[Rumour] New Back Up Manager – Claims To Play PS2/PSP Backups [Rumour]
Posted by GregoryRasputin , on 04/01/2012 , @ 11:01
As if one wasn’t enough, it seems there are two PSX-Scene’s

An Iranian forum called “PSX-Scene” are claiming to have PS1/PS2/PSP backups running on the PS3, via what looks like a multiMAN clone, which is called Aria Persian Manager, here is a translated quote from the source:
note the following points:
1 – open thread to talk with the manufacturer has done.
2 – Builder Program has announced the release of the Persian date Bahman 20.
3 – the manufacturer has announced plans to acquire program code lv0 firmware 3.73 on a 3.73 port.
4 – Delay in the manufacturer’s published work on the program locks the program to prevent stolen Source and has compatibility with 3.73.
5 – sponsored program is a mining company.
6 – AS-Team The team is involved in making this program.
7 – the manufacturer has announced games for the PS2, PS1 and PSP GAMES folder in the Folders within Hard External there will be the following:
z_game ps1
z_game ps2
z_game psp
8 – The alias is Badboy_hacked constructive programs that other people besides her in this project are at work.
Yahoo ID maker: m_badboy_hacked@yahoo.com
Current facilities
The PS1 games
The PS2 Games
The PSP games
The Sega game. Micro. … Nintendo Without installing any accessories
A browser and update opera as-team ps3
The ISO feature blu-ray movies
Visiting the site with a browser capable of Persian opera as-team ps3
Run the game directly without reset
Possible to run games from the original DVD directly without having to drive
Rjyn can easily change the console (this feature only for the crystalline film is used)
Different appearance (along with the music theme)
RAR and ZIP file and run it ….
A disk image of any kind and any information
Full support for search in the Persian
Ability to change font and font color changes on SHOW TIME
X-PLORE multimedia applications and features high
NIMBUZZ and chat programs on the environment (F A Q B and K, and Yahoo)
To read PDF files
Read more:
http://www.ps3hax.net/#ixzz1iVb06srWEsa es la noticia oficial haber si alguien se anima a poner una buena traduccion al español que no sea del google-
Por lo que se esta comentando es algo parecido al multiman capaz de cargar juegos de ps1 y ps2 desde el hd.
Un saludo
Aqui les dejo un video.
http://youtu.be/DEjN-6A-iakUPDATE 1
Here is a Q&A by PSX-Scene Iran, notice the Google Translate fail with the first question., there is also a new image below the Q&A.
(Q)When did you start this program?
(A) Shhrvyr month after 90 years
(Q)What they decide to make a program like?
(A) Because the products from Sony
(Q) How many people are productive members of this program?
(A) 3 members named Badboy_hacked – Azad_7227 - Broken_PS3 the course SASAN AS Team Manager to help us.
(Q) Who was the original idea of this program?
(A) The idea of making my own. Azad_7227 I did see more programming.
(Q) SASAN role in making this program was what?
(A) Fixing a few programs and support Persian font on the PS3
(Q) It is true that you were in Tymshvn SASAN source programs?
(A) I somewhat
(Q) How to build a program you like? Cobra Construction Manager role is in the dongle?
(A) To run PS2 games got a little help from the Cobra dongle.
(Q) But how? Payload dongle that Cobra has been released!
(A) Payload Cobra dongle did not work. With a simple search based on the Cobra we dongle.
(Q) Few percent of the construction program is completed?
(A) 98%
(Q) The remaining 2 percent of what it is?
(A) Port the firmware to 3.73 and sponsors
(Q) What was not reported in Persian date Azar 10 due date?
(A) More compatible with firmware 3.73 and the discussion of other security programs
(Q) This decision should be taken in the Persian date Azar 10 days?
(A) Wanted to sponsor the program is complete. In those days the issue was being hacked firmware 3.73 by Kakarvtv. They wanted to be released CFW 3.73 times that no manager was still able to run on CFW 3.73 Aria Persian Manager easily and with special ability to be run.
(Q) The firmware hack discussion these days is the fourth time by Kakaroto. I still see a delay in the publication of the program will support four of the firmware?
(A) Aytvry decided that after being hacked firmware CFW 4 and out for an update will be released that can be run on CFW 4.
(Q) 3.73 and 3.55 will be released in two versions of the program?
(A) No – the program will be published in a decision that we update every 3 months and plan to add more features and newer.
(Q) Why not try the earlier version for 3.55? That CFW 3.73 has been released yet!
(A) Sponsor the team plans to release both versions simultaneously.
(Q) Sponsor: You say that because I did from the Sony case, the sponsor of the Post, they become aware of how to build a program you like?
(A) We had originally intended to build it for ourselves. But after a while began to Tblyat and programming a gallery. We went there and we discussed this idea and they immediately agreed.
(Q) I called your sponsor?
(A) Gol Gohar Iron Ore Company
(Q) Program in terms of how security has features Aria Persian Manager in the future you will see Multiman?
(A) Security program is very high. Unlikely to happen like I’m
(Q) You Msltyd Photoshop?
(A) To some extent – more efficient graphics with the AS Team.
(Q) Since being published in a number of photos I had to work with images created in Photoshop and I understand that because I was crushed. How do you respond to these people?
(A) This photo was taken by friends and with digital cameras. It was heavy Hjmshvn were Resize with Photoshop. Other graphics Aria Persian Manager with the AS Team
(Q) AS Team or SASAN? SASAN unless someone other than the person you were a member of the AS Team work with you?
(A) Yes – the moderator of the site including the Mehdi AS Team and the person BIJAN EBL
(Q) Who’s video was produced?
(A) Broken_PS3
(Q) Why poor quality was good because it shows the image quality of the PS3 not Compatability for PS2 (compatible with PS2) could not be?
(A) No – do not these Mvsv. It is in a room that was dark and the camera quality is low. We’re making a quality video to all the rumors that it eliminate Being Fake.
Read more:
http://www.ps3hax.net/2012/01/rumour-ne ... z1ib9xuCbtSe esta hablando sobre esto mucho algunos dicen que lo cierre, pero creo que lo mejor sera dar un par de dias para ver a donde llega todo esto. Todos los videos que muestran tampoco nos enseña nada que no tenga una ps3 con rebug y spoof 3.73...
Pero bueno dejemos que pasen los dias...