Bueno aqui hablan del Unreal Championship, está todo en ingles y ahora mismo no tengo ganas de traducirlo

. Pero mirar lo que nos van a ofrecer en este juego. Algo jamas visto!!
Unreal tournament-preview Posted Tuesday, January 1, 2002
Before you start saying, “This is just another version of Unreal Tournament”, I’d like to correct you. This exclusive X-Box game has updated graphics, updated game play, and many other features that we have not seen in any of the variations of Unreal Tournament for consoles out there today.
The Graphics…
The graphics on this game are probably the most exciting I’ve seen in a long while for the FPS genre. With outdoor and indoor maps that look better than Halo’s, realistic looking explosions, and yes, new character models that are by far, the best I have ever seen anywhere next to Doom III’s. The environments can be affected by the players (I.E running through fog will make the fog swirl and wind actually moves the fog around). Not to mention the weapons look amazing as well. To put it this way, this game is going to raise another bar in graphics for all genres for any console or computer game out there (Think Halo’s level, Halo, but the with more detail to it and add a bunch more maps…). I also hint at this game is going to be using T&L (for those of you who don’t know what T&L is, it’s real time lighting effects. Also, for those of you wondering if this is going to have the same amount of graphics quality as the upcoming PC game, Unreal 2, I’d have to say it does, and even a bit better.
I can say it’s a safe bet that this game is going to play like all the other Unreal Tournament games out there in the action sense, but with a few new exceptions. How does riding various vehicles via land and air? No doubt that this will add a new zing to the Unreal Tournament game play of it all. I have heard that this game will also add various things to unlock, such as weapons, maps, and new characters; with all those new features, it will definitely add a lot more replay value to the game ( Not to mention the Unreal Tournament series of games have tremendous replay value in them already ). There will be 28 different characters (not %100 confirmed yet because the game is still in its development stage), 6 different races each with their own advantages and disadvantages, each with their own looks, and each with their own stats. Yes, stats as in speed, strength, etc… the one way Infogrames wants Unreal Championship to be unique from the other Unreal Tournament games, is to make the fragging like it were a real sport. As you win/loose matches, your team looses stats or gains them. This adds a lot more strategy into the game as you would imagine. There are so many things to factor in to gaining and loosing stats and also winning matches (such as CTF). Also, having uneven player numbers in matches could also increase your stats greatly (I.E 4 on 6… the team of 4 will most likely have incredibly upped their stats if they win the match). Combo’s are also put into this game (like in the PC Unreal Tournament with the shock rifle combo). The more combos you pull off, the more your Bio Energy bar fills up, and when it fills up, you get a 20% increase of damage when you hit people for a brief amount of time (AKA quad damage). The commands from all the other games are still in this one, like if you want a specific bot to go get the flag, or have a few bots defend all the time, you can, you can also have them stick together, freelance, etc. The one thing I really don’t think many people will like is that you have to unlock weapons to have them in matches. There is no picking up of weapons, however, you still have to worry about your ammo supplies. However, they didn’t mention anything about picking up dead people’s weapons so we will have to wait and see about that. The weapons used in the game are pretty much the same, but tweaked for some. Like the rocket launcher only fires 3 missiles at 1 time instead of 6. Also, the Redeemer (the strongest weapon in UT) has been replaced by a paint gun. It sounds lame, but this is no ordinary paint gun, a satellites laser will soon attack the target it hits killing it instantly! But that’s for outdoor maps only.
What’s Unreal Tournament games without multiplayer! The modes included are Deathmatch, Team Deathmatch, Capture the Flag, Domination 2.0 (a game where each team has to combat for 2 certain points, and whoever holds it both the longest wins), and a new mode called “Bombing Run.” Bombing run is where one team picks a bomb (which they can give to other teammates ) in the middle of the playing field and the team has to run it into the enemy base and set it off. I am going to assume if the other team touches the bomb it goes back to the middle of the field. But the multiplayer aspect of this game plays out into the world of X-Box. This game is going to be the FIRST game to use Microsoft’s X-Box gaming network. The gameplay online is a bit sketchy at the moment, for example, we don’t know what vehicles, how many players, and how you get weapons or if stats are used. But all I can tell you is that this game is going to be one of the games to look for in 2002.