andvari escribió:acaba de salir una nueva versión de este emulador, entre las muchas novedades que trae podemos destacar un incremento en la velocidad, el uso de Save States, soporte para roms de 32 mb (aun no pruebo si funciona kingdom hearts pero debería) y además un botón de fast forward! (muy util para esos juegos odiosos en los q no puedes saltarte la interminable intro)
esta es la lista de nvoedades de esta versión (en inglés)
- Fixed bug in dead flag elimination, "alt" version no longer needed.
- Fixed EEPROM saves being saved as 32kb instead of 512bytes/8kb
- 32MB ROM support has been added. ROMS are "demand loaded" as necessary and page swapped out; there might be a small loading lag, but I have yet to ever really notice anything.
NOTE: 32MB ROM support only works for unzipped ROMs.
- Save states have been added. See the save state menu for save/load options.
- Support for the real-time clock (RTC) chip in Pokemon cartridegs and other games. The implementation is based off of VBA's, whatever notes on gbadev I could find, and some of my own reverse engineering of what the games do... it might not be totally correct. Also, setting the time does not work.
- Per-game configuration. Currently this only saves frameskip and frameskip variation options.
- Removed the flash type option from the menu and instead added it to game_config.txt. Hopefully got everything - let me know if you find something that isn't there. It's pretty easy to add them if you have to.
- Added a display in the upper left-hand corner to indicate when fast-forward is on.
- Added button bindings for save/load state.
- Found a fix of StrmnNrmn proportion: far too much unnecessary mutex synchronization was going on. Removing the two offending lines of code gave a massive speed boost for free. Enjoy.
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