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En la década de los 80 apareció Terminator, una película que cosechó un gran éxito. Su historia nos contaba como en el futuro las máquinas se revelarían y tan sólo un hombre, John Connor, sería capaz de acabar con esta amenaza. Pero la película no se desarrollaba en el futuro, sino en el presente, donde la madre de ese niño que aún no había nacido vivía ajena a todo. Pronto su vida cambiaría, pues del futuro llegaba un terminator (un modelo de robot) que viajaba al pasado para acabar con ella y así evitar el nacimiento de John Connor. La película tuvo una buena acogida, que fue aún mayor con su segunda entrega, que nos presentaba a un John aún niño. Bastantes años después llegó Terminator 3, que nos ponía en la piel de un Connor ya adulto que quería evitar la rebelión de las máquinas antes que ocurriera, atacando la compañía Skynet. Dentro de unos meses recibiremos la cuarta entrega de la saga, Terminator Salvation y, como ya viene siendo habitual, vendrá acompañada del juego correspondiente.
Vive la rebelión de las máquinas
En esta ocasión la historia nos traslada a un futuro dónde la guerra entre hombres y máquinas ya ha comenzado. Éstas nos superan en un amplio número, por lo que la humanidad tiene las cosas bastante feas. Aquí es donde entra en juego John Connor, líder de la rebelión, aunque las cosas no parecen ir como le contó su madre, y su presencia no parece bastar para ganar la guerra. El juego sitúa la historia dos años antes de lo contado en la película, cuando Connor aún no se ha convertido en el líder de la rebelión, sino que es un miembro más de la misma. Esto nos permitirá ver los inicios de la guerra y conocer más acerca del mundo donde se desarrolla la historia y comprender mejor la historia contada por la película.
El título es un juego de acción en tercera persona con sistema de coberturas, al estilo de juegos como Gears of Wars. La principal diferencia con otros títulos similares en que en esta ocasión el radio de acción es mucho mayor, pudiendo recibir ataques de enemigos en un rango de 360 grados. Además, muchos enemigos serán invulnerables a no ser que les ataquemos desde la espalda, por lo que será primordial rodearles hasta encontrar su punto débil. También será habitual recibir ataques por sorpresa desde atrás, por lo que será muy importante estar atentos a todo lo que nos rodea, y no avanzar solamente hacia adelante.
A diferencia de otros títulos, nos enfrentaremos contra máquinas que tendrán una resistencia mucho mayor a lo que estamos acostumbrados. Esto significa que no será tan fácil avanzar como pegar un tiro a la cabeza de un enemigo, sino que los enfrentamientos serán algo más costosos, obligándonos en muchas ocasiones a buscar el punto débil de los enemigos, como comentábamos antes. Por lo que pudimos jugar, la inteligencia artificial de los enemigos será bastante buena y vimos como se movían para evitar que les rodeásemos o se cubrían con cascotes cercanos.
Mejor en compañía
Afortunadamente no estaremos solos para enfrentarnos a estas temibles máquinas. Por una parte, en todo momento nos acompañarán varios miembros de la rebelión que servirán de cebo y nos cubrirán mientras le ganamos la espalda a los robots. Por lo que se nos contó, al principio del juego nuestros compañeros serán muy activos, llevando ellos la iniciativa y según avancemos, iremos ganándonos poco a poco el puesto de jefe del grupo y seremos nosotros los que vayamos a la cabeza del grupo. Por otra parte, el juego presenta una opción de cooperativo a pantalla partida que nos permitirá enfrentarnos al juego en compañía de un amigo.
Los escenarios que vimos eran relativamente abiertos, nada de pasillos, aunque todos se desarrollaban entre las ruinas de una ciudad. El título también juega con las alturas, pudiendo entrar en lo que queda de los edificios y subir a plantas superiores. En este sentido, el juego permite avanzar de forma bastante abierta para encontrar la mejor forma de enfrentarnos a nuestros enemigos.
Fiel a la película
Gráficamente el juego luce estupendamente. Se nota que los desarrolladores del juego han trabajado codo con codo con los encargados de la película, ya que la estética está recreada fielmente. Así, los escenarios que vimos, nos recordaron muchísimo a lo visto en los trailers que se han mostrado en la película, signo de que se está haciendo un gran trabajo en este sentido. Aparte de la fidelidad, los escenarios cuentan con un acabado muy bueno, siendo bastante amplios y sólidos, con una gran cantidad de elementos con los que cubrirnos.
Los modelos de los personajes, por otra parte, no son tan fieles, y es que han decidido no recrear el rostro del actor Christian Bale, protagonista de la película. En palabras de sus creadores, esta decisión se ha tomado para que el jugador pueda identificarse mejor con el personaje, y no esté pensando en Bale en todo momento. De cualquier modo, al margen de no recrear al famoso actor, los modelos de los personajes nos han parecido muy buenos, con una gran calidad de texturas. Las animaciones están muy trabajadas, aunque aún falta trabajo en algunas, como a la hora de abrir puertas.
Algo que no nos ha gustado demasiado, es que cuando acabamos con los enemigos, nos ha parecido que le falta contundencia a las explosiones, y es que en la mayoría de las ocasiones, la máquina a la que derrotemos, se desmoronará sin más. Dado el tamaño de los enemigos y su ferocidad, creemos que hubiera quedado mejor una explosión más llamativa o algún otro efecto más contundente, aunque lo cierto es que puede que las animaciones que vimos aún no estén terminadas y quede trabajo por delante.
El regreso de Terminator se acerca
Terminator Salvation nos parece un buen juego que puede gustar tanto a los aficionados de la película como de los amantes del género. Aún queda ver el resultado final para ver como se mantiene a lo largo de todo el juego, pero nos ha gustado que no se hayan conformado con usar una jugabilidad ya probada, sino que hayan decidido aportar algo para llevarla más allá. En este sentido, el juego promete ofrecer una experiencia distinta a otros juegos similares, aunque tendremos que probarlo más a fondo para ver si funciona. De todas formas, de momento nos ha convencido el juego, así que estaremos al tanto para ver como queda el resultado final. Terminator Salvation saldrá en nuestro país el próximo 29 de mayo, una semana antes del estreno de la película.
calita escribió:Para completar un poquito más el hilo, dejo un recopilatorio de reviews. Vamos, para que se sepa sin trampa ni cartón de lo que hablamos:64----GameFocus
The game is certainly a rental for action fans and fans of the movie, but do not buy this unless you have been banned from your local rental place and can find it cheap.
While Terminator Salvation has some good ideas and is fun at times, it lacks any replayability. And more importantly, it lacks the star of the film, which is a rather curious omission.
62----Cheat Code Central
Though the game features a few core mechanics that makes it a good bit of fun, it is painfully apparent the developers were faced with a marketing timetable that didn’t allow them to produce the game they had envisioned.
62----Vandal Online
We can't ignore it feels like a yet to be finished game, with some good ideas but not fully exploited. In fact, perhaps it has been hurried up to be ready for the cinema premiere, and this would have harmed the development. What a shame. Maybe next time.
Terminator Salvation - The Videogame can actually be fun at times, but the repetitive gameplay, some technical issues and the lack of a multiplayer mode make this game the usual tie-in, good only for the fan of the brand.
60----Playstation: The Official Magazine (US)
At game's end, all I was left with was a gnawing feeling of dissatisfaction in my gut, instead of a grin on my face. [Aug 2009, p.74]
Terminator: Salvation is a run-of-the-mill game adaption of a successful movie brand. Overall okay, but way too short and without any highlights or variety.
Terminator Salvation is not a terrible game; in fact the cover mechanic alone makes playing through it quite enjoyable at times. However, there simply is no denying that the entire package feels unfinished. From under a three hour playtime to some truly peculiar omissions, Salvation displays all the symptoms of a rushed movie tie-in.
At the end of the day, Terminator Salvation is a strange game, it’s definitely not the best movie game and it’s also not the worst, however it’s closer on that end of the spectrum.
56----Game Chronicles
The game is much better when played with a human partner but there is no online option, so you are forced to play in split-screen.
56----Absolute Games
Flat and boring. Terminator: Salvation fails to earn other, more favorable adjectives. The only bright spot is the soundtrack incorporating Brad Fiedel’s signature theme.
55----Game Informer
If robots ever do take over, I hope the human race doesn’t succumb to a force this stupid.
This bare-bones movie tie-in is like a machine with synthetic rubber skin: it's not fooling anyone and you should stay away from it.
Terminator Salvation is a good action game if you are looking for a game with an offline co-op feature. But that's the only fun factor in Salvation. The storyline is far too short, you can complete it within a few hours, and therefore it's not worth the money.
A bad Gears of War clone. Without Epic style, and many graphical issues. Worst Cuscenes Ever.
Terminator Salvation is an alright game in itself, but it's hardly worth the cost of a fully priced game, due to the fact that it can be completed in just a few hours, combined with the repetitive nature and uninspired graphics. Only real fans of the Terminator franchise need to buy this now.
48----Worth Playing
Once you finish the game in about four hours, that's all there is to it. It's a budget experience at full price, and one that I can't suggest anyone pick up.
With its lean plot, unimposing terminators, and stilted replay value, Terminator Salvation doesn't have a whole lot going for it. It's also so unbelievably short that the price of entry simply can't be justified.
Terminator Salvation is too short to justify its cost, and its gameplay is unsatisfying too. A new disappointment in the genre of the movie-related games.
I've never played such a boring game as Terminator Salvation: The Videogame. The game is repetitive and the storytelling very shallow. It's a big plus that finishing the game will only take you about three to four hours. Even the very reasonable cover system can't let you enjoy this simple and boring movie game.
As gamers, we are well accustomed to the fate of movie-related games, which is why Salvation is such a disappointment. It has some solid combat, perhaps the best cover-system to date, and the foundation for a captivating plot, but the game lacks any sort of scope.
We've come to expect mediocre games derived from motion pictures, but Terminator Salvation is about as bad as it gets.
40----Playstation Official Magazine UK
The game mostly consists of busywork. [July 2009, p.102]
While there are some cheap thrills to be found in the title's rail-shooter segments and hardcore Terminator fans will no doubt want to rent the title just for the chance to go toe-to-toe with a T-600, I can't recommend Salvation as anything more than exactly that: a rental.
40----Playstation Official Magazine Australia
An abysmal failure. No sense of excitement, fear or anything. [July 2009, p.76]
40----Eurogamer Portugal
Terminator Salvation may please the fans while a complement to the film, but if you’re looking for a "shooter" that offers a good experience then choose another game.
35----PSM3 Magazine UK
One of 2009's worst movie tie-ins proves boring beyond salvation. [July 2009, p.72]
Despite a competent basis, Terminator Salvation is bland, empty and anaemic, even by movie tie-in standards.
33----Gaming Age
As a movie game goes, it could have been pretty decent if there was a larger variety of enemies and of course the game was about 4 times the length. As is, we have another movie licensed game that fails to deliver the goods.
After finishing the disappointingly anticlimactic game, I felt like I just read through a graphic novel side-story, but one that doesn't reveal anything new or interesting. From a technical standpoint, the game is passing, but its narrative, structure, and inattention to detail reveal this game for what it is: Yet another lazy cash-in on a "blockbuster" film.
Salvation is headed -- like so many hastily churned-out movie tie-ins before it -- to the dustbin of gaming history. Stay away.
30----Edge Magazine
So wasteful of its source material that it should be held up as an example of how not to handle this kind of production. [July 2009, p.101]
It isn't worth your time for the 30 seconds worth of fun that it produces.
Terminator Salvation, in this form, should have never been shown to the public. The game is extremely short, linear and misses the action that made the films so much fun to watch. The gameplay feels stiff, limited and repeats itself. This game is one of the worst movie tie-ins we've ever seen. Not even the biggest Terminator-fan should buy this title.
The gameplay, whilst initially entertaining, quickly becomes tedious and incredibly monotonous after it has been rinsed and repeated over and over again.
30----Eurogamer Italy
No chance to have fun, loving the franchise or not. Disgusting tie-in.
Salvation has "rush job" written all over it. There are so many problems and sloppy design that it hard to find any real value in the game.
25----BigPond GameArena
The biggest issue I have with Terminator Salvation is that it doesn't even try. It's resigned to the idea that it is a shameless movie tie-in, and it's not going to try at all to do any better.
Were your movements less plodding, the weapons a bit meatier, the enemies even basically tactical, the story and dialogue more than perfunctory, the environments remotely imaginative, or the co-operative mode online-enabled, Terminator Salvation would still be far too rough around the edges, far too short, and far too cynical to withstand much critical inspection, but as it is, it's rubbish on virtually every count.
20---Eurogamer Spain
Terminator Salvation shows the worst face of movie licenses: it's been done too fast to take advantage of the film's release date, it doesn't add any value for the fans, it's full of bugs and every part of the game has a very poor quality.
kinggg escribió:Mi opinion:
Este juego ha sido muy criticado por todas las críticas, lo alquilé ayer, y me he pasado 2 días jugando exceptuando un rato que estuve con otro juego. Me lo he pasado 3 veces y la verdad es que me parece un juegazo, lo único malo que tiene es lo corto que es, y que no tiene ni objetivos para después de pasarte el juego ni online. Pero lo que es la historia, el modo de juego (sobre todo la forma de cubrirse y pasar de un sitio a otro mientras te cubres) me parece muy bueno. No le daría un 10, pero si al menos un 7 o 7,5 y no un 4 como le dan algunas webs. ¿Que os ha parecido a vosotros? Yo desde luego si lo encuentro por 15-20€, me lo voy a comprar para volver a jugarlo
mr.siniestro escribió:En dos días te lo has pasado 3 veces?¿?¿?¿!!!!
O realmente es corto o tienes un váter en tu "sala de juegos"![]()
Colen escribió:el juego tiene 5 enemigos, 5 armas, es toooodo el rato igual, y según lo juegas cada vez luce peor y peor (gráficamente hablando), y la IA es de risa.
a los trofeos les han dedicado el mismo esfuerzo que con el juego, un trofeo cada fin de pantalla y el de pasarte el juego, punto.
respeto que haya gente a la que le guste el juego, pero este es para mi el peor juego que he jugado en muchísimo tiempo (por no decir el peor juego de mi vida).
kinggg escribió:Colen escribió:el juego tiene 5 enemigos, 5 armas, es toooodo el rato igual, y según lo juegas cada vez luce peor y peor (gráficamente hablando), y la IA es de risa.
a los trofeos les han dedicado el mismo esfuerzo que con el juego, un trofeo cada fin de pantalla y el de pasarte el juego, punto.
respeto que haya gente a la que le guste el juego, pero este es para mi el peor juego que he jugado en muchísimo tiempo (por no decir el peor juego de mi vida).
Tienes razon, pero que quieres que te diga, a mi el juego me ha gustado...
Blaky1982 escribió:Respeto las opiniones de todo el mundo, pq para gustos los colores! pero para mi el juego fue muuuuuy aburrido.... Lo alkilé un fin de semana para hacer un trophy hunting!
La variedad de enemigos es nula. En total cuantos hay 4 o 5 diferentes??? Como mucho 6... Es un juego totalmente lineal, la duración es extremadamente corta, las 9 pantallas las haces en una tarde! Y los trofeos salen solos mientras juegas, por lo que una vez te lo pasas que motivación tienes para seguir?
Personalmente no lo recomendaría.... como mucho lo q hice yo, alkilarlo un finde! Te sacas un platino y realmente compruebas si te gusta....
The game is certainly a rental for action fans and fans of the movie, but do not buy this unless you have been banned from your local rental place and can find it cheap.
While Terminator Salvation has some good ideas and is fun at times, it lacks any replayability. And more importantly, it lacks the star of the film, which is a rather curious omission.
62----Cheat Code Central
Though the game features a few core mechanics that makes it a good bit of fun, it is painfully apparent the developers were faced with a marketing timetable that didn’t allow them to produce the game they had envisioned.
62----Vandal Online
We can't ignore it feels like a yet to be finished game, with some good ideas but not fully exploited. In fact, perhaps it has been hurried up to be ready for the cinema premiere, and this would have harmed the development. What a shame. Maybe next time.
Terminator Salvation - The Videogame can actually be fun at times, but the repetitive gameplay, some technical issues and the lack of a multiplayer mode make this game the usual tie-in, good only for the fan of the brand.
60----Playstation: The Official Magazine (US)
At game's end, all I was left with was a gnawing feeling of dissatisfaction in my gut, instead of a grin on my face. [Aug 2009, p.74]
Terminator: Salvation is a run-of-the-mill game adaption of a successful movie brand. Overall okay, but way too short and without any highlights or variety.
Terminator Salvation is not a terrible game; in fact the cover mechanic alone makes playing through it quite enjoyable at times. However, there simply is no denying that the entire package feels unfinished. From under a three hour playtime to some truly peculiar omissions, Salvation displays all the symptoms of a rushed movie tie-in.
At the end of the day, Terminator Salvation is a strange game, it’s definitely not the best movie game and it’s also not the worst, however it’s closer on that end of the spectrum.
56----Game Chronicles
The game is much better when played with a human partner but there is no online option, so you are forced to play in split-screen.
56----Absolute Games
Flat and boring. Terminator: Salvation fails to earn other, more favorable adjectives. The only bright spot is the soundtrack incorporating Brad Fiedel’s signature theme.
55----Game Informer
If robots ever do take over, I hope the human race doesn’t succumb to a force this stupid.
This bare-bones movie tie-in is like a machine with synthetic rubber skin: it's not fooling anyone and you should stay away from it.
Terminator Salvation is a good action game if you are looking for a game with an offline co-op feature. But that's the only fun factor in Salvation. The storyline is far too short, you can complete it within a few hours, and therefore it's not worth the money.
A bad Gears of War clone. Without Epic style, and many graphical issues. Worst Cuscenes Ever.
Terminator Salvation is an alright game in itself, but it's hardly worth the cost of a fully priced game, due to the fact that it can be completed in just a few hours, combined with the repetitive nature and uninspired graphics. Only real fans of the Terminator franchise need to buy this now.
48----Worth Playing
Once you finish the game in about four hours, that's all there is to it. It's a budget experience at full price, and one that I can't suggest anyone pick up.
With its lean plot, unimposing terminators, and stilted replay value, Terminator Salvation doesn't have a whole lot going for it. It's also so unbelievably short that the price of entry simply can't be justified.
Terminator Salvation is too short to justify its cost, and its gameplay is unsatisfying too. A new disappointment in the genre of the movie-related games.
I've never played such a boring game as Terminator Salvation: The Videogame. The game is repetitive and the storytelling very shallow. It's a big plus that finishing the game will only take you about three to four hours. Even the very reasonable cover system can't let you enjoy this simple and boring movie game.
As gamers, we are well accustomed to the fate of movie-related games, which is why Salvation is such a disappointment. It has some solid combat, perhaps the best cover-system to date, and the foundation for a captivating plot, but the game lacks any sort of scope.
We've come to expect mediocre games derived from motion pictures, but Terminator Salvation is about as bad as it gets.
40----Playstation Official Magazine UK
The game mostly consists of busywork. [July 2009, p.102]
While there are some cheap thrills to be found in the title's rail-shooter segments and hardcore Terminator fans will no doubt want to rent the title just for the chance to go toe-to-toe with a T-600, I can't recommend Salvation as anything more than exactly that: a rental.
40----Playstation Official Magazine Australia
An abysmal failure. No sense of excitement, fear or anything. [July 2009, p.76]
40----Eurogamer Portugal
Terminator Salvation may please the fans while a complement to the film, but if you’re looking for a "shooter" that offers a good experience then choose another game.
35----PSM3 Magazine UK
One of 2009's worst movie tie-ins proves boring beyond salvation. [July 2009, p.72]
Despite a competent basis, Terminator Salvation is bland, empty and anaemic, even by movie tie-in standards.
33----Gaming Age
As a movie game goes, it could have been pretty decent if there was a larger variety of enemies and of course the game was about 4 times the length. As is, we have another movie licensed game that fails to deliver the goods.
After finishing the disappointingly anticlimactic game, I felt like I just read through a graphic novel side-story, but one that doesn't reveal anything new or interesting. From a technical standpoint, the game is passing, but its narrative, structure, and inattention to detail reveal this game for what it is: Yet another lazy cash-in on a "blockbuster" film.
Salvation is headed -- like so many hastily churned-out movie tie-ins before it -- to the dustbin of gaming history. Stay away.
30----Edge Magazine
So wasteful of its source material that it should be held up as an example of how not to handle this kind of production. [July 2009, p.101]
It isn't worth your time for the 30 seconds worth of fun that it produces.
Terminator Salvation, in this form, should have never been shown to the public. The game is extremely short, linear and misses the action that made the films so much fun to watch. The gameplay feels stiff, limited and repeats itself. This game is one of the worst movie tie-ins we've ever seen. Not even the biggest Terminator-fan should buy this title.
The gameplay, whilst initially entertaining, quickly becomes tedious and incredibly monotonous after it has been rinsed and repeated over and over again.
30----Eurogamer Italy
No chance to have fun, loving the franchise or not. Disgusting tie-in.
Salvation has "rush job" written all over it. There are so many problems and sloppy design that it hard to find any real value in the game.
25----BigPond GameArena
The biggest issue I have with Terminator Salvation is that it doesn't even try. It's resigned to the idea that it is a shameless movie tie-in, and it's not going to try at all to do any better.
Were your movements less plodding, the weapons a bit meatier, the enemies even basically tactical, the story and dialogue more than perfunctory, the environments remotely imaginative, or the co-operative mode online-enabled, Terminator Salvation would still be far too rough around the edges, far too short, and far too cynical to withstand much critical inspection, but as it is, it's rubbish on virtually every count.
20---Eurogamer Spain
Terminator Salvation shows the worst face of movie licenses: it's been done too fast to take advantage of the film's release date, it doesn't add any value for the fans, it's full of bugs and every part of the game has a very poor quality.
calita escribió:Para completar un poquito más el hilo, dejo un recopilatorio de reviews. Vamos, para que se sepa sin trampa ni cartón de lo que hablamos:64----GameFocus
The game is certainly a rental for action fans and fans of the movie, but do not buy this unless you have been banned from your local rental place and can find it cheap.
While Terminator Salvation has some good ideas and is fun at times, it lacks any replayability. And more importantly, it lacks the star of the film, which is a rather curious omission.
62----Cheat Code Central
Though the game features a few core mechanics that makes it a good bit of fun, it is painfully apparent the developers were faced with a marketing timetable that didn’t allow them to produce the game they had envisioned.
62----Vandal Online
We can't ignore it feels like a yet to be finished game, with some good ideas but not fully exploited. In fact, perhaps it has been hurried up to be ready for the cinema premiere, and this would have harmed the development. What a shame. Maybe next time.
Terminator Salvation - The Videogame can actually be fun at times, but the repetitive gameplay, some technical issues and the lack of a multiplayer mode make this game the usual tie-in, good only for the fan of the brand.
60----Playstation: The Official Magazine (US)
At game's end, all I was left with was a gnawing feeling of dissatisfaction in my gut, instead of a grin on my face. [Aug 2009, p.74]
Terminator: Salvation is a run-of-the-mill game adaption of a successful movie brand. Overall okay, but way too short and without any highlights or variety.
Terminator Salvation is not a terrible game; in fact the cover mechanic alone makes playing through it quite enjoyable at times. However, there simply is no denying that the entire package feels unfinished. From under a three hour playtime to some truly peculiar omissions, Salvation displays all the symptoms of a rushed movie tie-in.
At the end of the day, Terminator Salvation is a strange game, it’s definitely not the best movie game and it’s also not the worst, however it’s closer on that end of the spectrum.
56----Game Chronicles
The game is much better when played with a human partner but there is no online option, so you are forced to play in split-screen.
56----Absolute Games
Flat and boring. Terminator: Salvation fails to earn other, more favorable adjectives. The only bright spot is the soundtrack incorporating Brad Fiedel’s signature theme.
55----Game Informer
If robots ever do take over, I hope the human race doesn’t succumb to a force this stupid.
This bare-bones movie tie-in is like a machine with synthetic rubber skin: it's not fooling anyone and you should stay away from it.
Terminator Salvation is a good action game if you are looking for a game with an offline co-op feature. But that's the only fun factor in Salvation. The storyline is far too short, you can complete it within a few hours, and therefore it's not worth the money.
A bad Gears of War clone. Without Epic style, and many graphical issues. Worst Cuscenes Ever.
Terminator Salvation is an alright game in itself, but it's hardly worth the cost of a fully priced game, due to the fact that it can be completed in just a few hours, combined with the repetitive nature and uninspired graphics. Only real fans of the Terminator franchise need to buy this now.
48----Worth Playing
Once you finish the game in about four hours, that's all there is to it. It's a budget experience at full price, and one that I can't suggest anyone pick up.
With its lean plot, unimposing terminators, and stilted replay value, Terminator Salvation doesn't have a whole lot going for it. It's also so unbelievably short that the price of entry simply can't be justified.
Terminator Salvation is too short to justify its cost, and its gameplay is unsatisfying too. A new disappointment in the genre of the movie-related games.
I've never played such a boring game as Terminator Salvation: The Videogame. The game is repetitive and the storytelling very shallow. It's a big plus that finishing the game will only take you about three to four hours. Even the very reasonable cover system can't let you enjoy this simple and boring movie game.
As gamers, we are well accustomed to the fate of movie-related games, which is why Salvation is such a disappointment. It has some solid combat, perhaps the best cover-system to date, and the foundation for a captivating plot, but the game lacks any sort of scope.
We've come to expect mediocre games derived from motion pictures, but Terminator Salvation is about as bad as it gets.
40----Playstation Official Magazine UK
The game mostly consists of busywork. [July 2009, p.102]
While there are some cheap thrills to be found in the title's rail-shooter segments and hardcore Terminator fans will no doubt want to rent the title just for the chance to go toe-to-toe with a T-600, I can't recommend Salvation as anything more than exactly that: a rental.
40----Playstation Official Magazine Australia
An abysmal failure. No sense of excitement, fear or anything. [July 2009, p.76]
40----Eurogamer Portugal
Terminator Salvation may please the fans while a complement to the film, but if you’re looking for a "shooter" that offers a good experience then choose another game.
35----PSM3 Magazine UK
One of 2009's worst movie tie-ins proves boring beyond salvation. [July 2009, p.72]
Despite a competent basis, Terminator Salvation is bland, empty and anaemic, even by movie tie-in standards.
33----Gaming Age
As a movie game goes, it could have been pretty decent if there was a larger variety of enemies and of course the game was about 4 times the length. As is, we have another movie licensed game that fails to deliver the goods.
After finishing the disappointingly anticlimactic game, I felt like I just read through a graphic novel side-story, but one that doesn't reveal anything new or interesting. From a technical standpoint, the game is passing, but its narrative, structure, and inattention to detail reveal this game for what it is: Yet another lazy cash-in on a "blockbuster" film.
Salvation is headed -- like so many hastily churned-out movie tie-ins before it -- to the dustbin of gaming history. Stay away.
30----Edge Magazine
So wasteful of its source material that it should be held up as an example of how not to handle this kind of production. [July 2009, p.101]
It isn't worth your time for the 30 seconds worth of fun that it produces.
Terminator Salvation, in this form, should have never been shown to the public. The game is extremely short, linear and misses the action that made the films so much fun to watch. The gameplay feels stiff, limited and repeats itself. This game is one of the worst movie tie-ins we've ever seen. Not even the biggest Terminator-fan should buy this title.
The gameplay, whilst initially entertaining, quickly becomes tedious and incredibly monotonous after it has been rinsed and repeated over and over again.
30----Eurogamer Italy
No chance to have fun, loving the franchise or not. Disgusting tie-in.
Salvation has "rush job" written all over it. There are so many problems and sloppy design that it hard to find any real value in the game.
25----BigPond GameArena
The biggest issue I have with Terminator Salvation is that it doesn't even try. It's resigned to the idea that it is a shameless movie tie-in, and it's not going to try at all to do any better.
Were your movements less plodding, the weapons a bit meatier, the enemies even basically tactical, the story and dialogue more than perfunctory, the environments remotely imaginative, or the co-operative mode online-enabled, Terminator Salvation would still be far too rough around the edges, far too short, and far too cynical to withstand much critical inspection, but as it is, it's rubbish on virtually every count.
20---Eurogamer Spain
Terminator Salvation shows the worst face of movie licenses: it's been done too fast to take advantage of the film's release date, it doesn't add any value for the fans, it's full of bugs and every part of the game has a very poor quality.
spirax escribió:una preguntica.
veo que la version pal uk tiene las voces en ingles y subtitulos.
¿la version PAL españa tienes voces dobladas o tambien es con voces en ingles?
siplane escribió:Me lo he pillado por 14,9 en mediamarkt alfafar (valencia). Ya os contaré
siplane escribió:Me lo he pillado por 14,9 en mediamarkt alfafar (valencia). Ya os contaré
En el metro en la 2º oleada me vienen varias "arañas" y t600 y me matan enseguida, algún consejo?
reynoldor escribió:suerte.. para mi se hizo tan insufrible el probarlo que lo quite... este es el tipico juego para regalar a alguien que te cae mal xD
The_Pain escribió:pues a mi el juego me gusto, debo ser el raro de aqui.
calita escribió:Lo he comprado este mediodía a 11 euros de segunda mano y en 10 minutos me he pasado la primera misión LA 2016.
La verdad es que es muy flojo, sobretodo a nivel técnico está muy poco trabajado, le falta detalle en todos los aspectos, muy pobre.
A nivel de sonido, la música recoge la esencia Terminator y eso le hace ganar muchos enteros.
Me ha gustado el desarrollo del nivel, bastante variado para ser un mata-mata; mi equipo ha tenido que huir de un T-600, luego hemos derribado un avión, una persecución en coche....en fin, aceptable.
Intuyo que se va a hacer cortísimo y que realmente sólo a bajo coste resulta rentable.
Es una lástima, porque GRIN, una vez más, tenía buenas intenciones con este título, sin embargo, les ha fallado lo fundamental para hacer un buen videojuego: El Presupuesto.
Mi valoración por el momento es de un 6
erzardia escribió:Ya tengo el platino, hay sitios dificiles de pasar. No soy fan de terminator y no he visto tan mal juego como comentan algunos, al menos no tiene relentizaciones como el NFS Undercover. Otro punto a favor es que no hay que descargar ninun parche de internet como en la mayoria de juegos. Graficamente es normalillo, pero necesita 1gb del hd y hay juegos como el uncharted 1 con unos graficos mejores que no necesitan nada de instalación.
CristianoO escribió:calita escribió:Lo he comprado este mediodía a 11 euros de segunda mano y en 10 minutos me he pasado la primera misión LA 2016.
La verdad es que es muy flojo, sobretodo a nivel técnico está muy poco trabajado, le falta detalle en todos los aspectos, muy pobre.
A nivel de sonido, la música recoge la esencia Terminator y eso le hace ganar muchos enteros.
Me ha gustado el desarrollo del nivel, bastante variado para ser un mata-mata; mi equipo ha tenido que huir de un T-600, luego hemos derribado un avión, una persecución en coche....en fin, aceptable.
Intuyo que se va a hacer cortísimo y que realmente sólo a bajo coste resulta rentable.
Es una lástima, porque GRIN, una vez más, tenía buenas intenciones con este título, sin embargo, les ha fallado lo fundamental para hacer un buen videojuego: El Presupuesto.
Mi valoración por el momento es de un 6
se puede saber donde lo has conseguido a ese precio de segunda mano?
un saludo
mc_sergius escribió:Los graficos son bastante flojos no? a nivel de Wanted o similar?
Es un juego para jugarlo una vez has visto la pelicula, pagar 10€ maximo 15€ y una vez lo hayas pasado cambiarlo por alguno otro, dejarselo a un colega o regalarlo... si no es asi decirmelo pero todos los comentarios que he ido leyendo por ai es que es muy flojo
rikyf40 escribió:mc_sergius escribió:Los graficos son bastante flojos no? a nivel de Wanted o similar?
Es un juego para jugarlo una vez has visto la pelicula, pagar 10€ maximo 15€ y una vez lo hayas pasado cambiarlo por alguno otro, dejarselo a un colega o regalarlo... si no es asi decirmelo pero todos los comentarios que he ido leyendo por ai es que es muy flojo
Es muy flojo. La verdad es que podrías alquilarlo en el game, que en una tarde te lo acabas con platino incluido. Lo único que me gusto a medias fue el sistema que tenía para saltar de una cobertura a otra (copiada de otros juegos), pero era un lío tener que volver otra vez a apretar el botón de acción para salir de ella.
Un saludo
y como hubiese en una cobertura un compi tuyo, a veces no te dejaba ponerte y te mataban. a mi me paso unas cuantas veces
peg0te escribió:es recomendable alquilarlo o comprarLO?
kinggg escribió:no me lo puedo creer!!! No soy al unico que le gusto este juegooo!!!!
6 paginas todo el mundo puteando el juego y ahora aparecen 2 personas que les gusta. Me alegra saber que no estoy loco xDD
baronrojo2 escribió:kinggg escribió:no me lo puedo creer!!! No soy al unico que le gusto este juegooo!!!!
6 paginas todo el mundo puteando el juego y ahora aparecen 2 personas que les gusta. Me alegra saber que no estoy loco xDD
Dime que te gusta el Vampire Rain!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Que yo si soy un bicho raro! xDD
kinggg escribió:baronrojo2 escribió:kinggg escribió:no me lo puedo creer!!! No soy al unico que le gusto este juegooo!!!!
6 paginas todo el mundo puteando el juego y ahora aparecen 2 personas que les gusta. Me alegra saber que no estoy loco xDD
Dime que te gusta el Vampire Rain!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Que yo si soy un bicho raro! xDD
lo siento pero no lo he jugado xD
baronrojo2 escribió:
Dime que te gusta el Vampire Rain!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Que yo si soy un bicho raro! xDD
Esta en 360 y PS3, y ni en los foros de 360 ni de PS3 he visto a alguien que le guste....todos lo ponen verde jajajaja, con lo que mola!