No vale Verbatim, LT MAX Burner...ect simplemente no carga y muestra error (Disc not supported). y trae un Failed AP2.5 Challenge en Xval.
EDIT: Parece que no solo se trata de alguna actualizacion el especifico, al parecer Microsoft actualiza su seguridad (tabla dae.bin) mediante actualizaciones mientras estas conectado a Xbox LIVE (Silent Updates),
asi que si no te has logeado todavia,
evita hacerlo, si no,
no cargaran tus XGD3.UPDATE: El anuncio se hace mas que oficial, tomado de
First and foremost, a warning — at this current time it is advised that you stay offline and avoid playing any AP2.5/XGD3 backups. It has been confirmed by the team that the dae.bin is now being silently updated on all LIVE-connected boxes.
This update is not being deployed via a SystemUpdate or TitleUpdate, but rather occurs in the background without any visual indication or prompt to the user. As such, there is no means by which it can be cancelled or avoided, other than not connecting to LIVE. If you’ve connected to LIVE in the past 24 hours, your system has likely already been updated with a changed dae.bin.
All AP2.5/XGD3 backups that contain the now older AP25 replay data will fail the system’s AP2.5 challenges and indeed flag your system (the flagging has also been confirmed by the team).
Like our news a few days ago, the dae.bin is now being changed by way of an appended challenge table in the same manner on current retail dashes (13604) as it is on the preview dash (14686), however the content of the challenge tables differ. The team has determined that the appended challenge table appears to be unique per console and contains indentifying information. This means that everyone’s dae.bin is different, and can potentially be traced back to your specific console. Therefore, sharing your dae.bin with others it not advisable.
More info to come.
Lo mas interesante, es que al parecer todas las consolas tienen un dae.bin diferente y compartir challenges/response con otros no se muy bueno, lo que significa que patches extraidos de la consola de c4eva (o mas bien dae.bin usados en Xbox Backup Creator) no seria acosejable compartirlos y usarlos en Backups que andan por toda la red... mas info por venir!
C4eva Responde a todo esto:[2011-11-17 07:44AM UTC] #fw <c4eva> hello
[2011-11-17 07:52AM UTC] #fw <skynets> c4eva if ms can update dae anytime it wants does that mean it’s over for modders?/ ^c4eva si M$ puede actualizar el dae cuando ellos quieran eso significa que es todo para los lectores modificados?^
[2011-11-17 07:54AM UTC] #fw <c4eva> skynets:no
[2011-11-17 07:44AM UTC] #c4e <c4eva> hello
[2011-11-17 07:53AM UTC] #c4e <c4eva> a solution to the per console ap25 is being worked on, as un-modded boxes are affected, will monitor the situation to see if there is a rollback
Aclaracion:- Si no te has connectado a Xbox LIVE estos ultimos dias (especialmente las ultimas 24horas), no estaras actualizados con los Silent Updates y tus XGD3 siguen cargando en su total normalidad
- Si estas Banneado, que nunca va a ver una connnecion a Xbox LIVE no hay Silent Updates, y por lo mismo tus XGD3 siguen cargando en su total normalidad.
- En Fin, los Silent Updates se realizan mediante connecion a Xbox LIVE... pero tampoco podemos dudar que en el proximo Dash se cambie de nuevo el Dae.bin como lo ha pasado ayer/hoy...
SOLUCION (volver a cargar XGD3):- Actualiza el FW a
LT+3.0 (Hitachi 78-79, BenQ o Lite-on FAT-Slim), patchea y regraba nuevamente los backups (XGD3/AP2.5) con los Topology Data bajo ABGX 1.0.6, Actualiza a la ultima version tu Dash. Y listo todo vovera a la normalidad.
- Si deseas quedarte en LT+2.0 y no planeas actualizar la consola nunca mas... puedes hacher el
TU Trick (solucion no muy efectiva).