En otro hilo se pedía hace poco una actualización del emulador de NES para Xbox... pues bien, el coder XtecuterX73 acaba de publicar una nueva versión de NestopiaX, el port de Nestopia para Xbox. Por si alguien quiere buscarlo, el emulador se llama "NestopiaX 2.0".
Copio (en inglés) todas las novedades de esta gran actualización:
This is a HUGE core and compatibility update to nestopiax which also adds more gui options! Taken straight from the readme:
1.)Added the Consumer, Canonical, and Alternative palette decoders over from the pc version of nestopia, by default, the consumer palette is default. You can specify which palette decoder you want to use by going into General Options and toggling the newly added "Set Palette Decoder". Alternative is the same as Canonical except "yellow boost" is used.
2.) Added an emulate game genie distortion option to the sound menu. This only effects 2 games i know of: Megaman and Megaman 2. This must be toggled prior to loading the rom in the sound options menu and the emulator has to be restarted in order for the music to go back to normal. This was added in only for curiosity sake as some of you might remember back in the day the game genie screwing up the sound in these 2 games on the real nes.
3.) Added the brightness toggle from the pc version of nestopia. You can toggle this to -100 (darkest) all the way to 100 (brightest). 0 is the default. You can find this option in NTSC custom filter settings. I may add the rest to a later version of nestopiax.
4.) FME-7 IRQ fix (thanks to lidnariq)
5.) Set $4017 tp $00 on boot. Now passes more cpu test roms for nestopia. (thanks to rdanbrook)
6.)Baseball Stars 2 now plays accurately and correctly (glitches on start) (thanks to perilsensitive)
7.)Fixed Namcot163 sample length for waveforms greater than 32. (rolling thunder famicom music is now correct and any other games which use this)
8.)Deathbots had screen glitches, now plays correctly and accurately.
9.)Burai Fighter Fix (status area now displays correctly and accurately as only half of it showed before)
10.)Removed unused variable from CartridgeRomset.cpp (thanks to lioncash)
11.)Corrected and fixed ninja gaiden moon glitch on opening scene (thanks to perilsensitive)
12.)Fix for FDS Kaettekia Mario brothers (now plays correctly) (thanks to Fhorse)
13.)Added support for Hard drivin (prototype). now plays on nestopiax. (Dragon2snow)
14.) Other various bugfixes and tweaks that i cannot remember at the moment. All of these fixes come at NO cost to emulation accuracy!
30.921 mensajes y 1 foto desde dic 2003 en Bellas tierras catalanas.