alientunero está baneado por "spam"
Palabras de Math:
stb %r30, 3(%r4)
ld %r0, 0xC0(%r1)
ld %r29, 0x98(%r1)
ld %r30, 0xA0(%r1)
mtlr %r0
ld %r31, 0xA8(%r1)
addi %r1, %r1,0xB0
li %r3, 0
%r30 is 0x81
This is what that patch is all about, he spoofed the model to 0x81 (reftool) which in the end skipped the psn version check (it happens when you have your model set to 0xA0 (system debugger), 0x81 (reftool), 0x82 (debugging station). That guy probably reused ps3mrenigma code without knowing of the side effect (psn working, and yes this was known for quite some time, but for obvious reasons never implemented this way). He should have killed the version check instead because this patch is likely to break some things.