› Foros › Multiplataforma › General
DANIPSX escribió:Me interesa muchísimo ese juego.
LuffyOPFan escribió:Realmente Vita. Y ahora con el FFX/X-2, vamos, mejor imposible.
Se esta sobrevalorando mucho Bravely Default, aun no me lo he pasado, solo he jugado un rato hasta pasarme el P4G, pero vamos, por lo que tengo entendido el juego se lo cargan sobre el capìtulo 5 y tampoco hay que ponerlo como la gran joya de 3DS, ya que en ese caso para mi el mejor es el Fire Emblem y muy dificil que le quiten el trono.
Laguna_I escribió:Está muy overrated el Bravely Default, y no es un juego precisamente excelente, solamente destaca en la jugabilidad.
Reakl escribió:Sí, vita tiene persona 4 que vale x10, pero persona 4 lo encuentras en ps2 y no es que tenga muchas novedades al respecto.
tiku escribió:Reakl escribió:Sí, vita tiene persona 4 que vale x10, pero persona 4 lo encuentras en ps2 y no es que tenga muchas novedades al respecto.
Aquí he dejado de leer
tiku escribió:Dirás que lo has jugado, pero desde luego parece todo lo contrario por segunda vez. Con tu primer post ya lo aprecia, con este casi que confirmas que no sabes bien las diferencias entre ambos
Bueno, si no lo has jugado tienes Google para completar las cosa que te has dejado, que son como muchas y tal
Laguna_I escribió:Joder, decir que P4G lleva cuatro chorradas es gordo...
salvarle de la muerte
Read at your own caution. Contains spoilers, but up to a degree.
* 8+ New Scenes
* Recall Teammate's lost skills and re-organize
* Be able to adjust/reconfig all persona skills + Teammates
* Teammates gets 8+ Skills
* Teammates get 3rd Tier Persona
- Rise's Rank 11 lets you see everything about enemies without scanning
* 2 New Slinks (Aeon and Jester/Hunger)
* Scooter (+ Teammates gets them as well, exclude 2 members)
- Scooter are used to unlock these places.
* 2 New Areas (Okina and Beach)
* Bug Catching Game (For Fishing and Quests)
* Harvesting/Planting (For Quests and Dungeon Items)
* Actual Night Time Exploring + Music
- You get Night Conversations with Slinks (School Slinks Only) + Present
* Item Shop @ Night -> Pub (Replace Oldman's Fish Item, Gems for Trading)
* Two Fishing Rods + Beetles for types of fish
* Thunderstorm Weather Added
* January + February (Extra Quests, Time for Slinks, Exam, Rank 11s)
* New Dungeon in February: Many Restrictions; Don't expect too much
* Hermit Slink: Huge Fish isn't needed. Replaced with 2 New Guardians.
* Hermit Max Slink Bonus (Golden Shrine)
* Voiced Slinks: All Rank 9 and 10/Max are fully voiced.
* Pick your own skills after fusion - Makes it WAY Easy for VC from Kaiwan
* 10 New Personas - Due to new arcanas. Re-organized and displacement
* Trophies
* Very Easy Mode (God Mode): 5x Money and EXP
* Very Hard Mode: 40% EXP From Battle
* Books aren't just for increasing stats (Different mechanics altogether)
* No save point at end of each dungeon/No Teleport
* Costumes - TONS, Fox gives them as well. Equip them on another slot. It doesn't affect armor, just in-battle apperance. Shop in Okina as well
* Bookshelf Collection: You can put Robot Models, Persona Dolls, and Persona Dolls. Putting all 6 of a set gets you parameters boosts.
* Skill Cards (Shuffle or Persona + Coffee or TV Shop)
- Okina has a Coffee Shop. By drinking their once, a card icon will be added next to skills in personas. If you drink Coffe, you'll get a Skill Card and the icon is removed.
* Shuffle - Pick what you want, Persona + Yen/EXP/Heal + Arcana (random) Sweeps means next battle will have Shuffle automatically + bonus picks|
* Fusion - Search: Automatically gives all possible fusion combination based on current personas
* Compendium: Automatically shows all slots for personas. One you don't have are left blank. However, not all. Some of the special fusion are left out. If you did have it filled though, you are basically done.
* Fastforward Feature: Press Start twice to speed through dialogue. 3x speed of holding triangle. Stops when you need to input selection
* Buff and Debuff Extention: Casting them again will extend its duration time. Doesn't apply to Power Charge/Mind Charge.
* Mr. Pringle Trick: Removed; Fight Gold Hands instead. They give huge EXP and yen. This true for all dungeons except True Dungeon.
* EXP Weapon and Armors: EXP Weapon armor relocated to the Pub at night. You need to exchange special gems. Each party member gets their own exclusive EXP Weapon. There are only 2 EXP Armors in the game and both are only available near the end of the game.
* Gems: 2 Types; Shadows and Fish. Randomly dropped from shadows on top of their normal drops. Fish, need to trade certain fishes for gems.
* Lady in White: Shows up at Night near the Shrine, at random. Need to trade certain fish before her list opens up for other gems become open
* Scooter Co-op: Activated at the same time as All Out Attacks. Only applies to party members NOT in your current party.
* Rise For Battles: As part of maxing Lovers Slink, Rise will join the battlefield, at random. Increase damage from All Outs, raise party's defense/offense/focus, cure ailments, or store party's HP/SP.
* Special Co-ops. If certain duos are in your party, it automatically triggers these attacks. Kanji/Naoto; Chie/Yukiko; Yosuke/Teddie.
* Festival Dates includes female teammates instead of just Sun/Moon
* Bosses and Secret Bosses: They now include a weakness, which it makes it easier, not harder. Yukiko's Prince and Duo with Kanji; toned down.
* Reaper: It shows up on your first playthrough.
* Mandatory Saves: Throughout the game, option will be given for you to save. No need to re-fight December dungeon to see all X-Mas Dates.
* Accomplice Ending: Special Ending for doing something bad and Jester.
* True Ending Slinks: For the True End, when you see your Slink, they are all voiced and can proceed automatically.
* Epilogue Ending: Extended Ending for True Ending; So nice to have.
* New Game Plus Carry Overs: Daidara Metalworks' data is carried over and so are the registered Skill Cards. Read NG+ Section for more.
fedter escribió:Me interesa.¿ Que extras lleva? ¿ En horas cuanto seria?¿personajes ? Me lo pase en ps2 y he sudado de el por el motivo que voy a pasar de FFX y demás remakes o revisiones de juegos, intento no rejugar si no es bastante añadido o la mejora grafica es un mundo ya que mi lista de juegos en espera solo crece crece y crece jej
¿Tiene mucho material nuevo?
Two new Social Links. Both Social Links are capable of unlocking new story content — such as new dungeons, and additional scenes for every ending.
Marie, a Persona 4 Golden exclusive character, of the Aeon Arcana.
Tohru Adachi, of the Jester Arcana.
New Difficulty levels similar to Persona 3 Portable. On New Game+, the player can change and even customize the difficulty levels for individual game elements in the configuration menu. The pre-set levels of difficulty are:
Safety (Very Easy in NA Version)
Easy (Left untouched in NA Version, used to be called Beginner)
Hard (Left untouched in NA Version, used to be Expert)
Risky (Very Hard in NA Version)
Several new music tracks.
Additional voice over dialog.
Chie and Teddie have new voices in the English versions.
New animated cutscenes.
More Personas, including new Ultimate Personas for the Investigation Team.
New areas, such as Shichiri Beach, and a ski resort. Okina City, which was only seen during certain Social Link scenes, is now accessible.
New events, such as a Halloween event and a skiing trip.
The player can now explore Inaba in the evening, when Dojima is not home. Places to visit are limited, à la Persona 3.
Yu and his friends now have motorized scooters to explore various areas.
Costumes are now available to buy at Croco Fur, in Okina City. Costumes have their own slot for equipment, and affects the Investigation Team's appearance, similar to Persona 3 FES and Persona 3 Portable. Costumes do not affect the party's stats.
New Garden and Bug Catching features.
The ability to choose which skills can be inherited by the persona the player is fusing. (However inheritance restriction still applies.)
The Vox Populi (Voice of the People) and SOS are new additions to the game, available while connected to the PlayStation Network.
The Vox Populi can be used to see what other players of Persona 4 Golden have chosen to do during the current day in the game. The feature is also available in the Velvet Room to see what personas other players are currently fusing.
The SOS feature calls other online players for help in dungeons, allows you to send help to others, and is received as a gift of a minor amount of health and spirit. The amount restored by the SOS is very little and isn't restricted by the current health status of your party.
New scene skipping function.
If the player fulfills criteria for at least the good ending, daily activities are expanded to February 14, 2012, giving more time for events and social links.
New epilogue for the True Ending.
Changes to the requests of NPCs or the fox.
Some changes to the flow of battle:
Some shadows/enemies have changed their attribute (weakness/strength/null) or area spawn.
Shuffle Time has been revised.
Rebalanced characters.
Rise can now assist the Investigation Team in All-Out-Attacks.
Tag Team attacks.
Cavalry Attacks: Attacks from members of the Investigation Team that are not currently in the party. These usually are a follow up to Weak/Critical attacks that down an additional enemy or two allowing for an All-Out-Attack.
Some spells has been reduced its usage cost (Megidolaon now only costs 38 SP and Morning Star costs 55 SP).
A new "TV Listings" menu, for displaying bonus content unlocked through the main game. Bonus content and the game itself are presented as television shows. The various shows are:
Song Battle 2012 - Various clips from Persona Music Live 2008 and 2009.
Mr. Edogawa's TV Classroom - Lectures on the various themes of the game and their relation to psychology.
Midnight Miracle Quiz - A Quiz show with questions regarding minor aspects of Inaba and the Shadow World. The character dialogue in this content is fully voiced.
Daily Personamations! - A hub for rewatching the game's animated cutscenes. Scenes are unlocked as they are encountered during play.
P4 Golden - The main game, this program serves as a link to return to the game.
Giants of P - A series that shows Persona 4 concept art with commentary on each piece. Additional pieces of art are unlocked as the story progresses.
HEE! HEE! HOO! Music King - An in-game music player for listening to previously encountered music. Additional tracks are unlocked through playing the game.
Persona Hits - This series shows various Japanese television commercials for Persona, Persona 3, and Persona 4.
What is P4 Arena? - Plays the P1 Grand Prix introduction video from the Persona 4 Arena story mode.
P4 the Animation! - A Japanese extended trailer for the Persona 4 anime, this content has the original Japanese audio and does not contain subtitles.
The Midnight Channel - A Minigame accessible only when the PlayStation Vita's clock is at Midnight until 1:00 AM. It features Teddie covered by TV static and can be manipulated with the device's touchscreen. Teddie is fully voiced in this mode.
The return of the Aeon Arcana and the introduction of the Jester/Hunger Arcana. Personas present in Persona 3 FES that were not carried over in Persona 4, such as Seiten Taisei and Lakshmi, as well as some brand new Personas like Baphomet and Kaguya Hime, have been placed in the Aeon and Hunger Arcana.
Reakl escribió:Laguna_I escribió:Está muy overrated el Bravely Default, y no es un juego precisamente excelente, solamente destaca en la jugabilidad.
¿Y en qué debería destacar?
Laguna_I escribió:Joder, decir que P4G lleva cuatro chorradas es gordo...Mira solamente por el social link dey las nuevas evoluciones de los persona principales ya hay más novedades que en P3P. Y Marie y el nuevo final añaden bastantes cosas a la historia...Adachi
Sir_Fortesque escribió:La vita tambien tiene grandes titulos, de eso no hay duda, si tuviera retrocompatibilidad con la psp ya seria la bomba.
5600VIDEOGAMER escribió:El persona4g no deja de ser el persona4 de la pley2 con cuatro cosas mas,y la verdad,prefiero jugarlo en la tele.
Eriksharp escribió:"Un par de cosas":Read at your own caution. Contains spoilers, but up to a degree.
* 8+ New Scenes
* Recall Teammate's lost skills and re-organize
* Be able to adjust/reconfig all persona skills + Teammates
* Teammates gets 8+ Skills
* Teammates get 3rd Tier Persona
- Rise's Rank 11 lets you see everything about enemies without scanning
* 2 New Slinks (Aeon and Jester/Hunger)
* Scooter (+ Teammates gets them as well, exclude 2 members)
- Scooter are used to unlock these places.
* 2 New Areas (Okina and Beach)
* Bug Catching Game (For Fishing and Quests)
* Harvesting/Planting (For Quests and Dungeon Items)
* Actual Night Time Exploring + Music
- You get Night Conversations with Slinks (School Slinks Only) + Present
* Item Shop @ Night -> Pub (Replace Oldman's Fish Item, Gems for Trading)
* Two Fishing Rods + Beetles for types of fish
* Thunderstorm Weather Added
* January + February (Extra Quests, Time for Slinks, Exam, Rank 11s)
* New Dungeon in February: Many Restrictions; Don't expect too much
* Hermit Slink: Huge Fish isn't needed. Replaced with 2 New Guardians.
* Hermit Max Slink Bonus (Golden Shrine)
* Voiced Slinks: All Rank 9 and 10/Max are fully voiced.
* Pick your own skills after fusion - Makes it WAY Easy for VC from Kaiwan
* 10 New Personas - Due to new arcanas. Re-organized and displacement
* Trophies
* Very Easy Mode (God Mode): 5x Money and EXP
* Very Hard Mode: 40% EXP From Battle
* Books aren't just for increasing stats (Different mechanics altogether)
* No save point at end of each dungeon/No Teleport
* Costumes - TONS, Fox gives them as well. Equip them on another slot. It doesn't affect armor, just in-battle apperance. Shop in Okina as well
* Bookshelf Collection: You can put Robot Models, Persona Dolls, and Persona Dolls. Putting all 6 of a set gets you parameters boosts.
* Skill Cards (Shuffle or Persona + Coffee or TV Shop)
- Okina has a Coffee Shop. By drinking their once, a card icon will be added next to skills in personas. If you drink Coffe, you'll get a Skill Card and the icon is removed.
* Shuffle - Pick what you want, Persona + Yen/EXP/Heal + Arcana (random) Sweeps means next battle will have Shuffle automatically + bonus picks|
* Fusion - Search: Automatically gives all possible fusion combination based on current personas
* Compendium: Automatically shows all slots for personas. One you don't have are left blank. However, not all. Some of the special fusion are left out. If you did have it filled though, you are basically done.
* Fastforward Feature: Press Start twice to speed through dialogue. 3x speed of holding triangle. Stops when you need to input selection
* Buff and Debuff Extention: Casting them again will extend its duration time. Doesn't apply to Power Charge/Mind Charge.
* Mr. Pringle Trick: Removed; Fight Gold Hands instead. They give huge EXP and yen. This true for all dungeons except True Dungeon.
* EXP Weapon and Armors: EXP Weapon armor relocated to the Pub at night. You need to exchange special gems. Each party member gets their own exclusive EXP Weapon. There are only 2 EXP Armors in the game and both are only available near the end of the game.
* Gems: 2 Types; Shadows and Fish. Randomly dropped from shadows on top of their normal drops. Fish, need to trade certain fishes for gems.
* Lady in White: Shows up at Night near the Shrine, at random. Need to trade certain fish before her list opens up for other gems become open
* Scooter Co-op: Activated at the same time as All Out Attacks. Only applies to party members NOT in your current party.
* Rise For Battles: As part of maxing Lovers Slink, Rise will join the battlefield, at random. Increase damage from All Outs, raise party's defense/offense/focus, cure ailments, or store party's HP/SP.
* Special Co-ops. If certain duos are in your party, it automatically triggers these attacks. Kanji/Naoto; Chie/Yukiko; Yosuke/Teddie.
* Festival Dates includes female teammates instead of just Sun/Moon
* Bosses and Secret Bosses: They now include a weakness, which it makes it easier, not harder. Yukiko's Prince and Duo with Kanji; toned down.
* Reaper: It shows up on your first playthrough.
* Mandatory Saves: Throughout the game, option will be given for you to save. No need to re-fight December dungeon to see all X-Mas Dates.
* Accomplice Ending: Special Ending for doing something bad and Jester.
* True Ending Slinks: For the True End, when you see your Slink, they are all voiced and can proceed automatically.
* Epilogue Ending: Extended Ending for True Ending; So nice to have.
* New Game Plus Carry Overs: Daidara Metalworks' data is carried over and so are the registered Skill Cards. Read NG+ Section for more.
T1100 escribió:Sir_Fortesque escribió:La vita tambien tiene grandes titulos, de eso no hay duda, si tuviera retrocompatibilidad con la psp ya seria la bomba.
Vita sí tiene retrocompatibilidad con PSP (formato digital), y si cuentas además la retrocompatibilidad con Playstation...
Eriksharp escribió:Retrcompatibilidad por via digital tiene retrcompatibilidad 0, porque yo no puedo jugar mis juegos de PSP en mi PSVITA, ¿Tengo que pasar otra vez por caja? ¿Y encima en digital? Anda hombre, VITA tiene suficientes cosas buenas como para nombrar esa cutrada sacacuartos marca de la casa de Sony.
ryo hazuki escribió:Mis juegos comprados de psp no valen para la vita, asique la retrocompaibilidad (pasando de nuevo por caja...) es cuanto menos, cuestionable
david530 escribió:Es retrocompatibilidad totalmente real, solo que en formato digital. Es decir, PSVita está preparada para correr juegos de PSP, y es más, los corre.
ryo hazuki escribió:Sigue sin ser una retrocompatibilidad real xD
sanosukesagara escribió:Eriksharp escribió:"Un par de cosas":Read at your own caution. Contains spoilers, but up to a degree.
* 8+ New Scenes
* Recall Teammate's lost skills and re-organize
* Be able to adjust/reconfig all persona skills + Teammates
* Teammates gets 8+ Skills
* Teammates get 3rd Tier Persona
- Rise's Rank 11 lets you see everything about enemies without scanning
* 2 New Slinks (Aeon and Jester/Hunger)
* Scooter (+ Teammates gets them as well, exclude 2 members)
- Scooter are used to unlock these places.
* 2 New Areas (Okina and Beach)
* Bug Catching Game (For Fishing and Quests)
* Harvesting/Planting (For Quests and Dungeon Items)
* Actual Night Time Exploring + Music
- You get Night Conversations with Slinks (School Slinks Only) + Present
* Item Shop @ Night -> Pub (Replace Oldman's Fish Item, Gems for Trading)
* Two Fishing Rods + Beetles for types of fish
* Thunderstorm Weather Added
* January + February (Extra Quests, Time for Slinks, Exam, Rank 11s)
* New Dungeon in February: Many Restrictions; Don't expect too much
* Hermit Slink: Huge Fish isn't needed. Replaced with 2 New Guardians.
* Hermit Max Slink Bonus (Golden Shrine)
* Voiced Slinks: All Rank 9 and 10/Max are fully voiced.
* Pick your own skills after fusion - Makes it WAY Easy for VC from Kaiwan
* 10 New Personas - Due to new arcanas. Re-organized and displacement
* Trophies
* Very Easy Mode (God Mode): 5x Money and EXP
* Very Hard Mode: 40% EXP From Battle
* Books aren't just for increasing stats (Different mechanics altogether)
* No save point at end of each dungeon/No Teleport
* Costumes - TONS, Fox gives them as well. Equip them on another slot. It doesn't affect armor, just in-battle apperance. Shop in Okina as well
* Bookshelf Collection: You can put Robot Models, Persona Dolls, and Persona Dolls. Putting all 6 of a set gets you parameters boosts.
* Skill Cards (Shuffle or Persona + Coffee or TV Shop)
- Okina has a Coffee Shop. By drinking their once, a card icon will be added next to skills in personas. If you drink Coffe, you'll get a Skill Card and the icon is removed.
* Shuffle - Pick what you want, Persona + Yen/EXP/Heal + Arcana (random) Sweeps means next battle will have Shuffle automatically + bonus picks|
* Fusion - Search: Automatically gives all possible fusion combination based on current personas
* Compendium: Automatically shows all slots for personas. One you don't have are left blank. However, not all. Some of the special fusion are left out. If you did have it filled though, you are basically done.
* Fastforward Feature: Press Start twice to speed through dialogue. 3x speed of holding triangle. Stops when you need to input selection
* Buff and Debuff Extention: Casting them again will extend its duration time. Doesn't apply to Power Charge/Mind Charge.
* Mr. Pringle Trick: Removed; Fight Gold Hands instead. They give huge EXP and yen. This true for all dungeons except True Dungeon.
* EXP Weapon and Armors: EXP Weapon armor relocated to the Pub at night. You need to exchange special gems. Each party member gets their own exclusive EXP Weapon. There are only 2 EXP Armors in the game and both are only available near the end of the game.
* Gems: 2 Types; Shadows and Fish. Randomly dropped from shadows on top of their normal drops. Fish, need to trade certain fishes for gems.
* Lady in White: Shows up at Night near the Shrine, at random. Need to trade certain fish before her list opens up for other gems become open
* Scooter Co-op: Activated at the same time as All Out Attacks. Only applies to party members NOT in your current party.
* Rise For Battles: As part of maxing Lovers Slink, Rise will join the battlefield, at random. Increase damage from All Outs, raise party's defense/offense/focus, cure ailments, or store party's HP/SP.
* Special Co-ops. If certain duos are in your party, it automatically triggers these attacks. Kanji/Naoto; Chie/Yukiko; Yosuke/Teddie.
* Festival Dates includes female teammates instead of just Sun/Moon
* Bosses and Secret Bosses: They now include a weakness, which it makes it easier, not harder. Yukiko's Prince and Duo with Kanji; toned down.
* Reaper: It shows up on your first playthrough.
* Mandatory Saves: Throughout the game, option will be given for you to save. No need to re-fight December dungeon to see all X-Mas Dates.
* Accomplice Ending: Special Ending for doing something bad and Jester.
* True Ending Slinks: For the True End, when you see your Slink, they are all voiced and can proceed automatically.
* Epilogue Ending: Extended Ending for True Ending; So nice to have.
* New Game Plus Carry Overs: Daidara Metalworks' data is carried over and so are the registered Skill Cards. Read NG+ Section for more.
Bah, sino abres el spoiler son cuatro cosas.![]()
Te cagas tildar a eso de "cuatro cosas".
La diferencia de catálogo depende de mucho del tipo de juego de rol que guste, ya que ciertas compañías trabajan para uno u otro sistema de forma más clara. De una u otra forma para este género, creo que ambos sistemas van a ir bien surtidos con el tiempo. No te vas a equivocar. Quizá daría cierta ventaja a PS Vita por el tema de la región libre que amplias más mercado con una sola consola (no tienes que comprar otra para jugar a productos de otras regiones). Algo más.
Reakl escribió:sanosukesagara escribió:Eriksharp escribió:"Un par de cosas":Read at your own caution. Contains spoilers, but up to a degree.
* 8+ New Scenes
* Recall Teammate's lost skills and re-organize
* Be able to adjust/reconfig all persona skills + Teammates
* Teammates gets 8+ Skills
* Teammates get 3rd Tier Persona
- Rise's Rank 11 lets you see everything about enemies without scanning
* 2 New Slinks (Aeon and Jester/Hunger)
* Scooter (+ Teammates gets them as well, exclude 2 members)
- Scooter are used to unlock these places.
* 2 New Areas (Okina and Beach)
* Bug Catching Game (For Fishing and Quests)
* Harvesting/Planting (For Quests and Dungeon Items)
* Actual Night Time Exploring + Music
- You get Night Conversations with Slinks (School Slinks Only) + Present
* Item Shop @ Night -> Pub (Replace Oldman's Fish Item, Gems for Trading)
* Two Fishing Rods + Beetles for types of fish
* Thunderstorm Weather Added
* January + February (Extra Quests, Time for Slinks, Exam, Rank 11s)
* New Dungeon in February: Many Restrictions; Don't expect too much
* Hermit Slink: Huge Fish isn't needed. Replaced with 2 New Guardians.
* Hermit Max Slink Bonus (Golden Shrine)
* Voiced Slinks: All Rank 9 and 10/Max are fully voiced.
* Pick your own skills after fusion - Makes it WAY Easy for VC from Kaiwan
* 10 New Personas - Due to new arcanas. Re-organized and displacement
* Trophies
* Very Easy Mode (God Mode): 5x Money and EXP
* Very Hard Mode: 40% EXP From Battle
* Books aren't just for increasing stats (Different mechanics altogether)
* No save point at end of each dungeon/No Teleport
* Costumes - TONS, Fox gives them as well. Equip them on another slot. It doesn't affect armor, just in-battle apperance. Shop in Okina as well
* Bookshelf Collection: You can put Robot Models, Persona Dolls, and Persona Dolls. Putting all 6 of a set gets you parameters boosts.
* Skill Cards (Shuffle or Persona + Coffee or TV Shop)
- Okina has a Coffee Shop. By drinking their once, a card icon will be added next to skills in personas. If you drink Coffe, you'll get a Skill Card and the icon is removed.
* Shuffle - Pick what you want, Persona + Yen/EXP/Heal + Arcana (random) Sweeps means next battle will have Shuffle automatically + bonus picks|
* Fusion - Search: Automatically gives all possible fusion combination based on current personas
* Compendium: Automatically shows all slots for personas. One you don't have are left blank. However, not all. Some of the special fusion are left out. If you did have it filled though, you are basically done.
* Fastforward Feature: Press Start twice to speed through dialogue. 3x speed of holding triangle. Stops when you need to input selection
* Buff and Debuff Extention: Casting them again will extend its duration time. Doesn't apply to Power Charge/Mind Charge.
* Mr. Pringle Trick: Removed; Fight Gold Hands instead. They give huge EXP and yen. This true for all dungeons except True Dungeon.
* EXP Weapon and Armors: EXP Weapon armor relocated to the Pub at night. You need to exchange special gems. Each party member gets their own exclusive EXP Weapon. There are only 2 EXP Armors in the game and both are only available near the end of the game.
* Gems: 2 Types; Shadows and Fish. Randomly dropped from shadows on top of their normal drops. Fish, need to trade certain fishes for gems.
* Lady in White: Shows up at Night near the Shrine, at random. Need to trade certain fish before her list opens up for other gems become open
* Scooter Co-op: Activated at the same time as All Out Attacks. Only applies to party members NOT in your current party.
* Rise For Battles: As part of maxing Lovers Slink, Rise will join the battlefield, at random. Increase damage from All Outs, raise party's defense/offense/focus, cure ailments, or store party's HP/SP.
* Special Co-ops. If certain duos are in your party, it automatically triggers these attacks. Kanji/Naoto; Chie/Yukiko; Yosuke/Teddie.
* Festival Dates includes female teammates instead of just Sun/Moon
* Bosses and Secret Bosses: They now include a weakness, which it makes it easier, not harder. Yukiko's Prince and Duo with Kanji; toned down.
* Reaper: It shows up on your first playthrough.
* Mandatory Saves: Throughout the game, option will be given for you to save. No need to re-fight December dungeon to see all X-Mas Dates.
* Accomplice Ending: Special Ending for doing something bad and Jester.
* True Ending Slinks: For the True End, when you see your Slink, they are all voiced and can proceed automatically.
* Epilogue Ending: Extended Ending for True Ending; So nice to have.
* New Game Plus Carry Overs: Daidara Metalworks' data is carried over and so are the registered Skill Cards. Read NG+ Section for more.
Bah, sino abres el spoiler son cuatro cosas.![]()
Te cagas tildar a eso de "cuatro cosas".
La diferencia de catálogo depende de mucho del tipo de juego de rol que guste, ya que ciertas compañías trabajan para uno u otro sistema de forma más clara. De una u otra forma para este género, creo que ambos sistemas van a ir bien surtidos con el tiempo. No te vas a equivocar. Quizá daría cierta ventaja a PS Vita por el tema de la región libre que amplias más mercado con una sola consola (no tienes que comprar otra para jugar a productos de otras regiones). Algo más.
Hombre, pues si abres el spoiler verás que sí, que son 4 cosas.
Pero nada, que tiene mucho texto, tiene que significar que tiene muchas cosas.
T1100 escribió:ryo hazuki escribió:Sigue sin ser una retrocompatibilidad real xD
Tú de esa cantaleta no vas a salir, así que te lo concedo, no es "retrocompatibilidad real".
Pero sigue siendo catálogo disponible para los usuarios de Vita.
sanosukesagara escribió:Y ha sido abierto, me he molestado en leerlo. Para mi, personalmente se han tocado apartados que equilibran mejor el juego, lo hacen más dinámico y en definitiva más jugable a lo que era anteriormente. Algo muy importante, porque hablamos de juegos y creo que eso mejora la jugabilidad del juego de forma más que aceptable si se compara con lo que había antes.
En el spoiler que ambos nos hemos leído y cada uno ha interpretado a su manera, existe mucha paja, añadidos chorras, pero también cosas interesantes. Para mi mejoran la base de lo que era un buen juego, para hacer algo mejor. Pero las letras se diluyen y al probarlo la experiencia creo que intensifica los añadidos que hacen de esta edición de Persona 4 un juego a tener muy en cuenta.