› Foros › Nintendo 3DS › Scene
1 A Japan New 3DS with firmware 8.1.0/9.1.0/9.2.0. (We will add supports for old3ds and other regions later, however firmware >= 9.3.0 might never be supported);
2 A Cubic Ninja gamecard, using a eShop version is ok.
NANJITO escribió:esta bien eso de los plugins....a este paso quiero que me hagan un CFW con las rxtools, mas la compatibilidad de KARL, mas los plugins de NTR, pero con codigo abierto como OSKA
Raugo escribió:Parece que ha salido un nuevo CFW esta vez para New 3DS, aviso que este CFW no permite carga de backups pero si que permite region free. Dejo las caracterisicas:
Region Free. Los juegos de otras regiones podran ser ejecutados directamente desde el Menu Home.
CFW Menu. Al pulsar X+Y en un juego o el Home Menu mostrara el NTR-CFW Menu, desde el se podran hacer screenshots o utilizar plugins.
Soporte para plugins. Los ususarios pueden desarrlolar o instalar sus propios plugins con el libntrplg, los plugins pueden ejecutarse en segundo plano and is callable via NTR CFW Menu. (screenshot is a built-in plugin now)(esto no sabia como traducirlo
Los pasos par instalarlo son:
1 Descargar el release.zip: http://filetrip.net/dl?3Fz7KP3mv2
2 Copiar el ntr.bin a la raiz de la microsd de la N3DS.
3 Iniciar el Cubic NInja y en la opcion de QR escanear el QR.png del zip.
(Si ya tienes un exploit instalado en el cubic ninja pulsa L+R+X+Y en el menu inicial para borrarlo)
4 Pulsa A para instalar el BootNTR.
5 Apaga la consola..
Como iniciar el NTR-CFW:
1 Enciende la consola y espera unos segundos antes de cargar el Cubic Ninja.
2 Dale a Editar-QR-Code, la pantalla dara un flash azul y volvera al menu home.
3 Si falla apaga la consola y vuelve a intentarlo.
4 Disftura
Fuente: https://gbatemp.net/threads/release-ntr ... ds.384640/
Gammagori escribió:A ver que sale ahora de esto, supongo que no tiene emunand ni meterle tampoco un instalador de cias legitimo y mucho menos uno de cias normal. Bueno, gracias por postear @raugo, le echare un ojo si se comenta que va bien y tal. A ver si salen algunos plugins interesantes.
Edit: en el post de GBATemp pone que es para consolas japonesas nada mas, al menos eso me ha parecido leer:Requirements:
1 A Japan New 3DS with firmware 8.1.0/9.1.0/9.2.0. (We will add supports for old3ds and other regions later, however firmware >= 9.3.0 might never be supported);
2 A Cubic Ninja gamecard, using a eShop version is ok.
Si, seguno he leido solo para consolas japonesas y solo los firmware puestos en el mensaje de arriba ^
Naxuj escribió:
Quiere decir que: Los plugins pueden ejecutarse en segundo plano y se activan a través del menu NTR (la combinación de X + Y) (el plugin de capturas de pantalla viene integrado)
Raugo escribió:Aunque esta en fase de testeo parece que ya funciona en las consolas eur y usa. https://www.sendspace.com/file/p2n8uw
Parece que sí, pero por ahora están intentando que funcione primero en las New de todas las regiones.Fairyboy escribió:Raugo escribió:¿Y no piensan sacarlo para la Old?
Nephiel escribió:Parece que sí, pero por ahora están intentando que funcione primero en las New de todas las regiones.Fairyboy escribió:Raugo escribió:¿Y no piensan sacarlo para la Old?
Por cierto, para este CFW hay un plugin que permite extraer y descifrar los saves de cartuchos originales cifrados con keys >6.0 para poder usarlos con backups.
NO ME JODAS, ahora mismo lo pruebo.
Edito: Pues probado y funciona perfectamenteya tengo mi save del Bravely Default en mi backups en cia
Raugo escribió:NO ME JODAS, ahora mismo lo pruebo.
Edito: Pues probado y funciona perfectamenteya tengo mi save del Bravely Default en mi backups en cia
toede^^ escribió:NO ME JODAS, ahora mismo lo pruebo.
Edito: Pues probado y funciona perfectamenteya tengo mi save del Bravely Default en mi backups en cia
Se podría hacer al revés? es decir, inyectar el save de un backup a un juego original?
toede^^ escribió:NO ME JODAS, ahora mismo lo pruebo.
Edito: Pues probado y funciona perfectamenteya tengo mi save del Bravely Default en mi backups en cia
Se podría hacer al revés? es decir, inyectar el save de un backup a un juego original?
Raugo escribió:toede^^ escribió:NO ME JODAS, ahora mismo lo pruebo.
Edito: Pues probado y funciona perfectamenteya tengo mi save del Bravely Default en mi backups en cia
Se podría hacer al revés? es decir, inyectar el save de un backup a un juego original?
Si que se puede, basicamente habria que hacerlo asi:
Bajas el plugin de los saves: http://filetrip.net/dl?ZgLmJ1HEbk metes al carpeta plugin de la 2.0 en la raiz de la microSD de la 3ds.
Desde el menu gateway extraeis el save del backup que quereis pasar con el savedatafiller.
Desde el ordenador accedeis a la microSD de la 3DS y entrais en la carpeta filler, la carpeta UserSaveData, dentro de esta una carpeta que tiene de nombre la fecha y hora a la que creaste el save y por ultmo entrais en la unica carpeta que hay aqui y copais todo lo que haya dentro. Os vais a la raiz de la SD y creais una carpeta de nombre save_iddeljuego (la id es de 16 digitos y la podeis averiguar aqui 3ds.essh.co)
Ahora entrais al NTR CFW y pulsais la R mientras cargais el juego, os saldra un flash verde en la pantalla si el plugin esta funcionando.
Para pasar de original a backup el proceso es el mismo pero a la inversa.
Raugo escribió:El CFW 2.0 de momento solo funciona en las new3ds aunque el plugin de los saves tambien funciona en la version 1.0 que salio para las old aunque claro la 1.0 solo funciona en el firm 4.5 por lo que no vale para extraer saves 6.x en este.
Important Notice:
NTR CFW could be boot from the official N3DS system only. Only genuine gamecards can be used in this CFW. The unauthorized copy of software or clone hardware in any form will NEVER be supported in NTR Mode.
In short, no cia, no piracy.
I personally will never support any kind of piracy. Using genuine gamecards is strongly recommended.
I have never made NTR CFW 1.7, please be aware of fraud downloads.
What's new in NTR CFW 2.1:
[Feature] Clean Mode: Some games are not compatible with NTR CFW's functions (ie. MH4, SSB), which you can run them by using the Clean Mode feature in NTR CFW Menu. In the Clean Mode, all the features except Region-Free are totally disabled, and you can't return to Home Menu if you are running an region-locked game (the Home Menu will no longer accept it), use Power Button if you want to quit the game.
[Feature] Debugger: Debugger feature is normally disabled, you can use NTR CFW Menu to enable it, or put an empty file named 'debug.flag' on SD card to enable it automatically.
[Feature] Added support of US/EU/AUS regions: This was already done in the public beta version.
[Feature] LayeredFS: the LayeredFS Engine allows you play community-translated games on genuine cards, it works by redirecting some language files in the game card to SD card.
[Bugfix] Power-off issues solved: now you can just turn off your console in NTR Mode normally.
[Bugfix] Improved success-rate for BootNTR.
[Bugfix] Some minor fixes.
NTR CFW 2.1 is a custom firmware designed for New 3DS, with such features:
Region Free. Region-locked games could be launched in Home Menu directly.
CFW Menu. Press X+Y in games or Home Menu will show the NTR CFW Menu, to take screenshots or interact with plugins.
Plugin support. Users can develop or install their own plugins with libntrplg, plugin will run in the background and is callable via NTR CFW Menu. (screenshot is a built-in plugin now)
Realtime Debugger. Debugging your plugins on wi-fi directly with NTR Debugger: http://gbatemp.net/threads/release-...s ... ds.384858/
Savegame Manager. Manage your savegame of genuine gamecards, support migrating savegame from NTR 1.0 to NTR 2.x: http://gbatemp.net/threads/release-save ... -0.384865/
And there are more features to be discovered.
For Developers:
libntrplg for NTR CFW has been released with source code:
The hello_world plugin is an example for developing plugins in home menu:
More examples will be released later.
Known issues:
Microsd Transfer Application is not workable in NTR Mode, use it in OFW.
Power issues still exists in EUR/USA version.
Clean Mode does not work in EUR/USA version.
1 A EU/AUS/JP/USA New 3DS with firmware 8.1.0/9.0.0/9.1.0/9.2.0. (We will add supports for old3ds and other regions later, however firmware >= 9.3.0 might never be supported);
2 A Cubic Ninja gamecard, using a eShop version is ok.
How to install BootNTR:
Attention: If you have already installed the previous version of NTR, you have to earse the savedata(described in step 3) and scan the newest QR Code again.
You have to connect to the Internet for the first time installing the BootNTR. After the installation, the Internet connection is no longer required. Disabling Internet connection is recommended to avoid system updates.
1 Download zip: http://filetrip.net/dl?WRQUk2BbDs
2 copy ntr.bin to your N3DS's microsd card.
3 Start Cubic Ninja, Click Edit->QR Code and scan the QR file. (JAPAN.png for JP consoles, and EUROPE_USA.png for other consoles)
(Hint: If you have installed other exploits already, hold L+R+X+Y at game's main menu to erase the savedata)
4 Press A to install the BootNTR.
5 Turn off your console.
How to boot into NTR Mode:
1 Turn on you console, wait a few seconds before starting Cubic Ninja.
2 Click Edit->QR Code, after booted up successfully, the screen will flashes blue and rerturn to Home Menu.
3 If it was failed, turn off the N3DS and try again.
4 Enjoy!
Q: I can't run any game in NTR Mode.
A: Check if it displays 'BootNTR 2.1' when booting up, if it is not, scan the QR Code and install the latest BootNTR.
Special Thanks:
tpu, enler, amuro, etc. NTR CFW will not be possible without them.
ChiChou(https://github.com/ChiChou). For designing the logo.
Myria, shinyquagsire, Zidapi, etc. For testing on various consoles.
Smealum, for the amazing 'ninjhax' solution that runs unsigned code on 3DS consoles.
egarrote escribió:Ya salio la versión 2.1:Important Notice:
NTR CFW could be boot from the official N3DS system only. Only genuine gamecards can be used in this CFW. The unauthorized copy of software or clone hardware in any form will NEVER be supported in NTR Mode.
In short, no cia, no piracy.
I personally will never support any kind of piracy. Using genuine gamecards is strongly recommended.
I have never made NTR CFW 1.7, please be aware of fraud downloads.
What's new in NTR CFW 2.1:
[Feature] Clean Mode: Some games are not compatible with NTR CFW's functions (ie. MH4, SSB), which you can run them by using the Clean Mode feature in NTR CFW Menu. In the Clean Mode, all the features except Region-Free are totally disabled, and you can't return to Home Menu if you are running an region-locked game (the Home Menu will no longer accept it), use Power Button if you want to quit the game.
[Feature] Debugger: Debugger feature is normally disabled, you can use NTR CFW Menu to enable it, or put an empty file named 'debug.flag' on SD card to enable it automatically.
[Feature] Added support of US/EU/AUS regions: This was already done in the public beta version.
[Feature] LayeredFS: the LayeredFS Engine allows you play community-translated games on genuine cards, it works by redirecting some language files in the game card to SD card.
[Bugfix] Power-off issues solved: now you can just turn off your console in NTR Mode normally.
[Bugfix] Improved success-rate for BootNTR.
[Bugfix] Some minor fixes.
NTR CFW 2.1 is a custom firmware designed for New 3DS, with such features:
Region Free. Region-locked games could be launched in Home Menu directly.
CFW Menu. Press X+Y in games or Home Menu will show the NTR CFW Menu, to take screenshots or interact with plugins.
Plugin support. Users can develop or install their own plugins with libntrplg, plugin will run in the background and is callable via NTR CFW Menu. (screenshot is a built-in plugin now)
Realtime Debugger. Debugging your plugins on wi-fi directly with NTR Debugger: http://gbatemp.net/threads/release-...s ... ds.384858/
Savegame Manager. Manage your savegame of genuine gamecards, support migrating savegame from NTR 1.0 to NTR 2.x: http://gbatemp.net/threads/release-save ... -0.384865/
And there are more features to be discovered.
For Developers:
libntrplg for NTR CFW has been released with source code:
The hello_world plugin is an example for developing plugins in home menu:
More examples will be released later.
Known issues:
Microsd Transfer Application is not workable in NTR Mode, use it in OFW.
Power issues still exists in EUR/USA version.
Clean Mode does not work in EUR/USA version.
1 A EU/AUS/JP/USA New 3DS with firmware 8.1.0/9.0.0/9.1.0/9.2.0. (We will add supports for old3ds and other regions later, however firmware >= 9.3.0 might never be supported);
2 A Cubic Ninja gamecard, using a eShop version is ok.
How to install BootNTR:
Attention: If you have already installed the previous version of NTR, you have to earse the savedata(described in step 3) and scan the newest QR Code again.
You have to connect to the Internet for the first time installing the BootNTR. After the installation, the Internet connection is no longer required. Disabling Internet connection is recommended to avoid system updates.
1 Download zip: http://filetrip.net/dl?WRQUk2BbDs
2 copy ntr.bin to your N3DS's microsd card.
3 Start Cubic Ninja, Click Edit->QR Code and scan the QR file. (JAPAN.png for JP consoles, and EUROPE_USA.png for other consoles)
(Hint: If you have installed other exploits already, hold L+R+X+Y at game's main menu to erase the savedata)
4 Press A to install the BootNTR.
5 Turn off your console.
How to boot into NTR Mode:
1 Turn on you console, wait a few seconds before starting Cubic Ninja.
2 Click Edit->QR Code, after booted up successfully, the screen will flashes blue and rerturn to Home Menu.
3 If it was failed, turn off the N3DS and try again.
4 Enjoy!
Q: I can't run any game in NTR Mode.
A: Check if it displays 'BootNTR 2.1' when booting up, if it is not, scan the QR Code and install the latest BootNTR.
Special Thanks:
tpu, enler, amuro, etc. NTR CFW will not be possible without them.
ChiChou(https://github.com/ChiChou). For designing the logo.
Myria, shinyquagsire, Zidapi, etc. For testing on various consoles.
Smealum, for the amazing 'ninjhax' solution that runs unsigned code on 3DS consoles.
@Raugo, actualiza el primer post cuando puedas.![]()
egarrote escribió:Ya salio la versión 2.1:Important Notice:
NTR CFW could be boot from the official N3DS system only. Only genuine gamecards can be used in this CFW. The unauthorized copy of software or clone hardware in any form will NEVER be supported in NTR Mode.
In short, no cia, no piracy.
I personally will never support any kind of piracy. Using genuine gamecards is strongly recommended.
I have never made NTR CFW 1.7, please be aware of fraud downloads.
What's new in NTR CFW 2.1:
[Feature] Clean Mode: Some games are not compatible with NTR CFW's functions (ie. MH4, SSB), which you can run them by using the Clean Mode feature in NTR CFW Menu. In the Clean Mode, all the features except Region-Free are totally disabled, and you can't return to Home Menu if you are running an region-locked game (the Home Menu will no longer accept it), use Power Button if you want to quit the game.
[Feature] Debugger: Debugger feature is normally disabled, you can use NTR CFW Menu to enable it, or put an empty file named 'debug.flag' on SD card to enable it automatically.
[Feature] Added support of US/EU/AUS regions: This was already done in the public beta version.
[Feature] LayeredFS: the LayeredFS Engine allows you play community-translated games on genuine cards, it works by redirecting some language files in the game card to SD card.
[Bugfix] Power-off issues solved: now you can just turn off your console in NTR Mode normally.
[Bugfix] Improved success-rate for BootNTR.
[Bugfix] Some minor fixes.
NTR CFW 2.1 is a custom firmware designed for New 3DS, with such features:
Region Free. Region-locked games could be launched in Home Menu directly.
CFW Menu. Press X+Y in games or Home Menu will show the NTR CFW Menu, to take screenshots or interact with plugins.
Plugin support. Users can develop or install their own plugins with libntrplg, plugin will run in the background and is callable via NTR CFW Menu. (screenshot is a built-in plugin now)
Realtime Debugger. Debugging your plugins on wi-fi directly with NTR Debugger: http://gbatemp.net/threads/release-...s ... ds.384858/
Savegame Manager. Manage your savegame of genuine gamecards, support migrating savegame from NTR 1.0 to NTR 2.x: http://gbatemp.net/threads/release-save ... -0.384865/
And there are more features to be discovered.
For Developers:
libntrplg for NTR CFW has been released with source code:
The hello_world plugin is an example for developing plugins in home menu:
More examples will be released later.
Known issues:
Microsd Transfer Application is not workable in NTR Mode, use it in OFW.
Power issues still exists in EUR/USA version.
Clean Mode does not work in EUR/USA version.
1 A EU/AUS/JP/USA New 3DS with firmware 8.1.0/9.0.0/9.1.0/9.2.0. (We will add supports for old3ds and other regions later, however firmware >= 9.3.0 might never be supported);
2 A Cubic Ninja gamecard, using a eShop version is ok.
How to install BootNTR:
Attention: If you have already installed the previous version of NTR, you have to earse the savedata(described in step 3) and scan the newest QR Code again.
You have to connect to the Internet for the first time installing the BootNTR. After the installation, the Internet connection is no longer required. Disabling Internet connection is recommended to avoid system updates.
1 Download zip: http://filetrip.net/dl?WRQUk2BbDs
2 copy ntr.bin to your N3DS's microsd card.
3 Start Cubic Ninja, Click Edit->QR Code and scan the QR file. (JAPAN.png for JP consoles, and EUROPE_USA.png for other consoles)
(Hint: If you have installed other exploits already, hold L+R+X+Y at game's main menu to erase the savedata)
4 Press A to install the BootNTR.
5 Turn off your console.
How to boot into NTR Mode:
1 Turn on you console, wait a few seconds before starting Cubic Ninja.
2 Click Edit->QR Code, after booted up successfully, the screen will flashes blue and rerturn to Home Menu.
3 If it was failed, turn off the N3DS and try again.
4 Enjoy!
Q: I can't run any game in NTR Mode.
A: Check if it displays 'BootNTR 2.1' when booting up, if it is not, scan the QR Code and install the latest BootNTR.
Special Thanks:
tpu, enler, amuro, etc. NTR CFW will not be possible without them.
ChiChou(https://github.com/ChiChou). For designing the logo.
Myria, shinyquagsire, Zidapi, etc. For testing on various consoles.
Smealum, for the amazing 'ninjhax' solution that runs unsigned code on 3DS consoles.
@Raugo, actualiza el primer post cuando puedas.![]()
DvdGrana escribió:una pregunta, que no me ha quedado claro, con este CFW podría instalar en una N3DS el .cia savedatafiler para extraer partidas de cartuchos originales?![]()
lenkagamine03 escribió:aver para cuando carga reespaldos sino no sirve de nada
sev39lora escribió:yo voy a esperar a ver como va el tema con la new 3ds. Porque aun tienen que añadirle mas cosas y posiblemente salgan mas juegos con bug. Porque es raro que solo sea el cubic ninja.
Sí funciona, cuando la consola está en 9.2 o inferior.sev39lora escribió:Lo que no dicen si funciona o no, usar el xploit desde un backup del cubic ninja, o zelda ott, desde el sky3ds.
Budathecat escribió:Se puede utilizar la sky3ds para usar un juego de otra región con este método? Se le podría quitar la actualización al juego y lanzarlo?
n30s escribió:Por si a alguien le interesa, he comprobado que con el plugin Savegame Manager en NTR 2.1 y N3DS con firm 9.0.0-20E se puede realizar backup del save de un original y traspasarlo a un backup dentro de Sky3ds. Para la prueba he utilizado el ocarina por lo que en otros juegos no puedo confirmar que funcione pero es posible que si en muchos.
También he intentado arrancar el backup de Xenoblade en Sky3ds con el NTR CFW, el juego hace por arrancar y no solicita actualizar el firm a la 9.4.0-20E como me pedía anteriormente, pero se queda en la pantalla de inicio del logotipo de Nintendo 3DS, por lo que el spoofing no parece funcionar.
er poyo escribió:Hola buenas,voy a adquirir una new 3DS JAP bastante economica para intentar quitarle la region y utilizar los cartuchos PAL...Alguna menera de poner el menu de la consola almenos en ingles... Gracias
updating to 2.2, wait a minute.
What's new in NTR CFW 2.2:
[Feature] Language Emulation plugin: The Language Emulation plugin could solve some language issues of region-locked games, such as games refuse to run or displays wrong language. You can play EUR Majoras Mask on JP N3DS by installing this plugin now. This plugin also allows you switch languages for games that have multiple language files. http://gbatemp.net/threads/release-lang ... -2.386543/
[Feature] Improved game compatibility on NTR Mode: more games are runnable in NTR Modes now, including MH4.
[Feature] Hot-key settings: You can redefine the default X+Y hot-key for NTR Menu now, you can also define a hot-key for screenshot.
[Bugfix] Improved compatibility for layeredFS plugin.
[Bugfix] Improved success-rate for BootNTR.
sev39lora escribió:comose hace para usarlo con el gw, en una new 3ds?. con dos micro sd? porque quiero arrancar con la emunand de gw por un lado y la de ntr por otro, sin tener que abrir y cerrar la n3ds.
sev39lora escribió:Y como se hace para tener dos emunand en la new 3ds. Porque he visto tutoriales para firm 4.5 y no para 9.0.
CrusardGameamos escribió:sev39lora escribió:Y como se hace para tener dos emunand en la new 3ds. Porque he visto tutoriales para firm 4.5 y no para 9.0.
Si lo quieres para esto, te aviso de 2 cosas, no funciona en O3DS, y no tiene emuNAND
xDarkPeTruSx escribió:CrusardGameamos escribió:sev39lora escribió:Y como se hace para tener dos emunand en la new 3ds. Porque he visto tutoriales para firm 4.5 y no para 9.0.
Si lo quieres para esto, te aviso de 2 cosas, no funciona en O3DS, y no tiene emuNAND
Si este CFW no tiene emunand... ¿Para que sirve? No me digas para región free, porque no puedes jugar al Xenoblade...