Posteado por Astrako en Tactland:
It will be released in europe 7 days after USA
*December release in Japan
*Its released in less than six months
*10-16 titles at the release. at least 40 after half a year
*Release games: Perfect Dark Zero, PGR3 and Kameo
*No price is official, and it seems like they wont release any details about that until oktober
*The Xbox Silver thingy is correct, it will be there, and free.
*You will be able to transfer stuff from an ipod.
*You will see TV thru your Xbox.
*It can stand up and lie down.
*When you watch DVD, some stuff in the console will automaticly shut down - so its more quiet.
Como quien dice lanzamiento simultaneo en Europa y USA, una semana de diferencia, eso que implica? que me quedo sin un duro en Navidades, coño
November 16, 2005 release in US
November 23, 2005 release in Europe
December 7, 2005 release in Japan