Los de Double Fine me han respondido.
Éste es el email que envié:
1) It takes an excessive time for saving and loading the saved game.
2) At the beginning of the game if you select " not include comments from developers", after the introduction, when you can control Hoagie, the music doesn't work. Other times, the game is crashed without reason. For example, when professor Ed explains the instructions to make possible the return of your friends who are trapped in time.
Su respuesta:
For the save load times, please ensure that you have a stable internet connection. The long load times should be tied to cross save system attempting to ensure the saves are matching.
If you turn off your internet connection and the load times are faster, then that is probably the issue.
Vamos que han pasado de mi primera pregunta.
Acaso tiene algo que ver la conexión a Internet con lo de las partidas salvadas? Si tengo conexión fibra óptica...