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New website on so v.0.3 released!
Download can be found here: http://www.rinnegatamante.it
UPDATED Full Changelog:
- Added support for OGG metadatas extraction (Title and Author).
- Updated titles database for parsing feature.
- Now statusbar on Video module updates its status in realtime and not by percentage changes.
- Solved a bug in Extdata Module which causes crash if you open a file, exit module and re-enter it.
- Solved random "error reading file" crashes bug.
- Added TTF Viewer to available softwares in Filebrowser Module.
- Added icon on topbar when WiFi is off.
- Added background icon system support to Clock module.
- Solved Calc module issue which prevents you to append decimals to zero.
- Solved Calc module issue which prevents you to append zeros as decimals.
- Solved Calc module issue which causes crash if you try to delete a one-digit number.
- Solved Calc module issue which causes crash if you click equal button before doing any operation.
- Added Theme Manager module to apply Sunshell themes.
- Solved screen flickering issue with errors and warnings.
- Added CIA importing support to Filebrowser for 3DSX build.
- Added imported CIA support to Applications for 3DSX build.
- Added CIA Manager access to 3DSX build.
- Added sound support to 3DSX build for N3DS users.
- Added "Song" Cycle Mode in Music module to loop a single song.
- Solved noise and overlap issues with big duration OGG files.
- Solved random crashes issue with music playback.
- Solved wrong audio end (with overlap) for OGG files.
- Added Vorbis audiocodec support for JPGV videos in Filebrowser and Videos.
- Solved stuttering issues if an OGG file is playing.
- Solved random flickering screen issue with font usage.
- Made controls triggering more reactive in Music module.
- Now font printing will be used also in Extdata Manager, Filebrowser, Calc, Mail, FTP Server and Photo modules.
- Changed default font with a more complete ones.
- Now currently played song will be printed in blue in file list in Music module.
- Solved wrong "&" char blending in Applications module.
Sunshell new version will be shipped very soon, i just need to improve TTF support, this will be the changelog for v.0.2 BETA:
- Enabled CIA files support on Filebrowser for .3DS build.
- Improved CIA detection for .3DS build for Applications.
- Enabled CIA Manager access for .3DS build.
- Enabled sound support for .3DS build. (Clock, Videos, Musics, Filebrowser)
- Added possibility to hide bottom screen during video playback (could improve playback framerate).
- Added background working modules icon showing on Sunshell topbar.
- Improved customization level and shell graphics by adding TTF fonts usage for texts.
- Solved a bug with 3DSX Launcher of Filebrowser module.
- Added Game titles parsing in CIA Manager module.
- Chronometer now is correctly named.
- Added headset triggering for Music module autostart/autopause.
- Solved an incompatibility bug between Musics and Photos modules.
- Solved an incompatibility bug between Videos and Photos modules.
- Solved an incompatibility bug between Musics and Videos modules.
- Added OGG musics support to Musics Module and Filebrowser Module.
- Updated Game Titles List.
- Added digital pad + A buttons support on Main Menu.
- Solved a little bug between Filebrowser module and Wifi status icon color.
- Added Extdata Manager module.
Finally finished streaming feature for stereo OGG files and added OGG support to Sunshell!
Is still in BETA (streaming is not done with a secondary thread so it causes laggy during streambuffers refreshing but it works correctly) so maybe it can be buggy with some particular OGG files.
Any suggestion for additional pre-installed modules is accepted.
Known issues:
- Random flickering screens on 3DS/CIA build. Don't know why this happens, if someone has any idea, please help me to solve this issue.
- Calc Module is probably very bugged, please report me any kind of bug you encounter.
- Using Sunshell as boot.3dsx make some Sunshell modules (like Applications) to be incompatible with CIA/3DS build. (If you, for example, want to use Sunshell as CIA on Gateway and as boot.3dsx on Ninjhax)
This is an Alpha so please, report me any kind of bug you encounter (not the ones i listed in the Known issues).
today i want to show an homebrew i'm currently developing.
Sunshell will be a shell inspired by Ahman work on PSP with irShell ( http://www.qj.net/qjnet/psp/psp-homebre ... l-v52.html ).
It's coded in C and LUA and it provides a modules system.
Any developer can easily add their homebrews (both C and LUA homebrews) to Sunshell modules so their applications will be shown in Sunshell Main Menu.
Sunshell will be provided with some pre-installed modules:
- Videos: A video player which supports JPGV and BMPV videos
- Musics: A music player which supports WAV and AIFF musics
- Photos: A photo viewer which supports JPG, BMP and PNG images
- Filebrowser: A powerfull filebrowser with lot of features. (In few words, it will be a compatible version of latest ORGANIZ3D release (http://gbatemp.net/threads/release-orga ... ds.377783/ )
- Console Info: An info viewer to know some info about your system (Model, Kernel Version, System Version, Mac Address, etc...)
- Mail: A mail sender application
- Calc: A scientific/developers calculator like Windows ones
- CIA Manager: A CIA manager
- Applications: A 3DSX/imported CIA launcher
Sunshell sourcecode will be highly commented and idented to simplify devs works for conversion of their homebrews to Sunshell modules.
Final goal for this homebrew is to provide an universal alternative menu for 3DS.
It will be released in 3DSX, 3DS and CIA versions (Every build will have its efforts and its limitations).
From the first release it could completely replace Homebrew Menu.
Screenshot from first alpha:![]()
Any suggestion for additional pre-installed modules is accepted.
egarrote escribió:Hello,
today i want to show an homebrew i'm currently developing.
Sunshell will be a shell inspired by Ahman work on PSP with irShell ( http://www.qj.net/qjnet/psp/psp-homebre ... l-v52.html ).
It's coded in C and LUA and it provides a modules system.
Any developer can easily add their homebrews (both C and LUA homebrews) to Sunshell modules so their applications will be shown in Sunshell Main Menu.
Sunshell will be provided with some pre-installed modules:
- Videos: A video player which supports JPGV and BMPV videos
- Musics: A music player which supports WAV and AIFF musics
- Photos: A photo viewer which supports JPG, BMP and PNG images
- Filebrowser: A powerfull filebrowser with lot of features. (In few words, it will be a compatible version of latest ORGANIZ3D release (http://gbatemp.net/threads/release-orga ... ds.377783/ )
- Console Info: An info viewer to know some info about your system (Model, Kernel Version, System Version, Mac Address, etc...)
- Mail: A mail sender application
- Calc: A scientific/developers calculator like Windows ones
- CIA Manager: A CIA manager
- Applications: A 3DSX/imported CIA launcher
Sunshell sourcecode will be highly commented and idented to simplify devs works for conversion of their homebrews to Sunshell modules.
Final goal for this homebrew is to provide an universal alternative menu for 3DS.
It will be released in 3DSX, 3DS and CIA versions (Every build will have its efforts and its limitations).
From the first release it could completely replace Homebrew Menu.
Screenshot from first alpha:![]()
Any suggestion for additional pre-installed modules is accepted.
Sunshell es un shell inspirado en el irShell de PSP.
Con Sunshell se podrán cargar desde vídeos, música, fotos, un navegador de archivos, nuestro correo electrónico, una calculadora, hasta gestionar nuestros CIAs y aplicaciones 3DSX.
CrusardGameamos escribió:Solo he visto la foto, y ya se que el que lo esta desarrollando es Rinnegatamante
A ver que sale de esto, seria una muy buena idea centralizar todo en una aplicacion, devmenu, savedatafiler, HomeMenuExtDataTool y todo lo demas
A ver que sale de esto.
skyzero64 escribió:Disculpen mi ignoracian para que sirve esto , se puede instalar en CFW? ?? gracias de antemano
Fairyboy escribió:¡Por fin algo de scene y no "Quiero jugar gratis en mi New 3DS 9.5 sin pagar el Sky3DS"!
La verdad es que me muero de ganas porque salga esto, ya que se echaba mucho de menos algo así para 3DS.
CrusardGameamos escribió:Fairyboy escribió:¡Por fin algo de scene y no "Quiero jugar gratis en mi New 3DS 9.5 sin pagar el Sky3DS"!
La verdad es que me muero de ganas porque salga esto, ya que se echaba mucho de menos algo así para 3DS.
Edito: Esto no lo podras ejecutar sin una Gateway/MT-Card, CFW o Ninjhax (Y para ninjhax necesitas una version en 9.2 o inferior.)
Any suggestion for additional pre-installed modules is accepted.
Known issues:
- Random flickering screens on 3DS/CIA build. Don't know why this happens, if someone has any idea, please help me to solve this issue.
- Calc Module is probably very bugged, please report me any kind of bug you encounter.
- Using Sunshell as boot.3dsx make some Sunshell modules (like Applications) to be incompatible with CIA/3DS build. (If you, for example, want to use Sunshell as CIA on Gateway and as boot.3dsx on Ninjhax)
This is an Alpha so please, report me any kind of bug you encounter (not the ones i listed in the Known issues).
Finally finished streaming feature for stereo OGG files and added OGG support to Sunshell!
Is still in BETA (streaming is not done with a secondary thread so it causes laggy during streambuffers refreshing but it works correctly) so maybe it can be buggy with some particular OGG files.
Sunshell new version will be shipped very soon, i just need to improve TTF support, this will be the changelog for v.0.2 BETA:
- Enabled CIA files support on Filebrowser for .3DS build.
- Improved CIA detection for .3DS build for Applications.
- Enabled CIA Manager access for .3DS build.
- Enabled sound support for .3DS build. (Clock, Videos, Musics, Filebrowser)
- Added possibility to hide bottom screen during video playback (could improve playback framerate).
- Added background working modules icon showing on Sunshell topbar.
- Improved customization level and shell graphics by adding TTF fonts usage for texts.
- Solved a bug with 3DSX Launcher of Filebrowser module.
- Added Game titles parsing in CIA Manager module.
- Chronometer now is correctly named.
- Added headset triggering for Music module autostart/autopause.
- Solved an incompatibility bug between Musics and Photos modules.
- Solved an incompatibility bug between Videos and Photos modules.
- Solved an incompatibility bug between Musics and Videos modules.
- Added OGG musics support to Musics Module and Filebrowser Module.
- Updated Game Titles List.
- Added digital pad + A buttons support on Main Menu.
- Solved a little bug between Filebrowser module and Wifi status icon color.
- Added Extdata Manager module.
New website on so v.0.3 released!
Download can be found here: http://www.rinnegatamante.it
UPDATED Full Changelog:
- Added support for OGG metadatas extraction (Title and Author).
- Updated titles database for parsing feature.
- Now statusbar on Video module updates its status in realtime and not by percentage changes.
- Solved a bug in Extdata Module which causes crash if you open a file, exit module and re-enter it.
- Solved random "error reading file" crashes bug.
- Added TTF Viewer to available softwares in Filebrowser Module.
- Added icon on topbar when WiFi is off.
- Added background icon system support to Clock module.
- Solved Calc module issue which prevents you to append decimals to zero.
- Solved Calc module issue which prevents you to append zeros as decimals.
- Solved Calc module issue which causes crash if you try to delete a one-digit number.
- Solved Calc module issue which causes crash if you click equal button before doing any operation.
- Added Theme Manager module to apply Sunshell themes.
- Solved screen flickering issue with errors and warnings.
- Added CIA importing support to Filebrowser for 3DSX build.
- Added imported CIA support to Applications for 3DSX build.
- Added CIA Manager access to 3DSX build.
- Added sound support to 3DSX build for N3DS users.
- Added "Song" Cycle Mode in Music module to loop a single song.
- Solved noise and overlap issues with big duration OGG files.
- Solved random crashes issue with music playback.
- Solved wrong audio end (with overlap) for OGG files.
- Added Vorbis audiocodec support for JPGV videos in Filebrowser and Videos.
- Solved stuttering issues if an OGG file is playing.
- Solved random flickering screen issue with font usage.
- Made controls triggering more reactive in Music module.
- Now font printing will be used also in Extdata Manager, Filebrowser, Calc, Mail, FTP Server and Photo modules.
- Changed default font with a more complete ones.
- Now currently played song will be printed in blue in file list in Music module.
- Solved wrong "&" char blending in Applications module.