Dawn of the Devs, un título protagonizado por desarrolladores, busca financiación en Kickstarter

El equipo español Underdog Studios acaba de lanzar la campaña de Kickstarter de su primer videojuego, Dawn of the Devs. Se trata de un título de rompecabezas y plataformas donde tres ilustres desarrolladores llamados sutilmente Tom Schiffer, Biff Klozinski y Hiro Komiya, se embarcarán en una aventura después verse arrastrados al Retorcido Mundo del Videojuego. Schiffer, Klozinski y Komiya deberán combinar sus habilidades únicas para salir adelante.

El desarrollo de Dawn of the Devs precisa de 65.000 dólares para salir a delante para PC (Steam y GOG). En caso de alcanzar los 80.000 dólares se localizarán los textos al español, francés, alemán e italiano, y si llegan a los 100.000 dolares se trabajará en una versión para PlayStation 4 y Xbox One.

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Tiene muy muy buena pinta. Le seguiré la pista.
Deyembe está baneado por "clon de usuario baneado"
Un video y ya hemos visto todos los escenarios del juego
Lo que viene a ser una copia de The Lost Vikings.
ÑeK escribió:Lo que viene a ser una copia de The Lost Vikings.

...con un humor paródico al mundo del videojuego que me recuerda al Matt Hazzard.Si que tiene buena pinta.
No había visto este hilo todavía y acabo de ver que el proyecto no llegó a su finaciación. [decaio]

First of all, we really want to thank all of you guys for believing in our project and supporting us. As you can see, we haven't reached the goal for Dawn of the Devs.

It has been a drawback, given the amount of positive feedback and support that we received in the first three days. We were featured in many relevant gaming sites, received support from the three devs in Twitter and generated a lot of media coverage, but unfortunately, this hasn't translated into the amount of money that we needed to make the game. We knew reaching our goal was complicated from the start of week two, because we were too far from our goal. It almost became a reality halfway the campaign.

It has been hard, and we've worked a lot in a concept that unfortunately is not going to see the light (at least not soon), but we've learned a lot from this Kickstarter campaign and we are really hoping to improve as a studio and learn from our mistakes.

But there's something we take from this campaign, and is extremely positive, it's you guys. We've received a lot of support, help and nice words from many of you, and of course, more than 20,000 $. And in the end, that's the reason why we decided to make games, to make someone have fun with your work. We'll keep making games and we really hope that you guys enjoy them!

So what is the future of Dawn of the Devs? Well, unfortunately, we don't have the budget to make the game right now, so Underdog Studios will be focusing on smaller projects that we can afford. Maybe some day we can make Dawn of the Devs a reality, but it won't be in a near future.

We'll start working on our next game, and we really hope to announce it soon, so stay tuned. Follow @udg_studios in Twitter for upcoming news


Una pena, tenía una pinta excelente.
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