Por cierto. Imran Khan, trabajador de VentureBeat y que está bastante conectado a la industria, comentó en Resetera que algunos de los siguientes juegos saldrán en Switch 2.
Onimusha, Witcher 4, Mafia: The Old Country, Project Robot, Virtua Fighter, Okami 2.
No se sabe si la mayoría, todos, o solo unos pocos.
Esto es lo que comentó:
Some of the games that OP has explicit concerns about will be on Switch 2, yes.
Day one, I don't know. But I also don't know why OP thinks those games won't come to Nintendo consoles when previous titles in the multiple series did.
https://www.resetera.com/threads/theres ... -132958056Imran contestaba a este otro usuario, que dijo lo siguiente:
The wait for the Switch 2-reveal, let alone its actual launch, has become excruciating, that isn't some new realization. What's new, however, is the apparent complete separation between Nintendo … and ALL THE REST of the video game industry that we saw in last night's TGA 2024-event.
Ever since the N64, there has always been a bit of a "3rd-parties on Nintendo-systems are different", and then that got worse with the Wii where Nintendo ignored the industry's strife for HD, instead opting for new control-methods. But then the Switch 1 launched and it showed that Nintendo is back in the "traditional video games"-space; even if it took several years to prove that device's success, explaining why many 3rd-parties were reluctant to throw their full weight behind this weird hybrid-console. But that should no longer be the case. The Switch 1 is 8 years old, on its way to become the best-selling video game-system ever, with a phenomenal software catalogue. And yet last night's TGA 2024 happened.
There will be those saying "just wait, all those games will also release on Switch 2", but I just don't see games like Onimusha, Witcher 4, Mafia: The Old Country, Project Robot, Virtua Fighter or even Okami 2 make it to Switch 2; not on day 1, maybe a years later port for some. And I only mentioned the big ones. I think most of the "smaller" games shown at the TGA 2024 aren't even in consideration for a Switch 2-release due to being PC-/online-adjacent.
To summarize my concerns and why I made this thread: Against all reasonable expectations after the outstanding success of the Switch 1, my impression is that 3rd-party support for Switch 2 will be WORSE compared to Switch 1, in terms of new releases (yay, Switch 2 will surely get a lot of old-ass PS4-ports, how exciting …). And I find that kinda shocking. You'd think Switch 2 would garner the biggest 3rd-party support yet, especially from Western and big Japanese publishers. But it just doesn't feel like that will happen. And the complete lack of Nintendo yesterday at the industry's biggest awards-event (minus a nomination and a commercial) was so palpable that even the classy Sony-guy from Team Astrobot felt awkward enough to give a shoutout to Nintendo.
So, beyond discussing the above, here's my questions to everyone: Do you think 3rd-party support for Switch 2 will improve, stay the same (what does that mean?) or decrease? Do you think the big games of last night's TGA 2024 will release on Switch 2 in a timely manner? And what do you think about the complete absence of Nintendo at yesterday's award-event? Is it a good look for Nintendo and/or the rest of the industry to be this separated?
Está en la primera página de este hilo en Resetera.
https://www.resetera.com/threads/theres ... 4.1060674/