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Ficha técnica:
Plataforma: PlayStation 3
Fecha de salida: 26 de Junio de 2009.
Número de jugadores: 1
Género: Estrategia, Tiempo real
Temática: Fantasía
Desarrollado por: Triumph Studios
Distribuido por: Codemasters
También disponible en: PC y X360
Conozcamos más de cerca Overlord II
Overlord fue uno de esos grandes juegos que pocos jugadores se compraron. Un lanzamiento de 2007 que a pesar de contar con una calidad innegable a sus espaldas, por unas u otras razones, no acabó de calar entre los aficionados. Ahora, sin embargo, recibimos una segunda parte más ambiciosa, y con ella una nueva oportunidad de ver quién manda en el mundo de Overlord.
Encontrar videojuegos originales en los tiempos que corren es francamente difícil, y si bien Overlord sólo lo era por su planteamiento argumental y no por su concepto jugable, lo cierto es que su propuesta fue recibida como un agradable soplo de aire fresco en nuestras consolas y ordenadores.
Dos años después, y al año del lanzamiento del original en PlayStation 3, nos encontramos con una merecida secuela, que hace suya la fórmula de la primera entrega ampliándola con algunos añadidos de moderada importancia. ¿Suficiente para invitar a su compra a los que ya disfrutaron del primero? La innovación debe seguir gozando de, como mínimo, un aprobado por su original propuesta; sin embargo su línea es excesivamente continuista, y esto acaba pesando en el cómputo global a la hora de recomendarlo a los que cuentan con el original en su colección.
Historia y características:
Como Pulgas sin Perro.
[center]Overlord II da comienzo con los esbirros desorientados y desamparados tras la pérdida del Overlord del videojuego original. Sin embargo tras noches y noches de búsqueda de un nuevo señor a quien seguir y adorar, las pequeñas criaturas por fin tienen nuevo guía.
En la ciudad de Glacialia dan con un pequeño Overlord, Overlad. No es más que un niño, pero ya lleva el mal corriendo por sus venas. Así da comienzo el divertido prólogo de Overlord II, en el que deberemos guiar los pasos de este joven protagonista, y dar nuestros primeros latigazos de mal con nuestras criaturas.
Hay un nuevo enemigo, el Glorioso Imperio. Una chistosa parodia del Imperio Romano que conquista reinos enteros y que destruye cualquier atisbo de magia que se interponga en su camino. El mundo de Overlord es ahora muy diferente, cambiando radicalmente el aspecto algo repetitivo de los escenarios que recorríamos en el original. Ahora encontraremos desde zonas nevadas hasta otras más calurosas y tropicales.
Sin embargo no es esta la única novedad de Overlord II. Ahora nuestros esbirros pueden cabalgar sobre monturas para mejorar sus poderes. Así, por ejemplo, caminarán a lomos de escorpiones o lobos lo que los convertirán en excepcionales armas contra enemigos más robustos en el aspecto defensivo.
En una línea algo similar están las máquinas de guerra, elementos decisivos en batalla que pueden ser ocupados por nuestros divertidos sicarios para lanzar proyectiles o bolas de fuego sobre nuestros enemigos. Se trata de catapultas y ballestas que se unen en la sección de maquinaria a algún ocasional tramo con barcos.
En esta misma línea se orientan los aditivos mágicos que mejoran la vertiente de hechizos del videojuego. En la primera parte podíamos acceder a embrujos que podían causar daños en los enemigos o ralentizar sus movimientos para que fueran fácil presa de nuestro pequeño ejército; en la segunda parte, sin embargo, esto se amplía notablemente con nuevas facetas mágicas que nos facilitarán la tarea de potenciar las habilidades de los esbirros, aumentar nuestra salud eliminándolos o incluso convertirlos en proyectiles y lanzarlos contra los oponentes.
Otro añadido es el del minimapa, un aditivo imprescindible que nos ayudará a no deambular perdidos por los escenarios como en la primera parte, ahorrándonos muchas vueltas innecesarias. Quizá haga falta un mayor detalle para poder guiarnos por determinadas zonas, pero es un elemento agradecido.
El Señor de los Esbirros
Sin embargo hay comentarios que hacer sobre estas incorporaciones que atesora Overlord II, y es que no todas son de igual calado. En primer lugar hay añadidos, sí, pero éstos podrán parecer algo escasos para quien disfrutara de la no demasiado lejana primera parte.
En segundo lugar hay algunos elementos que no han sido corregidos, por ejemplo, la IA sigue siendo excesivamente caprichosa en la mayoría de las circunstancias, y la cámara continúa siendo tan molesta como siempre. Ahora tenemos mayor control sobre la perspectiva, pero ésta a menudo resulta francamente desorientadora.
La faceta multijugador debuta en el videojuego para ampliar la interesante campaña, y para ello ofrece cuatro modalidades de juego, dos cooperativas y dos competitivas; todas ellas para un máximo de dos jugadores. Pillaje, Dominación, Circo e Invasión son sus nombres. En la primera los dos Overlords se enfrentarán entre sí por conseguir más oro que su oponente, llegando incluso a producirse la divertida situación de que podemos saquear la base de nuestro contrincante para arrebatarle sus riquezas. Dominación, por su parte, es la otra vertiente competitiva, y divide el escenario en varios terrenos oponiendo entre sí a los dos jugadores por su control.
Circo e invasión son las modalidades cooperativas. En la primera nos plantaremos junto a nuestro compañero en el circo de Solarius, debiendo sobrevivir el mayor tiempo posible a las embestidas del enemigo. Invasión, por último, nos pone frente a un centurión de la Legión que ha asaltado una zona de Glacialia y al que deberemos derrotar.
Lamentablemente si bien el añadido de la faceta on-line es interesante, y un buen comienzo de cara al futuro, la terrible escasez de mapas nos hace prever contenidos descargables en un futuro no muy lejano. Así pues se repite uno de los mayores titulares del videojuego, la falta de contenidos nuevos y añadidos de interés que llevarse a la boca con esta segunda parte.
En la faceta gráfica el videojuego sigue una línea muy similar a la de la primera parte, apostando por unos escenarios y personajes tan simpáticos y cómicos como los del Overlord original. Hay algunas mejoras que explican el tiempo transcurrido, pero en líneas generales nos encontramos ante un producto francamente continuista en este campo. Tanto en consolas como en PC hemos experimentado una tasa de imágenes por segundo francamente alta y estable.
En lo sonoro el título llega a nuestro país traducido y doblado a nuestro idioma con un nivel francamente bueno. La banda sonora es adecuada y amena, y los efectos especiales cumplen con la habitual solvencia.
Lo que piensa la crítica:
Overlord 2 offers a lot of options for customization, be it in the form of minion upgrades, spell specializations, and purely aesthetic options like how to decorate your fortress and which of your mistresses you choose to favor.
90---Play Magazine
Ground-breaking visuals (for real) and tons of new gameplay; bigger worlds, more characters, more management, more tactics and more mistresses! Plus a truly inspired original score and no crap online modes!
85---Worth Playing
Overall, Overlord II is a great follow-up to the original Overlord title, and it's certainly deserving of being a true sequel.
85---Vandal Online
Summing up, Overlord 2 is an excellent action and strategy adventure no fan of the genre should miss. It doesn't have plenty of new features, but even the original fans will find enough charm in this title to be engaged again.
It’s an “A” game saddled with “C” game issues, but it’s still an addicting experience. I routinely found myself playing into the wee hours of the night, butchering gnomes with glee; camera issues (and all sense of morality) be damned.
81---Extreme Gamer
Overlord II is an expanded sequel that provides more of the same loveable minion action from the first. Triumph isn't looking for a new audience as this targeted follow-up is meant to please fans of the original.
80---Playstation Official Magazine Australia
The defining moment came when, having spied a particularly rare class of collectible, we sent the Overlord in to smash the crate that held it. Before he could reach it, a little pointy-hat-wearing gnome, not even a foot high, darted in and nicked it, gibbering all the way back to its grubby little warren. Our clichéd expectations of fantasy gaming had been shattered. [Aug 2009, p.72]
Overlord II is a solid improvement on the original and great fun for newcomers and existing fans. The core gameplay hasn't changed too much, but small tweaks here and there and the introduction of mounts helps keep things fresh.
Overlord II is a fun game to play. The humor is sometimes a little bit over the top, but the minions are very finny. The gameplay brings a lot of different puzzles and we just love the music score. The camera doesn’t always works as it should, but that is also something you can get used to.
80---Playstation Official Magazine UK
A big improvement over the original, and one that deserves to be played by loads more people. So at least eight of you this time, yeah?
Overlord II is a good sequel. There are some nice locations and interesting missions. Overlord II is fun, because it´s good to be bad.
Overlord II has refreshing and well designed levels and the multiplayer modes give the game meat. However, a frustrating camera, unstable framerate and crude humour take away from the experience.
A gleefully amoral riot of a game shot through with a devillish sense of humour. It's not perfect, and it's certainly not as immoral as it pretends to be, but it is consistently enjoyable throughout and more than guaranteed to put a smile on your face.
Unlike so many other sequels, Overlord II navigates the fine balance between completely reinventing the game and not adding enough features to make it feel like more than just a glorified expansion pack. Aside from the often-mediocre framerates and some painfully spaced checkpoints, I had a disturbing amount of fun terrorizing, killing, and/or enslaving all who stood in my way.
Overlord II is an entertaining game for everyone who wants to play something different. Graphically Overlord II is such a strong game that you almost start to believe you're in the middle of a a fairytale, which is of course a good thing. The controls work great, there's plenty to do and the game contains a lot of humour.
78---Cheat Code Central
Linear romps of destruction are enjoyable in mid-length spurts. Multiplayer offers a few different modes to play competitively or cooperatively.
Maybe its lack of content makes Overlord II a hard option for those who already have the first game. But those who want to start in the series will have a pleasant time being as evil as they want.
What other game can make clubbing baby seals so much wicked fun? Even with a maddening camera that jumps around a bit, the game is a blast and a half to play.
75---Playstation Universe
Wickedly funny and diabolically evil, Overlord II may not be a true evolution of the fantasy series, but it still offers a refreshingly entertaining gaming experience.
Despite its problems it does generally provide a fun experience and fans of the first game will love the new ways of spreading chaos.
If destruction and mayhem are your thing then there is enough here to warrant a purchase. But with a few tweaks here and there, Overlord II could have been something a little more special.
70---PSW Magazine UK
Undeniably great fun and funny, but still a bit on the vapid side.
This demon-controlling adventure lets you do more fun things with your evil minions, but Overlord II hasn't shaken all of the issues that held back the first game.
70---Total Video Games
There's no denying that Overlord II is an enjoyable expansion on the original idea, which will entertain the fans. Unfortunately, the frustrations seem to mount up as you get further into the game, making it plainly obvious that Triumph has failed to really address key issues that thwarted the original.
68---Play UK
If it wasn't for the improved gameplay additions, we'd say the first title was the better one. [Issue#181, p.82]
68---PSM3 Magazine UK
Amusing in a sick kind of way, but too repetitive and unwieldy.
65---Game Informer
It just doesn’t play well. The controls are clunky, the pacing is unsatisfying, and the multiplayer feels tacked-on. While the original Overlord was a compelling game at heart, Overlord II just feels like an unpolished retread of familiar ground.
63---Games Master UK
Beyond the core concept, it feels buggy and unpolished.
Overlord II is a decent game that maintains its predecessor's greatness, but it doesn't show enough progression or improvement. The unforgiving checkpoints and host of other problems make it a frustrating experience, making for a sinfully fun title that forces you to a steep penance for your enjoyment.
A sequel that is neither bigger nor better than its predecessor. The size and scope have been dialed back to something that is more akin to a straight action game.
60---Edge Magazine
A charming adventure, and a lengthy one, but the overwhelming amount of rough edges rather spoil any indulgent feelings toward its foibles.
57---PSX Extreme
This sequel fails to make any notable strides in improvement, and in fact fails so hard with the broken game engine that it feels downright frustrating to look at and play.
Más avances:Overlord 2 recibirá próximamente contenidos descargables.
Lennart Sas, director creativo de Overlord 2, ha hablado con el portal norteamericano Strategy Informer sobre el recientemente lanzado videojuego, y lo ha hecho para anunciar que éste recibirá próximamente contenidos descargables con los que prolongar su aventura.
“Ya estamos trabajando en ellos, y los anunciaremos pronto”, declaró Sas.Tráilers:
Todos los vídeos en IGN: http://media.pc.ign.com/media/142/14273772/vids_1.html
Juanra89 escribió:Muy buen hilo, a este juego le tengo bastantes ganas pero esperaré a que baje de precio.
Juanra89 escribió:Muy buen hilo, a este juego le tengo bastantes ganas pero esperaré a que baje de precio.
baronrojo2 escribió:A mi me gustó el uno, pero no lo veo en tiendas xD y el 2 es mas de lo mismo verdad?
calita escribió:Excelente Olympus.
Por fin Overlord está recogido en EOL con un hilo oficial. Ya era hora. A ver si así se consigue dar un poco de notoriedad a un juego que pasó un poco de puntillas y que atesora una apuesta jugable muy original.
ChUnGoS escribió:Que funciones tiene la querida? xDDD
Es que a mi solo se me pasea por la torre na más
Cuando conquistas glacialia (creo k se escribe así) te llevas a la torre a un chica (que los esbirros la llaman "tu querida") esta se supone que te da cosas para tus aposentos (no te las da ay k pagarlas U.u), mi pregunta era que si esta solo sirve para eso o tiene más funciones??
ChUnGoS escribió:No, no me he equivocado de post xDDDCuando conquistas glacialia (creo k se escribe así) te llevas a la torre a un chica (que los esbirros la llaman "tu querida") esta se supone que te da cosas para tus aposentos (no te las da ay k pagarlas U.u), mi pregunta era que si esta solo sirve para eso o tiene más funciones??
A ver si ahora me e expresado mejor ^^
yo me lo complete en la xbox 360 y por lo que vi solo servia para un logro,y para el final te den un tipo de montura u otra.lo demas es puramente estetico
Pues que decepción, el trofeo ya lo he conseguido.. bueno me conformaré con la montura jejejeje merci man!!
Overlord 2 offers a lot of options for customization, be it in the form of minion upgrades, spell specializations, and purely aesthetic options like how to decorate your fortress and which of your mistresses you choose to favor.
90---Play Magazine
Ground-breaking visuals (for real) and tons of new gameplay; bigger worlds, more characters, more management, more tactics and more mistresses! Plus a truly inspired original score and no crap online modes!
85---Worth Playing
Overall, Overlord II is a great follow-up to the original Overlord title, and it's certainly deserving of being a true sequel.
85---Vandal Online
Summing up, Overlord 2 is an excellent action and strategy adventure no fan of the genre should miss. It doesn't have plenty of new features, but even the original fans will find enough charm in this title to be engaged again.
It’s an “A” game saddled with “C” game issues, but it’s still an addicting experience. I routinely found myself playing into the wee hours of the night, butchering gnomes with glee; camera issues (and all sense of morality) be damned.
81---Extreme Gamer
Overlord II is an expanded sequel that provides more of the same loveable minion action from the first. Triumph isn't looking for a new audience as this targeted follow-up is meant to please fans of the original.
80---Playstation Official Magazine Australia
The defining moment came when, having spied a particularly rare class of collectible, we sent the Overlord in to smash the crate that held it. Before he could reach it, a little pointy-hat-wearing gnome, not even a foot high, darted in and nicked it, gibbering all the way back to its grubby little warren. Our clichéd expectations of fantasy gaming had been shattered. [Aug 2009, p.72]
Overlord II is a solid improvement on the original and great fun for newcomers and existing fans. The core gameplay hasn't changed too much, but small tweaks here and there and the introduction of mounts helps keep things fresh.
Overlord II is a fun game to play. The humor is sometimes a little bit over the top, but the minions are very finny. The gameplay brings a lot of different puzzles and we just love the music score. The camera doesn’t always works as it should, but that is also something you can get used to.
80---Playstation Official Magazine UK
A big improvement over the original, and one that deserves to be played by loads more people. So at least eight of you this time, yeah?
Overlord II is a good sequel. There are some nice locations and interesting missions. Overlord II is fun, because it´s good to be bad.
Overlord II has refreshing and well designed levels and the multiplayer modes give the game meat. However, a frustrating camera, unstable framerate and crude humour take away from the experience.
A gleefully amoral riot of a game shot through with a devillish sense of humour. It's not perfect, and it's certainly not as immoral as it pretends to be, but it is consistently enjoyable throughout and more than guaranteed to put a smile on your face.
Unlike so many other sequels, Overlord II navigates the fine balance between completely reinventing the game and not adding enough features to make it feel like more than just a glorified expansion pack. Aside from the often-mediocre framerates and some painfully spaced checkpoints, I had a disturbing amount of fun terrorizing, killing, and/or enslaving all who stood in my way.
Overlord II is an entertaining game for everyone who wants to play something different. Graphically Overlord II is such a strong game that you almost start to believe you're in the middle of a a fairytale, which is of course a good thing. The controls work great, there's plenty to do and the game contains a lot of humour.
78---Cheat Code Central
Linear romps of destruction are enjoyable in mid-length spurts. Multiplayer offers a few different modes to play competitively or cooperatively.
Maybe its lack of content makes Overlord II a hard option for those who already have the first game. But those who want to start in the series will have a pleasant time being as evil as they want.
What other game can make clubbing baby seals so much wicked fun? Even with a maddening camera that jumps around a bit, the game is a blast and a half to play.
75---Playstation Universe
Wickedly funny and diabolically evil, Overlord II may not be a true evolution of the fantasy series, but it still offers a refreshingly entertaining gaming experience.
Despite its problems it does generally provide a fun experience and fans of the first game will love the new ways of spreading chaos.
If destruction and mayhem are your thing then there is enough here to warrant a purchase. But with a few tweaks here and there, Overlord II could have been something a little more special.
70---PSW Magazine UK
Undeniably great fun and funny, but still a bit on the vapid side.
This demon-controlling adventure lets you do more fun things with your evil minions, but Overlord II hasn't shaken all of the issues that held back the first game.
70---Total Video Games
There's no denying that Overlord II is an enjoyable expansion on the original idea, which will entertain the fans. Unfortunately, the frustrations seem to mount up as you get further into the game, making it plainly obvious that Triumph has failed to really address key issues that thwarted the original.
68---Play UK
If it wasn't for the improved gameplay additions, we'd say the first title was the better one. [Issue#181, p.82]
68---PSM3 Magazine UK
Amusing in a sick kind of way, but too repetitive and unwieldy.
65---Game Informer
It just doesn’t play well. The controls are clunky, the pacing is unsatisfying, and the multiplayer feels tacked-on. While the original Overlord was a compelling game at heart, Overlord II just feels like an unpolished retread of familiar ground.
63---Games Master UK
Beyond the core concept, it feels buggy and unpolished.
Overlord II is a decent game that maintains its predecessor's greatness, but it doesn't show enough progression or improvement. The unforgiving checkpoints and host of other problems make it a frustrating experience, making for a sinfully fun title that forces you to a steep penance for your enjoyment.
A sequel that is neither bigger nor better than its predecessor. The size and scope have been dialed back to something that is more akin to a straight action game.
60---Edge Magazine
A charming adventure, and a lengthy one, but the overwhelming amount of rough edges rather spoil any indulgent feelings toward its foibles.
57---PSX Extreme
This sequel fails to make any notable strides in improvement, and in fact fails so hard with the broken game engine that it feels downright frustrating to look at and play.
calita escribió:91---1UP
Overlord 2 offers a lot of options for customization, be it in the form of minion upgrades, spell specializations, and purely aesthetic options like how to decorate your fortress and which of your mistresses you choose to favor.
90---Play Magazine
Ground-breaking visuals (for real) and tons of new gameplay; bigger worlds, more characters, more management, more tactics and more mistresses! Plus a truly inspired original score and no crap online modes!
85---Worth Playing
Overall, Overlord II is a great follow-up to the original Overlord title, and it's certainly deserving of being a true sequel.
85---Vandal Online
Summing up, Overlord 2 is an excellent action and strategy adventure no fan of the genre should miss. It doesn't have plenty of new features, but even the original fans will find enough charm in this title to be engaged again.
It’s an “A” game saddled with “C” game issues, but it’s still an addicting experience. I routinely found myself playing into the wee hours of the night, butchering gnomes with glee; camera issues (and all sense of morality) be damned.
81---Extreme Gamer
Overlord II is an expanded sequel that provides more of the same loveable minion action from the first. Triumph isn't looking for a new audience as this targeted follow-up is meant to please fans of the original.
80---Playstation Official Magazine Australia
The defining moment came when, having spied a particularly rare class of collectible, we sent the Overlord in to smash the crate that held it. Before he could reach it, a little pointy-hat-wearing gnome, not even a foot high, darted in and nicked it, gibbering all the way back to its grubby little warren. Our clichéd expectations of fantasy gaming had been shattered. [Aug 2009, p.72]
Overlord II is a solid improvement on the original and great fun for newcomers and existing fans. The core gameplay hasn't changed too much, but small tweaks here and there and the introduction of mounts helps keep things fresh.
Overlord II is a fun game to play. The humor is sometimes a little bit over the top, but the minions are very finny. The gameplay brings a lot of different puzzles and we just love the music score. The camera doesn’t always works as it should, but that is also something you can get used to.
80---Playstation Official Magazine UK
A big improvement over the original, and one that deserves to be played by loads more people. So at least eight of you this time, yeah?
Overlord II is a good sequel. There are some nice locations and interesting missions. Overlord II is fun, because it´s good to be bad.
Overlord II has refreshing and well designed levels and the multiplayer modes give the game meat. However, a frustrating camera, unstable framerate and crude humour take away from the experience.
A gleefully amoral riot of a game shot through with a devillish sense of humour. It's not perfect, and it's certainly not as immoral as it pretends to be, but it is consistently enjoyable throughout and more than guaranteed to put a smile on your face.
Unlike so many other sequels, Overlord II navigates the fine balance between completely reinventing the game and not adding enough features to make it feel like more than just a glorified expansion pack. Aside from the often-mediocre framerates and some painfully spaced checkpoints, I had a disturbing amount of fun terrorizing, killing, and/or enslaving all who stood in my way.
Overlord II is an entertaining game for everyone who wants to play something different. Graphically Overlord II is such a strong game that you almost start to believe you're in the middle of a a fairytale, which is of course a good thing. The controls work great, there's plenty to do and the game contains a lot of humour.
78---Cheat Code Central
Linear romps of destruction are enjoyable in mid-length spurts. Multiplayer offers a few different modes to play competitively or cooperatively.
Maybe its lack of content makes Overlord II a hard option for those who already have the first game. But those who want to start in the series will have a pleasant time being as evil as they want.
What other game can make clubbing baby seals so much wicked fun? Even with a maddening camera that jumps around a bit, the game is a blast and a half to play.
75---Playstation Universe
Wickedly funny and diabolically evil, Overlord II may not be a true evolution of the fantasy series, but it still offers a refreshingly entertaining gaming experience.
Despite its problems it does generally provide a fun experience and fans of the first game will love the new ways of spreading chaos.
If destruction and mayhem are your thing then there is enough here to warrant a purchase. But with a few tweaks here and there, Overlord II could have been something a little more special.
70---PSW Magazine UK
Undeniably great fun and funny, but still a bit on the vapid side.
This demon-controlling adventure lets you do more fun things with your evil minions, but Overlord II hasn't shaken all of the issues that held back the first game.
70---Total Video Games
There's no denying that Overlord II is an enjoyable expansion on the original idea, which will entertain the fans. Unfortunately, the frustrations seem to mount up as you get further into the game, making it plainly obvious that Triumph has failed to really address key issues that thwarted the original.
68---Play UK
If it wasn't for the improved gameplay additions, we'd say the first title was the better one. [Issue#181, p.82]
68---PSM3 Magazine UK
Amusing in a sick kind of way, but too repetitive and unwieldy.
65---Game Informer
It just doesn’t play well. The controls are clunky, the pacing is unsatisfying, and the multiplayer feels tacked-on. While the original Overlord was a compelling game at heart, Overlord II just feels like an unpolished retread of familiar ground.
63---Games Master UK
Beyond the core concept, it feels buggy and unpolished.
Overlord II is a decent game that maintains its predecessor's greatness, but it doesn't show enough progression or improvement. The unforgiving checkpoints and host of other problems make it a frustrating experience, making for a sinfully fun title that forces you to a steep penance for your enjoyment.
A sequel that is neither bigger nor better than its predecessor. The size and scope have been dialed back to something that is more akin to a straight action game.
60---Edge Magazine
A charming adventure, and a lengthy one, but the overwhelming amount of rough edges rather spoil any indulgent feelings toward its foibles.
57---PSX Extreme
This sequel fails to make any notable strides in improvement, and in fact fails so hard with the broken game engine that it feels downright frustrating to look at and play.
Astracan916 escribió:Pues tanto otro forero amigo como yo mismo tenemos este juego y realmente no creo que merezca las bajas calificaciones dadas por algunos medios. A mi me parece un juego bastante entretenido, distinto y con un tono comico muy pronunciado.
En la mision de liberar a los Bermejos , llego hasta el campo de trigo donde hay tres driades, pero no consigo pasar de esa zona, no encuentro como quemar la planta ni nada mas que poder hacer
chema246 escribió:yo me lo he pillado esta semana y la verdad esta entretenido a ver si nos juntamos online y hacemos los trofeos que hay online
Astracan916 escribió:Tengo un problema , a ver si alguien puede ayudarme:En la mision de liberar a los Bermejos , llego hasta el campo de trigo donde hay tres driades, pero no consigo pasar de esa zona, no encuentro como quemar la planta ni nada mas que poder hacer
mandas a los esbirros atacar a las driades y luego a la flor esa que se abre...si es la zona que yo creo claro..
Mirrowell escribió:Que tal esta el online? mejor que el del 1? tiene cooperativo y pantalla partida?
estoy ya en el final del juego, pero antes de llegar al ultimo monstruo solarius, al principio de la partida, me he quedado sin esbirros, solo tengo a los azules, hay alguna forma de poder conseguir que aparezcan los demas?
CristianoO escribió:no termino de pillar de que va este juego. los que lo teneis, merece la pena?
Casi al principio de todo, aun en el entrenamiento para Overlord, llego a un punto (después de la zona de hielo) en donde de una especie de arbol o tronco sale una hada grande y he de derrotarla, lo que pasa que al minuto vuelve a levantarse y he de volver a tumbarla. A la derecha hay un caminito estrecho donde puedo mandar a los esvirros, pero no hacen nada.... lo mando, y los veo por el fondo dar vueltas como locos pero no hacen nada más!!!! Al cabo de puto la hada se levanta de nuevo y he de volver a tumbarla....
Blaky1982 escribió:Buenas! Acabo de empezar el juego y ya estoy bloqueado....
Casi al principio de todo, aun en el entrenamiento para Overlord, llego a un punto (después de la zona de hielo) en donde de una especie de arbol o tronco sale una hada grande y he de derrotarla, lo que pasa que al minuto vuelve a levantarse y he de volver a tumbarla. A la derecha hay un caminito estrecho donde puedo mandar a los esvirros, pero no hacen nada.... lo mando, y los veo por el fondo dar vueltas como locos pero no hacen nada más!!!! Al cabo de puto la hada se levanta de nuevo y he de volver a tumbarla....
Y no paso de aki.... alguina idea por favor???![]()
no estoy seguro pero cuando el hada caiga tienes que destruir una planta que hay ahi
Si, pero en teoria lo he de hacer mandando a los esvirros, no??? pq los mando por el caminito y los veo dando vueltas al fondo sin sentido.... y yo busco algo para destruir y no puedo!!!
Blaky1982 escribió:Si, pero en teoria lo he de hacer mandando a los esvirros, no??? pq los mando por el caminito y los veo dando vueltas al fondo sin sentido.... y yo busco algo para destruir y no puedo!!!
pasa de esa zona,y tienes que ir a glacilia(o como se diga xd),ay veras que no puedes pasar tampoco,y te dira que hagas unas cosas y demas(esto igual ya lo has hecho,consiste en aprender a esclavizar aldeanos,o matarlos). luego seguiras igual de perdido,y lo que tienes que hacer para pasar,es yevar una especie de idolo a un altar(este esta en la zona que dices del bicho ese,al principio,que habia 3 romanos),entonces overlord podra convertirse en un pitufo de esos,y pasas tu mismo por el tronquito.
y me dices q eso lo conseguiré iendo para glacialia y ahí me dirán que haga unas cosillas y cuando tenga la piedra esa, voy al portal y dp para la hada esa que mata y resucita, no???
Un ídolo a un altar??? Donde coño encuentro el ídolo¿????