TCR escribió:
Code Vein (PC) – February 18
Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire – Ultimate Edition (Cloud and Console) ID@Xbox – February 18
Wreckfest (Cloud, Console and PC) – February 18
Killer Queen Black (Cloud and Console) ID@Xbox – February 23
Dirt 5 (Cloud, Console and PC) – February 25
Elite Dangerous (Console) – February 25
Superhot: Mind Control Delete (PC) ID@Xbox – February 25
More Cloud Games with Xbox Touch ControlsOn February 18, Ultimate members will have new ways to play these 7 cloud enabled games via their Android devices with fully customized Xbox touch controls!
Bridge Constructor Portal
Nowhere Prophet
The Little Acre
Yooka-Laylee and the Impossible Lair
Leaving February 24 Dirt 4 (Console)
Leaving February 28 Momodora: Reverie Under the Moonlight (Console and PC)
Mother Russia Bleeds (PC)
Oxenfree (Console and PC)
The Jackbox Party Pack 4 (Console)
Vambrace: Cold Soul (Console and PC) ... 21-wave-2/