Anunciado primer DLC para L4D2: ... s/detail/5 ... oey--louis ... announced/Left 4 Dead 2 Game Add-on #1 Announced
posted by Alden @ 09:24PM on December 14, 2009
Dubbed "The Passing," the first game add-on for L4D2 brings the original Left 4 Dead (L4D1) Survivors down south for a meeting with the L4D2 cast, while delivering new single-player, multiplayer and co-operative gameplay.
Targeted for release in early spring, "The Passing" takes place just after the Dead Center campaign of L4D2. Set in a small town in rural Georgia, players assume the role of the L4D2 Survivors as they meet with the L4D1 characters.
In addition to the new co-operative campaign and associated narrative, "The Passing" will include new arenas for Survival, Versus and Scavenge mode and introduce a new co-operative challenge mode of play. The Passing will also include a new "uncommon common" zombie class, melee weapon, and firearm.
"The Passing will become the most important campaign in the Left 4 Dead story, as all the Survivors are being called together in one campaign," said Doug Lombardi, VP of marketing at Valve. "It will also be a huge offering of new gameplay content, with something new for every game mode plus a new uncommon common and weaponry."
La nueva campaña se llamará "The Passing", y tendrá lugar tras los eventos de la campaña "Dead Center" de L4D2. Ambientada en un pequeño pueblo de Georgia, los 4 supervivientes de la secuela se encontrarán finalmente con Zoey, Louis, Francis y Bill.
El DLC, además de la nueva campaña, contendrá un nuevo arma de melee, una nueva arma de fuego, un "infectado poco común" ("uncommon common infected" o UCI, como se los conoce en inglés) y nuevos mapas para los modos survival, versus y scavenge (búsqueda). Además, incorporará un nuevo modo de juego cooperativo por desvelar.
El contenido está planeado para comienzos de primavera para Xbox 360 y PC, y su precio está aún por conocer.