Ryse "I don't think we want to create spectacle of violence," Gornstein explains. "I think more we want to create cinematic spectacle, and you know, amazing sort of visuals. Of course, our game has action and that's not entirely coincidental, and we're trying to be visually wowing, but it's certainly not our intention to dwell on violence for the sake of violence."
"We try to push in every direction," L'Heureux adds. "When you look at some Roman movies, you see some violence, and some of them are actually extremely violent. But the thing you remember at the end of the movie is story, right? Of course the violence is there as a vehicle for the story, as well, we try to push and maximize on that, but it's not really all about that."
I can't imagine playing a game that maintains these kind of visual histrionics for long period of time, however. Bloody or not, sensory overload can make the acrobatic animations and colossal explosions seem boring and commonplace when they're erupting in our faces time and time again. Based on
Ryse's previous showings, I was convinced that the upcoming Xbox One exclusive was about chest-pounding victory and viscera-strewn battlefields. Crytek, however, wants us to know that
Ryse is more subtle than they may have first let on
Gornstein, for his part, understands that grand spectacle isn't effective when it isn't balanced by quiet moments. "That's why for the journey that Marius Titus goes on," Gornstein says, "what we've put together is a full animated feature film that's sort of interwoven with the story. We get to know Marius as a full three-dimensional character. We see him struggle with emotions, we see him, you know, sacrifice for his comrades, all that is interwoven. And we have… I wouldn't say long, but we have substantial scenes that build the characters, not just Marius, but main story characters. And through that stuff together is interwoven a full feature film. So these character-building moments are in there to ensure that the pacing feels right. That you're not just… a ten-hour orgy of combat. We want to get that balance of combat, story, character, and moments."
http://www.gamespot.com/articles/the-so ... 0-6415472/