Ayer me llego mi M3 sd pero venia acompañado de un superpass2 y por mas que trato de configurarlo no me sale.
Despues de muchisimas pruebas.. NO funciona asi que les recom,iendo nuca hacer esta combinacion..
Me toco cambiar mi M3 por una supercard SD..porque no tenian mas Superpass o passkey en la tienda asi que ni modos.
ya me estoy volviendo Loco !!
Ya le he programado y no consigo que funcione .. se me quedan las pantallas en blanco y no pasa nada .
porfavor ayuda !!!!
a por cierto mi DS es Lite .
Acabo de entontrar esto, Pero no me aclaro de donde diablos sale el *.dat que hay que renombrar.....????? he quedado peor
1. Plug your programmer into both the LPT port and USB port on the back of your computer.
2. Push the switch on the side of your Super Pass down towards the middle.
3. Put the Super Pass into the programmer.
4. Run the Super Pass software.
5. Choose the code that corresponds to the real DS game you are going to be using.
6. Hit the Program button and if your Super Pass is properly installed, it will be flashed within a few seconds.
7. If the error window pops up, make sure that all your stuff is connected properly. Some computers need to be tweaked in order for the programmer to be recognized.
8. Once you do get your Super Pass properly flashed, move the switch back up and put the real DS game into the Super Pass.
Set the Super Pass 2 aside for a bit. Next, let's get the M3 ready. Have your SD card in your reader beforehand:
1. Copy the .gba file corresponding to whichever DS card you programmed the Super Pass 2 with from the Super Pass folder (the folder that you installed the Super Pass software into) directly onto your SD card's root directory.
2. Insert your SD card into your M3, place into your DS and boot up.
3. From the M3 GBA Menu, choose "Games" then run the .gba file as you would any game. You should see a "SRAM Written" message. When you do, turn off your DS and back on again.
4. Let the M3 save the file, and when you reach the M3 GBA Menu, turn off the DS, then remove the SD card and reinsert into your PC's reader.
5. Using M3's Game Manager, double click the .gba file on the SD card to bring up the Save Menu.
6. Choose "Write" and select the .sav file corresponding to whichever DS card you programmed the Super Pass 2 with from the Super Pass folder.
7. Close M3 Game Manager.
8. Copy the corresponding .dat file in your SD card's /GBASAVE/ dir and paste it in the root directory.
9. Rename the .dat "sram.dat". Delete the Super Pass 2 .gba file and its save file if you wish.
10. Reinsert the SD into the M3, place the M3 and the Superpass 2 with the corresponding game card into your DS, and boot up.
Now, you should be able to play any games and homebrew applications as well as begin the flashing process using the M3 and Super Pass 2 together.