aqui tienes un log con blakcat, creador del modblak. Magicx han robado a blakcat tambien!
[05/28 11:47] blaKCat: hi
[05/28 11:47] RCE: hi
[05/28 11:48] blaKCat: i've read ps2newz news
[05/28 11:48] blaKCat: about seymurx
[05/28 11:48] RCE: and
[05/28 11:48] blaKCat: dont you know what are they doing?
[05/28 11:48] RCE: us or him
[05/28 11:49] blaKCat: seymurx and cia
[05/28 11:49] RCE: oh k
[05/28 11:50] blaKCat: i decided to stop my work because that
[05/28 11:50] RCE: i ask him them to remove iCE code/hex from there web site do to some bs(of rip off from ppl... and no thx list in ice to do not posting code)
[05/28 11:50] RCE: u stop do to seymurx and cia?
[05/28 11:51] blaKCat: and other
[05/28 11:51] RCE: there site has pic made by ppl... and did give any thx....
[05/28 11:51] blaKCat: yes
[05/28 11:51] RCE: the ICE code has thx in it ONLY! and they do not post that...
[05/28 11:52] blaKCat: that people are so lammers
[05/28 11:52] RCE: no shit
[05/28 11:52] RCE: one sec my last PM to one of them... lamers
[05/28 11:53] blaKCat: ok
[05/28 11:53] RCE: who cia btw?
[05/28 11:54] blaKCat: ?
[05/28 11:54] RCE: [05/28 11:49] blaKCat: seymurx and cia
[05/28 11:54] RCE: cia?
[05/28 11:54] blaKCat: company
[05/28 11:54] RCE: Kentarski wrote on 05-28-2003 11:48 AM:
I need to know that your codes want that they are erased of our community, because I cannot understand that having the original codes without modifying can end up bothering.
I have opted this way to communicate with you because I am tired of receiving insults for members of your community, I have tried by all possible means to arrive to an understanding.
Best regards.
[05/28 11:54] blaKCat: friends
[05/28 11:54] RCE: -------------------
remove the iCE code\hex as respect to the iCE team and ppl in both community... then we will talk and work this out...
[05/28 11:56] blaKCat: they are a few guys making this proyect
[05/28 11:56] blaKCat: with any work
[05/28 11:56] blaKCat: only copy paste
[05/28 11:58] blaKCat: my poor english
[05/28 11:58] blaKCat: i ate this kind of guys
[05/28 11:58] blaKCat: lammers
[05/28 11:58] blaKCat: copypasters
[05/28 11:58] RCE: i know
[05/28 11:59] blaKCat: they dont have any idea
[05/28 11:59] RCE: so why did you stop? ppl copying or ppl thinking you copyed
[05/28 12:00] blaKCat: I am tired from which they benefit from my work
[05/28 12:01] RCE: yes i c
[05/28 12:01] blaKCat: last I have too much work
[05/28 12:01] RCE: so you do not like seymurx too then
[05/28 12:01] RCE: ;(
[05/28 12:02] blaKCat: absolutely no
[05/28 12:03] RCE: i'm just seeing it your right m8
[05/28 12:04] RCE: it will not stop me from talking to you
[05/28 12:04] blaKCat: i say that they are fuking lammers
[05/28 12:04] RCE: yes...
[05/28 12:04] blaKCat: if they work
[05/28 12:04] blaKCat: giving new ideas ..
[05/28 12:05] RCE: hey can i plz post the log of conversation...
[05/28 12:05] blaKCat: to?
[05/28 12:05] RCE: no on ps2newz...
[05/28 12:06] blaKCat: months a go i finish posting
[05/28 12:06] RCE:
[05/28 12:06] blaKCat: i left forums
[05/28 12:06] RCE: that sucks...
[05/28 12:06] blaKCat: i dont want to know anything more about this
[05/28 12:06] RCE: i will post if you give ok or have guichi
[05/28 12:07] blaKCat: but if want to say my opinnion
[05/28 12:07] blaKCat: you can
[05/28 12:07] RCE: thx
[05/28 12:07] blaKCat: no problem
[05/28 12:08] blaKCat: but they are going to laugh about my poor english
[05/28 12:08] blaKCat:
[05/28 12:08] blaKCat: translate it
[05/28 12:08] blaKCat:
[05/28 12:09] RCE: translate it? you did? or say was

[05/28 12:09] blaKCat: my mistakes
[05/28 12:09] blaKCat: jeje
[05/28 12:09] blaKCat: its a joke
[05/28 12:09] RCE: LOL
[05/28 12:12] *** NA signed off at Wed May 28 12:12:27 2003