fake con CFW 3.56

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En la pagina de psx-scene se ha anunciado sobre un posilble fake del CFW 3.56 de algunos inescrupulados dejo la fuente para que lo corroboren a ver que tanta certeza hay en esto


edit: coloco aqui una cita del sitio, segun lo que puedo entender esta persona se hizo pasar por tester del y que CFW 3.56 pero antes de testearlo lo comparo con el OFW 3.56 y resulta que no le cambiaron nada todo es una trampa para que actualizas al 3.56.

Originally Posted by BobbyBlunt
As many of you may know there are these 2 guys posting all over twitter and nextgenupdate.com about a 3.56 cfw. Well I asked to be a tester and was chosen rather quickly. I was amongst the first three people to be sent the firmware via email. Well instead of running off and flashing like they expected I decided to compare OFW 3.56 and his CFW 3.56. The only difference between the two was the fact the version.text was changed. All files were identical to that of the 3.56 OFW. They claim to be doing a full scale release today. If you look this is what the xmb will say when the update is found.


Also they are now claiming I was not a tester but to prove otherwise here is a copy of the email recieved:
Ok gracias por el aviso, igual que bueno que avisas sobre su posible falsedad desde un principio.
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