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pablocebo escribió:gracias por el hilo,estaba detras de este juego,a ver si poco a poco veo mas informacion y me animo a compralo,eres un crack,no se como puedes tener al dia tantos hilos,se agradece todo el trabajo,saludos
Andrese7 escribió:mierda, te has adelantado a mi 2 horas, bueno, aunque sea voy a hacerlo en la wiki
vamega escribió:pablocebo escribió:gracias por el hilo,estaba detras de este juego,a ver si poco a poco veo mas informacion y me animo a compralo,eres un crack,no se como puedes tener al dia tantos hilos,se agradece todo el trabajo,saludos
Tienes el demo en la store. No pinta mal pero a mi se me hizo muy dificil el manejo,jaja y eso me acaba aburriendo.
Un abrazo.
goldenaxeband escribió:¿Lo has comprado hoy? Pues vaya contactos porque en la wiki dice que sale en noviembre de 2011![]()
[erick] escribió:Le he añadido más cosas, esta tarde le pongo más cositas, al final no está quedando mal, hay muy poca info sobre el juego, por cierto, a ver si alguien tiene la info de los trofeos de PS3
[erick] escribió:EStupendo, así dejamos el artículo wiki más completo
Usted me completa
Gana todos los trofeos disponibles para Apache: Asalto Aéreo
Complete the Campaign
Finish the campaign. Difficulty doesn't matter.
Complete the Campaign and Squad Operations
Finish the Campaign and Squad Operations. Difficulty doesn't matter.
Second The Best
Complete all secondary objectives in Campaign mode
Press your "SELECT" button during missions to update yourself on what the mission objectives and secondary objectives are. Finish secondary objectives when they appear. It's really that simple. A little tip, check your objectives every time you reach a new waypoint.
The follow missions have a secondary objective:
*Sky Is Burning
*Holidays In Hell
*A Diamond In The Rough
*City on Fire
Possibly Bugged: I beat the game on Training and didn't do every secondary objective (in particular, City on Fire). When I played through the game again on Realistic, the Second The Best trophy didn't pop up despite me going out of my way to specifically do every single secondary objective, even on levels I had done before. I did each mission that has a secondary objective and still no luck. After saving my data to a USB drive, deleting my save data and playing through the game again from start to finish, the trophy popped after I beat City on Fire (which means you can get the trophy before you finish the campaign). So if you have trouble, you may have to transfer data to a USB drive and start over. After you get the trophy, just transfer the save data back and you'll be back to where you where pre-SNAFU.
Desert Striker
Finish Tazirstan Chapter on Realistic or Veteran difficulty
Just finish this campaign path on Realistic or Veteran. Only difference between Realistic and Training are the controls. Veteran, on the other hand, has 0 retries and you will need to re-arm at bases if you run out (no auto-rearm).
Feet Wet
Finish Africa Chapter on Realistic or Veteran difficulty
See Desert Striker.
Jungle Striker
Finish Amazon Chapter on Realistic or Veteran difficulty
See Desert Striker.
Apache Of Two
Win any 3 missions from the Campaign in Local Co-op on any difficulty
This should occur naturally if you do those other four Local Co-op missions during the campaign.
Hell Yeah
Kill 114 enemy ground units with the AGM 114 Hellfire missiles
Will occur naturally as you play.
Flying Colors
Complete 'Takeoff' mission
Story related and can't be missed.
Unlock all chapters
Story related and can't be missed. Simply play and the chapters will be unlocked.
Wave Goodbye
Complete a specific mission objective in 'The Sky is Burning'
Story related and can't be missed.
Bridge Burner
Complete a specific mission objective in 'Whiteout' in Local Co-op mode
Local Co-op mode is 2 controllers with 1 system. You will either have to multitask with a second controller or find somebody to come over and play the game with you.
Radio Silenced
Complete a specific mission objective in 'Over and Out'
Story related and can't be missed.
Drug Bust
Complete a specific mission objective in 'The River Deep' in Local Co-op mode
See Bridge Burner.
Complete a specific mission objective in 'The Gang's All Here'
Story related and can't be missed.
Four Eyes
Complete a specific mission objective in 'Lord of War' in Local Co-op mode
See Bridge Burner.
Crude Defender
Complete a specific mission objective in 'Sharks in the Water'
Story related and can't be missed.
Demolition Man
Complete a specific mission objective in 'Holidays in Hell' in Local Co-op mode
See Bridge Burner.
Stopping Power
Complete a specific mission objective in 'Sunshine Units'
Story related and can't be missed.
Highly Survivable
Complete a specific mission objective in 'City on Fire'
Story related and can't be missed. One of the hardest missions to complete on Realistic or any difficulty for that matter. Use the building helipad to re-arm when needed and use Hellfires on the T-90s only. Use rockets on all else. Try to get the Secondary Objective done because this will save you from having to do it again. A trick I found was to destroy 2 of the 3 bridges and the enemies heading towards this. This prevents the next scripted event of the vehicle rush that occurs and you can re-arm. After you re-arm use rockets to destroy the bridge so you have full Hellfires to use on the incoming T-90s. Hold out until reinforcements and then clean up after the cinematic. I have beaten this level on Realistic, and will not be attempting this on Veteran. It's that ridiculous, so be patient.
Point And Shoot
Complete a specific mission objective in 'On the X'
Story related and can't be missed.
Win the 'Domination' mission in Squad Operations
A fairly simple Squad Operations mission. Just keep doing patrols to clean up the waves of enemies and keep all three "H" zones blue for 2 minutes. Each time you gain a zone, it restarts the "capture clock". Once you own all 3 zones, it starts the "captured clock". The "captured clock" is accumulative and must add up to 2:00 of ownership. If a zone is recaptured by the enemy, the "captured clock" doesn't reset but simply stops and the "capture clock" will trigger. You will have to recapture the zone before it counts down to zero. If multiple zones are lost, the "capture clock" will reset every time you recapture a zone. Sounds confusing, but it's more simple in action than in description. Took me 10 minutes to do solo, 3 minutes with a group of people.
Ace Of Diamonds
Complete specific mission objective in 'A Diamond in the Rough'
Story related and can't be missed.
Chemical Killer
Complete specific mission objective in 'Rain in the Desert'
Story related and can't be missed.
Rigged With Explosives
Complete specific mission objective in 'Ship of Fools'
Story related and can't be missed. This is one of the "finale" missions of the game. The beginning is simple enough but the ending is somewhat of a pain with the speedboat that has anti-missile defense systems. So how do you do it without Hellfires and it firing at you like crazy? Kamikaze into it (if you have retries available) or a rocket barrage at point blank.
A Leaf On The Wind
Complete 'A Damn Shame'
Story related and can't be missed. This mission is buggy, and when you get past the AA structures you will arrive at a battle between Apache gunships and some Hinds. After about 20 seconds, they stop fighting each other and the Apache's stand still as the Hinds hunt you down. Stay at 1.95 km away and engage the Hinds with your guns, unless you're really good at air combat. However, at that distance they won't chase you. Any further, and your guns are ineffective. Too close, and you have a squadron of Hinds after you. After this the warlord will try to escape and his flares work every time on Stinger missiles. Luckily, he's slow. Come up behind him as close as possible and use your guns yet again. The helicopter is weak and will go down in seconds.
Team Player
Win all Squad Operations in any flight mode
Story related and can't be missed.
Rumble in the Jungle
Complete specific mission objective in 'Turkey Shoot'
Story related and can't be missed.
Shot At Fame
Post scores to all Leaderboards
After the first Squad Operations mission I got this. It's completely automatic.
Deadliest Home Videos
Watch a replay
Finish a mission, save the replay and watch it. The save process takes a while since it saves the entire mission. You do not need to watch the whole replay. Just watch it for a couple seconds and then exit out.
Kill 10 enemy infantry in FLIR view
Pretty self explanatory, and should occur naturally as you progress through the game. In case you forgot how to do it from the tutorial, you use the button to cycle through your gunner views.
Complete a landing at a landing zone in Realistic or Veteran difficulty
This will be accomplished when you play the game on Realistic mode through the campaign, as many missions require you to land. Re-arming your helicopter also counts.
Ripple Effect
Kill 8 ground units with on Hellfire ripple shot
I got this one from "City on Fire" at the beginning. During the initial convoys that roll through, pick multiple targets (When you have a target press and hold to designate a target with a / over the target, this can be done over several targets before you fire your barrage. Consult the tutorial if you are having difficulties with this) with your Hellfires on the first convoy and possible targets in the convoy past it so spread out the damage. Fire away and hope you get it.
See It, Shoot It
Enable setting 'Control Turret in Zoom' and kill 5 enemy infantry by gun in this mode
Go into options, switch the mode to 'Control Turret in Zoom' and do as it says. I recommend doing this on a Free Flight mode map or on the first real campaign mission which has an abundance of infantry.
New Veteran
Win any mission on Veteran difficulty
Veteran unlocks after you beat the campaign.
Win one Squad Operations mission in online Co-op mode
The only "true" multiplayer trophy. This will be achieved on any of the Squad Operations missions that you win. I recommend the Co-op Partners Thread for finding somebody to help you.
What, No Roflcopter?
Complete free flight with each helicopter
It's in the description. Simply fly in Free Flight Mode with each helicopter. Will take you probably 15 minutes to do.
Big Brother Is Watching You
Use satellite view in each location
The easiest way to do this is to set Free Flight Mode to have no enemies or allies and on the first map. Activate your "Satellite View" for 1 second and then quit the map. Move on to the next map and use the view again. Continue doing this until you reach the last map, use the view one last time and there you go.
Sticky Trigger Finger
Using the 30mm cannon, kill 20 enemy infantry without letting go of the trigger
This one is so easy yet difficult. What do I mean by that? It's easy as hell, but difficult to get set up. You need to find 20 enemies in an area close enough to do 20 kills without letting go of the trigger. You're going to be burning through ammo between each spot with infantry and watching it tick down. In addition to this, finding 20 infantry in one area is actually fairly difficult. So what to do? Well, you can get lucky during the campaign or you can select any map in Free Flight mode that has a city/village in it. Go into your gunner view and just start spraying at the areas with 3-4 infantry and switch between targets as quickly as possible without letting go of the trigger. Like I said, so easy yet difficult.
Peppy's Request
Do a barrel roll!
Just roll left or right. This can only be done in Realistic and Veteran mode since Training prevents you from doing this in order to prevent you from crashing.
Keeping It Real
Play one mission entirely in cockpit view
Easy to do, especially on the first level. You can also do this on your tutorial level of 'Takeoff'. Do not worry about it starting you in 3rd person. Switch to cockpit and play through the level immediately upon start and you're fine.
Not A Scratch
Complete any mission without dying on any difficulty
You should be able to get this on the first mission, but this is missable nonetheless if you happen to die on every mission.
Kill 30 enemy ground units with the 30mm camera
Will occur naturally as you play.
Kill 70 enemy ground units with the Hydra 70 rockets
Will occur naturally as you play.
Sting Like A Bee
Kill 9 enemy air units with the FIM-92 Stinger missiles
It sounds easier than it is. Unfortunately, you only ever get 4 Stingers at one time and the AI will use flares whenever possible. Two methods work here, and one is simply luck. Method one is to fire from a distance and hope that the missile sees past the flare. Method two is to get in very close and hit the aircraft at point blank. Both methods aren't guarantees, but you will get it after a little effort.
I Can Dance All Day
Avoid 15 incoming missiles
Occurs naturally as you progress through the game. Don't worry, the enemy will fire enough missiles at you to make you scream, especially in the final 4 missions.
Skin Deep
Unlock all skins for all helicopters
Unlocks as you finish missions in both the Campaign and Squad Operations.
Bumper Stickers!
Unlock twenty decals
See Skin Deep.OCULTOSGot To Da Choppa!
Start 'The Sky is Burning' mission
Pops up after you start the first mission.
This Is The End
Play the Credits
Play the credits mini-game and you get this. You cannot die during this period and it's merely for fun. Killing enemy units is purely optional. I have not confirmed whether or not you have to sit through the whole credits, but it's only a couple minutes and actually quite fun. Just enjoy a little "Chopper Gunner" time as they go by.
Leon Scott Kennedy escribió:A los que lo habeís probado, que tal el juego?
pablocebo escribió:Leon Scott Kennedy escribió:A los que lo habeís probado, que tal el juego?
hola,tienes la demo en la store,si puedes bajala y lo pruebas,que yo creo que es mejor probarlo,a mi personalmente la demo me ha gustado,saludos
kazuya000 escribió:En el eroski lo venden por 30 euros. Un precio muy apetecible.