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Kotaku escribió:Nintendo can't win, can it? Put out games to expand their audience, and the core gamers are upset. Put out core games, and core gamers want more.
According to Nintendo's Denise Kaigler, the moment that core gamers are satisfied, players will become disinterested in the company. So Nintendo cannot satisfy gamers, and gamers should enjoy not getting what they want. It's a "fun" relationship.
"I will give you that hardcore gamers have an insatiable appetite for everything Nintendo," she said, "and we love that! We love that. When we get to a point where core gamers say, "OK, Nintendo, enough! We don't need any more games from you guys...." None of us wants to be put in that position, right?
"We don't want your appetite to ever be satisfied, because when we satisfy you, it's time for us to go [dusts off hands], "OK! Let's go on home now!" And none of us wants to go home. So there's this sort of fun...relationship, I think, that's happening between Nintendo and the hardcore gamer — which we enjoy and hope that the core gamer enjoys it."
Bring on the sadomasochistic carrot dangling! And the Rosie O'Donnell in dominatrix gear pic!!
kriminal escribió:Este hilo se puede llamar de libre interpretación, no?? porque yo leo cualquier cosa menos una ofensa hacia los jugadore hardcore. En todo caso un cumplido que puede ser tomado como ironia pura, pero me parece algo rebuscado, la verdad.
pdt a pelayo: yo del e3 no espero nada (de nintendo) si cae mejor, pero creo que será como el año pasado en el evento de nintendo donde nombren los "buenos proyectos" (punch out - shin & punishment 2, etc.. el año pasado).
don pelayo escribió:kriminal escribió:Este hilo se puede llamar de libre interpretación, no?? porque yo leo cualquier cosa menos una ofensa hacia los jugadore hardcore. En todo caso un cumplido que puede ser tomado como ironia pura, pero me parece algo rebuscado, la verdad.
pdt a pelayo: yo del e3 no espero nada (de nintendo) si cae mejor, pero creo que será como el año pasado en el evento de nintendo donde nombren los "buenos proyectos" (punch out - shin & punishment 2, etc.. el año pasado).
Bueno, a ver, me refiero al e3, en el que espero que NO se anuncie el wiimusic 2 y el wiifit musculocas edition, para darme por satisfecho, y luego el tokyo game show, donde espero que SÍ se anuncie el Zelda con vídeo ingame incluido. Esto es lo que tiene que hacer Nintendo para contentarme A MÍ.
triki1 escribió:
Ha vendido mas de 15 millones de Wifitt, conociendo a Nintendo van a sacar versiones hasta de Wiifit Modo de ir a cagar.
beacon_frito escribió:Los nintenderos cometereis seppuku de seguir las cosas así? Por curiosidad nada más...
LupinIII escribió:Nintendo para mi acabó con Nintendo 64. Ahora bien, no sabria si incluir o excluir a la 64 bits de Nintendo de ese honor.
beacon_frito escribió:Hombre, a Mario no le han puesto espada y armadura, aún, pero en cuestión de pluri-empleo hay que reconocer que el tío está a otro nivel eh?
Marto escribió:O esta tía es muy poco inteligente o nos toma por muy poco inteligentes
beacon_frito escribió:Hombre, a Mario no le han puesto espada y armadura, aún, pero en cuestión de pluri-empleo hay que reconocer que el tío está a otro nivel eh?
red0n escribió:beacon_frito escribió:Hombre, a Mario no le han puesto espada y armadura, aún, pero en cuestión de pluri-empleo hay que reconocer que el tío está a otro nivel eh?
el pruriempleo esta bien cuando cada juego vende millones de juegos si. y almenos las tranformaciones en mario estan desde siempre... xD.
alucardson escribió:Marto escribió:O esta tía es muy poco inteligente o nos toma por muy poco inteligentes
Leyendo la entrevista completa, en la fuente mas fidedigna.....se nota como el redactor de kotaku busco la frase mas complicada para tirar en contra de nintendo (simplemente no entendio lo que ella quiso decir), ahora tu me diras quien es el poco inteligente y quien te esta tratando como muy poco inteligente......
Full Interview: http://bitmob.com/index.php/mobfeed/The-Full-Interview-Nintendos-Denise-Kaigler.html
Bitmob: But! If you put me in front of Miyamoto, I'd say, "I know you'll make Wii Sports 2 -- go ahead, take care of that -- but I want a new Zelda, new Smash Brothers, new Mario Galaxy..." games like that. If pigeon-holing me is what it takes for you to paint that picture, then OK, that's fine if you can make me those games.
Can Nintendo do that? And are they in a position to say, "That hardcore crowd is a very specific audience now. We're much bigger than that, but can we take care of that audience beyond just updating those old franchises?"
Kaigler: Are you saying that we don't have any games for the core audience on the market right now?
Bitmob: Some. They're pretty sporadic. There's Mario Galaxy, Smash Brothers, sure, but...
Kaigler: We came out with so many -- [snaps fingers] title after title after title last year. You named them all, boom boom-boom boom-boom! And still it's, "Where are all the games for the core?" And it's like, "C'mon, c'mon!"
Bitmob: Do you feel like you're in a no-win situation?
Kaigler: You just named them all!
Bitmob: But that's just a couple, though. On the other hand, there's Nintendogs, Wii Music, Wii Sports...
Kaigler: So Mario Kart...would you define that as a core game?
Bitmob: That's marginal....
Kaigler: People still like the competition of the driving, and I know that, based on the sheer numbers of how well that game was doing, it isn't just the expanded audience playing that game. You've played that game...?
Bitmob: I enjoyed it, but I think I'm more hardcore -- Smash Brothers and Galaxy....
Kaigler: But you already named Smash Brothers and Galaxy. Certainly those games did very well with the core. But you know we've got Punch-Out!! and Excitebots...Punch-Out!! is absolutely a core gamer's game. Wouldn't you say?
Bitmob: OK, yeah, that's a good one.
Kaigler: OK, good! [laughs] That's a good one! And certainly we've got the support of our licensees on our platform with Conduit and Madworld and House of the Dead and...
Bitmob: Madworld's a good one. We'll give you that one.
Kaigler: Wow! [laughs] I'm actually scoring some points here!
But absolutely, I will give you that hardcore gamers have an insatiable appetite for everything Nintendo, and we love that! We love that. When we get to a point where core gamers say, "OK, Nintendo, enough! We don't need any more games from you guys...." None of us wants to be put in that position, right?
We don't want your appetite to ever be satisfied, because when we satisfy you, it's time for us to go [dusts off hands], "OK! Let's go on home now!" And none of us wants to go home. So there's this sort of fun...relationship, I think, that's happening between Nintendo and the hardcore gamer -- which we enjoy and hope that the core gamer enjoys it.
Marto escribió:alucardson escribió:Marto escribió:O esta tía es muy poco inteligente o nos toma por muy poco inteligentes
Leyendo la entrevista completa, en la fuente mas fidedigna.....se nota como el redactor de kotaku busco la frase mas complicada para tirar en contra de nintendo (simplemente no entendio lo que ella quiso decir), ahora tu me diras quien es el poco inteligente y quien te esta tratando como muy poco inteligente......
Full Interview: http://bitmob.com/index.php/mobfeed/The-Full-Interview-Nintendos-Denise-Kaigler.htmlBitmob: But! If you put me in front of Miyamoto, I'd say, "I know you'll make Wii Sports 2 -- go ahead, take care of that -- but I want a new Zelda, new Smash Brothers, new Mario Galaxy..." games like that. If pigeon-holing me is what it takes for you to paint that picture, then OK, that's fine if you can make me those games.
Can Nintendo do that? And are they in a position to say, "That hardcore crowd is a very specific audience now. We're much bigger than that, but can we take care of that audience beyond just updating those old franchises?"
Kaigler: Are you saying that we don't have any games for the core audience on the market right now?
Bitmob: Some. They're pretty sporadic. There's Mario Galaxy, Smash Brothers, sure, but...
Kaigler: We came out with so many -- [snaps fingers] title after title after title last year. You named them all, boom boom-boom boom-boom! And still it's, "Where are all the games for the core?" And it's like, "C'mon, c'mon!"
Bitmob: Do you feel like you're in a no-win situation?
Kaigler: You just named them all!
Bitmob: But that's just a couple, though. On the other hand, there's Nintendogs, Wii Music, Wii Sports...
Kaigler: So Mario Kart...would you define that as a core game?
Bitmob: That's marginal....
Kaigler: People still like the competition of the driving, and I know that, based on the sheer numbers of how well that game was doing, it isn't just the expanded audience playing that game. You've played that game...?
Bitmob: I enjoyed it, but I think I'm more hardcore -- Smash Brothers and Galaxy....
Kaigler: But you already named Smash Brothers and Galaxy. Certainly those games did very well with the core. But you know we've got Punch-Out!! and Excitebots...Punch-Out!! is absolutely a core gamer's game. Wouldn't you say?
Bitmob: OK, yeah, that's a good one.
Kaigler: OK, good! [laughs] That's a good one! And certainly we've got the support of our licensees on our platform with Conduit and Madworld and House of the Dead and...
Bitmob: Madworld's a good one. We'll give you that one.
Kaigler: Wow! [laughs] I'm actually scoring some points here!
But absolutely, I will give you that hardcore gamers have an insatiable appetite for everything Nintendo, and we love that! We love that. When we get to a point where core gamers say, "OK, Nintendo, enough! We don't need any more games from you guys...." None of us wants to be put in that position, right?
We don't want your appetite to ever be satisfied, because when we satisfy you, it's time for us to go [dusts off hands], "OK! Let's go on home now!" And none of us wants to go home. So there's this sort of fun...relationship, I think, that's happening between Nintendo and the hardcore gamer -- which we enjoy and hope that the core gamer enjoys it.
Básicamente la tía se pone chula cuando el entrevistador le insinúa que Wii adolece de juegos hardcore, ella misma se mete en un jardín y le lanza un órdago "Are you saying that we don't have any games for the core audience on the market right now?" y es incapaz de nombrarle alguno, quitando el Mario Kart y el Punch out, si es el propio entrevistador el que le nombra el Galaxy , Smash y Madworld
Y al final se cubre de gloria al decir ( traducción libre): "no sacamos más juegos para hardcoretas por que sino les saciamos, preferimos dejarles con ganas de más"
Vamos, que tambien nos toma por gilipollas.
Te cambio el resaltado para que veas que el de la entrevista no hace más que buscar un titular.Marto escribió:Bitmob: But! If you put me in front of Miyamoto, I'd say, "I know you'll make Wii Sports 2 -- go ahead, take care of that -- but I want a new Zelda, new Smash Brothers, new Mario Galaxy..." games like that. If pigeon-holing me is what it takes for you to paint that picture, then OK, that's fine if you can make me those games.
Can Nintendo do that? And are they in a position to say, "That hardcore crowd is a very specific audience now. We're much bigger than that, but can we take care of that audience beyond just updating those old franchises?"
Kaigler: Are you saying that we don't have any games for the core audience on the market right now?
Bitmob: Some. They're pretty sporadic. There's Mario Galaxy, Smash Brothers, sure, but...
Kaigler: We came out with so many -- [snaps fingers] title after title after title last year. You named them all, boom boom-boom boom-boom! And still it's, "Where are all the games for the core?" And it's like, "C'mon, c'mon!"
Bitmob: Do you feel like you're in a no-win situation?
Kaigler: You just named them all!
Bitmob: But that's just a couple, though. On the other hand, there's Nintendogs, Wii Music, Wii Sports...
Kaigler: So Mario Kart...would you define that as a core game?
Bitmob: That's marginal....
Kaigler: People still like the competition of the driving, and I know that, based on the sheer numbers of how well that game was doing, it isn't just the expanded audience playing that game. You've played that game...?
Bitmob: I enjoyed it, but I think I'm more hardcore -- Smash Brothers and Galaxy....
Kaigler: But you already named Smash Brothers and Galaxy. Certainly those games did very well with the core. But you know we've got Punch-Out!! and Excitebots...Punch-Out!! is absolutely a core gamer's game. Wouldn't you say?
Bitmob: OK, yeah, that's a good one.
Kaigler: OK, good! [laughs] That's a good one! And certainly we've got the support of our licensees on our platform with Conduit and Madworld and House of the Dead and...
Bitmob: Madworld's a good one. We'll give you that one.
Kaigler: Wow! [laughs] I'm actually scoring some points here!
But absolutely, I will give you that hardcore gamers have an insatiable appetite for everything Nintendo, and we love that! We love that. When we get to a point where core gamers say, "OK, Nintendo, enough! We don't need any more games from you guys...." None of us wants to be put in that position, right?
We don't want your appetite to ever be satisfied, because when we satisfy you, it's time for us to go [dusts off hands], "OK! Let's go on home now!" And none of us wants to go home. So there's this sort of fun...relationship, I think, that's happening between Nintendo and the hardcore gamer -- which we enjoy and hope that the core gamer enjoys it.
Básicamente la tía se pone chula cuando el entrevistador le insinúa que Wii adolece de juegos hardcore, ella misma se mete en un jardín y le lanza un órdago "Are you saying that we don't have any games for the core audience on the market right now?" y es incapaz de nombrarle alguno, quitando el Mario Kart y el Punch out, si es el propio entrevistador el que le nombra el Galaxy , Smash y Madworld
Y al final se cubre de gloria al decir ( traducción libre): "no sacamos más juegos para hardcoretas por que sino les saciamos, preferimos dejarles con ganas de más"
Vamos, que tambien nos toma por gilipollas.
cowlo escribió:A mi entender con el fragmento de la entrevista que extrajo kotaku se refiere a los futuros planes de nintendo (como desarrollador de software) con respecto a los jugadores habituales.
Que la wii haya sido lanzado con este o con el otro, o que tenga el madworld, no es este tema.