Han aparecido nuevas versiones del default del xbmp2 sacadas por xbins:
Os pongo el readme de la ultima version, la del 19 dic.
DEC 19 2002
* Media now plays at full speed when using mono devices.
* AC3 is now full 5.1 channels.
* SRT subtitles are now working, including VobSub.
* XBMP no longer crashes when switching between MPEG1/2 and DiVX/XViD.
* Multi-file stacking no longer crashes with RelaX.
* Multi-file stacking queues remaining files.
* Powerdown now works on all bioses.
* Decreased remote control button sensitivity (xboxdev).
* Thumbnails are now working with RelaX virtual directories.
* Albums has gone the way of the dodo, replaced with a more intelligent free-form mode, that shows covers whenever there are folders and a list view whenever their are just files.
* Artists has been tested with the latest RelaX and works with virtual directories; note: in order to use this feature you must use the audio filename conventions
* Number of frames drawn late has reduced by about 80% so things should appear to move very smoothly (certainly for AVI).
* Fixed nasty race-condition which could cause XBOX to lockup, blink orange and bring on the fan (big time!).
There is a large amount of frame dropping on MPEG1 and MPEG2 streams which we are working to address.
Esperemos que se solucionen de una vez los problemas que os da a algunos.