SNK NEOGEO se presenta como 3rd party de XBOX

La división americana de SNK NEO GEO Corporation ha anunciado que desarrollorará nuevos juegos para la XBOX.

Hace unos días podíamos leer en EOL el desarrollo de SNK VS. CAPCOM SVC CHAOS™ para XBOX con funciones Online.

Hoy se ha anunciado en nota de prensa el desarrollo de METAL SLUG™ 3.

Además de estos dos títulos, la compañía tiene planes para el desarrollo de nuevos juegos con funciones Xbox Live.

SNK NEO GEO USA CONSUMER CORPORATION Joins the Xbox Family of Third-Party Publishers
Publisher to Develop Versions of Their Popular Arcade Games for Xbox in 2004

WALL, NJ. – January 26, 2004 – SNK NEOGEO USA CONSUMER CORPORATION, the US publishing arm of the SNK NEOGEO CORPORATION, announced today that the company has joined the Xbox third party program and plans to bring METAL SLUG™ 3 and SNK VS. CAPCOM : SVC CHAOS™ to the Xbox™ video game system from Microsoft in 2004. SNK VS. CAPCOM SVC CHAOS™ will be Xbox ™ Live compatible.

The company is reviewing plans to develop many other of their popular gaming franchises are in development and the company plans on making several of their titles Xbox™ Live compatible.

“We’re fortunate in that we have several titles with devoted fan bases,” said Ben Herman, SNK NEOGEO USA CONSUMER CORPORATION president. “Xbox users are serious about their gaming experience and our titles fit the Xbox user perfectly.”

About Xbox

Xbox ( is the video game system from Microsoft that brings people together for the most exhilarating game and entertainment experiences. Xbox delivers an expansive collection of breakthrough games, powerful hardware and the unified Xbox Live online service. The new tagline, "it's good to play together," captures the spirit of Xbox as the social hub of the new digital entertainment lifestyle. Xbox is now available in North America, Asia, Europe and Australia. .

About Xbox Live

Xbox Live, which launched in the United States Nov. 15, 2002, allows gamers to play multiplayer Xbox games with other gamers everywhere via a broadband connection. With a built-in hard drive and Ethernet port, the Xbox console is the only video game system built from the ground up for online gaming, negating the need to buy additional, costly peripherals or upgrades. Xbox Live enables gamers to easily find their friends; talk to other players during game play through the Xbox Communicator headset; download current statistics, new levels and characters to their Xbox hard drive; and play online—all exclusive features to Xbox Live.


Over the past 15 years, SNK has published classic arcade titles such as THE KING OF FIGHTERS, BASEBALL STARS, METAL SLUG, SAMURAI SHODOWN, and FATAL FURY on a wide variety of home gaming and handhelds systems. In June 2003, SNK opened SNK NEOGEO USA CONSUMER CORPORATION in Wall, New Jersey to again publish arcade classics on the current home and portable gaming systems. You can find more information about SNK NEOGEO USA CONSUMER CORPORATION games at


Xbox is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries.
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