la noticia acaba de ser publicada..
se recomienda a todos los usuarios con lector hitachi no actualizar la consola en el live antes de ver resultados con los samsung..
fuente xbox-scene:
Spring07 Update Tuesday 8/15th?, Disc-Jitter Check?, Leaked Notes
>> We got several hints (including from people calling support) that the Xbox360 Spring 2007 Update will be released Tuesday May 8th, but some other sources told us it's coming next Tuesday (May 15th). One month ago Microsoft said they would release it "in the week of May 7th" ... and history shows they like to release dashboard updates on Tuesdays. May 8th, 15th or somewhere in between ... anyway it shouldn't be too far away anymore.
The list of new features in the Spring 2007 Update didn't change since the official announcement last month.
Anonymous sources send some internal notes about the spring 2007 update with some interesting details:
Customers will receive an email detailing dash changes associated to the Spring Autoupdate on May 8th. The lists of Additional Features below are a supplement to training. Read and be familiar with these to help answer customer calls.
Additional Features
* When the tray icon is highlighted in the dash, a list of achievements, game icon and Gamerscore for that game is displayed.
* When devices are connected to the console, there is a folder view for video content now
* You can set a new default start mode in the system area that will boot the console to Media Center
* While downloading Video Marketplace content, you can now use Video trick modes. This includes fast forward, rewind, and chapter skip. You can use these trick modes only up to the point that the file has have already played to until the file has completed downloading
* Some dash advertisement banners will be animated and cannot be turned off
* When you earn an Achievement, the notification in the game will show the details of that Achievement and the Gamerscore without having to bring up the guide
* The Player and Friends lists now show session presence information for quick identification of users that are joinable
* The background and layout of the Marketplace blade will be updated dynamically by Live service. This will enables different themes for a day but cannot be changed by the user
* When browsing the Marketplace, you can hit the Y Button to quickly navigate to the top of Marketplace
* You now have the option to save your Windows Live ID password during Signup
* Friend information is displayed in multiple locations throughout Arcade now. You can quickly find them, see what they're playing and join in the fun
* Tell A Friend - You can send messages to your friends and boast about your latest achievements and high scores
Additional Spring 2007 Autoupdate Issues
* ISSUE 1: Cheating Corrupt Files Issue
We may see an increase in the number of users calling stating their saved game files are corrupt after the Spring autoupdate. Please refer and code to the following article for these issues: [KB# not up yet - ask after update

A bit of info about the update and modified DVD firmwares:
As general rule, if you have a modified DVD FW we always suggest you wait till more details come in before you update your console or you can flash back the original FW. As always, update is at your own risk.
As you know from previous news Commodore4Eva received information that Microsoft is working on a way to detect backup discs (the disc, not the flashed drive!). He already released a new Xtreme v5.3 firmware for Toshiba-Samsung TS-H943 with added Disc-Jitter to Challenge Types 5/7 to pass this extra check Microsoft might do.
So if Microsoft adds the Disc-Jitter check to the Spring 2007 Update and you have a TS-H943 drive with the new v5.3 Xtreme FW, you should be fine (assuming they didn't add any other checks of course).
If you have a Hitachi-LG GDR-3120L drive with modified FW, we STRONGLY suggest you do NOT upgrade your dash/kernel yet. These modified FWs do NOT have disc-jitter added yet, so if Microsoft added this check they will detect backup discs. People are working on a quick patch for Hitachi-LG Xtreme v2.x FW to just add Disc-Jitter and eventually it'll catch up the Toshiba-Samsung drive to bring it to v5.3 as well. We'll of course let you know as soon as any if this gets released 
What will Microsoft do when they detect this? That's something we don't know atm, we'll have to wait for the update. They will probably stop the game from booting, but they could start banning consoles from LIVE too (even if that might cause bad press) or who knows what they planned

. We'll have to wait and see ... but remember Microsoft has the tradition (see Xbox1) to ban consoles with delay, so don't take conclusions too fast
Bueno esto da esperanzas para los poseedores de hitachi..solo tengan paciencia y no deseperen por el live hasta saber que pasa en realidad.