El Pacto (Halo)

(Redirigido desde «HALO El Pacto»)

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El Pacto

El Pacto (Covenant en su versión original en inglés) es un conglomerado de especies alienígenas de gran belicosidad y hostilidad, perteneciente al universo de los videojuegos Halo.

Eras del Pacto

  • Era del Abandono
  • Era del Conflicto
  • Era del Descubrimiento
  • Era de la Reconciliación
  • Era de la Conversión
  • Era de la Duda
  • Era de la reclamación

Poco se sabe acerca de su historia excepto que los ancestros de los Profetas y de los Elites estuvieron en guerra, pero formaron el Covenant cuando encontraron evidencia de los Forerunners y su "Gran Viaje".
Una de las teorías más aceptadas plantea que la Era del Abandono fue un tiempo cuando los Forerunners dejaron a los Profetas y a los Elites para embarcarse en el "Gran Viaje".
Los Elites y los Profetas comenzaron a pelear en la Era del Conflicto. No se sabe por que comenzó esta guerra.
En la Era del Descubrimiento, los Profetas descubrieron los restos de la tecnología Forerunner, probablemente con la ayuda de los Ingenieros.
Durante la primera Era de la reconciliación, los Profetas compartieron información con los Elites. Los Elites y los Profetas hicieron un trueque al formar el Covenant en donde se prometió a los Elites la salvación a cambio de sus servicios militares y protección. Presumiblemente, es aquí cuando el Covenant es creado.
La Era de la conversión ocurrió cuando los Elites y los Profetas comenzaron a reclutar otras razas por medio de la conversión religiosa o la fuerza.
El Covenant comenzó a dudar de la palabra de los profetas durante la Era de la duda dada su infructuosa búsqueda de los anillos para comenzar con el "Gran Viaje". La rebelión Rebelión Grunt probablemente ocurrió en este lapso.
Halo y Halo 2 ocurren durante la novena Era de la reclamación. Se ha especulado frecuentemente que esto es una referencia al nombre que los Monitores le dan a los humanos: "Reivindicadores" (Reclamadores). Otros, especialmente los Elites, se preguntan por qué a los humanos, un oponente digno que se ha probado varias veces en batalla, no se les ha ofrecido la oportunidad de unirse al Covenant. Muchos dentro del Covenant se preguntan que es lo terriblemente malo que han hecho los humanos para merecer la ira de los dioses. Este hecho puede relacionarse con que los humanos son los Reivindicadores y no ninguna otra raza del Covenant. Parece que los Profetas están particularmente molestos por esto, y llaman a todos los humanos demonios, especialmente al Jefe Maestro.

Rangos de El Pacto

  • Peones:
    • Naranja - Infantería estándar.
    • Rojo - Infantería veterana.
    • Negro - Operaciones especiales.
    • blanco - Ultra Grunt.
    • Púrpura - Tropa de asalto de operaciones especiales.
    • Verde - Especialista en armas pesadas.
  • Chacales:
    • Azul - Jackal estándar.
    • Amarilo - Jackal veterano.
  • Drones:
    • Los drones son criaturas insectoides; no tienen un sistema de rango asignado.
  • Ingenieros:
    • No se conoce un sistema de rangos, pero esta especie parece poseer una gran inteligencia para la síntesis y reparación de maquinaria y tecnología. Los Ingenieros no aparecen en los videojuegos.
  • Elites:
    • Armadura azul, corte negro - Elite Menor.
    • Armadura roja, corte negro - Elite Veterano.
    • Armadura blanca, corte negro - Elite Ultra (El rango exacto de los Ultra's se desconoce. Se cree que están por encima de los veteranos, pero por debajo de los Maestros de Campo. También se les ve en Operaciones Especiales o como Unidades Camufladas).
    • Armadura dorada, corte marrón - Maestro de Campo/Maestro de Nave. (Estos elites tienen a sus órdenes grandes batallones de tropas, y pueden tener el rol de Comandantes Supremos de todas las fuerzas en un área determinada).
    • Armadura púrpura oscuro, corte negro - Tropas de Choque para Operaciones Especiales. (Estas tropas, aunque entrenadas en el camuflaje, confían en la sorpresa más que en la fuerza para completar sus objetivos.
    • Armadura parda, corte negro. Conocido como 'Osoono', que significa "Ojo de los profetas". Estos Elites siempre están camuflados, y reciben sus misiones directamente de los Profetas; no reciben órdenes de nadie más, sin importar su rango. Sus misiones usualmente incluyen la recopilación de información, espionaje, sabotaje y reporte de campo sobre las demás especies del Covenant.
    • Armadura carmesí, corte negro - Pilotos. (Pilotean vehículos, usualmente vistos piloteando los de gran tamaño, como los Scarabs.
    • Armadura roja, corte negro, ornamento - Guardias de Honor (Estos Elites han probado sus habillidades en el campo de batalla muchas veces. Ahora en vez de pelear en el campo, personalmente protegen a los Profetas Jerarcas).
    • Armadura blanca, corte negro, ornamento - Guardias de Honor Ultra. (Versiones mejor entrenadas de los guardias de honor comunes).
    • Armadura blanca, corte negro, corona de oro - Consejeros Elite. Estos Elites se sientan en el Alto Concilio, hablando por parte de los intereses militares y Elite dentro del Covenant
    • Armadura blanca, corte gris (Blanco en el juego) - Comandante de Operaciones Especiales (Supremo comandante de todas las tropas consideradas Operaciones Especiales).


  • No se conoce un sistema de rangos para los Hunters. En todos los libros y videojuegos de Halo se han visto siempre en parejas. Cada pareja de Hunters tiene una relación especial, parecida a la de la hermandad.
  • Brutes:
    • Pelo pardo - Brute Estándar.
    • Pelo blanco - Tiene un mayor estatus dentro de la cultura Brute, pero no necesariamente un rango mayor al de los Brutes de Pelo Pardo.
    • Brute con Bandera - Capitán de un grupo de Brutes.
    • Brute con casco de Guardia de Honor - Guardia de honor Estándar. (Los guardias de honor Elites fueron reemplazados con los Guardias de Honor Brutes después de la muerte del Profeta del Pesar.
    • Brute con Bandera y casco de Guardia de Honor - Equivalente en rango a los Guardias de Honor Ultra.
  • Profetas:
    • Profeta - Líder religioso del Covenant, los miembros menores conducen la investigación de la tecnología y artefactos Forerunner. Presumiblemente manejan a los Ingenieros.
    • Profeta Concejal - Estos Profetas se sientan en el 'Consejo' hablando por la parte de ls Profetas y de los intereses religiosos del Covenant.
    • Profeta Jerarca
  • Inquisidor
El rango de Inquisidor es concedido a un sangheile (también conocidos como Elites) por los Altos Profetas en tiempos de necesidad. El Inquisidor actua como una especie de comando, actuando en misiones específicas dictadas por los profetas como pudieran ser los incidentes conocidos como el de la "Doma de los Hunters", la "Revuelta Grunt" o, más recientemente, la amenaza de herejía. El Inquisidor surge para liderar al Covenant hacia la victoria. Muchos, especialmente los Grunts, ven al Inquisidor como una especie de Mesías. Es de destacar que se conoce al Inquisidor como "La voluntad de los Profetas", o igualmente como "La espada de los Profetas" y sólo a ellos les debe obediencia.
Todo Inquisidor es "creado en tiempos de extraordinaria crisis" y suelen ser sacrificados en el cumplimiento de sus cruciales tareas. Sus cuerpos se guardan en ataudes apilados en el gran Mausoleo del Inquisidor, aunque podrían ser simples cenotafios. En el centro de esta habitación, se guarda la armadura del Inquisidor, de gran ornamentación y completamente funcional a pesar de que parece haber sido construida hace mucho; sin embargo algunos sistemas son ligeramente obsoletos, como el camuflaje activo, que sólo puede funcionar durante unos segundos. El mausoleo contiene 168 sarcófagos visibles que se elevan a gran altura en la sala, y las referencias a las antiguas misiones de los Inquisidores indican que esta figura ha existido por mucho tiempo, antes de que el Covenant tal y como se conoce actualmente llegara a formarse y definiera sus castas. El Inquisidor sólo puede ser un Elite, ya que la característica armadura está diseñada para su anatomía.
Se cree que la figura del Inquisidor tiene la capacidad de mantener la integridad del Covenant, y su creación sólo es necesaria en momentos en la que ésta peligra. De igual manera, también sirve como una herramienta política; una personificación del poder de los jerarcas, así como un ejemplo de verdadera fe: un guerrero mártir que muestra total lealtad en tiempos de división política y social.

El Gran Viaje

Los profetas creen que cuando los Halos sean activados, el Covenant se embarcará en un "Gran Viaje" similar a aquel que supuestamente tomaron los Forerunners. Encontrar y activar los Halos es un objetivo primario de el Covenant.
Sin embargo, unos pocos miembros del Covenant saben que los Halos al ser activados, destruyen toda la vida consciente en la galaxia. Si los profetas también lo saben es incierto, pero todo el sistema Covenant está construido para alcanzar esa meta, ya que ellos creen que los llevará a algún tipo de paraíso que compartirán con los Forerunners.
Como el Jefe Maestro y los humanos en general descubren, los Halos no fueron construidos como íconos religiosos; son armas que operan a escala galáctica para eliminar la vida de la galaxia y así contener al Flood.
El Inquisidor actual, quien también lidera o es un miembro importante del grupo separatista, se entera de la verdad acerca de la función de los Halos después de hablar con 343 Guilty Spark. Después de esto, ayudó a los humanos para evitar que Tartarus activara la Instalación 05 y en consecuencia, todos los Halos restantes. Los Leales todavía parecen creer en el Gran Viaje, y probablemente continuarán intentando activar los anillos.


EL Inquisidor

En los eventos de Halo 2, el papel del Inquisidor es llevado a cabo por el “incompetente” Élite Supreme Commander of the Fleet of Particular Justice, la flota que destruyó Reach y siguió al Pilar of Autumn hasta Halo. Esto fue debido al hecho de que un Profeta menor en una de las primeras naves to engage el Pilar of Autumn denegó permitir destuir la nave con torpedos de plasma debido al peligro que esto podía representar para el “anillo sagrado” y en su lugar ordenó la captura del crucero por grupos de abordaje. Esto permitio a los humanos to fend off el ataque lo suficiente como para aterrizar en el anillo y establecer a foothold. Subsequently, los parásitos Flood fueron liberados, el Comandante Supremo perdió el control de la situación, y el Jefe Maestro fue capaz de detonar los reactores del Pillar of Autumn y destruir Halo. En Halo: First Strike, it was also hinted que los el Comandante Sanghelli fue también responsable de la pérdida of the Ascendant Justice, and the botched (¿botch no era chapuza? xD) mission to retrieve un cristal de Reach. Debido a que el Comandante Elite falló en proteger el “Anillo Sagrado” de los humanos, fue condecorado con la Marca de la Vergüenza y aunque gran parte del Pacto quería verlo colgado de sus entrañas y su cuerpo paraded a través de la ciudad sagrada de Alta Caridad, la decisión es de los Profetas. Así que en vez de darle muerte, los Profetas de la Verdad y Piedad le dieron una oportunidad de recuperar su honor perdido y server al Pacto de Nuevo. Tomo la armadura de Inquisidor y se convirtio en el equivalente del Pacto a los SPARTAN II de la UNSC, específicamente del Jefe Maestro.

Como el Inquisidor, los Profetas esperaban que el Elite muriera pronto en su viaje de deber, completando su aparente “sentencia de muerte”, pero sobrevivió. Enviado a la Biblioteca en Delta Halo, también era esperado que muriese allí pero solo en caso de que sobreviviera, tenía que ser asesinado por el Brute Chieftain (¿Cacique?) Tartarus al completar su misión allí; fue lanzado al núcleo de la Biblioteca. Durante el juego, los Profetas comienzan lentamente a reemplazar los Elites con Brutes, y cuando estuvieron listos, instigaron un genocidio sangriento, through their Brute pawns, of all Elites so that Brutes may reemplazarlos en el sistema de castas del Pacto como los protectors de los Profetas y la columna vertebral dell ejercito del Pacto. This sparks a Covenant civil war, disguised as a Brute insurrection. On one side, there are the loyalists: the Brutes, the Drones, and the Jackals, covertly sanctioned by the Prophets. On the other, the Elites lead the Hunters and the Grunts.

El Inquisidor, tras su encuentro con el Jefe Maestro mientras yacía cautivo por el Gravemind, descubrió la masacre de un número de sus hermanos Elites por parte de los Brutes y recibió el mensaje de que al menos la parte Elite del Alto Concilio del Pacto había sido asesinado por los Brutes. Unió sus fuerzas con los separatistas y se convirtió en figura central de la Guerra civil del Pacto. This massive breakaway facción might secure an uneasy alianza con sus enemigos, los humanos de la United Nations Space Command para detener la mutual amenaza de la activación de los Halos.
Al final del juego, el Inquisidor entra en combate con Tartarus sobre el Índice y la detonación de Delta Halo. Mientras que originalmente rechazó creer la verdad sobre Halo, la creencia común de sus herejes, el Jefe Maestro, el Gravemind y e Sargento Johnson de que Halo traería la devastación finalmente le convención de preguntarle a Chispa Culpable 343 sobre los anillos. Finalmente cree la verdad, y con la ayuda del Sargento Jonson, el Inquisidor triunfa. Se desconoce como los humanos y los separatistas (Elites, Peones, y Hunters) podran coexistir con los demas haciendo una alianza entre ellos.


Este comandante de operaciones especiales es distinguido por tener solo las 2 mandibulas derechas, lo que le ha otorgado el nombre ( de forma no oficial) de mediamandibula (ya que no es oficial lo he cambiado por mediaboca que me gusta más) A lo largo de todos los eventos de HALO2 Mediaboca ayuda o acompaña al inquisidor, des de la caceria de herejes al enfrentamiento con Tartarus.

Dado su rango de elite "Ultra" como los llama Cortana y dado su conocimiento del parasito se supone que este valeroso Elite ya probó su honor en HALO:CE.

  • Frases memorables:
    • "Salga para que podamos matarlo"
    • "Cuando entramos en el Covenant hicimos un juramento.. Sobre la sangre de nuestros padres, sobre la sangre de nuestros hijos".

Orna 'Fulsamee

Orna 'Fulsamee was a Covenant Elite. 'Fulsamee had a genuine hatred of humans, especially towards their cavalier naming of Covenant things. To 'Fulsamee, names were very important, and humans were not "worthy" to be naming things.[1]

It seems that 'Fulsamee also harbored a secret disdain for the Prophets, at one point his Prophet supervisor reminds him of the rodents he hunted in his childhood.[2] Furthermore, 'Fulsamee appeared to be subtly unhappy with the war against the humans, as he felt that his race should "aspire to more" than fanatic warfare.[3]

As of the 9th Age of Reclamation (or 2552 UNSC time), 'Fulsamee was a Zealot Elite, and the Ship Master of a covenant destroyer of the Fleet of Particular Justice.Fulsamee's ship ferried a Lesser Prophet to the Halo, and 'Fulsamee found his assistant, Minor Bako 'Ikaporamee, to be very annoying. He wanted to destroy the Autumn but the Prophet forbade it. Instead, 'Fulsamee was told to send Boarding Craft to attack the human ship.[

  • Frases memorables:
    • "¡Enfrentaos a mí!

Noga 'Putumee

Noga 'Putumee was a Covenant Elite Field Master. He wore the Gold armor of a Zealot. Though known for his bravery and leadership in the field, 'Putumee was also famous for his blunt, confrontational, and paranoid ways.[1]

As a commander of ground forces in the Fleet of Particular Justice, he was stationed on Installation 04. 'Putumee was ordered to ambush the humans as they drove convoys from the crashed UNSC cruiser, Pillar of Autumn, to Alpha Base. He set up an ambush for a convoy led by First Lieutenant Melissa McKay in which he put Wraith tanks and Ghost vehicles around three hills McKay's columns of Warthogs and Scorpion Tanks had to travel through. He also had large forces of Jackals and Grunts on the hills, as well as air support from at least twenty Banshees. The High Council of Masters thought that this job was important enough that they sent Ado 'Mortumee to spy on the operation and write the report on its outcome.[2] In the middle of the fight, 'Mortumee was sniped by Lance Corporal "Snaky" Jones. 'Putumee narrowly dodged a second bullet aimed at him.[3] His attempt to destroy the convoy failed, but he did do significant damage to the humans, at the expense of most of his soldiers and vehicles.

'Putumee was later ordered to lead the assault of Alpha Base to coencide with Zuka 'Zamamee's stealth landing aboard Pelican Charlie 217. Unable to land on any of the landing pads, the Spirits put the forces down outside of the human base. [4] Unbeknownst to 'Putumee, the humans had buried two of the Scorpion tanks up to their cannons. Upon landing, they were immediately assaulted by base defenses. 'Putumee was killed by a blast from a Scorpion which cut him in half. Without his leadership, the attack failed

Zuka 'Zanamee

  • Rango: Ultraelite
    • Biografía

Zuka 'Zamamee is a Special Ops Covenant Elite in Halo: The Flood. He is said to be Prophet blessed and holds the position of Special Operations Officer. He wears the black armor of a SpecOps Elite.[1]

He leads a group of Grunts onto the Pillar of Autumn where he encounters the Master Chief and Cortana escaping. He tries to stop them but the Chief shoots him in the head with a Pistol, injuring but not killing him. As he lay wounded, another unit of Grunts, led by Yayap and Gagaw, pick him up and carry him off the ship to get him medical attention.[1] He then takes Yayap as his assistant and appeals to the High Council of Masters members aboard the Truth and Reconciliation.[2] Soha 'Rolamee, a Councillor Elite, turns his idea down at first but it is approved after the Chief raids the vessel, killing hundreds of soldiers and rescuing the valuable POW, Captain Keyes.

He sets his first trap inside the chamber of the security center of The Silent Cartographer, utilizing a pair of Hunters and a squad of Grunts under Yayap's command. However, one of the grunts, Linglin, accidentally kills one of the Hunters, allowing the Chief to overwhelm them all. 'Zamamee and Yayap survive only by hiding in a cargo pod.

The Prophet aboard the Truth and Reconciliation then warns him by way of 'Rolamee's disembodied head that the price of another failure is death.

He later arranges for Yayap to be captured so that the Grunt can be taken to Alpha Base and signal him when the Chief arrives there. When signaled, 'Zamamee leads a group of some 30 SpecOps Elites aboard the Pelican Charlie 217 and infiltrates the base. He also coordinates for a contingent of ground forces led by field master Noga 'Putumee to lead a simultaneous assault on the base. Though he frees Yayap, the two barely manage to escape in a Banshee as the assault fails miserably.

He finally travels to the Pillar of Autumn crash site where he takes on the alias of Huki 'Umamee to avoid punishment. He stays there doing the tasks asked of him until the Master Chief arrives aboard the ship one last time. He is finally killed by the Chief and Cortana when he attempts to set up an ambush for them on an elevator in the Pillar of Autumn shortly before its destruction.


Profeta de la Verdad

  • Biografía

Truth is much younger than the High Prophet of Mercy, but only slightly older than the High Prophet of Regret.

Justification of the belief that he is the most powerful of the three high prophets comes from scenes such as the opening cinematic sequences in 'Heretic', and scenes during the opening of 'The Arbiter'. His authority is also clearly exhibited in other ways, for example, it is he who airs the transmission informing the Covenant that the Great Journey is about to begin (before being interrupted by Master Chief at the start of 'Gravemind').

Truth was the first Prophet ever mentioned by name, at the end of Halo: First Strike. He waited in High Charity on the Step of Silence for Tartarus to come and report on the status of the teams searching for the Forerunner Crystal. He then ordered the teams that searched for them to be executed.

Truth did not think highly of the Prophet of Regret's inexperience. It is not clear just how much younger Regret is than Truth, but neither of them were born when the Prophet of Mercy was elected to the council. He wrote letters to Mercy complaining of Regret's rashness, one of which appeared, albeit in code, in the Conversations from the Universe.

Truth was first seen in Halo 2, during the trial of the Supreme Commander of the Fleet of Particular Justice. With a nod, he ignored the requests of Regret and the council to execute the Commander, and instead chose to make him an Arbiter. He then sent his new Arbiter against the Heretic rebellion forming on the nearby Gas Mine.

While on Installation 05, Regret transmitted an apology to Truth, apologizing for his reckless attack on Earth. Truth responded angrily, saying that it was only Mercy who had stopped Truth from publicly condemning Regret. Nevertheless, High Charity and its fleet rushed to Installation 05 and released a fleet of Phantom dropships full of forces to save Regret from the humans who had overwhelmed Regret's own army. His sermons were interrupted when the Chief burst in, and managed to attack and kill him. The rescue Phantoms were called back by Truth, and instead a Covenant ship had quickly destroyed the temple with an unknown gravity based weapon.

After Regret was killed by the Master Chief, Truth began replacing the Elites with the Brutes as the Prophets' protectors. This ultimately led to a civil war throughout the Covenant. Shortly thereafter, while Truth was addressing the Covenant about the Flood, The Index, and The Great Journey, the Chief, who was teleported to High Charity by Gravemind, attempted to assassinate him and the High Prophet of Mercy, but their Brute bodyguards covered their escape.

He, Mercy, Tartarus, and the captured Commander Miranda Keyes and Sergeant Johnson were about to take Phantom dropships to the surface of Installation 05 when they were attacked by Flood infection forms. Truth allowed Mercy to die when he was infected, and instead, as it looked as though High Charity would fall to the Flood, he fled in the Forerunner Ship. When the Chief questioned dying Mercy, he said that Truth was going to Earth "to finish what we started".

As of Halo 2, Truth is the only High Prophet (and possibly only Prophet) alive.

    • Motives

The motives for Truth's actions have been called into question as one of the biggest mysteries of the Halo universe. His choices in allowing both Mercy and Regret die seem to suggest that he wants supreme power over the entire Covenant, yet he demonstrates throughout the storyline that he already has supreme power, even over the other High Prophets.

Another action of his that is a mystery is the replacing of the Elites with the Brutes in Covenant society. Truth's only reason for why Brutes replaced Elites was that Elites "could no longer guarantee the safety" of the Prophets[1] due to the death of Regret, but it is already clear that Regret's death was a combination of his own recklessness and Truth's recall of the dropships that were inbound to save him.

Truth's belief in the Covenant religion is also in question. He appears to have had ample time to scrutinize 343 Guilty Spark after it was captured from the Gas Mine, and it is likely that Spark "edified" Truth in the same way as Sesa 'Refumee, who led a rebellion against the religion. If this is the case, it is also unclear then exactly why Truth wishes to activate the Halos and kill all life, including his own empire, if he knows there is no Great Journey.

But his description on Halo3.com (an official information site by Bungie on Halo 3) described him as "Deluded, possibly insane" and that he was a true believer. It could just be possible that if he knows of the true purpose of the Rings, maybe he's in denial.

  • Frases Memorables
    • "The Council decided to have you hung by your entrails and your corpse paraded through the city. But ultimately...the terms of your execution are up to me." -To the future Inquisidor
    • "Politics. How tiresome."
    • "The Great Journey waits for no-one, brother. Not even you." -To the Prophet of Mercy, as he later dies
    • "There are those who said this day (the beginning of The Great Journey) would never come. What have they to say now?" -Addressing the Covenant
    • "No enemy has ever withstood our might."

Profeta de la Piedad

    • Biografía

The venerable Hod Rumnt was elected to the Covenant High Council before either the Prophets of Truth or Regret were born. His tenure has been marked by several tense debates with Elite High Councilors over the proper dispensation of Forerunner artifacts. Mercy is considered one of the last of the Old Guard - a hard-liner who has publicly questioned the wisdom of the Prophets' demilitarization at the close of the Prophet-Elite War.

During a meeting with the Arbiter and the Prophet of Truth, he tells a bit of history about the Covenant, mentioning the Grunt Rebellion and the Taming of the Hunters.

He stayed by Truth's side after the death of Regret, and appeared to be more of a supporter of Truth than an equal. As the Covenant Civil War began, Mercy still stayed at Truth's side, even as it seemed that Truth was unraveling the foundations of the Covenant.

He and the High Prophet of Truth were attacked by the Flood on High Charity as they prepared to depart for Earth to begin the Great Journey. A single Infection Form made it past the Honor Guard Brutes, and latched onto his neck. Over Tartarus's attempt to save him, Truth let Mercy die, saying "The Great Journey waits for no one, brother. Not even you." It is unknown why Mercy's shield generator did not protect him. It was probably because the shield doesn't offer much protection from physical attacks.

Before his death, he was found by the Master Chief and questioned where Truth was going. He answered, "Earth, to finish what we started. And this time, none of you will be left behind." The Chief then killed the Infection Form, and with it, Mercy.

Profeta del Pesar

Regret was never mentioned until his appearance in Halo 2. He led the first attack on Earth. His fleet was small for an assault, totaling only two Assault Carriers and thirteen CCS-class battlecruisers. It is thought that he was directed to Earth by a Forerunner artifact, perhaps the one on Coral, but he apparently had no knowledge of human presence on Earth. Nevertheless, he sent Ranger Elites and Boarding Craft to destroy the orbital super MAC guns and then directed his two carriers to punch through the UNSC Defenses. Only the one he was on made it through, thanks to the quick actions of the Master Chief.

He landed troops in New Mombasa, the only place the Covenant landed on Earth. The attack on the city was a disaster, the confused Covenant were not prepared to fight such a massive human stronghold. Regret's carrier suddenly initiated a Slipspace jump right in the middle of New Mombasa. It is suspected that he had found the location of Installation 05 on Earth, because his lone carrier jumped straight to Delta Halo. The move was so surprising that only the UNSC In Amber Clad was able to follow the Carrier as it jumped and destroyed the city.

His Carrier landed forces on Installation 05, and the Covenant set up a presence around a Temple in the middle of a lake, where Regret began issuing sermons, perhaps in preparation to try to activate the Halo. He also transmitted an apology to Truth, apologizing for his reckless attack on Earth. Truth responded angrily, saying that it was only Mercy who had stopped Truth from publicly condemning Regret. Nevertheless, High Charity and its fleet, the Second Fleet of Homogeneous Clarity, rushed to Installation 05 and released a fleet of Phantom dropships full of forces to save Regret from the humans who had overwhelmed Regret's own army.

His sermons were interrupted when the Chief burst in, and managed to attack and kill Regret by leaping onto the side of his chair and bludgeoning him with his fist and gauntlet. The rescue Phantoms were called back by Truth and instead a Covenant Assault Carrier quickly destroyed the temple with an Energy Projector[2]. Regret's current fate, as a Prophet Form. Regret's current fate, as a Prophet Form.

Regret's body apparently survived the destruction of the temple, and it floated into the lake where it was picked up by the Gravemind. Gravemind then reanimated Regret, turning him into a Prophet Form of the Flood. He made a final appearance in the grasp of Gravemind, where he argued with 2401 Penitent Tangent about the existence of the Great Journey.


  • Biografía

Even back before the Earth invasion, Truth had trusted him enough to dismiss the Honor Guards in the chamber. He had scoured the wreckage of the Covenant attack coordination station Unyielding Hierophant after its destruction at the hands of the Master Chief. Tartarus reported the Covenant Fleet preparing to attack Earth was largely destroyed, and an artifact almost entirely lost but for three small chips, which he presented to Truth. He was instructed to reward the surviving pilots well, then "execute them all. Quickly. Quietly". He was also requested to bring the Supreme Commander who was unable to stop the destruction of Alpha Halo before the Council to let "his fate match the magnitude of his failure."

Tartarus branded the Commander with the Mark of Shame and took him to the Mausoleum of the Arbiter for his execution. When the Sangheili was pardoned and promoted to Arbiter, Tartarus was obviously displeased, but kept silent out of respect for the Prophets. Tartarus provided aerial support for the Arbiter during his mission to assasinate Sesa 'Refumee on Threshold. The Arbiter encountered the Oracle during his duel with 'Refumee, and Tartarus swiftly captured it.

Otros profetas
  • De la Suposición
    • The Prophet of Supposition sent a letter to the High Council after the destruction of Installation 04, suggesting reasons for the Flood's appearance on the Halo.Nothing else is known about him, but, based on his attitude towards the Flood, it has been speculated that he, like Tano 'Inanraree, was a member of the Covenant fringe sect known as the Governors of Contrition
  • Del Desdén
    • The Prophet of Disdain is only known from a Halo 2 match held at E3. In it, players used premade accounts with the names of Halo characters. One team played as Spartans and used Marine names, the other team as Elites and using Prophet names including "Disdain".[1]

It is unknown whether or not he had been planned for Halo 2, but he never made it into the final game.

  • De la compasión

The Prophet of Pity is only known from a Halo 2 match held at E3. In it, players used premade accounts with the names of Halo characters. One team played as Spartans and used Marine names, the other team as Elites and using Prophet names including "Pity".

It is unknown whether or not he had been planned for Halo 2, but he never made it into the final game.

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