Creo no haber visto posteado este hombrew

v0.6 2008-09-29
- Fixed a memory leak in the parser. Some temporary memory wasn't released
correctly which caused the program to run out of memory prematurely.
- Using the restart button several times caused the game to hang. This
doesn't happen anymore now the memory leak in the parser has been
- After exiting a level using the quit option, sprites would get bugged.
For example, transparent areas would turn white or certain images
would be flipped.
- Fixed a text-positioning bug in the text renderer.
- Calling a spell or object from another script file didn't work.
- Replaced the player and enemy graphics by larger and better looking ones.
- Improved hitbox-center-indicator visibility.
- Better antialiasing for the DS buttons on the options screen.
- Added scores and hi-scores. Hi-Scores are saved per game, difficulty,
- The game now shows a Restart/Quit selection when you lose all your lives
instead of just continuing.
- You can now have more than one level.
- The default textures can be overridden on a per-level basis.
- Added a command to the scripting language that can change the background
- Reimu now has homing bullets.
RapidshareMediafire el que no sepa es un homebrew basado en
Touhou ProjectCaracteristicas:
* Pantalla de inicio
* Pantalla de opciones
* Selección de Personajes: Marisa, Reimu y Sakuya
* Disparo
* Focus
* Power Items y Point Items
* Dos tipos de bomba para cada chica
* Boss Battle
* Pausa y menú de opciones
* Opción de Restart
* Música
* Efectos de sonido
* Botón Y para disparar
* Botón B para focus
* Botón R para bomba