about that. I don't know ... I really wonder if it's a good idea to drink with one of those characters.

Kuroda : A drink with Kiryu would be full of awkward blank moments with nobody talking.

Sato : I don't especially want to drink with any Yakuza character. But for the sake of the question, I'll say Haruka. She's 21 now !

I : Where did the idea for Hokuto Ga Gotoku came ?

Sato : Everything started during a period in the development team where we tried and experimented various things. WE tried various spinoffs, like with Zombies. But this was limited to the world of Yakuza. So we wanted to try something in a new setting. And it was just at that time, Hokuto No Ken's 35th anniversary. The owners of the Hokuto No Ken franchise came to us because they wanted multiple partners in various medias.

The Hokuto No Ken universe was very compatible with what we already did with the Yakuza series and it was a good starting point for us in the Hokuto No Ken world.

I : Mister Kuroda, if your Kenshiro different from Kiryu ? Did you tried to put some Kiryu in him ?

Kuroda : I didn't try to put Kiryu in him. I just based my interpretation on Kenshiro's emotions, but the two characters have a lot of common points. They are super strong, they don't talk much and they sometimes feels clumsy when they try to express what they want.

Like I said, I focused on Kenshiro but it's possible to feel some connections between Kenshiro and Kiryu because I feel they have a lot in common.

I : The existence of Hokuto Ga Gotoku was a surprise. Nobody expected this. Do you plan some other games in other universes, like City Hunter ?

*Kuroda & Sato burts out laughing*

Sato : Right now, we don't have any project of that kind. But if a request from the owners comes, it's would be theoretically possible. After all Kenshiro and Ryo Saeba shares the same voice actor. But right now, we are not trying to work with other universes. We did it with Hokuto No Ken and managed to bring something new to the franchise.

If the studio is going to work with another license, we would need to bring something new, like with did with Hokuto Ga Gotoku, or I feel it would be pointless.

Fuente: Reddit

Sega-Mag: Hello! Is this your first time in France, your first meeting with French Yakuza fans?

Daisuke Sato: Yes, it's the first time ever!

The success of the Yakuza series came quite late, since it really started last year with Yakuza 0 . How do you explain this late success in the West?

D.Sato: I think that can be explained in many ways. First, the game Yakuza 0 itself: I think it's the one we did the best, we really managed to condense a lot of things with a lot of quality on this game, and the player's feedback and ratings were excellent, and the reviews were very good. This is a first explanation.

The second explanation is also related to a structural change between Sega and Atlus , which took place a little later. Indeed, until the release of Yakuza 5 , the Yakuza games did not come out right away, and by that I mean the gap between the Japanese release and the Western releases was relatively high, this did not really allow us to put the franchise on good tracks with this lack of momentum and we didn't reach as many people as we would liked. Until in fact, from about Yakuza 5's release, there was a structural change and SEGA moved closer to Atlus and so they benefited from Atlus's communication skills, since Atlus teams that were pretty good at really reaching more fans in the West.

So they did a very good job on the Yakuza series, which helped hyping the games and so people are finally starting to get interested in the West.

Yakuza 0 is my favorite episode personally: I find that the balance in the Yakuza games and especially in Zero, between the seriousness, the drama in the main quest, and the somewhat quirky sidequests is really successful. We gets to be emotionally moved with the story and at the same time we can laugh a lot with the sidequests. For a long time the dialogues of the main quest were the only ones to be voiced and I wanted to know if you read the dialogues of the side quests, if you played the game and if you would have liked to voice the more crazy dialogues from the sidequests ?

Takaya Kuroda: Yes, I personally want all the scenes to be voiced, even the scenes of the side quests, and it's true that it's something that has been done gradually, because it's from Yakuza 6 that all the texts have been voiced [They talk to each about Kiwami, they're not sure ^^] . Until now, most of the time, there were a few sentences that were voiced and the rest remained as text, and we had to take the problem head-to-head and decide to voice everything.

And you've never been a little embarrassed by some dialogues, because when I think of Yakuza Zero, for example the dominatrix or Mister Libido, sometimes it's a little daring ... Don't you ask yourself like in Yakuza 6, "Oh, that's a little bit ... too much"?

T. Kuroda: Whatever scene is played, let's say I'm really careful to stay in Kazuma Kiryu's mind and not to be out of the character. Even in the more daring scenes like the ones you talked about, I make sure the scenes are played in character, and for example that he is a little embarrassed and he does not go all crazy. But anyway, Kiryu remains a man, he can also find himself in this kind of situation, it's just that I'm going to make sure that he stays himself in these scenes.

For example, in the scenes of the hostess bars, in the same way Kiryu does not consider himself a ladies' man, he is always clumsy and a little shy, he does not dare too much and even when he tries to hit on women, it's important to make the player feel that he is not so sure of himself in those situations.

Just on this subject in an interview , Mr. Masayoshi Yokoyama had said that, in his opinion, Kiryu was still virgin, what do you think?

(Laughs) Mr. Sato cuts the translator's sentence and says "virgin" before the word is spoken.

D. Sato: Only he knows the answer (laugh).

T. Kuroda: I asked myself the question, when I was voicing some moments (laughter).

It's hard to say, since he remains a fictional character, but for example, in Yakuza 2 he has a kind of thing with Kaoru Sayama, the policewoman. But the game shows nothing really between them, so we know that something is going on ... But in the end Sayama left without doing anything with Kiryu and nothing has happened. So in fact, it may not be that much of a stretch to think that Kiryu is still virgin!

Ok, but in this case what does he do at the hotel with the hostesses? What do they do ?


D. Sato: What do they do ? it's a mystery ... maybe it's just a massage and he goes home afterwards.

T. Kuroda: Or he talks to them and listen to their problems!

He is a real gentleman then!


I wanted to know if the interpretation of Mr. Kuroda had influenced Kiryu's writing. Since Kiryu's writing has evolved a lot over the series.

(Intense reflection) → T.Kuroda: Hum, about my interpretation?

Sato: Not particularly. The character of Kiryu was already defined in a fairly specific way from the beginning of the series and when we chose Mr. Kuroda to do the voicing, we already had a very precise idea of ​​what we needed and the writing really stuck to the image we had of the character. Mr.Kuroda influencing the scripts isn't something that would happen.

During the production of the series, which was still spread over three generations of machines. Was there any elements that you wanted to integrate in one game that had to be pushed back in the next episode for technical reasons or delay?

D. Sato: Yes, of course, this is something that happens regularly, firstly because we are always limited by the development schedule and necessarily there are always things that we wanted to integrate and that we could not do it and so we had to postpone them on the next episode. The importance varies depending on the episodes, but for example during the transition from the PS3 to the PS4 we finally managed to remove almost any loading time and everything is done almost in real time , and that's something we wanted for a long time and that became possible only on PS4.

Any your movies inspirations or actors, to help define the characters of the games, the story and the writing of Kiryu?

D. Sato: The genesis of the Yakuza series has necessarily been inspired by many things that revolve around the Yakuza world. I do not write the script myself - it's mainly Yokoyama and Nagoshi who are in charge of the scripts - but on the other hand I think that there is a strong image which somewhat inspired them a lot and which inspires us too. The movies with Ken Takakura , which represents a bit of a masculine ideal, at least in the eyes of Japanese men. He is someone who retransmits what a man should be. It is a strong image that influenced us a lot in the creation of the games.

The interesting thing in Yakuza is that Kiryu doesn't changes much and stays true to his values ​​- besides, he's a Yakuza who does very little Yakuza stuff, we do not really know how he gains money and live his life (laughter of guests) . Even his clan loses their values. He has a slightly reactive and at the same time extremely open-minded side. Is that the japan you want the players to see in the games ? The fact that the world moves and doesn't really go in the right direction and that it takes real men to protect those values ?

D. Sato: There isn't any will to deliver a message in particular, at least through the actions and the personality of Kazuma Kiryu who evolves in this universe. On the other hand, we still believe firmly that the players who faces various events in their lives can be inspired by Kazuma Kiryu to become better persons ... . Why not ? If at least it can bring something positive to the players that would mean something to us. That our games can change something in the players.

Except for the fights ..?

Mr. Sato (he smiles): Of course everything doesn't get resolved by a punch in the face, but let's say that what is important ... I mean in real life it's hard to be as strong as Kiryu: He's someone one who faces many traumatic events with a lot of composure and manage put things into perspective. Many do not do that in the real world. And through video games, this medium that allows precisely to project us into someone you are not yet, and leave some room for personal improvement.

Thank you very much and have a nice stay in France!

Fuente: Reddit

* Nuevo tráiler del Kiwami 2:


* Demo disponible de RGG 3 para PS4 en algunas stores de Asia como Hong Kong y Korea entre otros:

https://gematsu.com/2018/07/yakuza-3-fo ... le-in-asia
Imagino que la demo del 3 estará pronto disponible por aquí también.
* Yakuza 0 ya está en PC con un PVP de 20 €:


A ver cómo lo peta. Al Valkyria Chronicles le fue muy bien.

* Y en el último streaming de final de mes con Nagoshi-san mostrarón gameplay del RGG3 para PS4:

https://www.youtube.com/watch?list=PLLf ... upmhYsWgH0


https://www.dualshockers.com/yakuza-3-p ... -gameplay/
Sergirt82 escribió:* Yakuza 0 ya está en PC con un PVP de 20 €:


A ver cómo lo peta. Al Valkyria Chronicles le fue muy bien.

* Y en el último streaming de final de mes con Nagoshi-san mostrarón gameplay del RGG3 para PS4:

https://www.youtube.com/watch?list=PLLf ... upmhYsWgH0


https://www.dualshockers.com/yakuza-3-p ... -gameplay/

Buenas noticias ambas, 2018 yakuza yeah!
Joder la densidad de gente en el Yakuza 3 como ha aumentado a lo tonto con el port xD
AkrosRockBell escribió:Joder la densidad de gente en el Yakuza 3 como ha aumentado a lo tonto con el port xD

Os habeis fijado en la caracterizacion de los comentaristas en el primer video? Brutal.
utreraman escribió:
AkrosRockBell escribió:Joder la densidad de gente en el Yakuza 3 como ha aumentado a lo tonto con el port xD

Os habeis fijado en la caracterizacion de los comentaristas en el primer video? Brutal.

sí, es ecselente xD
AkrosRockBell escribió:
utreraman escribió:
AkrosRockBell escribió:Joder la densidad de gente en el Yakuza 3 como ha aumentado a lo tonto con el port xD

Os habeis fijado en la caracterizacion de los comentaristas en el primer video? Brutal.

sí, es ecselente xD

Mc niifico!
Me dije a mi misma que no compraría el Yakuza 3 HD, que total es lo mismo que el original, que tengo mil juegos por jugar y no tengo tiempo para tanto juego largo, que tengo aún incluso sin platinear el Yakuza 0 y Kiwami... pero con las ganas de rejugarlo que me han entrado viendo solamente 1 minuto de vídeo me temo que caerá de lanzamiento [carcajad]
Una pregunta que veo que habláis del 3 y no se nada aún, ¿ya se sabe fecha del lanzamiento de Yakuza 3 para PS4 en occidente? ¿Sale en físico?
utreraman escribió:
AkrosRockBell escribió:Joder la densidad de gente en el Yakuza 3 como ha aumentado a lo tonto con el port xD

Os habeis fijado en la caracterizacion de los comentaristas en el primer video? Brutal.

Majima y Kiryu en los burger years.

Brutales XD
aaalexxx escribió:Una pregunta que veo que habláis del 3 y no se nada aún, ¿ya se sabe fecha del lanzamiento de Yakuza 3 para PS4 en occidente? ¿Sale en físico?

No han confirmado aún que salga, lo último que han dicho sigue siendo que están "negociandolo". Pero vamos que si el Kiwami 2 vende decente sacan el 3 seguro.
* Portada occidental de Fist of the North Star Lost Paradise:


* En el último informe financiero de Sega Sammy aparece una posible versión de Yakuza 6 para PC:


http://www.siliconera.com/2018/08/02/ya ... -mentions/
Portada fea, nada que ver con la japa y la ilustración tan chula que tiene
yo el yakuza 6 de pc lo veo, la verdad.
@Sergirt82 esa portada está confirmada para Europa? se ha visto con el Pegi?
utreraman escribió:yo el yakuza 6 de pc lo veo, la verdad.

Teniendo en cuenta que la versión de ps4 iba sin el típico "solo en PlayStation" pues como que era algo logico xD
Gynoug escribió:@Sergirt82 esa portada está confirmada para Europa? se ha visto con el Pegi?

Por desgracia sí, la tienes en la página oficial y todo:
[decaio] dan ganas de importar la japo si no fuera por el idioma...
cuando creeis que saldrá por occidente ese Yakuza 3 HD? En Japón sale mañana
En EDGE este mes viene una entrevista con Nagoshi. Un tipo en resetera ha hecho un resumen de algunas cosas interesantes: https://www.resetera.com/threads/edges- ... ure.61808/

Así en resumen sobre los Yakuza dice que en una época en la que las compañías estaban centrándose en juegos para todos los públicos que vendiesen a nivel mundial y todos los juegos eran más de lo mismo, él decidió hacer un juego muy enfocado al público masculino japonés.

Intentó 2 veces que SEGA le aprobase el juego pero le dijeron que no. Entonces SEGA que no tenía un duro se fusionó con Sammy y Nagoshi fue al jefazo de Sammy, le presentó el juego y este le dio el visto bueno.

Además de a Sony, le ofreció el juego a Microsoft y Nintendo pero estos le dijeron que no les interesaba.

Sobre de dónde saca las ideas y cómo se documenta para el juego dice que es experiencia personal, que le gusta beber, las mujeres y pasarlo bien. Y que muchas cosas de los Yakuza están basadas en historias reales de gente real, como por ejemplo el nombre Kiryu.

Del nuevo Yakuza dice que lo que quiere es hacer algo interesante y moderno para atraer nuevos jugadores a la saga y poder venderles todos los juegos para PS4.
8375 respuestas