Segun esta noticia, el juego no esta en la lista oficial de juegos de Sega en el E3, porque se vera en el stand de MS y no de Sega.
"Despite its absence from Sega's E3 list, Shenmue II for the Xbox will be at E3.
When Sega released its E3 lineup, Shenmue II was noticeably absent from the list, but in an update to the official Shenmue site, Shenmue II development team member Shin Ishikawa said that the game didn't appear on Sega's official E3 lineup list because the game will be shown at the Microsoft booth and not the Sega area. When GameSpot spoke with Shenmue creator Yu Suzuki in March, he said that the team had successfully ported over all the code to the Xbox and that it was working on ways to take advantage of the Xbox hardware."
No se de que va el chenmue este pero me lo mandan en el newsletter y ahi va