Ixtreme 1.60 y JungleFlasher 0.1.60

Han sido publicado Ixtreme 1.60 y JungleFlasher 0.1.60 http://jungleflasher.net/files/JungleFlasher.0.1.60.Beta.rar, y en este ultimo se corrige el error de que en el firmware version del lite on o no salia nada o aparecia firmware version ixtreme 1.51,mientras que esto ya esta corregido


Team HyperX Presents IXtreme 1.6 firmware for Benq, Samsung and Liteon drives

IXtreme fw for Benq, Samsung and Liteon drives!


-Strict Wave 3 compliance! hybrid (modified disks) will not boot!

-Strict drive speed compliance - 12x only for game discs!

-Support for SS V2!

-Integrated 0800 for game dumping including SS v2!

-Full support for all known game exceptions! eg ddr etc!

-One shot boot mode! - allows a one off boot of gamedisc without -stealth/partition checks (will still use stealth), use activate.iso disk to activate each time!

-Support for easy drive key/version info cmd, same as liteon!

-Strict stealth/wave checking, one shot boot mode will boot wave(x)!

More Info

Strict Wave 3 compliance means wave 3 games will only boot if they have correct PFI/DMI/SS and timestamp for wave 3

Strict drive speed compliance means games will only boot if drive is set for the initial speed of 12x, any modification of this make games fail to boot

SS v2 suports multiple timing samples for challenges type 5 and 7 , stroing them in the SS. This is a pre-requiste for SS v3 which has support for the so called AP2.5 check. Since this has never been used or may never be used by MS we will adopt a wait and see approach and continue to monitor for its usage.

With drive in Windows mode (Tray half open on powerup) 0800 mode is activated allowing easy dumping of game disc including SS v2. In this mode the drive is also able to output drive key, fw version and drive type by using a simple custom inquiry command.

Game exceptions are integrated in the fw for games that do not comply with the strict wave checks but are legitimate. These are Dance Dance Revolution Universe, Stoked, Ping 17 disk, afro samurai

One shot boot mode allows you to boot a Wave X or non stealth game by using the activate.iso disk as a flag. Just insert the activate disc and the next disc inserted will boot without any strict checks. This will still utilise full stealth if available. As soon as that disc is booted the flag is cleared, and you will have to re-insert the activate disk again to enable one shot boot. As always use with caution.


JungleFlasher 0.1.60

Release for iX 1.6 for Samsung, Benq and Lite-On... Jf will now target 1.6 files by default

Hitachi Support Updated
Right Click windows drive list for context to open/close drive tray

DVDKey32 Support Updated
Added Support for USB Extractor Switch in Vista, for remote launch of DVDkey32 from probe

iXtreme 1.6 FAQ
Q: I hear the 1.6 for the Lite-On was messed up originally, and there was a repack or something...?
A: Yes, the originally uploaded iXtreme 1.6 for the Lite-On was incorrect, and the problem was fixed, all the other versions were not affected.

Q: What's new about this version of iXtreme?
-Strict Wave 3 compliance! hybrid (modified disks) will not boot!
-Strict drive speed compliance - 12x only for game discs!
-Support for SS V2!
-Integrated 0800 for game dumping including SS v2!
-Full support for all known game exceptions! eg ddr etc!
-One shot boot mode! - allows a one off boot of gamedisc without -stealth/partition checks (will still use stealth), use activate.iso disk to activate each time!
-Support for easy drive key/version info cmd, same as liteon!
-Strict stealth/wave checking, one shot boot mode will boot wave(x)!

Q: What's the 0800 dumping?
A: You can hook your Xbox 360 drive up to your computer, and by powering the drive on with the tray halfway open, you can use then rip/dump/copy games to your computer hard drive

Q: What is a hybrid disk?
A: A hybrid disk is a game that's wave 3, but someone modified so that it would boot on a 1.5 or older firmware.

Q: What is this "activate.iso"?
A: Activate.iso is how you enable the "one-off" boot for your 360. Once you "play" this disk in your xbox, the next game that you enter will not go through the stealth checks, and will boot regardless of what wave it is, or if it was stealthed. The disk must be burned to a dual layer disk.

Extraido de : http://thepatech.com/ix16faq.html !

Para mas info :http://jungleflasher.net/news.html y el ixtreme lo encontrareis en internet,salu2 y a disfrutar
ya me lo esperaba, solo hay que ver si detecta la diferencia entre Lite-On 1.6 no wave3 y 1..6 repack

la verdad que yo llegue cuando se publico el repack por lo que no se.

Para poner juegos non stealth o sea activar el activate .iso el disco deber ser doble capa, ya lo pone en el faq de ixtreme 1.6
"The disk must be burned to a dual layer disk"
Lo digo porque seguramente preguntaran,salu2 y a dormir y que soñeis con el Team HyperX XD
y en este ultimo se corrige el error de que en el firmware version del lite on o no salia nada o aparecia firmware version ixtreme 1.51,mientras que esto ya esta corregido

Solo era un error de lectura y te metía el 1.6 o te metia el 1.51 dirctamente? Me acaba de pasar eso esta mañana y aun sigo con la consola sin montar porque no estoy seguro.
te metia el 1.6 si lo seleccionabas, pero por defecto el jungle 0.1.59 te metia el 1.51,pero lo seleccionabas tu te metia el 1.6 aunque no lo vieses o te dijese que era el 1.51, pero para que no tengas dudas coge con el nuevo jungle 0.1.60 que este por defecto mete el ixtreme 1.6,salu2
Si lo seleccionaba ? Que quiere decir eso ? He usado :
Firm Original 1.5 ( En esta carpeta venía un archiva llamado ix15.bin, suponiendo que era el iExtreme 1.5 he cambiado el archivo por el ix16.bin (el Repack para el liteon ) )
- FirmTool 1.3
- JungleFlasher 1.26
- XtractorReader_V27

He seguido este tuto hilo_tutorial-flashear-lector-liteon-key-360-xtractor_1155051 para flashear a 1.51 ( solo que mi intencion era flashear a 1.6 ) lo Único que he cambiado a sido el archivo ix15.bin por el ix16.bin y en vez de escribir FIRMTOOL.exe dummy.bin ix15.bin en el CMD he escrito FIRMTOOL.exe dummy.bin ix16.bin Al acabar creo haber visto por el jungerflasher algo de 1.51 por eso no estoy seguro de que FW tengo, no me gustaría abrir la pobre consola mas...porque se resquebraja la carcasa y me da pena encima es nueva xD
FOXZ-1 escribió:Si lo seleccionaba ? Que quiere decir eso ? He usado :
Firm Original 1.5 ( En esta carpeta venía un archiva llamado ix15.bin, suponiendo que era el iExtreme 1.5 he cambiado el archivo por el ix16.bin (el Repack para el liteon ) )
- FirmTool 1.3
- JungleFlasher 1.26
- XtractorReader_V27

He seguido este tuto hilo_tutorial-flashear-lector-liteon-key-360-xtractor_1155051 para flashear a 1.51 ( solo que mi intencion era flashear a 1.6 ) lo Único que he cambiado a sido el archivo ix15.bin por el ix16.bin y en vez de escribir FIRMTOOL.exe dummy.bin ix15.bin en el CMD he escrito FIRMTOOL.exe dummy.bin ix16.bin Al acabar creo haber visto por el jungerflasher algo de 1.51 por eso no estoy seguro de que FW tengo, no me gustaría abrir la pobre consola mas...porque se resquebraja la carcasa y me da pena encima es nueva xD

Creo que te has dejado algo...

pues si has cambiado el ix15.bin por el nuevo ixtreme ix16.bin, tendras este ultimo no?pero si te ves en duda no te queda mas remedio que meterlo de nuevo, y para menos dudas hazlo con el JungleFlasher 0.1.60 ya que con el anterior en los lite on daba mal el firmware version, asi que suerte,salu2
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