yo he realizado todo el proceso y creo q está correcto aunq no lo tengo muy claro xq no se me inicia mi backup del ACB NI EL RESTO DE MIS BACKUPS LOS CUALES ANTES FUNCIONABAN CON IXTREME 1.51... el log q ha sacado el JF es este:
Calculated Checksum 0x034D6C96
Actual Checksum 0x00000000
Flashing Sector 9003E000
Dumping Sector 9003E000:....
Read back & compare completed, Write Verified!
Flash Checksum Complete !
Loading firmware file E:\copia seguridad\XBOX360 con AP25\firmwares\LTPlus-79-4e10-1.1.bin
MD5 hash: 564e432ec6473bdc05fbe14462bb3879
Inquiry string found
Identify string found
Drive key @ 0x4E10 00000000000000000000000000000000
Firmware Osig: [HL-DT-STDVD-ROM GDR3120L0079]
Firmware is: LT-Plus 1.1
Flashing Hacked f/w to Hitachi 0078/0079 by Ram Upload Method via WIN32 API
Stopping the Disk - No disk is required, remove next time...
Dumping Flash:................................
Drive is rev 0079-4E10
Loading firmware from buffer
Inquiry string found
Identify string found
Drive key @ 0x4E10 E22A453A242A305EAA7EF89CC9C0AC8E
Firmware Osig: [HL-DT-STDVD-ROM GDR3120L0079]
Firmware is: Stock
Key database updated
Drive is Stock, rev 0079
Auto-Loading firmware file E:\copia seguridad\XBOX360 con AP25\JungleFlasher v0.1.78 Beta (182)\firmware\LTPlus-79-4e10-1.1.bin
MD5 hash: 564e432ec6473bdc05fbe14462bb3879
Inquiry string found
Identify string found
Drive key @ 0x4E10 00000000000000000000000000000000
Firmware Osig: [HL-DT-STDVD-ROM GDR3120L0079]
Firmware is: LT-Plus 1.1
11 Sector Differences Found
Flash Stability Test
Flashing Sector 9003F000
Dumping Sector 9003F000:....
Read back & compare completed, Flashing Stable!
Repairing Test Sector.
Flashing Sector 9003F000
Done !
Flashing Sector 9003E000
Flashing Sector 90003000
Flashing Sector 90006000
Flashing Sector 9000A000
Flashing Sector 9001C000
Flashing Sector 90025000
Flashing Sector 90026000
Flashing Sector 90027000
Flashing Sector 9002D000
Flashing Sector 90034000
Flashing Sector 90035000
Done !
Write verify test..
Dumping Flash:................................
Read back & compare completed, Write Verified!
Flash Complete !
es correcto??? esq donde pone Driver Key está todo a CEROS...