Pero solo po ocho dias

pq el HD se quemo (por calor??)..leer eso:
there is some confusion over what I said - so I'll recap here.
I imaged the Xbox drive but have been unable to extract anyting off it. But, I also copied the image onto two HD - the first was a 20GB, 5400RPM Seagate and the second was a 40GD, 7200RPM Maxtor. The first (Seagate) drive actually booted up as normal but died after 8 days for an unknown reason (probably heat) and is now unusable on both the XBox and the PC. During those 8 days, I was unable to fill the HD to test whether the extra 10GB is usable due to lack of time but I can see no reason why it shouldnt be.
The second (Maxtor) drive did not work at all.
Hope this info clears up the confusion.
have already posted the steps on how to image the XBox HD in my thread entitled "XBox HD Cracked", but I'll copy 'n' paste it here also.
Ok, using various hard drive utilities from Seagate (as the HD is also from Seagate), i has been determined that the primary reason that the hard drive not being recognised is in fact because of a low level hardwired password. These cannot be bypassed by software means
BUT, there is a hardware method, that came about from the cracking and copying of those Tivo recorders (the digital hard drive recorders). I will explain:
First, open up both your XBox and PC (keeping both turned off). Now connect one of the PC hard drive power connections to the XBox HD (whilst the data cable is still connected to the XBox).
Switch on the PC and the XBox HD will start up, so now, get the PC into BIOS.
Now start up the XBox (with no disc inserted) - it will boot as usual and in doing so will unlock the HD by supplying the correct password.
Now, when the XBox has stopped accessing the HD (u can tell as the mechanical sounds will stop - u will still hear it spin tho) disconnect the XBox data cable and connect one of the PC data cables to it.
U now switch off the XBox, but the HD will continue spining as the PC is supplying the power.
In the BIOS, go to IDE setup and auto recognise the new (XBox)HD - it will be recognised as the password has been supplied so it now acts as a normal HD). Exit BIOS without causing a restart (or the password on the HD will be lost and u will have to re-supply it). U now have acces to the HD. U now use Norton Ghost to do a low level copy (byte for byte) onto another HD/partion. U can now disconnect the XBox HD and boot normally into Windows where u can inspect the image. Variuos tests have shown that the file structure is undetermined, but is based on FAT. Unfortunately, I dont have any programs that can read the image, so here i require assistance.
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