schefle69 escribió:Hola gente simpatica del foro me he registrado para poder formar parte de esta comunidad verde par jugar al live. Tengo reservada la xbox one desde el dia despues del E3 y simplemente deciros que gracias a vosostros estoy bien informado dia a dia, llevo leyendoos desde el E3 y ahora me he animado a registrarme. Gracias a todos
Pd: Me presento aqui ya que es el unico foro que leo.
Un Saludo.
Macho lo has clavao.Pad Fighter 430 escribió:El Quantum Break![]()
me impacta aún más que el Ryse... con eso lo digo todo.
Demoledor el catálogo de exclusivas de Xbox One.
Al final, uno se pone a mirar, y más allá de la propaganda y el humo del que históricamente se ha valido Sony para vender sus consolas a la masa, resulta que:
··· Xbox One tiene un mando claramente mejor, con una innovación (gatillos con vibración) que ha maravillado a cuantos la han probado.
··· No hay color entre el Kinect, incluido en toda Xbox One, y la cámara barata de la PS4. Nada que ver. A años luz (lo mismo sea dicho de paso del headset, pero bueno, es menos relevante...). Infinidad de posibilidades futuras con Kinetc, y posibles killer-aps por ahí de cara a la masa.
··· En cuestiones de nube, juego online, servidores dedicados, smart-match, reputación, logros, Skype, smartglass, posibilidades futuras en torno a la nube en general, de nuevo la propuesta de MS es mucho más sólida, fiable, completa y atractiva. En resumen, Azure es CR7 y Gaikai es Pepito Pérez el delantero del Correlucho FC. Por no hablar de la tele y demás a quien le interese, o las series esas de fútbol en Xbox Live y demás propuestas.
··· Sobre juegos exclusivos de salida, en fin, ya se está viendo. Sony vendiendo de nuevo una PlayStation sin juegos de salida. Comparar FM5, KI, Ryse o DR3, con Killzone y algún indie (retrasado el DriveClub como parece, ese juego que los sonyers veían mucho mejor que FM5 y tal y cual), da casi lástima. Y es sólo el principio...: F.Horizon 2, Halo 5, Quantum Break, Titanfall, etc., no tendrán nada que envidiar a los Naugthy Dog, Guerrilla y Polyphony's games del futuro que nos anuncian los sonyers como el no va más habido y por haber.
··· Sistema Operativo, interfaz, etc., claramente por delante en Xbox One.
··· Sonido exactamente lo mismo con el Shape y demás.
··· Para qué hablar del SAT de una y otra. Y de lo pequeña que es la PS4 en comparación..., con fuente interna por si fuera poco.
··· Soporte por hardware en Xbox One de algunas técnicas gráficas, compatibilidad con Direct X 11.2... También en esto, en herramientas de desarrollo, MS es mejor que Sony, pese al humo que Sony vendió meses atrás de sus herramientas más avanzadas, lo fácil que era programarla, etc. (el posible retraso de Drive Club apunta a humo). Sobre especificaciones y "50% más en PS4 y blablablá", el movimiento se demuestra andando, y ya hace meses que Carmack dijo que eran muy próximas. Y no descarto sorpresas. No sería la primera vez, desde luego...
··· Propaganda, control de la red, zombies al servicio de la causa, webs varias y Edge's al también al servicio de la causa, "la pley es la pley y siempre lo será", trolleo oficial con sus anuncios y cuentas de twitter, retrasos y más retrasos, etc., en todo eso sí que gana abusivamente Sony. Eso sí es verdad!!. Ahhh!!!, y en el online gratis!!!...
En fin.
Darkhe escribió:Buenas eolianos, tengo una dudas a ver si alguien me ayuda:
Hay alguna imagen de como es la bandeja de disco abierta?
Para reproducir peliculas bluray hará falta comprar un mando o algo?
Habrá demos desde el primer dia? Me interesa probar el Ryse antes de comprarlo.
schefle69 escribió:Hola gente simpatica del foro me he registrado para poder formar parte de esta comunidad verde par jugar al live. Tengo reservada la xbox one desde el dia despues del E3 y simplemente deciros que gracias a vosostros estoy bien informado dia a dia, llevo leyendoos desde el E3 y ahora me he animado a registrarme. Gracias a todos
Pd: Me presento aqui ya que es el unico foro que leo.
Un Saludo.
fomare24 escribió:MindTheGap escribió:Pues la verdad, qué queréis que os diga. Más o menos me gusta lo que veo y me voy a comprar la ONE sí o sí, me gusta cómo lucen el Ryse, Forza, COD, que es el que más me interesa (como cada año), peroooo....tampoco me emociono demasiado con lo que veo.
Me explico, veo por aquí gente que parece emocionadísima con algunos vídeos y los tachan de brutales y tal, pero tampoco es para tanto creo yo. Joder, es lo mínimo que se puede esperar de una nueva consola, no?. Es que si esos juegos no estuvieran luciendo como lo hacen y como se supone que lo harán, pensaría que el avance no se ve ve por ningún lado y que es una Xbox 360 2.0.
yo me flipo con lo de servidores dedicados, y mas de 300.000 , el tema del direct X 11.2.. el Mando.. los exclusivos , el catalogo de salida.. las apps. Sistema operativo, Interfaz etc..
y lo del Ryse perdona pero es para fliparlo y es de los primeros juegos NEXT GEN!yo estoy la mar de contento y ''flipado''
Darkhe escribió:Buenas eolianos, tengo una dudas a ver si alguien me ayuda:
Hay alguna imagen de como es la bandeja de disco abierta?
Para reproducir peliculas bluray hará falta comprar un mando o algo?
Habrá demos desde el primer dia? Me interesa probar el Ryse antes de comprarlo.
BILBOKOA escribió:Llego de 3Djuegos, donde, ¡oh sorpresa! han puesto la noticia de los servidores dedicados. Entro a leer los comentarios de la gente a dicha noticia y me encuentro con cosas como esta: (pongo dos ejemplos)
"es lo mínimo que podían hacer, ya que cobran por el online" o "está bien la noticia, pero ahora falta confirmar que sea real".
La mayoría de los mensajes no reconocen, ni de lejos, la importancia de tal medida... intento encontrar alguno que muestre entusiasmo acorde con la importante de la noticia, pero incluso los que se muestran contentos parecen rebajarla a noticia de segunda categoría...
No entiendo nada.
Buenas tardes y buena suerte.
darksch escribió:Yo con leer en el otro foro que la única diferencia en el lanzamiento X1/PS4 es un exclusivo (de 2 a 3) me he quedado pasmado. Pero vamos ya cada uno se consuela como quiere.
angelogc escribió:Tmb tiene F2P
Las dos consolas van sobradas de juegos en su salida, pero este no es el hilo de multiplataformas para hablar de ello no? o si?
REYSHARK escribió:angelogc escribió:Tmb tiene F2P
Las dos consolas van sobradas de juegos en su salida, pero este no es el hilo de multiplataformas para hablar de ello no? o si?
No gracias
angelogc escribió:Tmb tiene F2P
Las dos consolas van sobradas de juegos en su salida, pero este no es el hilo de multiplataformas para hablar de ello no? o si?
angelogc escribió:Tmb tiene F2P
Las dos consolas van sobradas de juegos en su salida, pero este no es el hilo de multiplataformas para hablar de ello no? o si?
erikoptero escribió:Radixx escribió:erikoptero escribió:Oye porque todos decis que os vais a comprar el Killer Instinct? No era gratis? Free-to-play o como le digan
1 personaje el resto hay q pagarlos a eso se refieren
un saludo!!
Me cagüenlaputa, y se sabe ya el precio que tendrá el juego completo con todos los personajes y tal?
jose juan escribió:erikoptero escribió:Radixx escribió:1 personaje el resto hay q pagarlos a eso se refieren
un saludo!!
Me cagüenlaputa, y se sabe ya el precio que tendrá el juego completo con todos los personajes y tal?
BILBOKOA escribió:Llego de 3Djuegos, donde, ¡oh sorpresa! han puesto la noticia de los servidores dedicados. Entro a leer los comentarios de la gente a dicha noticia y me encuentro con cosas como esta: (pongo dos ejemplos)
"es lo mínimo que podían hacer, ya que cobran por el online" o "está bien la noticia, pero ahora falta confirmar que sea real".
La mayoría de los mensajes no reconocen, ni de lejos, la importancia de tal medida... intento encontrar alguno que muestre entusiasmo acorde con la importante de la noticia, pero incluso los que se muestran contentos parecen rebajarla a noticia de segunda categoría...
No entiendo nada.
Buenas tardes y buena suerte.
Yesterday an user on NeoGaf opened a thread expressing some rather harsh and specific criticism on the quality of the demos offered by Microsoft as part of the Xbox One Tour.
He criticized basically everything, from visuals (especially aliasing “almost everywhere”) to gameplay and even the controller. In the same thread others also mentioned that the UI looked very slow. Of course you can imagine that the discussion got heated very fast, and the thread was soon locked.
While a single user’s opinion has to be taken with a very substantial grain of salt, Microsoft’s Director of Product Planning Albert Penello saw fit to respond, explaining that what the user saw were outdated builds, and the UI wasn’t final.
No intent to diminish the perspective or the opinions of the OP.
Couple things worth noting.
First, the game demos on the tour are the same ones we’ve shown at E3, Gamescom, and PAX. So both Forza and Ryse look good, but not the same as final. Both games look better now (as I would expect would be the case for Sony as well), so don’t judge the tour demos too harshly relative to the final games. The Ryse video released today I think demonstrates that for those who have compared the E3 trailers with the newest.
Second, the environment that these games run in is not the same environment used for building the dash. So for those seeing the slow/janky dash UI from the tour, that’s nothing like what the real code looks like. These tour boxes are not getting Beta drops, so the UI isn’t even correct, let alone performing well. So don’t use that as any comparison to the real UI. Again, the video released earlier in the week shows the updated code.
Controller should be close to final. So YMMV on how you like it. I’ve worked on every version of every Xbox controller, and I like this one the best by a mile.
(note: YMMV means “Your Mileage May Vary”).
Incidentally, he also mentioned that Sony is exactly in the same position with PS4 demos.
Lastly – Sony’s in exactly the same position, so I’m not suggesting they shouldn’t get the benefit of the doubt either. When you have stuff that works, you use it even if it’s not perfect. Right now, everyone is crunching.
When the discussion moved to aliasing and to the fact that the Monitors may not have been properly calibrated (thing that reportedly happened at Tokyo Game Show with Forza Motorsport 5 as well), Penello mentioned that it’s definitely a common problem.
This is a constant sore point.
In a further thread he reiterated that the demos for Ryse: Son of Rome and Forza Motorsport 5 shown on the tour are outdated, and were created before the CPU and GPU of the console were upgraded. He also explained that the new trailer of Ryse released yesterday (embedded at the bottom) is all real gameplay from a more up-to-date build, besides the fact that the camera is unlocked for scenic reasons.
You have to remember nobody outside Microsoft has seen this version of the game. Any other people who have played it are referencing the demo we’ve been showing from E3, Gamescom and PAX. – pre GPU and CPU upgrade. Same goes for any of the Forza footage. That’s what’s on the betas people have, and that’s what’s on the tour.
When Phil showed me this trailer a few weeks ago, I was telling him this better be the real thing. I was told directly this was taken from XBO builds, with the exception of unlocking the camera for the battle scenes to make it more dramatic.
So this is the real thing.
angelogc escribió:Tmb tiene F2P
Las dos consolas van sobradas de juegos en su salida, pero este no es el hilo de multiplataformas para hablar de ello no? o si?
angelogc escribió:Tmb tiene F2P
darksch escribió:Yo con leer en el otro foro que la única diferencia en el lanzamiento X1/PS4 es un exclusivo (de 2 a 3) me he quedado pasmado. Pero vamos ya cada uno se consuela como quiere.
Por cierto, oscar_fv ha dicho que de comprar solo una sería PS4, vamos a pegarle![]()
NucelarGen escribió:Microsoft's Penello Responds to Criticism on Xbox One Demos' Quality, Blames Old Builds/UI, ScreensYesterday an user on NeoGaf opened a thread expressing some rather harsh and specific criticism on the quality of the demos offered by Microsoft as part of the Xbox One Tour.
He criticized basically everything, from visuals (especially aliasing “almost everywhere”) to gameplay and even the controller. In the same thread others also mentioned that the UI looked very slow. Of course you can imagine that the discussion got heated very fast, and the thread was soon locked.
While a single user’s opinion has to be taken with a very substantial grain of salt, Microsoft’s Director of Product Planning Albert Penello saw fit to respond, explaining that what the user saw were outdated builds, and the UI wasn’t final.
No intent to diminish the perspective or the opinions of the OP.
Couple things worth noting.
First, the game demos on the tour are the same ones we’ve shown at E3, Gamescom, and PAX. So both Forza and Ryse look good, but not the same as final. Both games look better now (as I would expect would be the case for Sony as well), so don’t judge the tour demos too harshly relative to the final games. The Ryse video released today I think demonstrates that for those who have compared the E3 trailers with the newest.
Second, the environment that these games run in is not the same environment used for building the dash. So for those seeing the slow/janky dash UI from the tour, that’s nothing like what the real code looks like. These tour boxes are not getting Beta drops, so the UI isn’t even correct, let alone performing well. So don’t use that as any comparison to the real UI. Again, the video released earlier in the week shows the updated code.
Controller should be close to final. So YMMV on how you like it. I’ve worked on every version of every Xbox controller, and I like this one the best by a mile.
(note: YMMV means “Your Mileage May Vary”).
Incidentally, he also mentioned that Sony is exactly in the same position with PS4 demos.
Lastly – Sony’s in exactly the same position, so I’m not suggesting they shouldn’t get the benefit of the doubt either. When you have stuff that works, you use it even if it’s not perfect. Right now, everyone is crunching.
When the discussion moved to aliasing and to the fact that the Monitors may not have been properly calibrated (thing that reportedly happened at Tokyo Game Show with Forza Motorsport 5 as well), Penello mentioned that it’s definitely a common problem.
This is a constant sore point.
In a further thread he reiterated that the demos for Ryse: Son of Rome and Forza Motorsport 5 shown on the tour are outdated, and were created before the CPU and GPU of the console were upgraded. He also explained that the new trailer of Ryse released yesterday (embedded at the bottom) is all real gameplay from a more up-to-date build, besides the fact that the camera is unlocked for scenic reasons.
You have to remember nobody outside Microsoft has seen this version of the game. Any other people who have played it are referencing the demo we’ve been showing from E3, Gamescom and PAX. – pre GPU and CPU upgrade. Same goes for any of the Forza footage. That’s what’s on the betas people have, and that’s what’s on the tour.
When Phil showed me this trailer a few weeks ago, I was telling him this better be the real thing. I was told directly this was taken from XBO builds, with the exception of unlocking the camera for the battle scenes to make it more dramatic.
So this is the real thing.
Albert Penello: New Ryse Trailer is the “Real Thing”; Xbox One Tour and Event Demos were Old Build ... old-build/
NosferatuX escribió:NucelarGen escribió:Microsoft's Penello Responds to Criticism on Xbox One Demos' Quality, Blames Old Builds/UI, ScreensYesterday an user on NeoGaf opened a thread expressing some rather harsh and specific criticism on the quality of the demos offered by Microsoft as part of the Xbox One Tour.
He criticized basically everything, from visuals (especially aliasing “almost everywhere”) to gameplay and even the controller. In the same thread others also mentioned that the UI looked very slow. Of course you can imagine that the discussion got heated very fast, and the thread was soon locked.
While a single user’s opinion has to be taken with a very substantial grain of salt, Microsoft’s Director of Product Planning Albert Penello saw fit to respond, explaining that what the user saw were outdated builds, and the UI wasn’t final.
No intent to diminish the perspective or the opinions of the OP.
Couple things worth noting.
First, the game demos on the tour are the same ones we’ve shown at E3, Gamescom, and PAX. So both Forza and Ryse look good, but not the same as final. Both games look better now (as I would expect would be the case for Sony as well), so don’t judge the tour demos too harshly relative to the final games. The Ryse video released today I think demonstrates that for those who have compared the E3 trailers with the newest.
Second, the environment that these games run in is not the same environment used for building the dash. So for those seeing the slow/janky dash UI from the tour, that’s nothing like what the real code looks like. These tour boxes are not getting Beta drops, so the UI isn’t even correct, let alone performing well. So don’t use that as any comparison to the real UI. Again, the video released earlier in the week shows the updated code.
Controller should be close to final. So YMMV on how you like it. I’ve worked on every version of every Xbox controller, and I like this one the best by a mile.
(note: YMMV means “Your Mileage May Vary”).
Incidentally, he also mentioned that Sony is exactly in the same position with PS4 demos.
Lastly – Sony’s in exactly the same position, so I’m not suggesting they shouldn’t get the benefit of the doubt either. When you have stuff that works, you use it even if it’s not perfect. Right now, everyone is crunching.
When the discussion moved to aliasing and to the fact that the Monitors may not have been properly calibrated (thing that reportedly happened at Tokyo Game Show with Forza Motorsport 5 as well), Penello mentioned that it’s definitely a common problem.
This is a constant sore point.
In a further thread he reiterated that the demos for Ryse: Son of Rome and Forza Motorsport 5 shown on the tour are outdated, and were created before the CPU and GPU of the console were upgraded. He also explained that the new trailer of Ryse released yesterday (embedded at the bottom) is all real gameplay from a more up-to-date build, besides the fact that the camera is unlocked for scenic reasons.
You have to remember nobody outside Microsoft has seen this version of the game. Any other people who have played it are referencing the demo we’ve been showing from E3, Gamescom and PAX. – pre GPU and CPU upgrade. Same goes for any of the Forza footage. That’s what’s on the betas people have, and that’s what’s on the tour.
When Phil showed me this trailer a few weeks ago, I was telling him this better be the real thing. I was told directly this was taken from XBO builds, with the exception of unlocking the camera for the battle scenes to make it more dramatic.
So this is the real thing.
Albert Penello: New Ryse Trailer is the “Real Thing”; Xbox One Tour and Event Demos were Old Build ... old-build/
Lo de este hombre es de admirar, los curreles que se mete y la de tonterias que tiene que aguantar. Vale que le pagan por ello, pero el tocamiento de moral esta ahi.
NosferatuX escribió:NucelarGen escribió:Microsoft's Penello Responds to Criticism on Xbox One Demos' Quality, Blames Old Builds/UI, ScreensYesterday an user on NeoGaf opened a thread expressing some rather harsh and specific criticism on the quality of the demos offered by Microsoft as part of the Xbox One Tour.
He criticized basically everything, from visuals (especially aliasing “almost everywhere”) to gameplay and even the controller. In the same thread others also mentioned that the UI looked very slow. Of course you can imagine that the discussion got heated very fast, and the thread was soon locked.
While a single user’s opinion has to be taken with a very substantial grain of salt, Microsoft’s Director of Product Planning Albert Penello saw fit to respond, explaining that what the user saw were outdated builds, and the UI wasn’t final.
No intent to diminish the perspective or the opinions of the OP.
Couple things worth noting.
First, the game demos on the tour are the same ones we’ve shown at E3, Gamescom, and PAX. So both Forza and Ryse look good, but not the same as final. Both games look better now (as I would expect would be the case for Sony as well), so don’t judge the tour demos too harshly relative to the final games. The Ryse video released today I think demonstrates that for those who have compared the E3 trailers with the newest.
Second, the environment that these games run in is not the same environment used for building the dash. So for those seeing the slow/janky dash UI from the tour, that’s nothing like what the real code looks like. These tour boxes are not getting Beta drops, so the UI isn’t even correct, let alone performing well. So don’t use that as any comparison to the real UI. Again, the video released earlier in the week shows the updated code.
Controller should be close to final. So YMMV on how you like it. I’ve worked on every version of every Xbox controller, and I like this one the best by a mile.
(note: YMMV means “Your Mileage May Vary”).
Incidentally, he also mentioned that Sony is exactly in the same position with PS4 demos.
Lastly – Sony’s in exactly the same position, so I’m not suggesting they shouldn’t get the benefit of the doubt either. When you have stuff that works, you use it even if it’s not perfect. Right now, everyone is crunching.
When the discussion moved to aliasing and to the fact that the Monitors may not have been properly calibrated (thing that reportedly happened at Tokyo Game Show with Forza Motorsport 5 as well), Penello mentioned that it’s definitely a common problem.
This is a constant sore point.
In a further thread he reiterated that the demos for Ryse: Son of Rome and Forza Motorsport 5 shown on the tour are outdated, and were created before the CPU and GPU of the console were upgraded. He also explained that the new trailer of Ryse released yesterday (embedded at the bottom) is all real gameplay from a more up-to-date build, besides the fact that the camera is unlocked for scenic reasons.
You have to remember nobody outside Microsoft has seen this version of the game. Any other people who have played it are referencing the demo we’ve been showing from E3, Gamescom and PAX. – pre GPU and CPU upgrade. Same goes for any of the Forza footage. That’s what’s on the betas people have, and that’s what’s on the tour.
When Phil showed me this trailer a few weeks ago, I was telling him this better be the real thing. I was told directly this was taken from XBO builds, with the exception of unlocking the camera for the battle scenes to make it more dramatic.
So this is the real thing.
Albert Penello: New Ryse Trailer is the “Real Thing”; Xbox One Tour and Event Demos were Old Build ... old-build/
Lo de este hombre es de admirar, los curreles que se mete y la de tonterias que tiene que aguantar. Vale que le pagan por ello, pero el tocamiento de moral esta ahi.
Riwer escribió:A ver si Epic Games reaparece, que estuvo muy activo en "tema next-gen" con 3 demos tecnicas, y desde hace tiempo está desaparecido en combate.
Yo sigo pensando que cualquier dia sale Epic Games con un titulazo que nos haga caernos de la silla, de hecho Epic games tiene mas experiencia en consolas que Crytek, y Unreal Engine no es menos que CryEngine.
RONPSP escribió:se sabe si sacaran algún juego relacionado con gears of war?
Selicos escribió:RONPSP escribió:se sabe si sacaran algún juego relacionado con gears of war?
No se sabe, aunque es posible.
RONPSP escribió:se sabe si sacaran algún juego relacionado con gears of war?
Riwer escribió:Selicos escribió:RONPSP escribió:se sabe si sacaran algún juego relacionado con gears of war?
No se sabe, aunque es posible.
Yo no contaria con ello, Epic Games declaró que dejaria descansar a la saga.
Selicos escribió:
Quizas Epic no se encargue de ella, GOW0 no lo hicieron ellos, si microsoft pone pasta, GOW volvera, ya sea por epic, o por otro estudio.
RONPSP escribió:El mejor era el uno, no tenia michos graficos pero como historia es el mejor.
Se me ponen los pelos de punta al recordar el anuncio para tv
Riwer escribió:Selicos escribió:RONPSP escribió:se sabe si sacaran algún juego relacionado con gears of war?
No se sabe, aunque es posible.
Yo no contaria con ello, Epic Games declaró que dejaria descansar a la saga.