ya ke estamos, lo que dice kojima sobre el snakes revenge de famicon:
GT: And the Famicom game, Snake's Revenge?
HK: No, that's completely different. When I was in this MSX division, this one guy in the Famicom division developed Snake's Revenge without talking to me or anybody else. One day this guy and I hopped on a train (the Tokyo transit system) together. We were talking to each other, and he says, "By the way, I'm developing this game called Snake's Revenge, but I know it's not the authentic Snake, so please create a new Snake game of your own." That was when I decided to create Metal Gear 2, Solid Snake.
GT: Interesting. What did you think of Snake's Revenge?
HK: I thought it was very faithful to the Metal Gear concept. I enjoyed it.
sobre el nombre de pliskin en mgs2, viene = que del nombre de snake, de la peli scape from new york:
GT: You came up with some pretty unique names for your characters in Metal Gear such as your hero, Solid Snake. Where'd you get these names?
HK: From Escape From New York.
GT: Oh, Snake Plisskin, the Kurt Russell character.
venga ombre, no me vengais ahora con que el twin snakes es una mierda...
trailer 2 trailer 1