Os dejo un post sacado de mmorpg.com en el que el tio explica que hay vida despues del wow y eq2 y demas juegos:
And on what information are you basing your claim that the game is "failing"? Such a claim would hold water a bit better if you had a fact or 2 to go with it.
Also, I don't know who was saying PW is quest-based, thats false. It has quests, and they are worth decent exp, especially early on or if you are soloing. The game is much more complex than just that, though. Its the only game I've played that gives people a reason to group for exp later in the game, but also has enough quests so that early you don't have to. Its the only game that truly has balanced the group and solo content so that neither is completely obsolete. Is it really bad when a game makes you cooperate towards the later levels, when there have been more than just a few that forced you to do that from circle 1-10?
This is also the only game i've played that balanced PvP and PvE to a perfection without making seperate servers for each. There are currently only 2 servers in the Open English beta, otherwise it would be 1 shard. The community is light-years beyond EQ2 or WoW as far as maturity too. I remember the lvl 60-69 chat channel in EQ2, or the city Trade channels in WoW... I dare you to play PW for a month like me and find the same ignorance spewed on the world channel in PW as you could in those "premier" pay to play MMORPGs.
If your currently playing EQ2 or WoW, do yourself a favor and quit paying a monthly fee for something that could be had better for free. Unless of course your using your parents credit card, and/or need to fit in with your high-school friends(or some other vast majority). In that case keep playing your WoW or EQ2.
"So you think drugs are worse than genocide? What about nuclear war? What about about AIDS? What about rogue nuclear scientists with AIDS raping babies?" - Dave, Code Monkeys
hu·mil·i·a·tion (hyoo-mil-ee-ey-shuh n)
1. The act of humiliating; degradation.
2. The state of being humiliated or disgraced; shame.
3. A humiliating condition or circumstance.
Si lo traducis con la movida de google se puede entender bien.
PD: Porcierto he seguido leyendo y un tio dice que: "por cierto, este juego se llama el chino WoW"
PD2: En el server de delphi esta en un 50% controlado por hardcore chinos en los que hay un par de clanes con niveles 80/90 en el que se dejan todo su dinero real para tener las mejores monturas, armaduras y poder subir exp mas rapido, dice que es exagerado.
PD3: En niveles altos para poder avanzar en el juego se han de comprar cosas con nuestro propio dinero si no te comes los mocos, osea el juego esta planteado de esa manera que se paguen por items para poder avanzar a no ser que quieras morirte de asco.
Ese post es extremadamente interesante para que veais como es el juego en nivel alto.
Pensar que solo existen 2 servidores con una poblacion china inmensa... asi que imaginaos.
Yo creo que o sacan un server europeo o aki en europa no triunfara.