corlinha10 escribió:
Mario_CR9 escribió:Podría adelantarse la salida de la consola a mañana, así, de risas.

Yo estoy por irme ahora al ECI para ver si esta abierto y me venden una XD

Yo la verdad que no me voy a quejar, que la tengo reservada en mi tiendecilla de siempre como ya dije, y me la da 3 días antes [chulito]
jomjom escribió:En urgencias no saben que receta darme para el hype...

Enserio hacía mucho tiempo que no sentía esto tan intenso con una consola... (desde Sega Saturn) ¡La quiero YA!

un susto!! a no que eso es para el hipo... jajaajja
The Next-Gen Tech Of The Order: 1886
Graphical improvements in video games have become less dramatic with each new console generation. Games on the Xbox One and PlayStation 4 look gorgeous, but it’s challenging to point to specific examples describing why they look better than the 360 and PS3. Game Informer got the chance to see The Order: 1886 in action for our November cover story, and it quickly became the most apparent display of the PlayStation 4’s power we’ve seen so far. Ready At Dawn’s alternate take on 19th century London is packed with period-accurate wardrobes and highly expressive characters. We spoke with Ready At Dawn about using the PS4’s technology to create a richly detailed, yet lived-in, world.

We started off the conversation about the PlayStation 4’s formidable hardware with art director Nathan Phail-Liff and tech director Garrett Foster.

“The power speaks [for] itself,” Foster says when asked how Ready At Dawn is able to create such a detailed world. “It’s more powerful than most computers on the planet, and it is the most powerful console on the planet. With that, they allow us bare-to-the-metal access [hardware free of pre-loaded software]. We can do whatever we want to. Even the head of ATI a couple months ago came out and said graphics are getting held back by a software layer that PC developers just can’t take advantage of. What we’re able to do is take it to a new level where we can literally take advantage of every cycle and try to make it as best it can be.”

Ready At Dawn has created its own engine to take advantage of the PlayStation 4’s impressive tech. But improved technology is useless without artists capable of taking advantage of it.
Take a look at the screenshot above and observe how the light plays off the wallpaper, cast iron stone, and other in-game objects

“From an art standpoint, with every generational shift you can do more of everything,” Phail-Liff says. “You can nickel and dime – ‘Oh we have this many more polygons and significant more textures.’ There’s this standard order of magnitude growth on the whole detail of level. But some of the standout things for us, going from the PS3 generation to the PS4, are the shading and internal models. That’s a huge thing. On PS3 there’s a lot more approximations of how objects look and respond to light. With the PS4 we can implement a much more reality-based, advanced shading model. So metals aren’t just shiny, they actually look like the physical samples in the real world. So that’s something that, for getting polygon and texture budgets just makes everything from lighting to physical objects really shine.”

The creators of The Order: 1886 showed off this object shading technique in a brief demonstration. 3D objects are crafted for the game world, then artists detail them with brushes that impose pre-made textures onto them. For example, a rusty fire hydrant may include two different types of metal which each react differently to lighting. Pre-loaded systems like Ready At Dawn’s shading tools allow the team to save time in the long run.

“The simplest analogy is Photoshop for materials,” says Phail-Liff
Textile scanning is another method Ready At Dawn is employing to save time and create a more immersive world. During our visit the studio showed us a large contraption that allows developers to scan flat, real-world objects into the game. The team scans real samples of aged parchment, wallpaper, and period-accurate clothing into the game. The multiple cameras and light sources allow in-game lighting to play off these textures realistically. These samples can then be pasted onto objects and the environment.

“It adds a level of realism that’s just not possible otherwise,” Foster says. “There are imperfections in the world that you never think of. When you see cloth, there’s tons of little strand imperfections that are hard to mimic.”

Foster adds that many artists painstakingly weather and distress game objects to make them look more realistic. The textile scanner allows Ready At Dawn to simply scan the genuine article into the game, which saves artists’ time and creates a higher level of fidelity.

The process of zapping real textiles into the game saves time, but Ready At Dawn is still free to alter them if a specific pattern or look doesn’t perfectly fit the requirements. The in-game result is stunning. Everything down to the wood texture of a gun’s stock to the embroidery of a table cloth looks genuine.

“Every process we have that captures something from real life, we have pipeline that lets us alter it, too,” Phail-Liff says. “So we’re never wedded to exactly what we capture. It gives us all these great building blocks that it lets us stylize it, lets us change it, or alter it, but it saves a lot of time.”

Foster thinks of this method of transposing real-world textures into games could work well even for more fantastical games.

“I think if we were to make something stylized again, let’s say we were to make another Daxter, something in that ilk, something that’s that stylized, I think the process would be the same,” Foster says. “We would still start with a realistic base and mutate it towards our goals, because it gives you such a strong foundation to move stuff from and it’s believable. It’s immediately believable.”

“Not sure there any Ottsels available in this game,” Phail-Liff says.

“We can take a ferret and a weasel, I guess that’s what it is, man. Mix those two together – mo-cap ‘em,” Foster says, laughing.

Speaking of motion capture, Ready At Dawn has put a lot of effort into the character models of The Order’s knights. The team says there are more joints in one knight’s face than in all of Uncharted’s Nathan Drake, another indicator of the PS4’s prowess.
Take a look at the image above for a good sense of the range of expression these characters are capable of thanks to the increased number of joints. The improved facial capabilities allow for actor’s performances to make it into the game without losing much from the performance.

Ready At Dawn is taking characters a step further by paying close attention to their unique hairstyles and facial hair. Team members with hair lengths similar to the game characters were done up to look like the knights. These custom ‘dos were then carefully lit and photographed as reference for the game models. Given Galahad’s majestic mustache, it looks like the effort is paying off.
All of Ready At Dawn’s in-house tech is an impressive demonstration of the PS4’s capabilities, but as Uncle Ben said to Peter Parker, “With great power comes great responsibility.” With that in mind, Ready At Dawn is being careful not to simply add in impressive technology for the sake of doing so.

“As the developers our responsibility is to keep in mind the best interests of the game and making sure that we’re not gratuitously implementing technology as a digital ego trip just to show you can. It should have a purpose in terms of the emotional impact on the player, the enjoyment, [and] the experience,” Phail-Liff says.

“That’s something we actually have almost no interest in,” Foster says. “We’re not a tech house; we’re a gaming house. We’re game developers. Every piece of technology that’s here, no matter how crazy outlandish it is, has a reason that was directly driven by the game.”

The dawn of a new console generation is an exciting time, but games are the true incentive for making the leap. Sony has visually impressive first-party titles like Knack and Killzone: Shadow Fall ready at launch, but The Order: 1886 is the first next-gen title we’ve seen that truly looks like it couldn’t be pulled off on modern machines. The level of authenticity Ready At Dawn is injecting into its version of London has us excited to dive into The Order: 1886’s world next year.
juan19 escribió:...

lo siento, no he podido evitarlo..


no en serio, el juego pinta... [babas]
Mario_CR9 escribió:Yo debo ser la única persona de la Tierra que no se preocupa absolutamente nada por sacar los trofeos de los juegos, y menos obviamente de los que tengan los demás xD

No eres el único! Aquí otro más. No estás solo "amigo". Somos más de lo que piensas. [+risas]

A mí los Trofeos, Logros... Tampoco es algo que me preocupe mucho. Yo me dedico a jugar, independientemente si los consigo o no. XD
juan19 escribió:The Next-Gen Tech Of The Order: 1886
Graphical improvements in video games have become less dramatic with each new console generation. Games on the Xbox One and PlayStation 4 look gorgeous, but it’s challenging to point to specific examples describing why they look better than the 360 and PS3. Game Informer got the chance to see The Order: 1886 in action for our November cover story, and it quickly became the most apparent display of the PlayStation 4’s power we’ve seen so far. Ready At Dawn’s alternate take on 19th century London is packed with period-accurate wardrobes and highly expressive characters. We spoke with Ready At Dawn about using the PS4’s technology to create a richly detailed, yet lived-in, world.

We started off the conversation about the PlayStation 4’s formidable hardware with art director Nathan Phail-Liff and tech director Garrett Foster.

“The power speaks [for] itself,” Foster says when asked how Ready At Dawn is able to create such a detailed world. “It’s more powerful than most computers on the planet, and it is the most powerful console on the planet. With that, they allow us bare-to-the-metal access [hardware free of pre-loaded software]. We can do whatever we want to. Even the head of ATI a couple months ago came out and said graphics are getting held back by a software layer that PC developers just can’t take advantage of. What we’re able to do is take it to a new level where we can literally take advantage of every cycle and try to make it as best it can be.”

Ready At Dawn has created its own engine to take advantage of the PlayStation 4’s impressive tech. But improved technology is useless without artists capable of taking advantage of it.
Take a look at the screenshot above and observe how the light plays off the wallpaper, cast iron stone, and other in-game objects

“From an art standpoint, with every generational shift you can do more of everything,” Phail-Liff says. “You can nickel and dime – ‘Oh we have this many more polygons and significant more textures.’ There’s this standard order of magnitude growth on the whole detail of level. But some of the standout things for us, going from the PS3 generation to the PS4, are the shading and internal models. That’s a huge thing. On PS3 there’s a lot more approximations of how objects look and respond to light. With the PS4 we can implement a much more reality-based, advanced shading model. So metals aren’t just shiny, they actually look like the physical samples in the real world. So that’s something that, for getting polygon and texture budgets just makes everything from lighting to physical objects really shine.”

The creators of The Order: 1886 showed off this object shading technique in a brief demonstration. 3D objects are crafted for the game world, then artists detail them with brushes that impose pre-made textures onto them. For example, a rusty fire hydrant may include two different types of metal which each react differently to lighting. Pre-loaded systems like Ready At Dawn’s shading tools allow the team to save time in the long run.

“The simplest analogy is Photoshop for materials,” says Phail-Liff
Textile scanning is another method Ready At Dawn is employing to save time and create a more immersive world. During our visit the studio showed us a large contraption that allows developers to scan flat, real-world objects into the game. The team scans real samples of aged parchment, wallpaper, and period-accurate clothing into the game. The multiple cameras and light sources allow in-game lighting to play off these textures realistically. These samples can then be pasted onto objects and the environment.

“It adds a level of realism that’s just not possible otherwise,” Foster says. “There are imperfections in the world that you never think of. When you see cloth, there’s tons of little strand imperfections that are hard to mimic.”

Foster adds that many artists painstakingly weather and distress game objects to make them look more realistic. The textile scanner allows Ready At Dawn to simply scan the genuine article into the game, which saves artists’ time and creates a higher level of fidelity.

The process of zapping real textiles into the game saves time, but Ready At Dawn is still free to alter them if a specific pattern or look doesn’t perfectly fit the requirements. The in-game result is stunning. Everything down to the wood texture of a gun’s stock to the embroidery of a table cloth looks genuine.

“Every process we have that captures something from real life, we have pipeline that lets us alter it, too,” Phail-Liff says. “So we’re never wedded to exactly what we capture. It gives us all these great building blocks that it lets us stylize it, lets us change it, or alter it, but it saves a lot of time.”

Foster thinks of this method of transposing real-world textures into games could work well even for more fantastical games.

“I think if we were to make something stylized again, let’s say we were to make another Daxter, something in that ilk, something that’s that stylized, I think the process would be the same,” Foster says. “We would still start with a realistic base and mutate it towards our goals, because it gives you such a strong foundation to move stuff from and it’s believable. It’s immediately believable.”

“Not sure there any Ottsels available in this game,” Phail-Liff says.

“We can take a ferret and a weasel, I guess that’s what it is, man. Mix those two together – mo-cap ‘em,” Foster says, laughing.

Speaking of motion capture, Ready At Dawn has put a lot of effort into the character models of The Order’s knights. The team says there are more joints in one knight’s face than in all of Uncharted’s Nathan Drake, another indicator of the PS4’s prowess.
Take a look at the image above for a good sense of the range of expression these characters are capable of thanks to the increased number of joints. The improved facial capabilities allow for actor’s performances to make it into the game without losing much from the performance.

Ready At Dawn is taking characters a step further by paying close attention to their unique hairstyles and facial hair. Team members with hair lengths similar to the game characters were done up to look like the knights. These custom ‘dos were then carefully lit and photographed as reference for the game models. Given Galahad’s majestic mustache, it looks like the effort is paying off.
All of Ready At Dawn’s in-house tech is an impressive demonstration of the PS4’s capabilities, but as Uncle Ben said to Peter Parker, “With great power comes great responsibility.” With that in mind, Ready At Dawn is being careful not to simply add in impressive technology for the sake of doing so.

“As the developers our responsibility is to keep in mind the best interests of the game and making sure that we’re not gratuitously implementing technology as a digital ego trip just to show you can. It should have a purpose in terms of the emotional impact on the player, the enjoyment, [and] the experience,” Phail-Liff says.

“That’s something we actually have almost no interest in,” Foster says. “We’re not a tech house; we’re a gaming house. We’re game developers. Every piece of technology that’s here, no matter how crazy outlandish it is, has a reason that was directly driven by the game.”

The dawn of a new console generation is an exciting time, but games are the true incentive for making the leap. Sony has visually impressive first-party titles like Knack and Killzone: Shadow Fall ready at launch, but The Order: 1886 is the first next-gen title we’ve seen that truly looks like it couldn’t be pulled off on modern machines. The level of authenticity Ready At Dawn is injecting into its version of London has us excited to dive into The Order: 1886’s world next year.

Cuando este juego salga a la palestra y se vea Gameplay, me lo voy a pasar teta de leer...
Este juego a nivel gráfico va a ser una revolución, como el salto que supuso Gears of war alla en 2005.
En mi caso, sobre los trofeos, si tuviera más tiempo si me los sacaría, pero no para darle sentido a un juego que no me acaba de gustar, sino para alargar la diversión de juegos que sí me gustan.
Padem está baneado por "clon de usuario baneado"
Bigotin escribió:lo siento, no he podido evitarlo..


no en serio, el juego pinta... [babas]

jajajaja [qmparto] [qmparto] [qmparto] me meo [qmparto] [qmparto] [qmparto]
Mercenary Kings Update, Coming This Winter to PS4
""(para mi es como un metal slug)"" <-- comentario de bigotin, no de la noticia xd

It’s great for us at Tribute Games to be back at the ol’ Playstation.Blog. Ah, has it been that long since our hotly commented post (16 scorching comments!) back in the summer of 2013? We’re simply thrilled to be part of Sony’s indie line-up for PS4. Having been a part of the E3 presentation is still a big deal to us.

If you don’t know us at Tribute Games, we’re an indie developer way up in Montreal, Canada. We create classic-looking games with modern twists — in this case here, Mercenary Kings, which looks like a nice, old-fashioned, run-and-gun platformer from the bygone ’80s and ’90s… but it’s actually ENHANCED with a deep weapon and item crafting system!
You can try to make your way and destroy C.L.A.W. (Cyber Loyalists Active Weapon) clan with your regular pistol, but as you progress through Mandragora Island and pick up materials, almost every character back at your HQ offers huge crafting possibilities. There are more than 300 gun parts to mix and match.
Padem está baneado por "clon de usuario baneado"
Uno que se va a sobar [maszz]

aqui os dejo con la compi de anoche otra vez XD


salu2 [beer]
alvarions escribió:The Getaway 3 y la vuelta de Crash Bandicoot me corro y compro diez palets de ps4.

Pero no seguro que no sera eso [buuuaaaa]

PD: Yoshida siempre acierta aún me acuerdo cuando bajo el hype de la gamescon etc no falla yo me lo creo XD

The getaway y Legend of dragoon y me pega una embolia aquí mismo
Padem escribió:
Uno que se va a sobar [maszz]

aqui os dejo con la compi de anoche otra vez XD


salu2 [beer]

vaya texturas [babas] xD

buenas noches [beer]
Padem está baneado por "clon de usuario baneado"
espera una mas XD XD


ahora si, buenas noches [oki]
Siempre me había preguntado para que sería ese vídeo de la Nigri con el croma detrás.. (sí vale, he podido ver el croma por un instante XD ).
gynion escribió: (sí vale, he podido ver el croma por un instante XD ).

Raro que pongan en eurogamer que la hora exclusiva de AC4 sea solo durante 6 meses si al final dijeron los de Ubisoft que sería para siempre, que cambiaron de opinión...
Todo indica a que exista un pack de PlayStation 4 y PlayStation Vita para el 29 de noviembre de 2013 en Europa, al menos, eso es lo que dio a entender el presidente de PlayStation Reino Unido.

No pongo link por que me sale spam.

Buenas Noches
goma2 está baneado por "Crearse un clon para saltarse un baneo"
Pues yo veo que esta psx no sale con ningun titulo,asi,el killzone,pero es que nose espero que en el E3 se presente algo por que para multis ya esta el pc,los que lo tengan.Pero vamos psx3 salia con resistence,motorstorm,y me acuerdo que viciada me mandaba alonline del resistence,pero ahora ,no veo nada sugerente asi de salida,espero que por lo menos las consolas vengan bien.Yo de todas maneras esperare a comprarla de momento con mi xbox one tengo mas que suficiente.
Un Saludo
a 23 diassss que hiper joderrr casi 4 para 5 meses desde que la aparte! -.-"! señores que ya se ve el gran dia en el calendario =) [360º]
goma2 escribió:Pues yo veo que esta psx no sale con ningun titulo,asi,el killzone,pero es que nose espero que en el E3 se presente algo por que para multis ya esta el pc,los que lo tengan.Pero vamos psx3 salia con resistence,motorstorm,y me acuerdo que viciada me mandaba alonline del resistence,pero ahora ,no veo nada sugerente asi de salida,espero que por lo menos las consolas vengan bien.Yo de todas maneras esperare a comprarla de momento con mi xbox one tengo mas que suficiente.
Un Saludo

Tu argumento también se le puede aplicar a xbox one (y otras)... No crees? yo también puedo entrar en algún foro de xbox one y decir que los juegos de lanzamiento de esta consola... pues ni fu ni fa... que de momento no me lo voy a comprar y que tengo suficiente con la ps4, pc o wii u...
Cualquier juego "conocido" o "sagas" creo que asegura horas y horas de juego... si no no nos gastaríamos 400 € mínimo para la consola y 50-70€ en cada juego...
goma2 está baneado por "Crearse un clon para saltarse un baneo"
u1053091 escribió:
goma2 escribió:Pues yo veo que esta psx no sale con ningun titulo,asi,el killzone,pero es que nose espero que en el E3 se presente algo por que para multis ya esta el pc,los que lo tengan.Pero vamos psx3 salia con resistence,motorstorm,y me acuerdo que viciada me mandaba alonline del resistence,pero ahora ,no veo nada sugerente asi de salida,espero que por lo menos las consolas vengan bien.Yo de todas maneras esperare a comprarla de momento con mi xbox one tengo mas que suficiente.
Un Saludo

Tu argumento también se le puede aplicar a xbox one (y otras)... No crees? yo también puedo entrar en algún foro de xbox one y decir que los juegos de lanzamiento de esta consola... pues ni fu ni fa... que de momento no me lo voy a comprar y que tengo suficiente con la ps4, pc o wii u...
Cualquier juego "conocido" o "sagas" creo que asegura horas y horas de juego... si no no nos gastaríamos 400 € mínimo para la consola y 50-70€ en cada juego...

ojala amigo ojala,,,
goma2 escribió:Pues yo veo que esta psx no sale con ningun titulo,asi,el killzone,pero es que nose espero que en el E3 se presente algo por que para multis ya esta el pc,los que lo tengan.Pero vamos psx3 salia con resistence,motorstorm,y me acuerdo que viciada me mandaba alonline del resistence,pero ahora ,no veo nada sugerente asi de salida,espero que por lo menos las consolas vengan bien.Yo de todas maneras esperare a comprarla de momento con mi xbox one tengo mas que suficiente.
Un Saludo

goma2, tú lo de las comas bien colocadas, los espacios, puntos y tal, como que no, no??? Ese día te saltaste la clase fijo xD

No te lo tomes a mal, pero joder, qué difícil es entender tu párrafo a la primera tete!

Padem escribió:Uno que se va a sobar [maszz]

aqui os dejo con la compi de anoche otra vez XD


salu2 [beer]

No sé si ya está posteado pero igual lo dejo:
La consola de próxima generación de Sony, el PlayStation 4, ha comenzado a llegar a tiendas estadounidenses.

Vía:**SPAM**/statu ... 04/photo/1

zjosep escribió:No sé si ya está posteado pero igual lo dejo:
La consola de próxima generación de Sony, el PlayStation 4, ha comenzado a llegar a tiendas estadounidenses.

Vía:**SPAM**/statu ... 04/photo/1


Quiero unboxiiiinggg!! XD

Buenos días
Arlgrim está baneado por "Game Over"
Dos cosas muy ricas.

A esta si que le hacia yo el unboxing.
O vete tu a saber lo mismo me llevo yo el unboxing.

[babas] [babas] [babas]

Un saludo ppl [bye] .
AwesomeGuy escribió:
zjosep escribió:No sé si ya está posteado pero igual lo dejo:
La consola de próxima generación de Sony, el PlayStation 4, ha comenzado a llegar a tiendas estadounidenses.

Vía:**SPAM**/statu ... 04/photo/1


Quiero unboxiiiinggg!! XD

Buenos días

Quiero despiece!!! XD

Buenos dias
goma2 escribió:Pues yo veo que esta psx no sale con ningun titulo,asi,el killzone,pero es que nose espero que en el E3 se presente algo por que para multis ya esta el pc,los que lo tengan.Pero vamos psx3 salia con resistence,motorstorm,y me acuerdo que viciada me mandaba alonline del resistence,pero ahora ,no veo nada sugerente asi de salida,espero que por lo menos las consolas vengan bien.Yo de todas maneras esperare a comprarla de momento con mi xbox one tengo mas que suficiente.
Un Saludo


Esto deberia ir al hilo de multi ya que hablas de las dos consolas.

Resumiendo tu mensaje, te gustan mas los exclusivos de X1 que los de PS4, totalmente respetable, lo que no entiendo, es porqué lo expresas en el foro de PS4 (flame?).

Ah sí, ya lo sé, porqué lo que piensas de verdad es esto:

goma2 escribió:Mientras no se bajen a los 720p ps4 va a rascar mas que una novel metiendo primera en una cuesta arriba ,,sony a intentado vender el 108op ,y es puro humo, como siempre,para que le vaya bien en multijugador debera bajar y en cambio xbox one a sido sincera y a aceptado sus errores,cosa que sony nunca lo hara,,,,esta claro que la potencia sin control no sirve de nada ,ahora mismo sony notiene personalidad,juega con un nombre heredado y ya no es japones,sus circuitos estan pensados por un cabezahueca de occidente ,ps4 es un pc de gama media,xbox one ahora marca su personalidad y es la mejor consola que han sacado y si no tiempo al tiempo, [bye]

Por cierto, puedes poner fotos y vídeos de las ferias o eventos donde has probado la consola? Porqué si sabes que "rasca", es que las has probado, no? Y dices que los 1080p son humo, para mi, humo, es decir "esto irá a 1080p", y que después no vaya a 1080p. En que juego ha pasado?

Lo de llamar cabezahueca a Cerny, [+risas] , te has lucido.


olaf escribió:Quiero despiece!!! XD

Buenos dias

Basicamente, bajo la parte brillante tienes el HDD, debajo el lector, y en la parte de la derecha la placa base en la parte superior con el procesador hacia abajo y un disipador que ocupa más de la mitad del alto de la consola junto a una turbina.
Buenos días a tod@s!

23 díassssss y los jodios Yankis poco más de una semanita.

Vamooos que el día promete [buenazo]
Muy buenos días! Bienvenidos un día más, a EOL! [+risas]
buenos dias.... justo me iba a comprar unos auriculares pal pc pero estando la ps4 al caer.... sabeis si estos me irian con la ps4, vamos... conectado al mando, gracias ... adset.html
ya queda menos!!!!!! XD XD XD
Egunon, buenos días.
Quiero ser americano!!

Que Chuck Norris bendiga América XD

os dais cuenta de que ya en este mes vamos a tener la ps4 en nuestras casas ?????

solo de pensarlo..
Bigotin escribió:os dais cuenta de que ya en este mes vamos a tener la ps4 en nuestras casas ?????

solo de pensarlo..

Puedes esperarte a la versión blanca, hombre.

¿Alguién me puede explicar esta noticia? ... 21859.html

No era sólo el PSN Plus y ya está???
eboke escribió:
Bigotin escribió:os dais cuenta de que ya en este mes vamos a tener la ps4 en nuestras casas ?????

solo de pensarlo..

Puedes esperarte a la versión blanca, hombre.


¿Versión blanca?


buenos dias gente. Os acordais cuando puse el contador y ponia 90 y tantos dias?? madre mia, ya ha pasado mucho tiempo :)

Venga que ya no queda nada ;)
santurtzi85 escribió:¿Alguién me puede explicar esta noticia? ... 21859.html

No era sólo el PSN Plus y ya está???

Claro, el PSN Plus y ya esta.
Estos del Expansion o quieren meter mierda y no saben como o se despiertan un poco tarde.
xxDeadlockxx escribió:

lo que yo decia..


madreeeeeee.. que dias mas largos me esperan [+risas]
cobijcs escribió:
santurtzi85 escribió:¿Alguién me puede explicar esta noticia? ... 21859.html

No era sólo el PSN Plus y ya está???

Claro, el PSN Plus y ya esta.
Estos del Expansion o quieren meter mierda y no saben como o se despiertan un poco tarde.

Exacto, sólo PSN+

Lo que pasa es que los de Expansión, así como los medios generalistas, suelen tener poca idea, y han puesto el precio que cuesta un mes de PSN+. Si hubieran sido más rigurosos, habrían puesto el precio de la suscripción de tres meses y de la del año entero.
xxDeadlockxx escribió:Imagen

Oooh ¬_¬
Editado por roberto28live. Razón: corrección descuadre foro.
gominio está baneado por "Game Over"
Anda que vaya tela, hacer una noticia de eso ahora.. xD
tengo la sensacion que se adelantara unos dias el lanzamiento [jaja]
juan19 escribió:tengo la sensacion que se adelantara unos dias el lanzamiento [jaja]

puf como eso se haga verdad

Bigotin escribió:
juan19 escribió:tengo la sensacion que se adelantara unos dias el lanzamiento [jaja]

puf como eso se haga verdad


es que comienzan a llegar muy pronto a los comercios de USA , y las grandes superficies tal vez no se adelanten , pero las tiendas de barrio y comercios no muy grandes acabaran soltando las consolas que tengan , y en españa pasara lo mismo.

todos los juegos de PS4 anunciados hasta el momento. ... ed-so-far/
corlinha10 está baneado por "se crea un clon para saltase un baneo"
xxDeadlockxx escribió:Imagen


Joder, que ganas de tener un mini-piano como ese...XD
eboke escribió:
cobijcs escribió:
santurtzi85 escribió:¿Alguién me puede explicar esta noticia? ... 21859.html

No era sólo el PSN Plus y ya está???

Claro, el PSN Plus y ya esta.
Estos del Expansion o quieren meter mierda y no saben como o se despiertan un poco tarde.

Exacto, sólo PSN+

Lo que pasa es que los de Expansión, así como los medios generalistas, suelen tener poca idea, y han puesto el precio que cuesta un mes de PSN+. Si hubieran sido más rigurosos, habrían puesto el precio de la suscripción de tres meses y de la del año entero.

Ok, gracias. Me quedo más tranquilo. Había leído la noticia y me estaba quedando....
Hubiese sido justo que lo hubiesen lanzado el 22 de noviembre y no el 29, pero ellos sabran lo que hacen [+risas]
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