Yo solo tengo 3 juegos, el zelda, el XIII que me lo he comprado a 30 euros(en CM hoy) añado el harry potter de mi hermana q la consola es mia

, ademas tengo los dos discos esos extras del zelda. El que venia con el zelda y el de la consola.
204 The legend of Zelda: The wind waker *
199 The legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time & Master Quest *
181 Super Mario Sunshine
142 Metroid Prime
114 Super Smash Bros. Melee
114 Resident Evil REmake
106 Star Wars Rogue Squadron 2: Rogue Leader
100 Star Fox Adventures
091 Eternal Darkness
084 Resident Evil Zero
074 Pikmin
068 Luigi's Mansion
059 Wave Race Blue Storm
044 F-Zero GX
044 Soul Calibur II
042 Mario Kart: Double Dash!!
037 Viewtiful Joe
034 Super monkey ball
033 Sonic Adventure Battle 2
031 Mario Party 4
031 Beach Spikers
029 Godzilla DAMM
029 Super monkey ball 2
029 Skies of Arcadia: Legends
029 Freeloader
028 Bomberman Generation
025 Fifa 2003
021 International Superstar Soccer 2 (ISS 2)
020 Ikaruga
019 TimeSplitters 2
018 Phantasy Star On-Line
016 Burnout
015 Game Boy Player
014 Animal Crossing (PAL)
014 Medal of Honor Frontline
011 Virtua Striker 3
010 Capcom vs SNK 2 EO
010 Harry Potter y la Cámara Secreta *
010 Winning Eleven 6: Final Evolution
010 Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 3
009 Burnout 2
009 Wario World
009 Nigthfire
009 Star Wars Rogue Squadron 3: Rebel Strike
008 Spider-man
007 Doshin The Giant
007 Die Hard Vendetta
007 Product Number 03 (P.N.03)
007 The legend of Zelda Collector´s Edition *
006 NBA Courtside 2002
006 Mystic Heroes
005 Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 4
005 Turok: Evolution
005 Bloody Roar: PrimalFury
004 Bio Hazard 0 Trial Version
004 MegaMan Network Transmission
004 Naruto
004 Resident Evil 3
004 Resident Evil 2
004 Spy Hunter
004 Stars Wars: Las guerras clon
004 Sega Soccer Slam
004 V-Rally 3
004 Splinter Cell
004 Disney's Magical Mirror Starring Mickey Mouse
004 Enter The Matrix
004 Lost Kingdoms
004 1080º Avalanche
003 Action Replay
003 Aggressive Inline
003 Crash Bandicoot
003 Dave Mirra Freestyle BMX 2
003 FIFA 2002
003 Jeremy McGrath
003 Mortal Kombat V
003 NBA Live 2003
003 Smuggler's Run: Warzones
003 Sonic Adventure Dx Director's cut
003 F1 2002
003 Fifa Football 2004
003 Spyro: Enter the Dragonfly
003 El señor de los anillos: El Retorno del Rey
003 Wrestlemania X8
003 Billy hatcher and the giant egg
002 Naruto: Gekitou Ninja Taisen 2
002 Crazy Taxi
002 Batman Vengeance
002 Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles
002 Kelly Slater's Pro Surfer
002 Micromachines
002 NBA 2k3
002 Need for Speed Hotpursuit 2
002 One Piece Treasure Battle
002 Robotech Battlecry
002 Sonic Megacollection
002 SSX Tricky
002 Tetris worlds
002 XIII *
002 X-men next dimension
002 18 Wheeler American Pro Trucker
002 Jedi Outcast
002 The Simpsons Road Rage
002 Rocky
002 AutoModellista US Tuned
001 Donkey Konga
001 007 Agent under fire
001 Baldur's Gate: Dark Allegiance (US)
001 BloodRayne
001 Egg Mania
001 Extreme G3
001 ESPN Winter sports 2002
001 El Señor de los Anillos: Las Dos Torres
001 Gauntlet - Dark Legacy
001 International Superstar Soccer 3 (ISS3)
001 Kinniku man II
001 Kirby's Air Ride
001 Legends of Wrestling
001 Mario Golf
001 MX Superfly Ricky Carmichael
001 NBA Street 1
001 NBA Street Vol 2
001 NHL 2003
001 Pac-Man Fever
001 Pro Rally
001 Preview Disc (US)
001 Red Card
001 Scooby-Doo! Night of 100 Frights
001 Ultimate Muscle Legends Vs New generation (US)
001 Top Gun
001 Disco de bonus/demo Rebel strike
001 Hulk
001 Medal of Honor: Rising Sun
001 Dragon Ball Z Budokai
001 Tarzan Freeride
001 Viewtiful Joe Revival
001 Pokemon Box