Tiene buena pinta.
Impaler WII Wad Injector
This app was created to simplify the process of injecting game roms into existing WII Wad files. It allows the users, based on the game system to select a rom and a pre-existing wad, removes the game from the wad, and places the new game inside. This process does not change the picture show on the channel selection, but does change the game.
Step 1: Select an Game System, Rom, and Wad
This selection screen allows the user to select the game type, game rom, and existing wad.
Step 2: Enter an Game Title
Next, the user must enter a Game Title. The Game Title will be the name of the file that is created after the application is completed.
Step 3: Inject the ROM!
The last step is to click the inject button, once the operation is completed. A file is created in the results folder named like the Game Title.
ImpalerWadCreator.rar (arriba)
Thanks to:
wadunpacker.exe - by BFGR
wadtool.exe - by Calantra and DDF
bannertool.exe - by Calantra
wadpacker.exe - by KiKe
sha1 - unknown author
everything else - Creffca (AKA Avicr)
Y a todo esto... ¿cual sera el mejor y que de menos problemas/fallos ?
Auto Injectuwad Injector v3gbatemp.net___________________________________________________________________________________
http://www.megaupload.com/es/?d=VXCX25GMIncluye inyección de roms de Neo Geo